It's time to play online

Chapter 422 Request Denied

Chapter 422 Request Denied

When Wang Shuang wanted to ask more questions, Long Teng Xingchen kept his mouth shut.He smiled and looked at Wang Shuang, not because he really thought it was something to be happy about, but because Wang Shuang had a depressed expression on his face.

"Not much gossip, let's go to Her Royal Highness first." Long Teng Xingchen said.

Wang Shuang nodded without thinking about it.

At [-]:[-] p.m., they found one of the few surviving NPCs in the stables of Qiushui City, and then several empty carriages set off from Qiushui City. Inside the compartment.

The members of Longteng didn't mind Wang Shuang's presence, and started to deal with their own affairs while opening their mailboxes.Wang Shuang found that although the expressions on their faces were relaxed, and their eyes stayed on the emails for a while, their fingers moved very quickly, their eyes swept away, and then they passed the emails with a swipe.

The carriage swayed slightly, bouncing up and down from time to time as it bumped into the sharp stones buried deep in the ground.The speed of the carriage is not much faster than the player's walking, but the NPC has mastered some hidden paths. According to the player's words, after taking these paths, the NPC will suddenly appear on a map far away, which is the same as teleportation. Pretty much the same.

Soon, the carriage arrived at its destination, and a group of people got out of the carriage, and a unique and spacious compound appeared in front of them.

"Let's go, it's Junkuo City from now on." As Longteng Xingchen said, he didn't forget to explain: "Junkuo City, this is where most of our Longteng Guild's branches develop, and it's also our recent strategic focus. .”

"Have you mastered the three NPC towns of the Lionheart Kingdom?" Wang Shuang couldn't help being taken aback, and then hurriedly asked.

"That's not true." Long Teng Liuguang shook his head: "We always have to eat one bite at a time. The place of sleeping and waking up is too far away from here. I'm afraid it will take some time for the army of undead to arrive here."

Wang Shuang looked at them in bewilderment.A few people walked out of the yard, and the outside was indeed like what the members of the Longteng Guild said, it was a strange town to Wang Shuang, Junkuo City.

Walking on the streets of the city, to Wang Shuang's surprise, all the people coming and going on the streets were players from the Longteng Guild.

Yes, all of them, a single person or players from other guilds can't see it.

Wang Shuang felt like he was in a den of thieves, and he was a little uncertain.But they soon came to the professional tutor club, which made Wang Shuang slightly relieved.

Walking into an office on the third floor, pushing open the door, a girl of about eighteen or nineteen years old stood by the window, leaning sideways on the window sill, her eyelids half drooped, holding a rose in her hand, and rubbing it gently with her fingers. pinch.

But she was wearing a heavy armor that didn't match her frail appearance, and she was also carrying a long sword on her back.The hilt is curved, and a golden crescent moon is inlaid on the hilt like a gem.

Wang Shuang's spirit perked up slightly, and what made him a little concerned was that when the NPC looked over, it actually made him feel a kind of pressure, as if the girl in front of him was not an eighteen or nineteen-year-old girl, but an experienced girl. The general of all battles.

And her name was written on her head—Eternal Sun—Alicia Jerrylu.

"My filial and capable student, what's the point of coming to me today?" Seeing Wang Shuang and the others coming in, her expression didn't fluctuate at all. She glanced at them and then continued to look out the window. Knead the rose's green rhizome, and the downy thorns on the rose are ravaged and fall off.

"Mentor." Long Teng Xingchen took a step forward, stood in front of everyone and said, "We are going to His Royal Highness today, I hope you can help us say a few words in front of His Highness."

"What's the reason?" She turned her head and looked at Longteng Xingchen. Her oval-like face was pure white, and there was no trace of flaws at all: "When my father is busy, I can't see him." To him—by the way, I haven’t seen my father in over 100 days.”

"This time, His Highness the King took the initiative to call him, so we won't miss him." Long Teng Xingchen said with a confident smile on his face, shaking his head.

