It's time to play online

Chapter 426 The Strange Fisherman

Chapter 426 The Strange Fisherman
"I think you can do it." An expression of joy gradually appeared on the dark Cang Xue's face, like a farmer who has been in drought for a long time, or like a fisherman seeing a lighthouse in a sea of ​​fog, and happily agreed.

"Go and get busy." You An Cangxue said, paused for a moment, then suddenly said: "Wang Shuang, I want to ask you something."

"What's the matter?" Wang Shuang said.

"Do you remember my name?"

"Gloom... no, are you talking about reality?"


Wang Shuang blurted out almost subconsciously: "Su Wuxue, right?"

"That's right." She sounded more joyful, as if she had just eaten honey, and her clear and sweet laughter flowed through Wang Shuang's heart like a cool spring.

"Didn't I change my ID recently? It's always weird to hear you call me a new name. But I think no matter how I change my ID in the future, my name will never change, so I hope you can Can you just call me by my name, Wang Shuang?"

"Oh, yes, it's not too difficult." Wang Shuang agreed with a smile, paused, and called softly, "Miss Su Wuxue...?"

"Remove the last name, and don't add strange suffixes."

" snow?"

"Hmm, call twice more to listen?"

"No snow, no snow."

"Haha, you're so good." Su Wuxue couldn't help laughing after being teased: "You always make me feel warm when you call me that, as if you are not a friend in the game, but a big brother in reality. Well, you should be busy now, hurry up, I'm going to brush up the dungeon too."

"Well, goodbye then." Wang Shuang guessed that the other party heard the bell of his carriage arriving at the destination, so he hurriedly ended the call, and immediately cut off the communication without being pretentious. .

After getting off the carriage, Wang Shuang entered Saiyan City, and then came to the pier, found his long-useless boat and headed to the Sighs Islands.

On the Bounty Island of the Sighing Islands, Wang Shuang saw the God of War Qingfeng and the God of War Baiyu, whom he had not seen for a long time. The two first gave Wang Shuang a big bear hug, and then brought Wang Shuang to Heifengling.

It was the familiar Heifeng Mountain again. Wang Shuang remembered that there was a copy of Heifengling in Kongseting Village before.But this time, God of War Qingfeng and God of War Bai Yu brought Wang Shuang here obviously not to let Wang Shuang review the previous history.

"Isn't this the way to the Heifengling dungeon?" On the way, Wang Shuang couldn't help wondering, looking at the familiar terrain and the only path shown on the map.

Indeed, Heifengling is ahead. If the two of them continue to bring him forward, they will go to the Heifengling dungeon.

"It's indeed a dungeon to Heifengling." War God Qingfeng killed a squirrel with a sword, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and picked up the pine fluff that burst out.

"Are you sure?" Wang Shuang couldn't help but widen his eyes, and asked with some doubts: "It's the Heifengling, level 35 dungeon, the one with the tiger suit?"

"That's it, but the purpose of our trip this time is not to clear the dungeon." Bai Yu, the god of war, said, also swung two swords, slashed at a rabbit, and the rabbit passed out.Although God of War Baiyu is mainly a life player based on the skills of the queen, as a guild member of the God of War Alliance, he still has a little fighting ability.

"Is there any value in this dungeon that can be explored?" Wang Shuang followed them in confusion, watching the two keep swiping the tickets to enter the dungeon, wondering.

Now, the three of them have collected the tickets to enter the dungeon, and came to the entrance of the Heifengling dungeon.The old man who chopped firewood was waiting here as usual. According to Wang Shuang's memory, after gathering all the materials, he can be exchanged for the book on strengthening the body.But now that several of Wang Shuang's followers have cultivated physical attributes, naturally there is no need to do so.

"Let's go, enter the dungeon." War God Qingfeng patted Wang Shuang on the shoulder, and the three of them quickly entered the dungeon with Wang Shuang as the captain.

When choosing the difficulty, Wang Shuang glanced at Qingfeng, the god of war, and the latter said without hesitation: "Choose red. We have all changed jobs now, and it is more than 30-40 levels higher than the dungeon. Are you afraid that there will be red?" Doesn’t it make a grade monster?”

