It's time to play online

Chapter 425 Next Special Case

Chapter 425 The Next Special Case

Came downstairs, took the elevator, and watched the elevator go up all the way, Wang Shuang suddenly felt that his thoughts were a little strange.Obviously the other party was the Longteng guild, even if Wang Shuang cheated them, he probably wouldn't feel anything. Anyway, it wasn't the first time they cheated Wang Shuang.

Hey, no matter what, since it's something I voluntarily agreed to, it's always not good to backtrack.

Thinking this way, Wang Shuang rushed out after the elevator door opened, found his own door, and just took out the key, Jiang Jige opened the door from the inside.

"Sister Ji?" Wang Shuang was taken aback, because Jiang Jige's face was covered with tears, and when he saw Wang Shuang, he jumped up with a wow.

"Don't cry, don't cry, what happened to me...?" Wang Shuang asked quickly.

"You've been away for too long. I thought something happened to you. I called 110, 120, 119 and 10086." Jiang Jige said while weeping.

"Wait, let's forget about 110 and 120. What's going on with 119 and 10086?" Wang Shuang couldn't help but help his forehead in a very speechless manner. Seeing Jiang Jige's bewildered expression, he sighed secretly and stretched out his hand and said, "I'm fine." Now, give me your phone first, and I'll apologize to others first."

"Yes." Jiang Jige nodded, and obediently handed over his mobile phone.

"Wang Shuang, did I do something wrong to cause you trouble?" Seeing Wang Shuang heaved a sigh of relief and hung up the last call, Jiang Jige asked weakly.

"It's okay." Wang Shuang shook his head and said, "I feel a little flattered that you can do this. I thought you would stay at home obediently and wait foolishly. If something really happened to me, then you Everything you've done just now has been a big help."

"En." Jiang Jige wiped the corners of his eyes, and walked away from Wang Shuang's chest, his eyes were still a little red.

For a while, Wang Shuang didn't know what to say, and stared at Jiang Jige at a close distance, suddenly felt that life was a bit comfortable, even if the Longteng Guild was already in a hurry, Wang Shuang had no intention of rushing over there immediately.

"Wang Shuang." At this moment, Jiang Jige suddenly called out to him softly.

"What's the matter?" Wang Shuang asked.

"I, I have something to... want to talk about." Jiang Jige said with some coyness.

"Huh?" Wang Shuang was taken aback for a moment, looking at the other party's awkward expression, he couldn't help being surprised, and then quickly asked, "You don't plan to stay with me any longer?"

"That's not the case." She waved her hand hastily.

"What's the matter? Why did you become so serious all of a sudden?" Wang Shuang couldn't help wondering.

"Yes, yes..." Jiang Jige's voice was too high for a verse, and he repeated it twice, and then his tone gradually weakened, and even slowly faded away.

"It's okay, if you have anything to say, you can say it later." Seeing her like this, Wang Shuang didn't say anything, but just reached out and rubbed her head: "Some things, let's say it when the time comes, before that , Just keep the previous state.”

"Yeah." Jiang Jige's face was blank for a moment, then he nodded and responded softly.

"Are you all right, I'm going back to continue playing games."

"Well, let's go."

Seeing Wang Shuang hurried back to the room, Jiang Jige suddenly stopped him: "Wang Shuang, come on, you must participate in the next professional league."

"Hehe, I see, I'll go if you don't tell me." Wang Shuang waved his back to her and said.

Then Wang Shuang quickly put on the helmet and started the game.The surrounding images gradually became clearer.Then there were a few ding ding ding... Several emails came to Wang Shuang's mailbox.

Not only that, Wang Shuang's friend list was also buzzing, Wang Shuang felt a deep pain in the egg, looked around, there was no player around.

What about the members of the Longteng Guild, could it be that my brother came too late, so they went straight in to spawn monsters?

Wang Shuang opened his friend list, and quickly saw the messages from the top guys. First of all, Longteng Liuguang asked him what happened and why he hadn't been online. The time was 18:58.

