It's time to play online

Chapter 418 The Wild Pharmacist

Chapter 418 The Wild Pharmacist
After discovering the secret of the damage that the flame can increase, the difficulty of this boss is no longer there.Under Wang Shuang's high damage and the full output of several players, he soon followed the previous two bosses and died together, and more than a dozen pieces of equipment exploded.

And when the BOSS was killed, a passage behind the BOSS also collapsed, and a wall of the stone hall that was originally blocked on all sides suddenly collapsed, and a new path appeared.

"Go in." Wang Shuang didn't explain anything, he just waved his hand and beckoned everyone to move on.

More than 100 people immediately continued to move forward. After entering the passage, there was another bumpy path.And from the depths of the passage, tinkling sounds could be faintly heard.

After walking for a while, everyone soon saw that there were many strange-looking little ghosts covered in pitch-black holding picks that were about the size of their own bodies, and they were constantly tapping on the wall of the passage.Seeing Wang Shuang and the others rushing up suddenly, a dozen or so little ghosts around immediately screamed, and raised their pickaxes and rushed up.

There is nothing to say, these are good products that give experience, gold coins, and equipment!Wang Shuang glanced at the time, and said anxiously: "Hurry up, time is running out, let's try to get to the boss within 10 minutes and kill the boss!"

"Understood!" Several players around are now almost obedient to Wang Shuang's words. When Wang Shuang asked them to hand over their equipment obediently, no one dared to take any of it, for fear that Wang Shuang would not bring them to the dungeon in the future. .

In less than 10 minutes, all the little ghosts in the entire passage became the souls of the players under various weapons and spells.For most of these players who have already worn one or two orange outfits, the pressure this dungeon puts on them is much less than when they first came in.

Even players who couldn't even break through the boss's defense at the beginning, after changing into powerful equipment, started to beat the boss.Although the damage is still not ideal, it is much better than nothing.

Wang Shuang and the others swept all the way, with 10 minutes left.Now that everyone was standing at the end of the passage, Wang Shuang raised his foot and kicked violently on the slightly transparent stone wall. The stone wall collapsed, revealing a huge room behind.

"Who dares to disturb Aize'anla's experiment?" A man's voice was calm, but at the same time calm, came from the room behind the stone wall.Wang Shuang rolled, rolled around on the ground and then got up. He saw a man standing in front of a test bench with a test tube in one hand and a pen in the other, looking at him indifferently. Wang Shuang.

"Li Muxuan, Serifen, and Evelyn, you guys go first." Wang Shuang summoned a few of his followers, and then turned around to attack the stone wall. Soon the stone wall was enlarged, and more and more people Players also slowly poured into the room.

At this time, several of Wang Shuang's followers also died one after another. Wang Shuang looked at the boss holding the medicine bottle in astonishment. He didn't expect the fighting power shown by this guy to be so strong!
"Wang Shuang!" At this moment, Wang Shuang heard someone's voice, and he looked behind, it was the dark Cangxue!Why is she calling him at this time?
"Be careful of the potion in the boss's hand!" Gloomy Cangxue shouted loudly: "He threw a bottle of something on your head at you!"

Throw a bottle of potion at Brother?Wang Shuang was startled suddenly. Looking back, the potion was already very close to his face, and it was still falling rapidly. It seemed that it was too late to hide!

The bottle exploded, and the potion inside spilled all over Wang Shuang, and Wang Shuang soon received a message.


System prompt: Wild Apothecary Azeanla has used a bottle of random potion on you: "The Enchantress of Misfortune".Your luck drops to minus 10 and you have 30 when you attack? ? ?Randomly release a skill towards any unit around you, and the cooling time of all your skills will be reduced by 30?

Nani!Wang Shuang was taken aback immediately, did the potion strengthen or weaken brother?Why does it look like a buff potion instead?

Lucky value dropped to minus 10 points?It doesn't matter, you can deduct it as you like, brother's luck value is negative 10, as for randomly releasing skills to a unit around him... It's simple, isn't it good that there is only one player beside you?
After figuring it out, Wang Shuang shouted loudly to the players behind him: "Everyone stay put, and long-range players can start attacking, but don't come up in melee combat. I have won the boss's skill, and I may still be able to attack the boss when I fight the boss." affect you."

"Anyway, there are no melee players coming up now, and several of my followers are dead, so why didn't I release my skills to you?" Wang Shuang thought so, raised his dagger and slashed at the boss.

Sure enough, he suddenly had a strange feeling. After swiping the knife, Wang Shuang's game character was suddenly out of control, and he raised his hand high, a familiar feeling passed through his heart——


System prompt: You used a random skill - Shadow Attack on the wild pharmacist Azianla.


