It's time to play online

Chapter 415 Iron Thorn Spider Demon

Chapter 415 Iron Thorn Spider Demon
When all the blood-winged bats fell down and turned into experience, gold coins, and equipment, the dead players almost all returned to the team from the instance entrance.

Afterwards, everyone cast their greedy eyes on the equipment on the ground. Those equipment with a small part of yellow, green and blue, and most of them emitting orange light are almost more attractive than peerless beauties.

"If you can equip it, go pick a few pieces of equipment first. If the level is not enough, you can come to me to get it after upgrading. Also, don't take too much." Wang Shuang waved his hand, and soon some players whose level had exceeded level 60 were excited Start to move quickly, and quickly shuttle back and forth between several pieces of equipment, for fear that the good equipment will be gone if you go late.

However, the attributes and characteristics of several pieces of equipment are very high-quality, and even the most experienced players among the original guild members can't help but start to become hesitant when choosing equipment.

After waiting for a full 5 minutes, several players selected all the equipment.Wang Shuang packed up the equipment on the ground, and the 120-person team started to move on. After walking for a while, they saw a huge hole.There is already a stone wall around the entrance of the cave, indicating that they seem to have only one way to go down.

"Go down." When Wang Shuang came to the entrance of the cave, he just glanced at the bottomless cave, then turned his head and said to the others.

Afterwards, You An Qianyao took the lead, and Wang Shuang and You An Cangxue followed at the end of the team.After everyone jumped into the cave, Wang Shuang and Youyou Cangxue also looked at each other and jumped down one after another.

After going down the cave, Wang Shuang looked up and saw another vast cave.But this time the stone cave is obviously different. The surrounding stone walls have been polished and polished, and it seems that they have been excavated manually.

This place is no longer a stone cave, but a stone palace that has been carefully carved and built.In front is a circular platform, which is two or three centimeters higher than the surrounding ground, and the platform is very large, with a diameter of about 120 meters, which is enough for all [-] of them to stand on it without feeling crowded.

While looking at the huge stone palace, Wang Shuang came to the front of the team and led more than 100 people from his guild forward.

"Come on, come on, we want to fight!" The players behind kept yelling hungrily, waving their weapons vigorously, looking up and down, as if something jumped out in the next second, and they would go up It was like chopping him to pieces.

"I'm afraid you will be disappointed." Wang Shuang just shook his head slightly and sighed after hearing this, "There are no mobs on this floor, but three bosses."

"Three bosses?" Even You An Cangxue was taken aback and asked involuntarily.

"Yes." Wang Shuang looked at the circular stone steps in front of him, and walked up first without explaining anything.Seeing this, several other people followed Wang Shuang one after another.When all 120 people stepped over the stone steps and came to the platform, they suddenly heard complicated mechanical sounds and roaring machinery, as if some mechanism was activated when they stood up.

"Look at the top!" Suddenly a player shouted loudly.

Before everyone looked up, Wang Shuang actually looked up first.On the ceiling in the center of this man-made stone hall, a small square hole was opened at some point. The edge of the small hole is rectangular, and the side length is about ten meters long.A spider with sharp steel thorns all over its body and eight compound eyes on its head crawled out of it.

After it emerged from the small hole in the ceiling, white silk threads protruded.The silk thread looked very soft, but when it stuck to the ceiling, it showed strong tenacity.Then the giant spider's body trembled, and its body actually began to spit out a large amount of white silk, entangled and spit out, and soon the entire ceiling was covered with snow-white spider webs.

The other players were stunned, watching the big spider's movements in a daze, and even a few players raised their bows and staffs to try to attack the big spider, but no matter whether it was arrows, fireballs or ice picks, they were all in mid-air. When it loses momentum.The arrows fell, while the fireballs and ice cones slowly melted away.

"We can't beat it, how do we pass this level?" Some players couldn't help but asked in confusion.

"Don't be nervous." Wang Shuang glanced at him lightly, then raised his head and said, "It will come down immediately, prepare for defense."

Hearing this, several other players were taken aback, but no one questioned Wang Shuang's thoughts. They each drew their weapons, improved their state and took it seriously.

