It's time to play online

Chapter 420 The Change of Autumn Water City

Chapter 420 The Change of Autumn Water City

Wang Shuang glanced at the few players in front of him, because Wang Shuang's talent had already lost its effect, so the two players from the Longteng Guild did not see through Wang Shuang's stealth.

Although I don't want to play with you guys, I'd better remind You An Cangxue and the others first, let them pay attention.

Wang Shuang thought for a while, opened the friend list, and prepared to send a message to Youan Cangxue, telling her about the two players from the Longteng guild here.But at this moment, the surrounding scenery suddenly stopped moving, and the music of the game also stopped at this time.

"Ah?" Wang Shuang was taken aback for a moment, and after the whole game froze for two or three seconds, the 99 email popped up in the mailbox.

Damn it, Wang Shuang couldn't help but slapped his head in pain. Brother integrated the team before, and after brushing the dungeon for an hour, the emails in the mailbox have accumulated again.This is not possible, Wang Shuang thought for a while, stretched the friend list, and found the name of Youyou Cangxue.

He glanced up at this time, and even the God of War Qingfeng and the God of War Baiyu found him when Wang Shuang was brushing the dungeon before, but at that time, it was estimated that all messages were automatically blocked in the dungeon, so Wang Shuang didn't receive any news.

Wang Shuang opened the chat window with Youyou Cangxue, and briefly told her about the two suspicious players in the Longteng Guild.

"Wang Shuang, I'm really sorry about those players in the guild before, but I heard that you bowed to them? Are you okay?"

Wang Shuang sighed slightly. How to put it, he was the same kind of guy who was very barbaric and never apologized.

After explaining a few words, Qingfeng, the god of war, replied quickly: He has received it and understood what Wang Shuang meant.

Who's next?God of War Bai Yu?If you have something to do, if you don't ask your president, what are you looking for?

"Wang Shuang, if you want to play the dungeon of Green Devil Lake, please be sure to pay attention to the final boss of the dungeon. There is a certain probability that it will drop the draft tax law."

"Draft of the tax law?" Wang Shuang couldn't help replying in pain: "What is this?"

After waiting for a while, Bai Yu, God of War, replied: "It's not something strange, but we can't modify the tax rates of several small towns in the Sighs Islands now. We need to use this draft."

Change taxes?Isn't this just a matter of one sentence, this game is really troublesome.Wang Shuang sighed helplessly, and glanced at his map.Green Devil Lake, this is... This is a dungeon on the border between the orcs and humans, and judging by the geographical location, it is obviously closer to the orcs!No, it should be said that this is almost within the territory of the orcs.

Fuck, why do you want to provoke the orcs if you have nothing to do, do you feel that there are not enough enemies when you are full?Wang Shuang felt a deeper pain in the egg, and replied a little weakly: "If there is a chance, I will try it."

There is also a spare part of the inheritance suit. Maybe when Wang Shuang needs to find that spare part, he can stop by to see the copy.

Wang Shuang, who was chatting privately with others, just glanced at them. As for those emails, Wang Shuang had a private chat with You Anqianyao, and then selected all those emails, and replied as a group: From now on, all major and minor matters of the guild will be handed over to You Anqian. Remote processing, I am responsible for taking you to brush copies, step on garbage, and prepare for the national war.

Such a domineering declaration quickly attracted a large number of players' email replies, and there was an endless stream of reminders to add Wang Shuang's friend.Wang Shuang politely refused all of them, and then closed the last chat window, and began to go to the King's Highness.

Before looking for His Royal Highness, Wang Shuang suddenly remembered that Longteng Liuguang had said that before going there, it was best to go to the president of the Longteng Guild.

What to do with their president?Wang Shuang couldn't help feeling a little puzzled. He believed [-]% that the Longteng Guild would harm him.But since Long Teng Liuguang said these words, he should think about it a little bit.

Can you find it?Wang Shuang struggled for a while, gritted his teeth and immediately strengthened his determination: find.Since the other party took the initiative to ask him out, how could he be afraid?He, Wang Shuang, was in Star Wish, when was he afraid of anyone?

If this is a reality, the other party may think about it for a while about making such an appointment with Wang Shuang.But this is a game, and Wang Shuang's Nick Medal can make him have a chance to avoid death punishment, so why not go and listen to what Long Teng Xingchen wants to say.

Wang Shuang opened his friend list and found Longteng Xingchen's profile picture. He didn't know what he did last time, but now he gave Wang Shuang a convenient way to contact him.

