Chapter 417

While everyone was watching it, the molten giant tortoise was also watching them.After it stood firm, it raised its front paws without saying a word, and then made a sudden movement, which was in sharp contrast to its previous slow movements, and its volcanic body slammed towards them.

"Scatter, everyone in front of the lava turtle spread out!" Wang Shuang's pupils shrank, and he immediately reacted and began to shout loudly.A few players who reacted a little slower were finally hit from the side. They flew a certain distance, hit the stone wall again, and fell into the lava pool with a plop.

The result is obvious. After [-] points of damage came out, most of them died before they had time to struggle, and some players with more than [-] HP survived the first second, but hurriedly tried to recover from the damage. When crawling out of the lava, he felt a suction force coming from the magma pool.

From Wang Shuang's perspective, the lava pool is like a swamp. When those players wanted to climb out, they were sucked by the lava. Looking at their sad eyes, Wang Shuang Shuang just saluted them and said, "Go."

"Depend on!"

Time flies, and the few players who are still alive are overwhelmed, sobbing one after another, turning into white light and drifting away.

"The first skill of the BOSS has been handed in, and the remaining few skills are short-range!" Wang Shuang glanced at the skills of the giant lava turtle again, and shouted: "Short-range players pay attention to the position when attacking. , don’t turn your back too close to the lava pool, or the BOSS will knock you back or fly you into the lava pool!”


A BOSS strategy battle kicked off. After the battle of the blood wing bat and the iron thorn spider, the players of the dark rose have already had some sense of cooperation. On the edge, melee players quickly surrounded the giant lava turtle from several different angles.

After Wang Shuang's reminder, and they deliberately controlled their positions, the next battle was almost extremely smooth, and those players who had died before also returned to the battlefield one after another, and began to deal with this giant lava turtle .


There was another roar, and a lava path appeared again. This time it also affected several players and was knocked out, but the worst player was just pushed back to the edge of the lava pool. A distance away, no one was killed!
The priest continued to draw blood, and Wang Shuang also returned to the boss again to assume the responsibility of the meat shield and began to suffer damage.Several players and followers around him continued to output the boss.

Soon, the BOSS died before it could release the third lava path. It let out a mournful cry, bursting out countless equipment like the iron thorn spider, and then slowly lay down on the ground, the huge volcano on its back also The deposit cracked, exposing the black coke inside.

A golden light floated over Wang Shuang and several followers almost at the same time, and several players around him happily went up to distribute the equipment. A few players standing outside the stone hall walked in at this time, and seeing them robbing the equipment was a bit strange. jealous.

Then when they saw Wang Shuang, they lost their envious eyes and became a little fanatical instead.

"Vice President, is there another boss next? After defeating this boss, do we have mobs to fight again?"

"Well, yes." Wang Shuang nodded: "After killing the last boss, you will arrive at a rugged passage in front of the main boss. There are many dark devils digging in the passage. Kill them all , we can enter the end of the passage.”

"What's at the end?"

"A room. There is a BOSS that is not too strong, but I believe it will be easy and enjoyable for us to push down."

"Worthy of being the vice president!" Several players around gave their thumbs up and said, "The 60-player dungeon boss at level 120 can only be evaluated as 'not bad' in the eyes of the vice president!"

"Hmph, bragging." The Dark Dragonrider curled his lips in disdain: "Do you really think you can single out a red-level boss who is 5 levels lower than yourself? It's impossible even if it's 10 levels lower, let alone this is still a boss." The difficulty of a 120-person dungeon boss is much stronger than that of a boss of the same level."

"You might as well ask, what kind of things did I do when I was with the elves?" Wang Shuang turned his head and grinned at him and said, "In the elves' side, killing eighty or ninety-level red-level bosses is not good for me. It’s just like a regular meal.”

The Dark Dragonrider's face froze, and his face turned red. Just as he was about to say something, Evelyn, who was behind Wang Shuang, also stood up and added: "Yes, the master helped me kill the second brother at that time, but the second brother A standard level [-] leader-level creature."

"He killed your second brother?" The dark dragonrider's face froze when he heard that, and he looked at Evelyn in disbelief and said, "Then why do you still follow him?"

"He has saved our elves' lives, and I should continue to follow my master regardless of reason." Evelyn said shyly.

"Wow, strong, this can make NPCs follow. As expected of the vice president, I am convinced!" Everyone sighed.

The dark dragonrider muttered for a while, but finally said nothing.

