It's time to play online

Chapter 414 Blood Winged Bat

Chapter 414 Blood Winged Bat

Wang Shuang took the lead, followed by You An Cangxue and You An Qianyao, and more than 120 people behind them also followed into the dungeon one by one with excited faces, and during this process, the flashing lights of the reporters next to them kept flashing, and some people even came up directly to interview the interviewer of You An Rose player, but did not get a reply from the other party in the end.

"The players of Dark Rose have now fully entered the dungeon. According to Wang Shuang's character, I wonder if they chose the red level dungeon?"

"Hey, in my opinion, they are all players below level [-], and their equipment is not very good. If Wang Shuang chooses the difficulty of the red level, it is tantamount to seeking his own death."

"Let's take a look, wait for them to hang out, or come out after clearing the level, and you will know by looking at the equipment on them."


In the room where the difficulty of the dungeon was selected, Wang Shuang suddenly said after listening to everyone's discussion, "I think we don't need to waste time, just open the red-level dungeon."

"What, just play a red-level dungeon?" Several people around were taken aback when they heard the words, and some players even asked in disbelief: " you really play red-level dungeons directly? I have never played However, it must be very difficult, after all, the dungeon of normal difficulty is so difficult."

"Wang Shuang, are you sure?" Although You An Cangxue had seen how terrifying Wang Shuang's dungeon speed and strength were before, she hesitated a little in front of the 120-player dungeon.

"That's right." You Yin Qianyao also began to chime in: "Don't say that this is a dungeon with 120 people on the red difficulty, even 30 people on the red difficulty is enough. Don't look at the level is only 60, and we already have There are many players above level 60, but in fact, in front of the BOSS, we are still a group of scumbags who can be killed in seconds."

"It's okay, I'm sure." However, Wang Shuang nodded heavily at the two of them, with a look of affirmation——

Of course, I'm sure, I've read all the strategies, and after knowing how to fight, the rest is just a question of whether the attributes are not enough.And when it comes to attributes, it happens that the most indispensable thing for brother is attributes.

"Well, it's up to you to decide." You An Cangxue didn't say anything after hearing the words, but gave Wang Shuang a trusting look.

"Hey, you guys aren't crazy, are you?" You An Qianyao looked at the two of them in confusion, and couldn't help but hold his forehead and said, "My God, either you guys are crazy or I'm crazy, but if you're crazy, then you're crazy. So full of confidence, I will accompany you crazy for a while today."

Under the gazes of countless people looking forward to, excitedly, or faintly worried, Youyou Cangxue walked up to the interface where the difficulty was selected, stretched out her snow-white palm, and held the red light ball tightly, only to hear a ding , Wang Shuang and the others entered the abyss cave as soon as the scene in front of them changed.

"Is this the copy of 120 people, the Abyss Demon Nest?"

Entering the Abyss Demon's Nest for the first time, the first impression of this dungeon is that it is big - although it is not boundless, there is enough space for the 120 people to spread out and stand together at the same time without feeling crowded.

This is a cave enclosed on all sides, except for some noisy human voices, it is actually very peaceful here.The sound of water droplets from a distance can be clearly heard, echoing in the narrow cave.

But at this time, in front of Wang Shuang and the others was a very wide avenue, which stretched all the way to a distance they couldn't see.

After reading the strategy in advance, and Wang Shuang, who was already in the running time of Shi Lai, was full of confidence. With a big wave of his hand, he shouted in the team channel: "Let's all start, go forward along the road."

So they started walking in silence.Not long after walking, a sound of flapping wings came from the cave in front.

Everyone immediately raised their attention, drew out their weapons one after another, prepared their staffs, and some even started to chant magic in advance.And not far ahead, several dark shadows fluttered under the weak reflection of the cave wall, and after passing a corner, they showed their figures one after another: a group of bats with sharp fangs!
——Blood Winged Bat [Frenzy] [Strong Body] (Red-LV60): Vitality 800000, Physical Attack 7900, Physical Defense 6600, Physical Resistance 15? ? ?Magic attack 4200, magic defense 5300, magic resistance 20? ? ?Functions: normal attack, blood wing flapping, abyss entanglement.


A group—no, a whole piece!An almost continuous stream of blood-winged bats flew out from the cave in front, almost completely occupying the entire top of the vast cave.They let out a shrill howl, and a pair of soybean-sized blood-colored eyes confronted Wang Shuang and the others below. Suddenly, their feet left the top of the cave, fully stretched their blood-red wings, and rushed towards them screaming.