"Are you there?" After thinking for a while, Wang Shuang sent a more conventional message to say hello.

"Hmm." The other party replied quickly.

"I heard that you are looking for me, let's make an appointment to come out." Wang Shuang said straight to the point.

"Yeah." It was still a one-word reply, with no demeanor or tone. Wang Shuang was a little depressed, so he had to urge him again: "Hey, don't just reply with one word, you are talking about why you are looking for me. Where do we meet?"

Long Teng Xingchen: "Yes."

Wang Shuang: "..."

After waiting for about three or four seconds, the other party applied for voice communication. Wang Shuang was slightly taken aback, and then pressed OK.

The communication was connected, and there was a deafening roar from the other side, as well as the hissing and twisting of the flames.Wang Shuang's scalp tingled and anger surged up. He was about to ask Long Teng Xingchen what he wanted to do, but the next second, the sound of the blade cutting his throat was particularly piercing, and then Wang Shuang heard the wailing of the beast before it fell down.

"Are you fighting a boss?" Wang Shuang asked in surprise.

"En." Long Teng Xingchen stopped typing this time, and just hummed lightly.

"Aside from saying um, and knocking um, what else can you do?" Wang Shuang couldn't help but ache.

Unexpectedly, when he said this, he said a very long sentence to the convenience: "Half an hour later, I will wait for you at Besedna Tavern in Qiushui City, Lionheart Kingdom."

Wang Shuang was taken aback for a moment, then said, "Okay, I got it."

Then the two disconnected, and the whole process was short and concise.

About 20 minutes later, Wang Shuang came to Qiushui City in a carriage, but before entering the city, Wang Shuang suddenly felt that something was not right.

Yes.Wang Shuang thought for a while, and soon realized: Why are all the players here missing?
The road was muddy, as if it had just rained.Blood stains remained on the edge of the street, and a faint smell of blood permeated the street.As soon as Wang Shuang entered the city, he felt that something was not right.At this time, a few NPCs came up to meet Wang Shuang, and when they were about to pass by Wang Shuang, they suddenly stopped and turned to look at him.

One of the NPCs hidden under the hood stretched out his hand towards Wang Shuang: "Adventurer, the master has been waiting for you for a long time, please come with us."

"Master?" Wang Shuang was taken aback, looking up and down at the guy whose body was half hidden under the hood.This is the follower of Longteng Xingchen?Why does it look so weird everywhere?

At this moment, Wang Shuang's pupils shrank suddenly, and he noticed the hand extended by the NPC.This is not a human palm at all. It is filled with bones, with a few interconnected blood streaks remaining, and blooming blood stains mixed together. It looks hideous and terrifying, like a corroded bone hand.

"You bastard..." Wang Shuang stopped, suddenly realizing something was wrong.This Qiushui city is too quiet now, as quiet as a dead city.It's fine if you can't see any normal NPCs, but you can't even see a single player.

This weird situation made Wang Shuang alert all of a sudden. Before, he thought that this place was just inside the city, a safe area.But now, Wang Shuang began to feel a little uncertain again.Because the city has become like this now, can it still be regarded as a safe area?
If it is not a safe area, Longteng Xingchen may attack him, so Wang Shuang has to consider whether he will be repeatedly brushed with corpses to explode his equipment.After all, he has no talent now, and he is no different from an ordinary player.

But what exactly is going on here?Wang Shuang felt a bit pained, and wanted to find someone to ask, but he didn't know who to ask.

By the way, remember that Jiang Jige was in Qiushui City, she should be—— damn, she went to school!

Cold sweat dripped down Wang Shuang's forehead. He looked through his friend list, and suddenly saw a somewhat unfamiliar name in the corner——Yan Ge Wushuang.

Ah yes, and you, uncle.Wang Shuang was overjoyed. Seeing that the other party was also online, he quickly sent a message and asked, "Uncle Yan Ge, what's going on with you in Qiushui City? No matter how I see it, there is no one here."

"Are you in Qiushui City now?" Yan Ge Wushuang's reply seemed a little surprised.

"Yes, what's the problem?" Wang Shuang couldn't help being taken aback.

"Qiu Shui City has been captured! About half an hour ago, players from the Longteng Guild summoned a large wave of undead troops from around Kuo Ye City, and then the defending NPCs of Qiu Shui City began to defend passively. A regional incident was triggered, and we participated in this battle together to try to stop the plan of the Dragon Soaring Guild."

