It's time to play online

Chapter 421 The Dilemma of the Dark Rose

Chapter 421 The Dilemma of the Dark Rose

"Wang Shuang." At this time, Long Teng Xingchen spoke, his face neither happy nor angry, but extremely calm: "I heard your stories in various places, and those stories about you It’s been a long time, big and small. But if I remember correctly, this is the first time we’ve met, right?”

"Well, it's the first time." Wang Shuang thought for a while and nodded.

"I heard that you are now the vice president of the Dark Rose Guild?" Long Teng Xingchen asked again.

"Yes." Wang Shuang smiled faintly, looked at Longteng Xingchen and said, "Dark Rose was established a long time ago, but I didn't take care of it much before. But now that I manage it, I will definitely let Dark Rose climb up step by step. , slowly catching up with or even surpassing others, and becoming the first-class guild of the human race, and even the first-class guild of the entire Huaxia region."

"Hmph, idiots are talking about dreams." Bei Jianzhu glanced at Wang Shuang indifferently, and shook his head with some disdain: "Do you think that our Longteng Guild has not done anything, and it is all because of what we did at the beginning that we have reached this point today? lucky?"

Long Teng Xingchen stopped Bei Jianzhu, stood up and said, "Wang Shuang, this world is cruel. We don't care how tortuous your journey is, how lofty your ideals are, or how great your goals are. As long as you achieve it in the end, countless people will admire you." You, praise you. But if you fail, you will completely disappear from everyone's sight, no matter how many reasons you have, there will be no one to talk to."

Wang Shuang raised his eyebrows and smiled politely: "Okay, is this the development experience of your Longteng Guild? Then I am here to thank you, and thank you for your selfless sharing."

"It's nothing." Long Teng Xingchen shook his head and smiled calmly: "To be honest, if you can lead Gloomy Rose to grow up, that would be interesting."

"Oh? What an interesting idea?"

"This is a game, Wang Shuang." Long Teng Xingchen smiled confidently, stood up and looked down at Wang Shuang with contemptuous eyes, and asked rather proudly: "If the game has no difficulty, then what's the point of us playing the game?" What? The continued development of our Longteng Guild is nothing more than the accumulation of data, and there is no other meaning to trying to pile up those numbers higher and more."

"You already think you are the strongest guild in China?" Wang Shuang asked with a twitch of his eyebrows.

"It's not that I think it myself, but it's been recognized that we are the strongest." Long Teng Xingchen snorted not to be outdone.

"Wang Shuang, this is indeed a fact." At this time, Longteng Liuguang also smiled lightly: "Now the Longteng Guild has the largest number of branches in the entire Huaxia District, the best welfare system, and the greatest reputation. We won a complete victory in the battle in the Magnesium Country, even if the God of War Bloodstain and their guilds finally teamed up with the players and NPCs in the Magnesium Country, they still failed to defeat us."

"It must be known that there are people beyond people, and there is heaven beyond the sky." Wang Shuang shook his head speechlessly.

"This sentence is not bad, but it is for individuals." Long Teng Xingchen said again at this time: "I admit that if it is about technology, I may not be ranked in the top [-] in Huaxia District. But to In terms of overall guild strength, I can guarantee that our Longteng guild is the strongest."

At this moment, even Wang Shuang, who was sitting across the table, could clearly feel the self-confidence erupting from his body. It was completely inflated, the feeling emanating from a guy who thought he had reached the pinnacle of his life.

But this guy doesn't know that when the Longteng guild has expanded to the current level, the internal collapse has actually occurred.An invisible hand is depriving many people of benefits and pocketing vast sums of money.

Many players in the Longteng Guild have already complained, but Longteng Xingchen didn't realize it. They thought that they had reached the peak and were invincible throughout the ages. The next thing they had to do was to go out of the Huaxia District and go to the battlefield of the national war to prove themselves.

Do you want to remind him?No.Wang Shuang shook his head, what happened to the Soaring Dragon Guild is none of my business, and I'm not the vice president of the Soaring Dragon Guild, so it's better to wait and see how they change.