Next came Long Teng Xingchen: "Wang Shuang, something happened to me at night, and the event was canceled. I'm sorry, I'll make an appointment with you tomorrow, I'm sorry."

The words were full of guilt and self-blame, Wang Shuang couldn't help being slightly taken aback, staring blankly at the other party's message for a while.

What's going on here, there was an accident on my brother's side, did he just happen to have an accident like this?

Fuck, then it's not like he cheated them, but he is sorry for his brother?

Wang Shuang, who had figured this out, couldn't help laughing up to the sky.

Now that there is no business on the side of the Longteng Guild, Wang Shuang simply returned to Qiushui City all the way, and then planned to take a carriage from Qiushui City back to Saiyan City, and then set off from Saiyan City to go to the Sighing Islands to see Look.

But when Wang Shuang was still in the carriage, there was a sudden ding, and Wang Shuang's friend list was shocked again.When I opened it, it was a guy I had never seen before who wanted to add him.

Do you agree?Of course I refused, how could a guy as cold as my brother let ordinary players harass him casually?
Wang Shuang swiped the request casually, and then glanced at the window of the guild channel intentionally or unintentionally.For some reason, the guild chat channel is very hot today.

Wang Shuang opened the chat channel that he usually doesn't open, looked through the chat records, and couldn't help being a little surprised: because everyone was discussing, it turned out to be a player who had just been dragged into the guild by You An Cangxue himself.And why does this guy look so familiar? If you take a closer look, damn it, isn't this the guy my brother rejected just now?
Wang Shuang didn't know the relationship between this person and You An Cangxue, but he suddenly felt embarrassed.After thinking for a while, Wang Shuang still found the name Youyou Cangxue in the friend list, knocked on the other person's profile picture and asked, "Cangxue, what is the relationship between you and this guy you pulled into the guild just now?"

"It's okay, it's okay!" However, Wang Shuang was a little confused by the other party's answer.

"It doesn't matter, why did you pull the other party in yourself?"

The dark Cangxue was silent for three or four seconds, and then Wang Shuang suddenly saw a small window vibrating, which was a sign of voice communication.

Wang Shuang clicked to agree, and then on the other side, the somewhat sweet voice of You Ya Cangxue soon came, but at this time the voice sounded a little more melancholy: "Wang Shuang, that is actually our company's He also started playing this game recently, and insisted on joining our guild as an official, I have no choice..."

"Oh?" Wang Shuang raised his eyebrows, and then asked: "So, if that guy can manage the guild, it's okay to give him a half-time job."

"No, I don't think he will..."

"Why? If it's someone from your company, I think he should be a little capable. Just put him in a suitable position."

"Actually, he joined our company through a relationship, and it was also because of a relationship. I couldn't refuse him." You An Cangxue couldn't help but smiled wryly.

"So, is he a guy who has no ability, can't manage the guild, and can't play games?" Wang Shuang asked.

"I don't know how to play games. After all, he hasn't played for long, but he probably can't keep up with the strength of mainstream players in a short time."

"That's it, do you still want to get an official position in our guild through relatives?" Wang Shuang couldn't help but sneered, and said coldly: "Tell him, this is not their company. Complete the tasks step by step, work hard to clear monsters and do the tasks, and improve your own strength before talking about other things. If you want to pass the relationship, please let him go, our guild does not have any relationship."

"But, but it's hard for me to do this." You An Cangxue couldn't help but said in pain: "And he was appointed by my father... Forget it, let's not talk about this disturbing thing, I will give him a vain job, so is it okay."

"It's free, after all, you are the president of the guild, and I'm the vice president." Wang Shuang said casually.

"Wang Shuang..." However, the dark Cangxue suddenly sighed softly: "Actually, sometimes I wonder if I should get down from this position."

"What do you mean?"

"That is to say, if I were the president of a small guild, or the boss of a studio, I think my ability is still capable. But to manage such a large guild... I don't think I'm good at it. "

Wang Shuang's eyebrows twitched fiercely, thinking of what Long Teng Xingchen said before, his face became a little melancholy.