"Oh, then I choose." Wang Shuang looked at the red light ball, put his palm on the light ball, and then lightly grasped it, the light of the other light balls dimmed instantly, only Wang Shuang The red light in the hand faintly leaked from the fingers.


System prompt: You lose x5 squirrel fur, x5 rabbit fur, and x5 wolf mane.You entered the dungeon "Black Wind Ridge-Blue-LV35", you are currently level 67, and the experience value you gained in the dungeon is -95? ? ?The experience value that can be obtained by killing the BOSS is the original 5?

Hehe, although a lot of experience has been deducted, it turns out that there is not much.The scene changed, the three of them entered the copy, and then looked around.

Same as Wang Shuang's previous visits, the surrounding area is surrounded by black pine forests all over the mountains and plains, almost covering the sky, the forest is full of black pine cones that no one cares about, and there is something vaguely walking not far away. There was a stumbling sound, and two howling wolves could be heard from time to time.

"Let's go, Luanshihe started." God of War Qingfeng waved his hand, and God of War Bai Yu led the way.

Wang Shuang glanced at the black pine cones all over the ground, and couldn't help shouting: "Hey, if you want to cross the chaotic river, you have to pick up black pine cones, otherwise the fisherman won't give us..."

"Pick up a few, and go." War God Qingfeng directly grabbed Wang Shuang's hand and walked forward.

"Uh, don't you want to pick it up? That black wolf hair..."

"A few hairs, we didn't plan to cross the river by boat." The God of War Bai Yu also imitated the tone of the God of War Qingfeng.

Wang Shuang couldn't help being speechless, and the three of them came to the bank of Luanshi River, where the fisherman was waiting for them as early as before.Seeing several people coming forward, the fisherman said slowly: "Adventurers, if you want to cross the Luanshi River, please hand over five black pine cones and one black wolf hair to me."

"Fuck it." Qingfeng, the god of war, stopped and stared at the fisherman.

"Aren't you going to hand it in?" The fisherman's face darkened, and he pointed to the black pine forest behind them: "Look at the ground, there are all black pine cones, and those black wool wolves, to you, it shouldn't be a big deal." Formidable monster."

"Yes." Wang Shuang also nodded in agreement: "It's so close, and it's easy, we can finish it in a few seconds."

"In this case, why didn't the fisherman pick it up, but waited for us to pick it up?" Bai Yu, the god of war, said with a smile.

Wang Shuang couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, and just wanted to say that the level of the dungeon is not too low, so that ordinary players can reduce the difficulty a little.But Wang Shuang thought about it, it would be fine if the black wool wolf was difficult to fight, but the black pine nuts were not difficult to do, why didn't the fisherman pick them up by himself, instead he asked Wang Shuang and other players who came to play dungeons to go?
Thinking of this, Wang Shuang suddenly realized enough, and looked at the fisherman in front of him who was taking advantage of his face, and became more and more strange.Fuck, when I first came into contact with this dungeon, I was probably fooled by the tickets to enter the dungeon. I thought it was the same principle as the mission of sending letters. Now it seems that it has a lot of connotations?
"Adventurers, since you don't hand in the corresponding materials, then I can't send you across the rocky river." The fisherman handed the oar to the other hand, sat on the spot and looked lightly into the distance.

"Then I'll just borrow your boat and we'll go there by ourselves." As Qingfeng the God of War said, Wang Shuang suddenly felt a blur in front of his eyes, and then he saw Qingfeng the God of War stretching out his hand at an unexpected speed. As fast as lightning, it reached out to the fisherman's hand holding the oar.

However, Qingfeng, the god of war, failed to snatch the fisherman's oar in the end. This fisherman, no, his name on his head is slowly turning red, and in an instant, it has changed from a neutral yellow name to a hostile red name.

"Adventurers, you are looking for your own death. If I don't send you across the river, there will be no one else who can take you across this rocky river." The fisherman snorted coldly, and glanced at God of War Qingfeng and others from a distance, but did not come over. Instead of attacking him, he swiped the oars hard in the rocky river, and the boat was pushed out by this thrust.

"I wipe, let's go?" Wang Shuang watched the fisherman go away blankly, thought for a while, then called out Li Muxuan, pointed to the fisherman who was going away and asked: "That guy, I remember you before Do you know each other?"