"So what are you looking for me for?" Wang Shuang asked, rubbing his temples wearily.

"I've already finished one. Congratulations on becoming the vice-chairman of Youyou Rose, and returning home with two beauties, Youyou Cangxue and Youyou Qianyao." Long Teng Xingchen said, waving his hand, and the others stood still. Several Longteng Guild players at the stairs applauded immediately.

Wang Shuang looked at them in bewilderment: "Why hug a beauty? Brother didn't do anything."

"Haha, you're still pretending, you have become the vice president of Gloomy Rose, and you have overshadowed the sky in the guild, will it be far behind when they hand over the command to you?" Long Teng Liuguang laughed loudly.

"Hand over the command?" Wang Shuang was a little confused.

"It seems that you didn't realize it yourself." Long Teng Qingming also smiled at this time with a relaxed face. Seeing Wang Shuang's Miao Guang cast over, he did not hide it, but explained it to Wang Shuang in a serious manner. Said: "Now you are in the guild of Dark Rose, do you take care of all the big and small things with one hand, and you also bring various dungeons of Dark Rose, spend gold coins to explode equipment, and indulge in life?"

Wang Shuang nodded without hesitation, and then asked, "Is this strange? I want to develop a guild. Isn't it normal to bring my own guild members to do so?"

"It's nothing strange." Long Teng Qingming shook his head, and then asked: "But when you are doing things so actively, what are You An Cangxue and You An Qianyao doing?"

Wang Shuang thought for a while, and replied: "They will play dungeons with me, serve as one of the team's output, and help manage the guild when I have no spare energy."

"When you have no spare energy..." Long Teng Qingming laughed even more happily, and continued to ask: "Then when you beat the boss, did some players pay attention to them, and think that it is possible for them to beat the difficult dungeon this time?" Part of the credit?"

"This... probably not."

"When you walked along the way, killing bosses one by one, and sweeping the entire mob, didn't everyone focus on you? Cheering for you when you pushed down the boss, and cheering for you when you exploded your equipment. Claiming to praise you... do they look like two supporting roles who have nothing to do with themselves, and have become a bit dispensable?"


"That's it." Long Teng Qingming clapped his hands and said consolingly: "This is the truth, I believe that before long, the president and vice president of Gloomy Rose will be useless and lose their due prestige and dignity. When your opinions differ, everyone will listen to you, not the two presidents."

"Wang Shuang." Long Teng Xingchen also said at this time: "Qing Ming is right, this is not a small problem, if the prestige is added to you, I am afraid that after a while, they will also start to realize their situation, and then Due to the discussion pressure of the members of the guild below, I gave up the position of general manager to you."

"Discuss pressure?" Wang Shuang's pupils shrank, and he repeated.

"It's like when I was young, when the class was selecting study committee members, didn't they all let the ones who were better at studying? Even if they weren't number one, they should be recognized by everyone as having better grades. But You An Cangxue and You An Qianyao, Now it is equivalent to two students who have sat on the position of study committee members, but their grades are almost at the bottom every time. How can such a study committee member be convinced?"

"..." Wang Shuang was completely silent, because he seemed to understand the meaning of Longteng Xingchen and Longteng Qingming.It turned out that it wasn't just the Longteng guild, where Wang Shuang couldn't see, there were also some small problems in the dark rose.

That's right, this is just a small problem, as long as it is dealt with properly as soon as possible...


At this time, Wang Shuang's friend list dinged, and Wang Shuang couldn't help being taken aback, a bad premonition welled up in his heart.He opened the friend list and saw that this private chat was sent by You An Qianyao.

"Wang Shuang, I can't take it anymore. I can't solve all their problems. Things have become a mess. Now they are all calling for you to come forward. Please come back quickly. I think if you don't come back, people in our guild will die." They're all gone."

"What?" Wang Shuang's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly replied: "There's nothing I can't do, Qianyao, you need to try it out, after all, I didn't pull those players into the guild, but you, didn't you? The 10 people were all drawn into the Dark Rose Lord's Association one by one by you, and now when they are making trouble, you can do whatever you want."