"Huh? Are you the adventurer?" Hearing this, Alicia turned to Wang Shuang, opened her eyes completely, and looked a little more serious than before: "If you come, you will indeed have a chance to meet my father." Well, in this case, I will have a reason to lead the way and go in with you."

"It would be great to be able to help the princess order." Wang Shuang said politely immediately.

"Adventurers are quite good at talking." Alicia immediately threw away the rose whose petals were almost wiped out in her hand, walked from the window, glanced at a few people and hummed softly: "Let's go, see you soon." According to my father, this time is just right."


Without much trouble, Wang Shuang and others soon appeared at the gate of the main city of the Lionheart Kingdom, which is the city of order and watch.

Alicia seemed to be very familiar with the road, and immediately persuaded the two guards at the door, and got a strange-looking token from the two guards, and then brought Wang Shuang to ask for a few from the Longteng Guild Players who have not reached level 80 have entered the city of law and order.

The layout of the City of Order and Watch is actually the same as the previous Waves City. It is divided into the upper city, the lower city, the dock, and the expatriate area. The functional areas are well-organized, and various buildings have sprung up.When they entered through the city gate, they entered the lower city directly, while the palace was in the upper city.

why?Wang Shuang couldn't help being very surprised. The elves said that the human race copied their ideas and opened the upper city and the lower city. Then why did the elves set their main city in the lower city and the human race in the upper city?
While Wang Shuang was thinking, Alicia had no intention of stopping.Although the main city of the first level is large, its content is similar to that of ordinary towns. It is a place for NPCs to live and work in peace.

Walking through the streets of the city of order and watch with ease, they came to the upper city, and soon, they appeared at the gate of the palace.

"Go in, the time is just right." Alicia looked back at Wang Shuang and said in front.

Several people followed Alicia into the palace. This is a place that is countless times larger than the elves' palace. The gray stone carving still made Wang Shuang feel dizzy.Through a windowed corridor, the midday sun streamed on the ground like quicksilver.

It wasn't that there was no sound at all in the palace. Just next to the corridor Wang Shuang passed through, there was a tone as if someone was arguing. The impassioned voice made Wang Shuang suspect that they were giving a speech.But the voice quickly disappeared, followed by a low whisper.

Walking through a corner, a door in front of the corner was pushed open. Several servants skillfully carried a plate in both hands, and put another on their head, and then walked out of the room one by one in a line. , with their backs to Wang Shuang, they quickly went away.

"They are my father's close servants." Alicia stopped and explained when she saw a few people in a daze, "They have been servants of the royal family for more than ten years. They also practiced for a long time before they fully mastered it. After all, father would not allow a guy who is not even proficient in handling fruits to stay here."

"Uh, by the way, Your Highness, why did you go outside the main city to be a professional mentor?" Wang Shuang looked at Alicia: "Not to mention anything else, it's strange just to let you leave his side , Aren’t other princesses staying in the palace?”

The other person Wang Shuang mentioned was of course Evelyn.

Although the latter finally found a way to sneak out, this is still different from being a professional mentor outside all year round.

Hearing Wang Shuang's question, Alicia's face was obviously a little melancholy, then she shook her head, pouted forward and said, "Stop talking about that, let's follow quickly, they are going far away."

A few mermaids ran through the corridor, and everyone was a little silent along the way, because there is always a busy rhythm in this palace.The noise in the ear rang from time to time, and then quickly became a low voice, as if all the arguments and questions were answered in an instant.

It's too fast, the rhythm here is so fast that people can't breathe. After going around a corridor again, a long red carpet appears on the ground, and there are heavily armed soldiers standing on both sides of the corridor. Look at their ranks. Everyone is a level [-] red, holding a spear with a bright red tip in his hand, his face is completely covered by a huge iron mask, and his face cannot be seen.

Alicia seemed to have adapted to this scene a long time ago, walked up with her head held high, and smashed the token she just got from the guard at the gate of the city on the chest of a certain soldier, and the soldier quickly took the token. The token, glanced down, then lightly tossed it back to Alicia.