"And then?" Wang Shuang raised his head nervously, the bone hand protruding from under the hood was still in front of him, motionless, like a statue.

"Then there is no more. After the Longteng Guild arrived at Qiushui City, it only took half an hour to completely capture the City Lord's Mansion of Qiushui City and become the owner of Qiushui City. All the players present in Qiushui City are resurrecting Then he was trapped in the church and couldn't leave."

"What does that mean?"

"I don't know, maybe I have to ask Longteng Xingchen face-to-face to know. I have a mission to leave Qiushui City, but I don't think it should be. The behemoth guarding the city of Qiushui is a 100-level orange boss. How could the Longteng Guild occupy it so quickly?" From Qiushui City?"

"What?" Wang Shuang's mood became a little bad when he heard this.He closed the chat window with Yan Ge Wushuang, and then muttered: "I'll talk about how strong the Dragon Soaring Guild is now. This guy obviously has no good intentions to meet Brother in this kind of place. After capturing it, if you invite me to visit, don’t you want to show me off?”

However, the NPC in front of him did not answer Wang Shuang's question, and neither did the surrounding NPCs. They just stood quietly, and their invisible faces all stared at Wang Shuang, as if they wanted to see through him. .

"Grass, lead the way, can you kill all the NPCs here, can you also kill brother?" Wang Shuang glanced at the time, and it was five o'clock in the afternoon with 10 minutes left.As long as the time is up, Wang Shuang's talent will take effect, even if you have thousands of troops, what can you do if you can kill brother to death?Brother infinite resurrection full of blood and demons, exhausting you to death!
Continue to walk along the street, and soon, some bluestone bricks with blood seeping in the cracks of the bricks appear in front of you.Occasionally, two NPCs walked towards each other. When Wang Shuang looked up, he was as lifeless as the NPCs beside him.

Undead troops?What kind of medicine did Long Teng Xingchen take to even get this.It's nothing to get an undead army, but it's a skill to easily capture two human NPC towns without the Lionheart Kingdom doing anything.

After several twists and turns, Wang Shuang finally arrived at the agreed place.Besedna Tavern, this looks like a very high-end tavern, and it is quite different from the style of painting just now. Whether it is stone bricks or the ground, it is very clean and tidy, as if it has been cleaned specially It's been the same.

When Wang Shuang walked into the tavern, melodious music rang in his ears. The first thing he saw was the deep red star wood, and the faint scent of star wood rushed to his face. Then Wang Shuang smelled the faint fragrance of cocktails and a somewhat icy breath. It immediately reminded him of ice cubes and wine glasses, and he couldn't help but quicken his pace and walked inside.

On the second floor of the Besedna Tavern, after going up the stairs, there was a huge table top. Four people, Long Teng Xingchen, Long Teng Liuguang, Bei Jianzhu, and Long Teng Qingming were sitting at the table.The moment Wang Shuang appeared, the eyes of the four people all focused on Wang Shuang.

Wang Shuang's scalp exploded when he saw it, and he immediately felt a creepy feeling, and he almost couldn't help but draw out the dagger and lay it across his chest.Fortunately, he restrained his impulse, and then glanced at a loose sofa in front of the table of several people. On the table in front of the sofa, there was actually a glass of layered cocktails, red orange yellow green green blue purple, corresponding to It is precisely the grade distribution system of Xingyuan.

Wang Shuang glanced at the time. It was already 10:10, [-] minutes before [-]:[-].As long as Wang Shuang delays these [-] minutes, there is no need to worry about it later.So he sat down with some peace of mind, glanced at the cocktail in front of him, picked it up without saying a word, and downed the clear and bright layered cocktail in one gulp.


System prompt: If you take Besedna's special cocktail, you will permanently gain 5 points of physical defense and 5 points of magic defense.

Wang Shuang was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect the attitude of the Longteng Guild to be quite good this time, is it because of Longteng Liuguang?

Wang Shuang raised his head and glanced over the faces of the guild leaders in front of him. Just as he was about to say something, he suddenly noticed that the entire wall behind them was actually made of glass.And outside the glass, a giant beast that was several times larger than the entire tavern lay quietly on the ground, no longer alive at this moment.

"The behemoth guarding Qiushui City is a level 100 orange boss. How could the Longteng Guild occupy Qiushui City so quickly?"

Remembering the screams of giant beasts he heard when communicating with Longteng Xingchen, Wang Shuang looked at the president and vice-president of the Longteng Guild in front of him, and suddenly felt a little creepy.

(End of this chapter)

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