Looking at him, he looked like a child who just took apart and broke his watch, his face was full of disbelief and unwillingness.Wang Shuang grinned and laughed heartily.Then he raised his hand, kicked over the corpse of the giant lava tortoise, and shouted: "Assemble, get ready to deal with the third boss!"

When everyone heard the words, they once again stood in the center.Soon the machine started, and the sound of creaking gears could be heard endlessly.Everyone held their breath, not knowing where the next boss will come out from?
But after the sound of the machine turning stopped, they didn't see any boss appearing after a long time.When even Wang Shuang couldn't stand, the huge vibration made them unsteady and almost fell to the ground.

"Damn it, the BOSS suddenly appeared!" Someone suddenly shouted.

"Where is it?" Several people looked up one after another, but they still didn't see anything.

"Look at the wall of the stone palace." Wang Shuang looked solemn, and immediately raised his finger to point in front of him.Everyone cast their gazes over, and immediately saw lines and lines appeared on the smooth wall of the stone hall, and unevenness appeared on the stone wall, and unexpectedly slowly revealed the shape of a face.

"The third boss, could it be..." a player trembled.

"That's right." Wang Shuang pulled out his dagger, licked his lips and said, "The third boss is this stone wall. Oh, it should not be called the stone wall now, but the Frost Iron Mask"

——Frost Steel Mask [Blood King Kong] [Extreme Boiling] [Magic Gang II] [Strong Body III] (Red-LV61 leader-level creature): blood 4200000, physical attack 0, physical defense 14400, physical resistance 30? ? ?Magic attack 13800, magic defense 15200, magic resistance 20? ? ?Abilities: Normal Attack, Overlord Body, Group Strategy, Core Freezing, Frost Ring, Blizzard, Rain and Ice, Frost Condensation Shell.


After a cursory glance at the attributes, Wang Shuang quickly judged that this should be a boss with frost magic attacks as the main attack and powerful physical and magic defenses.There is a difficulty in fighting such a BOSS: its defense and vitality are very thick, if the player's output is not high enough, the BOSS cannot be killed in a short time.

What will this lead to?No need to ask, that is of course continuing to be tortured by the boss.When it comes to frost spells, the first reaction of normal people is various deceleration and freezing effects, and whether it is deceleration or freezing, this greatly limits the player's output ability.

"But it's a coincidence." Wang Shuang touched the edge of his dagger, grinned bitterly and said, "The temperature in this stone temple was still so high just now, and there was molten lava and steaming air everywhere. Now it has suddenly turned into a world of frost again, and the lava lake just now solidified in an instant, this is the rhythm of the two heavens of ice and fire."

"Two Heavens of Ice and Fire?" Hearing this, You Yin Cangxue couldn't help being taken aback, clapped her hands and said, "That's a good name, so handsome, I didn't expect Wang Shuang, you are also a guy with a great talent for naming names!"

Wang Shuang touched his nose in embarrassment: "Well, I didn't actually create the word Ice and Fire Two Heavens. And Ice and Fire Two Heavens actually has another meaning."

"What's the meaning?"

"Alluding to... a kind of action, the kind that can make people happy, can you understand?"

"Hmm... so, you like the two heavens of ice and fire very much?" The dark Cangxue tilted her head and stared straight at Wang Shuang.

Wang Shuang's face was embarrassed, he smiled wryly and then nodded, "Of course I like it... Cough cough, let's stop talking about this, the boss is about to launch an attack."

But now, on the wall that was beginning to freeze rapidly, the huge human face made of stone had already started to wriggle. It glanced at the several players rushing up, and it seemed to let out a cold snort of disdain.The thick lips were slightly opened, and a gust of cold wind began to howl and ravage the entire stone palace.

"Fuck, the range is so large, it actually directly attacks everyone in the stone palace!"

"It's just a bit thicker in defense, there's nothing to be afraid of, just let's do it together!"

At this time, the Dark Dragonrider rushed out from the crowd, aimed at the boss, raised the long sword in his hand high above his head, and suddenly let out a loud shout, the long sword in his hand immediately sprayed out long flames, blowing the entire body of the sword Devour them all, and then chop them down fiercely.

In the area that this sword crossed, the thick frost all melted and bloomed, exposing the fragile stones inside.As a result, the Dark Dragonrider's eyes froze, and he swung his long sword and began to slash wildly.

"Fuck, fire magic and fire attacks can double the damage to this boss!" A player suddenly realized, and then pulled his longbow, and a flame arrow flew through it, nailing the boss at once, causing damage to the boss. Immediately it was almost 50 higher than just now?

"Fuck, it's really high!" After seeing this scene, many players immediately threw their flame attacks at the boss.

(End of this chapter)

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