After the big spider on the ceiling built the entire ceiling full of spider silk webs, it crawled around dexterously, and then a thick white silk protruded from the tail, sticking to the ceiling, and the whole big spider hung upside down in the air. Slowly put the white silk, and began to approach the players below.

"Come on, pay attention!" Wang Shuang also pulled out his dagger, and summoned several of his followers, and then shouted: "Long-range firepower, full firepower!"

"Whoosh, whoosh!" Several archers in the guild heard the words, and immediately drew their longbows and started shooting arrows at the big spider.The arrows flew through the air for a while, and hit the big spider before losing power, but except for a few arrows that successfully penetrated into the big spider's shell, all other arrows were blocked by the big spider's hard shell .

"I'll do it, don't break the defense!" Several players couldn't help but shouted depressedly.

"It doesn't matter. The physical defense of this big spider is very high. Players who cannot cause damage in this battle retreat to the outside of the big circle first." Wang Shuang stared at the slowly descending figure of the big spider, and quickly shouted: "If you stand in the circle, it will increase our burden! Don't forget, the current BOSS has a group strategy: the more we have, the higher the attribute bonus it will get!"

Several players heard this, although they were unwilling, they could only grit their teeth and retreat under the stone steps.And there are still more than 80 players left in the circle.Apart from a few priests, there are more than 70 players who can fight.

At this time, the big spider also entered the range of attribute reading.Several players subconsciously read the attributes of the big spider, and they couldn't help but gasped.

——Iron Thorn Nerubian Jato Dallas [Extreme Rage] [Blood King Kong] [Magic Gang II] [Strong Body II] (Red-LV60 leader-level creature): blood 3500000, physical attack 12900, physical defense 13100, Physical resistance 25? ? ?Magic attack 7900, magic defense 10600, magic resistance 20? ? ?Functions: normal attack, overlord body, group strategy, iron thorn protection, field acceleration, plague rampant, corrosive frenzy, spider nest portal, fast singing.

——Guardian of the Iron Thorns: Each time the melee damage received, it will be reduced to 35? ? ?Damage is reflected back to the target source.Reflected damage ignores the target's defense and resistance.

——Domain Acceleration: When moving and attacking on terrain where spider silk exists, gain 35? ? ?Speed ​​bonus and 60? ? ?Speed ​​bonus.

—— Plague Rampant: Spit out a group of green clouds, continuously infect, and make four random units fall into a plague state, causing 15000-35000 physical damage, poisoning and increasing the damage they receive by 20? ? ?Lasts for 12 seconds, and suffers 600 real damage per second when poisoned.

——腐蚀狂乱:对一个目标造成2000 90?理攻击 35?法攻击的伤害,吸收治疗效果4000点,并使被腐蚀狂乱命中的玩家造成的伤害下降50???续12秒。若腐蚀狂乱杀死了一个单位,则在原地召唤一个食腐鬼。

——Spider Nest Portal: Gatu Dallas quickly spits out and weaves a strong spider web with magic power in a short period of time. After the spider web lands, it will cause 1000 50?Reason attack damage, and reduce 60? ? ?speed for 8 seconds.A nest immediately appears in the center of the web, and a random nerubian spawns every 30 seconds until the nest is destroyed.

——Quick chant: Cato Dallas is higher than 70 blood? ? ?Reduce the cooldown time of all your skills by 30?

Strong, these attributes are all over [-], I am afraid that the [-]th level boss is not so scary!
"Ignorant and stupid human beings dare to break into the abyss, Cato Dallas wants you all to be a delicious meal for the nerubians today!"

This huge spider demon actually spoke!It raised its ugly and small head high, and the spider web at its tail spit out at a sudden speed, causing its falling speed to suddenly increase.

"Be careful!" Wang Shuang saw it clearly. He immediately roared and rushed to a player. Before he could react, he raised the dagger in his hand high. Hearing a "clang", Wang Shuang successfully blocked the player. A dive of the giant spider!
"Hmph, ignorant and stupid human beings, no matter how hard you struggle, it's useless." However, the spider demon didn't care, just swept Wang Shuang down, and with a tight tail, immediately collected his spider web go up.