"Be careful of the bloody wings of these bats, this is a single-target skill with extremely high physical damage!" Wang Shuang immediately issued a warning, sweeping his eyes away from the crowd, and shouted: "Soldiers and paladins surrounded the city outside, put Crispy professional protection is in the middle. Be careful not to be photographed by more than four blood-winged bats later, or the gods will not be able to save you! The priest also pays attention to the blood of the soldiers on the outside. When their blood is lower than 70? ?? Immediately make up."

"Also, don't be greedy for a little recovery potion and blue potion. At that time, because of a single person's operation error, it is very likely that our push plan will be seriously delayed!" Wang Shuang glanced at the crowd with a serious face, looking at them. I can't say that I am confident, but the person who has some confidence in his heart nodded, then raised his head suddenly, and shouted: "Quick, the blood-winged bat is down!"

The originally scattered teams began to move one after another. Warriors and paladins walked out of the crowd, while other professions all walked in. Soon a rough circle was formed.A few mages and archers were the first to shoot, shooting various arrows and fireballs upwards, piercing through several blood-winged bats, causing a lot of damage.

"Start the battle!" Wang Shuang yelled, and the bats that were close to the players were "entertained" by various swords.Naturally, the bats were not to be outdone, and raised their paws as soon as they came up, and the blood-red flying wings slammed down like a solid piece of steel.

The soldiers in the front row suddenly lost a lot of energy and blood. Just when two or three bats waved their wings together and were about to kill a player, several holy lights lit up on the soldier's head, causing him to slide off. to 10? ? ?His blood was pulled back again.

"Very good, the rhythm is good." Wang Shuang wiped off his sweat, and was very relieved to see that none of their players died under the first wave of blood wings.

As the battle continued, several followers of Wang Shuang also appeared in every corner of the battlefield. Among them, Li Muxuan's shooting power was the most powerful.

Every time Li Muxuan shoots, three arrows can fly out, and after each arrow hits a bat, there will be a mark of a holy light strike on the bat's head, which makes the bat's blood go crazy. After a blood-winged bat is killed, it will continue to fly forward until it hits the next bat, causing a certain amount of damage again and triggering the equipment skill Bright Judgment!
"Fuck, it's equipped, it's equipped!" Soon the player exclaimed, and everyone looked at the ground. After Li Muxuan's arrow flew by just now, a bright light burst out. The orange light necklace, suddenly, almost all the players' eyes were red.

"Pay attention to your heads, pay attention to your heads, the priest pays attention to the health bar!" Wang Shuang shouted anxiously when he saw it, "Orange equipment is commonplace. After this dungeon, there are as many orange equipment as there are!"

While speaking, one of Li Muxuan's arrows pierced through a blood-winged bat again.After it let out a scream, another piece of equipment fell down. When everyone saw it, it turned out to be another orange helmet.

"It has appeared, Wang Shuang's god-level luck!" Someone exclaimed.

"Lucky nima." Wang Shuang looked at the white light floating on the edge of the battlefield, and shouted angrily: "Someone is dead, pay attention to your blood bars, and get rid of all the monsters in front of you first, or you will be equipped with the best equipment!" If you don’t have a chance to get it, it’s a waste of effort!”

When several people heard the words, they suddenly realized: as long as Wang Shuang is present and he has a way to farm, then these equipments are endless.Not to mention arming all of these 120, even if it is carefully selected in the orange weapon, it is not impossible!
In the past, there was no orange equipment that could be worn, but now?Not to mention that everyone has an orange device, and it is very likely that there is more than one, and there may be a chance to choose it.Thinking of this, the excitement on the faces of several players became more and more intense, and the strength of swinging the weapons in their hands to kill the blood-winged bat became stronger.

With a "pop", another blood-winged bat died, but the player who killed the blood-winged bat looked at the blood-winged bat with a depressed face, and couldn't help saying: "Why, why can the vice president explode? Can't I?"

"Fuck, stupid." A few players next to him looked at him sadly, and said, "Don't make the last cut, and leave the head to that long-range follower of Wang Shuang!"

At this moment, when a player who didn't understand heard this sentence, he was so frightened that he immediately stopped his hands, and then an arrow from Li Muxuan flew over, and after harvesting the blood of the blood-winged bat, everyone carefully looked at Look, sure enough, another piece of orange equipment was dropped.

"Fuck, Wang Shuang, you are simply a god. We will swear allegiance to the dark rose in the future, and we will not have any second thoughts!" Many players began to shout excitedly.

"Hahaha, yes, but it's not just me, but also to be loyal to another vice president and our president."

"Of course, of course!" Everyone laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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