"However, although they were drawn into the guild by us, they didn't come for us. They only saw you in this guild, so they came here for you. If you don't have your name, I guess we are very Generally, no, maybe even the guilds formed by those school students themselves are stronger than us."

"How could it be?" Wang Shuang frowned again, typing on the keyboard quickly: "Besides me, you also have other advantages, for example, you are well-known beauties. A lot of people will come at one o’clock.”

"Famous female players... Heh, that's all we have left. In the final analysis, except for this, we are basically no different from ordinary small guilds. No, we are even worse than ordinary guilds."

Wang Shuang stared blankly at the screen, realizing that he might have said something wrong.

"Let's do this first, are you busy? I won't bother you anymore, I will find a way to solve it on the guild side." You An Qianyao made a waved expression, and suddenly added: "I will definitely find a solution, absolute."

Wang Shuang looked at the dialogue window worriedly, his mouth was so bitter that he couldn't speak for a moment.

"Finished?" Seeing Wang Shuang close the chat window, Long Teng Xingchen raised his eyelids and asked happily.

"How is it? Sure enough, we were right." Bei Jianzhu snorted proudly and asked.

"Jian Zhu, don't talk about it." Long Teng Liuguang glanced at Wang Shuang, then turned to Long Teng Xingchen: "Leader, let's continue, the first thing has just been finished."

"Yeah." Long Teng Xingchen nodded: "The second thing is nothing, I just want to explain to you that you received a strange red-level mission back then, but I actually gave it to you."

"What?" Wang Shuang was taken aback again, and asked in disbelief.

"Yes, it's me, I took over the task from the princess of the human race, and then activated the talent and transferred it to you." Long Teng Xingchen said, with the corners of his mouth raised upwards: "Also, the task given to you in this way You can’t refuse the task, and the reward you get for completing the task is only half of the normal reward!”

"Fuck, it turned out to be your bastard." Wang Shuang suddenly remembered that when he completed the mission, the final reward of the mission was much less than that of a branch completed before. strategy.

It's a pity that Wang Shuang didn't understand at the time, and didn't see anything, but what Long Teng Xingchen didn't expect was that in order to complete this task, Wang Shuang actually involved foreign human and undead players, and the reward was halved The effect also cheated them by the way.

"Then what then." After calming down, Wang Shuang thought for a while, and then asked, "Are you telling me this now just to mock me?"

"Of course not, I want to ask you, before you go to see the king of the Lion Heart Kingdom, do you want to contact Her Royal Highness the Princess of the Lion Heart Kingdom?" Long Teng Xingchen's eyes became deep, and asked: "If you have What tasks need to be completed, with the help of the princess, maybe it will be easier."

Wang Shuang was shocked when he heard the words, but he couldn't believe it: "You guys are really so kind to help me?"

"It's not free." Long Teng Xingchen shook his head, drank the cocktail in front of him, and said with a slightly flushed face, "Actually, we also need your help with something."

Wang Shuang said, "What's the matter?"

"We also need to see His Royal Highness, the reason is the same as yours, and it is also a mission." Long Teng Xingchen sighed and said: "If it weren't for Her Royal Highness, she would not be able to take us to see His Royal Highness for no reason, and I don't need to ask you for help .”

"No problem." Wang Shuang agreed without much thought.

"When are you going to visit His Royal Highness the King of the Lionheart Kingdom?" Long Teng Xingchen asked.

"Just now."

"Understood." Long Teng Xingchen nodded, and the others got up together, Long Teng Xingchen waved his hand and said: "Then let's go to Her Royal Highness first."

A few people walked out of the tavern and went outside, and there was a faint smell of blood.Wang Shuang suddenly remembered the skeleton hand who had just led him, and turned to Long Teng Xingchen and said, "Aren't you afraid to provoke the dissatisfaction of the princess and the king of the Lionheart Kingdom?"

"This is not a follower." Long Teng Xingchen said with a relaxed smile, "This is the dead who passed away thousands of years ago..."

Millennium ago?Wang Shuang's heart skipped a beat.

(End of this chapter)

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