"If you don't become the boss, Luoxue, I don't think it's interesting." Wang Shuang sighed lightly, looked up at the sky and said, "This guild and subordinates are not what I want, and I don't play games to pursue these things."

"Then why did you play the game in the first place?" You An Cangxue asked briskly after changing the subject.

"At that time, I probably felt that I lost my job and my life was not going my way. Then I happened to see the game Star Wish was released, and there were flyers for salary members all over the street. I came here as soon as my brain got hot. I didn't expect to join a studio at the beginning. , Disbanded when I first entered the game, and within two days of playing the game, I met you."

"So I wasn't the first to come, but I was the luckiest."

"Hehe, be it." Wang Shuang said with a smile: "It was really unlucky at that time. It took a day and a night to swipe a map, but even if I burned myself so hard, I couldn't explode a piece of equipment. It was so depressing that I was about to die.”

"Speaking of which, what happened to you after that, such a big reversal of luck." You An Cangxue asked suddenly.

Wang Shuang couldn't help jumping in his heart, and then quickly fell silent.

Should I tell her?

Wang Shuang felt a little strange in his heart, because he had decided to keep the secret about talent when he was chased and questioned by Bei Jianzhu at the very beginning.If other people know about Wang Shuang's talent, he will definitely attract the coveted attention of many players. Not to mention anything else, just the fact that he has a high probability of dropping a lot of top-quality equipment when he dies is enough to drive ordinary players crazy.

But You An Cangxue is not someone else, but she helped him in his most difficult time. For Wang Shuang, the meaning is like a new life.If he didn't get Luoxue Qianli's help at that time, Wang Shuang might just delete his account and stop playing.In order to continue the fate with Luo Xueqianli, Wang Shuang at that time decisively cut off all his thoughts of giving up, even if he was extremely unlucky, he gritted his teeth and walked up step by step.

The equipment is not good, can't beat ordinary monsters?Wang Shuang went to hunt monsters whose levels were much lower than his own. At first, Wang Shuang, who was one or two levels lower, could easily deal with them. At level 2728, Wang Sang even started to go back and brush monsters five levels lower than himself.

Brushing low-level monsters, not to mention the experience points gained, and the ratio of gaining experience is not 100? ? ?At that time, even if Wang Shuang wanted to move his experience bar visibly to the naked eye, it would take half a day of effort.

If you can't fight monsters, you can do tasks. For those tasks that can be done repeatedly, such as running errands, Wang Shuang will complete them every day, just like a classmate who is eager to help the teacher with homework after class every day.Thinking back on that diligent drive now, even I admire myself a little.

So, should we tell her now, and will there be any consequences after telling her?Would it bother her?
"It's okay, Wang Shuang, just pretend that I didn't ask anything just now." The dark Cangxue's voice suddenly came, interrupting Wang Shuang's train of thought.

What's wrong?Why do you have to be so cautious about your own talent now?Wang Shuang was startled suddenly. Hearing the other party's somewhat decadent tone, he felt a pain in his heart. He directly opened his skill panel, took a screenshot of the Talent of Fortune, and sent it to You Yin Cangxue.

There was silence, and after three or four seconds, Youyan Cangxue replied, "Wang Shuang, what is this, I don't seem to understand it."

Wang Shuang: "..."

After explaining to You An Cangxue for a long time, the other party suddenly realized, and at the same time, his tone became a little admiring: "I didn't expect it, Wang Shuang didn't expect it to be like this."

"Yeah, the negative 10 points of luck before made me doubt my life, but times come and go, and sometimes things change so quickly and so suddenly." Wang Shuang comforted a few words with a smile, and then became a little more serious He said: "So, if you don't stick to some things, how do you know that the future will not be full of spring and flowers, singing and dancing?"

"A special case like yours should only happen to you..."

"Yes, I am the only one who turned from extremely unlucky to extremely lucky in one breath." Wang Shuang let out a long breath, held himself back for a long time, and said what he wanted to say all the time. Said: "Then, if I am a special case to help our guild, will our guild also become the next special case?"

(End of this chapter)

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