It's time to play online

Chapter 413 Wang Shuang's Demeanor

Chapter 413 Wang Shuang's Demeanor

At this time, several God of War Alliance players who were chasing up from behind were also surprised when they saw Wang Shuang, and they all stopped and looked at him.

The leader took a step to stand out from the crowd, looked at Wang Shuang coldly and said, "Wang Shuang, do you want to find a place for some players in your guild?"

"No." Wang Shuang shook his head lightly.

Hearing this, several players of Dark Rose were taken aback.Wang Shuang glanced at them, then looked at the player of the God of War Guild, stepped forward and said, "I'm here to apologize to you on their behalf."

"Vice President, it's them first..." The players behind Gloomy Rose yelled a little unconvinced.

"Shut up." Wang Shuang's eyes froze, and he glanced back at them, all of them fell silent.

Wang Shuang took a step back and stared into the eyes of the leader.The person from the God of War Guild and Wang Shuang looked at each other for less than three seconds, and immediately looked away.But at this time, Wang Shuang made a move that no one expected: he lowered his head and bowed to him.

"Vice-President!" A group of players from the Gloomy Rose Guild behind them all screamed, and even the players from the God of War Guild in front of them rubbed their eyes in disbelief.

If Wang Shuang made a move directly, or with a big wave of his hand, stopped in front of a few Dark Rose players, and said that whoever dared to touch them would step on me first, then everyone would not be surprised.But Wang Shuang bowed his head to them this time.

"After all, they were the ones who made the move first, so I'm here to accompany you. Do you think that after I apologized in this way, this matter can be exposed?" Wang Shuang raised his head again, his eyes remained calm. , and asked very calmly.

"Yes, of course." Hearing the words, the leader of the Longteng Guild said with a bit of embarrassment: "Anyone can not give face, but Wang Shuang and you can't. What's more, the guild leader often tells us , Wang Shuang is actually a very good person. When I saw you today, it was indeed the case. Thinking in another way, I definitely can't do what you do, so I am very impressed by your demeanor."

"Wang Shuang has such a broad mind, we also admire it very much!" Several other people couldn't help but said one after another.

"After all, we are all friendly guilds." Wang Shuang smiled: "It is decisive and brave to wave a weapon against the enemy without hesitation; but it is stupid and weak to wave a weapon against one's own people without hesitation."

Wang Shuang sighed, glanced at them, and said slowly: "The strong are angry, and draw their knives at the stronger ones; but the weak are angry, but draw their knives at the weaker ones. It's a ridiculous law, but he just happens to be so effective , isn't it?"

Hearing this, the members of the God of War Guild and those behind Wang Shuang couldn't help but blushed, seeming angry, but unable to refute, they could only lower their heads, stare fixedly at the ground, and bite themselves tightly. His lips said nothing.

"Don't worry about your president, I will explain to him." Wang Shuang glanced at the few people in front of him for the last time, turned his head and waved his hands and said, "Let's go, don't cause trouble in the future."

I don't know who said the last sentence, and the players on both sides were stunned when they heard it.But Wang Shuang had no intention of explaining, and left the plain with a few players from his own guild, but a few players from the God of War Alliance did not catch up. After hesitating for a while, they turned around and returned to their respective training places went.

"Vice President, that didn't look like you just now." After they walked away, one of the Dark Rose players said, "I thought you would go up and stop them aggressively, and let us calm down." leave."

"That's right, Vice President, just now you seem to be a different person. I usually see forums saying that if you disagree with each other, you will kill the Quartet. I feel completely different from just now."

Wang Shuang shrugged helplessly: "Brother is not the kind of guy who doesn't know right from wrong and only hacks and kills. Besides, I don't just talk about revitalizing the dark rose, but I have to take some actions and change it for others Let's see."

"Show a little grace, it seems to be cowardly, but at least it can establish a prestige for us, won't it? Otherwise, when you talk about Wang Shuang, the vice president of Dark Rose in the future, will other people's impression become a big murder of a disagreement? Is there any brain-dead player from all directions?"

"The vice president is wise and mighty, I'll be convinced." Several other people said one after another.

"Well, there are still many things to do in the guild, so let's go first. Find a place to practice well, and then you will make contributions in the national war, and no one will beep at that time."

"Understood, vice president, go slowly."


I was busy until 11:[-] in the morning, and things were finally done. Wang Shuang was relieved, and suddenly realized that he had not eaten enough for breakfast. Seeing that Jiang Jige didn't come back, he called and ordered two takeaways, and then went to the office. Drinking water in the toilet, visiting forums, etc. After a series of small things have passed, the takeaway will be delivered.

Wang Shuang opened the takeaway and took two bites in a hurry. When he was almost full, he threw away the lunch box and went back to his room to put on his helmet again.

ding ding ding...