System notification: Wild Apothecary Azianla is immune to your stun effect.

System prompt: Wild Apothecary Azianla is affected by Armor Penetration, reducing physical defense by 2800 points and magic defense by 2800 points for 2.25 seconds.

System prompt: The wild pharmacist Azeanla is affected by the state of weakness, which will increase the damage she suffers by 20? ? ? , for 2.25 seconds.


Damn, it's so cool!Wang Shuang couldn't help snoring, watching the two states appearing on the boss's head, he was hooked.

At this time, several players behind him began to ask Wang Shuang about the attributes of the boss, and he remembered that he had just patronized the experiment and forgot about it.

——Wild Pharmacist-Aizeanla Carat [Extreme Rage] [Blood King Kong] [Extreme Boiling] [Magic Gang II] [Strong Body II] (Red-LV62 leader-level creature): blood 4800000, physical Attack 13600, physical defense 13200, physical resistance 10? ? ?magic attack 16400, magic defense 13500, magic resistance 25? ? ?Abilities: Normal Attack, Overlord Body, Group Strategy, Random Potion, Explosive Potion, Volcano Potion, Frost Potion, Dying Frenzy.

——Random prescription: Make a bottle of potion with random effects, and throw it at a player, which has a high probability of causing a debuff effect.

——Burst Potion: After using it, it will cause damage to all surrounding units equivalent to 15? ? ?s damage.

——Volcano Potion: After use, it will cause 2500 10?Reasonable attack 110?magic attack damage, and has 5? ? ?With burn effect, 5? ? ?Comes with a shock effect.

——冰霜药水:使用后,对周围所有敌对单位造成1250 70?法攻击的伤害,并有50???使目标在接下来3秒内降低70???速度,30???使目标在接下来3秒内受到的伤害增加30?0???使目标陷入冻结状态,持续3秒。

——Frenzy on the verge of death: When the HP is lower than 15? ? ?Randomly use several bottles of potions to nearby units, and the potions will cause certain damage, with random debuff status.The number of potions used in the dying frenzy is equivalent to the number of potions used before entering the dying frenzy.


"This BOSS looks very interesting." Wang Shuang started to rub his fists excitedly: "I like the way you play probability the most, especially when I have 10 minutes left to use my talents!"

"Wang Shuang, this guy threw another bottle of potion at you!" At this moment, You Yin Cangxue shouted loudly from behind.

"Oh?" Wang Shuang was stunned for a moment, then looked up, and Eze'anla really made another shot, and looked at the color of the potion, it seemed to be different from the one just now, the quiet light blue, like the sky, made people feel the same. People are calm.

Damn, Tranquility, this is a Frost Potion!
The moment Wang Shuang reacted, the frost potion hit his head and exploded with a bang, Wang Shuang couldn't help but wryly smiled.



"Ah!" Seeing Aizeanla laughing loudly, and slapping Wang Shuang's head like a wooden fish with his staff, Wang Shuang was so angry that his lungs would explode.This stupid talent!

After the freezing state ended, Wang Shuang's blood had dropped by 30? ? ?After pouring down the blood-generating potion, Wang Shuang picked up the dagger on the ground again, turned sideways into a dark latent state, walked around behind the opponent and stabbed hard with the freezing puncture!

Aizenla's body just paused slightly, and the freezing effect didn't take effect.Wang Shuang was not surprised either, he quickly dodged an attack from Aize'anla, and then a shadow attack rushed up, and once again wiped out and hit the boss violently.

Then it was a matter of time. In the last minute of Wang Shuang's talent, Aize'anla's vitality was finally ground to 1? ? ? .

"Adventurers, you are looking for your own death. When the great Aizenla is angry, he is very terrifying!" The BOSS's face was full of fury, and a pair of eyes stared at Wang Shuang, suddenly He took out more than a dozen bottles of random potions from his backpack, and shouted loudly: "Beat the wrath of Az'Allah!"

"Bang!" There was a crackling sound, a bottle of potion was thrown high into the sky, and then fell and exploded on Azianla's face, a bright red mushroom cloud bloomed on his head.


System prompt: The wild pharmacist Azianla used the random potion "Heavenly Dream Broken", causing 12488 points of damage to the wild pharmacist Azianla, and increased the damage he received by 20? ? ?Continue for 5 seconds.

System prompt: The wild pharmacist Azianla uses the random potion "Sponge Swarm", causing 15669 points of damage to the wild pharmacist Azianla, and makes herself have 15? ? ?rate of being stunned for 2 seconds.

Seeing this scene, Wang Shuang couldn't help exclaiming: "As expected of a wild pharmacist, he became crazy and smashed all kinds of medicine bottles in his face. Brother took it."

(End of this chapter)

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