"You mean Uncle Zhao?" Li Muxuan followed Wang Shuang's direction with her fingers and nodded, "I know him, what's the matter?"

"Who is he? Do you know his details, such as where his family is, how many people are in the family, what they do, and their occupation. He won't be a fisherman in this shitty place, right?" Wang Shuang suddenly thought of another thing: "By the way, the whole village of Kongseting Village has moved away. Why does he still stay here? Could it be possible that someone will come to take his boat?"

"I don't know..." Li Muxuan shook her head in a little confusion, looked at the fisherman who was going away, and said slowly: "Uncle Zhao used to be a member of Kongseting Village, but I don't know why. He doesn’t live in the village here, and when I can go out hunting alone, he will only be around here, helping passer-by adventurers across the river.”

"You two should know something?" Wang Shuang looked at Qingfeng and Baiyu, the God of War, and said, "You also forced this fisherman away, so what plans do you have going forward?"

"Yes, of course." War God Qingfeng nodded, drew out his long sword and looked at the fisherman, sneered and said, "Catch up with that guy and kill him."

"Nani?" Wang Shuang was taken aback when he heard the words, and Li Muxuan exclaimed even more, shaking her head again and again, "No, Uncle Zhao is an ordinary person, how can he use force against ordinary people?"

"Are you sure that guy is an ordinary person?" War God Qingfeng sneered very disdainfully, as if mocking Li Muxuan's ignorance: "Whether he is an ordinary person, I know better than you, because Bai Yu and I died last time In that guy's hand."

"Nani?" Wang Shuang was even more shocked when he heard the words. Looking at the two, he couldn't help asking: "You died at his hands? When did it happen?"

"A few days ago, we were going to collect tiger bones, and we were going to find a fisherman to exchange for pets, but at that time, we forgot the black pine cones in a hurry, and then that guy was very annoying, so we broke up with him directly gone."

"I thought it was no big deal at first, but who knew that the name on the guy's head turned red all of a sudden, and then he just rowed away. Bai Yu and I were dumbfounded for a while, and after we realized it, we rushed downstream , After finding that guy, we found that we couldn't beat him even if we teamed up."

"You teamed up, how far behind him?" Wang Shuang swallowed and asked involuntarily.

"The difference is too much, and it's not something that can be solved by upgrading to one or two levels." The God of War Bai Yu smiled bitterly, shaking his head again and again: "Of course, it may also be that my output ability is too poor, which dragged down the president's retreat."

"It's not your fault." War God Qingfeng shook his head: "Originally, this level 35 dungeon, even if it is a red level, it's okay. I'm already level 70 now, and the equipment on my body is considered first-class. It should be reasonable. It's easy to hang him, but the fact is, I feel that even without Bai Yu beside me, I have no power to fight back."

"Fuck, what a mouthful." Wang Shuang didn't know why, but suddenly felt very excited.What's the excitement, I didn't find the problem before, but now I found it, what's so exciting about it, and I didn't find it by myself!

Suddenly Wang Shuang was stunned again, looked at God of War Bai Yu and asked: "Ah, by the way, didn't you say you were looking for me about the blueprint? How do I look at this dungeon? It doesn't seem to have anything to do with the blueprint?"

"Oh, that's another matter, isn't it that the president has discovered this secret now?" God of War Bai Yu said.

"Don't talk about it." War God Qingfeng waved his hand, pointing to a small path on the edge of the black pine forest: "Let's catch up quickly, like last time, make a halfway interception, this time we must investigate this guy's details. Wang Shuang, do you have the confidence?"

"Well, don't worry." Wang Shuang glanced at the current time, it was already 55:07, he just arrived home at 30:[-], got off the carriage, walked to the pier of Saiyan City, and then took a boat to sigh On the Bounty Island of the archipelago, so much time has passed without knowing it.

After 5 minutes, Wang Shuang returned to the state of running from time to time. No matter how strong the boss is, it will be the same for Wang Shuang.

But, why, how could the system install such a powerful boss in such a weak dungeon?Even if the programmer is full and has nothing to do, it will take a lot of effort to design such a plot.

Wang Shuang suddenly thought of something, looked up, and saw a black mountain peak faintly flickering among the trees not far away. There was the peak of Heifeng Ridge, where Wang Shuang entered the dark world.

(End of this chapter)

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