Its figure rose quickly, and its huge body was completely pulled by a stretched spider web. When it rose to the midair of the stone hall, it suddenly turned its eyes to a player on the side, and immediately turned around to put down the spider web. , flung his teeth and claws.

"Huh?" The player was taken aback for a moment. He was a priest, and the junk equipment he was wearing definitely couldn't stop the big spider's pounce.Seeing the big spider rushing towards him, he rolled his eyes and was completely dumbfounded.

"Quickly retreat, what are you doing standing there!" Wang Shuang was so angry that he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

"Clang!" However, the priest was still alive after all. Before the big spider pounced on him and bit his head, a long sword stretched out from the side, and happened to block the big spider at a speed that was hard to distinguish with the naked eye. before.The sound of Jintiejiao sounded, and the player snorted, losing one-third of his blood.

Wang Shuang glanced at the other party. He had the impression that this man was the cold man who stood out from the crowd and questioned him!But this time, Wang Shuang couldn't help being taken aback by seeing his manipulation.

Wang Shuang glanced at the top of the opponent's head, and quickly wrote down the player's ID: Dark Dragon Knight.

The battle continued. After the surrounding players understood the big spider's attack routine, some fighters with high defenses quickly stepped forward to help the priests around them resist the damage. At the same time, the mage and several assassins continued Shoot, continue to shoot and cause damage to this big spider.

However, at this time, when the blood of the big spider had not lost more than 20W, it suddenly twitched, spit out a cloud of green from its mouth, and quickly fell down.

Seeing this, Wang Shuang couldn't help but change his face, and shouted: "Quickly avoid, this is this guy's skill, the plague is rampant! Even if the priest brushes up after being hit, he will still get extra due to the subsequent deepening of the damage." Lost a lot of blood!"

After hearing this, several players locked by Green Cloud ran away in a hurry, but except for the dark dragonrider who successfully escaped from Green Cloud's tracking, the other players were unfortunately caught in the attack, and the blood on their heads dropped instantly. After a long time, a priest who was not very bloody was directly killed by this group of green clouds!

"Be careful, it's about to open the portal!" Wang Shuang stared closely at the figure of the iron-thorn spider that suddenly accelerated in midair, and immediately issued a warning to his team members.

I saw the Ironthorn Nerubian go up all the way, and after returning to the ceiling again, it spit out its tail quickly, formed a large ball of spider silk, and then threw it down.

A huge spider web opened from mid-air, spread out and enveloped the players in a large area below.Several players from the Gloomy Rose Guild were shocked when they saw this, and tried to scatter around the spider web.

With a "boom", the spider web made a huge roar after landing, shaking the entire stone palace trembling slightly.This is not just a spider web, but a spider web with the magic power of the portal. When it lands, it will cause damage and slow down to the players under the spider web!
A huge spider's nest appeared in the center of the spider web. The spider's nest looked like a giant egg, and the surface was covered with fine holes. As time passed, the spider's nest was constantly shrinking and expanding. It's as if you're really breathing!When those small holes were also breathing, they continuously spewed out white clouds.

"Quickly destroy this spider nest!" Wang Shuang waved his hand and shouted anxiously.

In fact, he didn't even need to remind them deliberately. After seeing the spider nest appearing, other people subconsciously gathered towards the spider nest.The spider nest will not attack actively, so even priests can approach it with confidence.And the blood of this spider nest is very thick, it is as high as 100W, and the blood of the boss is only 350W!
"It's just 100 million qi and blood. Do you really think you have a chance to summon a spider demon?" Wang Shuang laughed, and rushed forward to slash wildly with the dagger. The deep scars, those small air holes as fine as pores, after being cut by Wang Shuang's dagger, began to spew out a large amount of white liquid, and suddenly shrank into a black spot.

Every time Wang Shuang waved his hand, there would be a blow that would cause thunder to flash and trigger the mark of light.A few players around watched Wang Shuang's actions, and their jaws almost dropped in shock: "Fuck, it's Wang Shuang, the attack output is not to mention directly surpassing us as a whole, even higher than all of us combined! Less!"

"With such a vice president, why don't you worry that the Dark Rose is not thriving?" Some players even started to shout excitedly, looking quite excited.

(End of this chapter)

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