Just like in the morning, there are various message pop-ups as soon as it comes up, but the number of emails is only forty or fifty this time.

At this time, Wang Shuang's reply speed was much faster than in the morning, and he handled all the matters in less than half an hour.Start looking at the information of several copies around you.

This was also an unfinished event left behind when dealing with guild affairs in the morning. Wang Shuang promised them that he would take them to brush the dungeon.

"You can only enter once a day. A level 60 dungeon with 120 people, the Abyss Devil's Nest?" When Wang Shuang searched the list of dungeons and landed on this dungeon named Abyss Devil's Nest, his eyes froze for a moment.After staring at the dungeon information for a while, Wang Shuang remembered that someone had mentioned this dungeon in the morning.

"Dark Rose now has an average player level of around 57, and equipment around level 60 will be available soon. And this is a 120-person dungeon... If there are so many people, there should be a lot of monsters, right? ?”

"What a monster! In this way, the more monsters there are, the more equipment can be unleashed." Wang Shuang quickly made a decision: the dungeon of the Abyss Demon Nest will be brushed in the afternoon.

In view of the fact that the talent of time to turn lasts for one hour and then stops for another hour, Wang Shuang can only try to control the time for brushing the instance within one hour.Fortunately, after Wang Shuang opened the forum to search, Wang Shuang quickly found the strategy about the Abyss Demon Cave.

If they got the strategy, they would be able to understand what the dungeon of Abyss Demon Nest was like. In this case, it would definitely speed up their speed of conquering the dungeon—it shouldn't be difficult to get through the dungeon within an hour.

After everything is finalized, the rest is a question of people.

Who do you want to participate in this dungeon event?Wang Shuang couldn't help but start to feel a little troubled.

For high grade?To the one who has been in the guild for the longest time?Or to those most loyal to the guild?
After much deliberation, Wang Shuang decided to open the friend list and ask Luoxue Qianli.

"Come on according to the level gradient^_^" Luoxue Qianli quickly replied.

"Okay." Wang Shuang quickly replied.

"Wang Shuang..." But just as Wang Shuang was about to close the window, Luo Xueqianli suddenly sent a message: "Do you think we should change the game ID as well?"

"Huh?" Wang Shuang was stunned for a moment, then nodded approvingly: "Indeed, if you don't change it, it's really unreasonable, and you can't convince those players who changed it. From this point of view, let's change it."

"What name should I change to?" Luoxue Qianli asked immediately.

"This..." Wang Shuang couldn't help feeling embarrassed: "I'm not very talented in naming. I used to call all the kittens and puppies Xiaohua Xiaocao, so small..."

"Hey, it sounds quite approachable." Luoxue Qianli replied: "But you can say it like that, let me think about it myself."



The afternoon arrived in a blink of an eye, and Wang Shuang had already arrived at the entrance of the Abyss Demon Cave. The hillside in front of him was slowly full of players.At a glance, there are already about 100 people.

There are still 5 minutes until the copy is opened.

At this moment, Wang Shuang subconsciously cast his gaze over someone when he heard someone's greeting, and then he couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

Judging from their appearance, the two smiling girls in front of him were undoubtedly Luoxue Qianli and June Feixu whom he was very familiar with, but the IDs on their heads were no longer the original two.

What used to be a thousand miles of falling snow has now become a gloomy Cangxue.

The original June Feixu has now been changed to the name of Darkness and Qianyao.

"How is it? The new name looks good, doesn't it sound good?" Luoxue hopped up to Wang Shuang, turned around gently, and asked with a smile.

"It's not bad...but I changed my name, and I don't wear new clothes anymore. What are you doing for a show like this?" Wang Shuang asked, rubbing his nose.

"Haha, I'm used to it." Luoxue - she should be called Youan Cangxue now, and she couldn't help laughing after seeing Wang Shuang's reaction.

"What about me?" You An Qianyao came up from the side at this time, staring at Wang Shuang with wide eyes, with an expression of "quickly praise me".

"Well, so-so, it's okay." Wang Shuang touched his nose, looked away, and drifted into the distance.

"Wow, what an attitude!" You An Qianyao suddenly opened his eyes wide, looked at Wang Shuang angrily, and suddenly pulled out his staff and hummed: "Don't think that you can fight against me now that you are famous, Auntie! If you're not happy, I'll blast your face with a big fireball."

"Don't dare..." Wang Shuang was so frightened that he laughed immediately.

At this time, almost all the 120 people selected by Wang Shuang had arrived.Regardless of the surrounding players and a few news reporters, Wang Shuang waved his hand and said loudly: "Okay, the number of people matches. Let's go, enter the instance!"

(End of this chapter)

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