Alicia stretched out her hand to pinch the red ribbon of the token, shook it twice, and then turned her head to call Long Teng Xingchen and others to follow.

Soon, the guards in the entire corridor were also left behind by a few people. At this time, slowly unfolding in front of everyone was a blue-gold gate carved with dragons and phoenixes.A radiant hall appeared in front of everyone. Stepping into the hall, ministers in different costumes stood on both sides. A somewhat lazy man sat on a high platform and glanced at Alicia who walked in, his gaze was like lightning.

"I brought the adventurer who helped guard the sword hunting level, and a few companions." Alicia also raised her head and looked at the man above.

"Okay, Alicia." The man nodded and said, "You have to know that a professional mentor can't leave his post for too long, and it's still working time—"

"Every time you see father, you wish to drive me away." Alicia pouted a little aggrieved when she heard the words, and said depressedly.

"Hello, adventurer." The man on the high platform suddenly stood up, glanced at Long Teng Xingchen and the others, his gaze quickly stopped on Wang Shuang, and slowly walked down the steps of the high platform: "The King of Eternity -Wilga Jerry. Is Alicia's father and the king of the Lionheart Kingdom."

"Hello, Your Majesty the King." Wang Shuang replied with some embarrassment.

When Wang Shuang spoke, Wilga had already walked down from the high platform and came to Wang Shuang, looked at him with some seriousness, and finally nodded lightly: "Very good, you are worthy of being an adventurer of our Lionheart Kingdom You are an outstanding genius. Alicia, your vision has improved a lot compared to before, and I am very gratified that you can actually entrust the mission of the guardian to a truly capable person."

Alicia and Long Teng Xingchen looked embarrassed at the same time, and then Alicia stuck out her tongue lightly, not daring to meet Wilga's eyes, but lowered her head deeply.

"Then adventurer." Wilga's eyes returned to Wang Shuang, becoming solemn and solemn: "I heard that when you passed by the elves, you also saved their elves' royal family by the way?"

"Yes." Wang Shuang's scalp tingled, he didn't know whether this sentence was a compliment or a question, so he had to bite the bullet and affirm it.Anyway, the other party is backed by the master of the system, even if I want to deny it, I will be exposed immediately.

"Good job." To Wang Shuang's relief, Wilga just nodded and didn't mean to blame Wang Shuang.

"His Royal Highness is amazing." Wang Shuang said, seeing Wilga as if he was waiting for something, he was slightly taken aback, then suddenly realized that he still had a task to do, and said quickly: "His Royal Highness, actually my side There's always something that needs to be clarified."

"What's the matter." Wilga's face moved slightly, was he really waiting for his brother to trigger the plot?
Immediately, Wang Shuang didn't hide it, and told everyone what happened on the Sighing Islands in front of everyone.After Wilga listened to everything, he groaned, but nodded lightly and said, "I see."

"Understood?" Wang Shuang was stunned for a moment, seeing Wilga turning his head and preparing to go back, he couldn't help but stepped forward and said, "Don't you want to do something? For example, they didn't do what they had to do before clearing the Dragon Lan Legion. Help them regain the glory they deserve."

"Refused." Wilga paused, turned his back to Wang Shuang and said something, and then slowly stepped up the steps.

"I wipe?" Wang Shuang couldn't help but was taken aback again.What's going on here, for the sake of helping him defend the sword hunting level this time, I should help my brother no matter what.What's more, this kind of thing shouldn't be difficult for His Royal Highness the king of a kingdom. Isn't it just an announcement to let the people of the Lionheart Kingdom know that the Long Lan Legion was actually entrapped and turned into Long Lan pirates? Is it group?

Could it be that the favorability is not enough?Wang Shuang suddenly thought of this, and his heart trembled: Is it necessary to slowly increase the favorability of His Royal Highness the King of the Lion Heart Kingdom?But apart from being able to get along with His Highness the King, what else can I do?

Fuck it, it's cheating.Just when Wang Shuang's egg was hurting, Long Teng Xingchen stepped forward and said, "His Royal Highness, we also have something to report to you."

(End of this chapter)

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