It's time to play online

Chapter 428 Liuhua River Giant Beast

Chapter 428 Liuhua River Giant Beast

On the Luanshi River, Wang Shuang summoned all the followers he had just killed, and they came to the big bluestone in the lower reaches of the Luanshi River. Then Wang Shuang took out the Luanshihe map from his backpack and held it above his head. When it was about to be used, Bai Yu, God of War, couldn't help stopping Wang Shuang.

"What's wrong?" Wang Shuang asked.

"Well, can we really fight?" God of War Bai Yu asked timidly.

"How will you know if you don't try?" Wang Shuang shook his head: "Anyway, there is nothing to lose if you try, just try."

"That's right." War God Qingfeng also agreed with Wang Shuang's point of view: "Everything is like this. If you don't try it, you will never have a chance. Bai Yu, you should think the same way when you use my account in the future. Anyway, try those things. There is no loss in trying, why not try? If you fail, you will waste some time, but if you succeed, there will be unexpected rewards."

"Ah, yes." God of War Bai Yu nodded and said.

"I don't know if it's a pit or a reward." Wang Shuang unfolded the map of the Chaotic River in his hand, and the map instantly burst into dazzling light, swallowing up the entire Chaotic River around them.

There was a white light in front of them, only the gurgling sound of the rocky river was left in their ears, and they could vaguely hear the vortex not far away trying to spin.


A short system bell rang in the ears of several people, and then Wang Shuang felt that his feet were suddenly empty, and he fell downwards, rotating 360 degrees and falling, as if falling uncontrollably into an abyss.

The sound of the wind coming from the ear, the whistling of the friction of the airflow, and the scream of Evlani not far away were all very chaotic and distorted at this time, and they were passed into Wang Shuang's ears and turned into broken and incoherent noises.


After Wang Shuang's vision recovered, he saw a huge pool below him. The dark green water in the pool was a bit deep. It seemed that no one had repaired it for a long time. Wang Shuang could even see the moss on the edge of the pool. .

In the next second, Wang Shuang fell into the pool, and his sense of weightlessness quickly rubbed against the water flow on the surface of his body, and then slowly faded away until it disappeared.In the haze, Wang Shuang suddenly felt his finger was bitten by something.

"Ah?" Wang Shuang stretched out his hand in front of him for a closer look, and couldn't help but be stunned.A fish with a mouth full of fangs, which protruded from its mouth into the water, was staring at him.

——Iron scale piranha [violent] [King Kong] [strong body] (red-LV71): blood 1100000, physical attack 10300, physical defense 12600, physical resistance 30? ? ?magic attack 6600, magic defense 7900, magic resistance 30? ? ?Functions: normal attack, dark iron scales, powerful bite, aquatic creatures.

——Black Iron Scale: Whenever it is damaged by a physical attack, there will be 30? ? ?Reflect this damage 30? ? ?damage, and reduce the damage you receive by 15? ? ?When the black iron scale is triggered, the iron scale piranha will fall into a state of immobility and hold the gun.

——Strong Bite: Deal 2850 110?Deals damage from attacks and creates a wound that lasts for 300 seconds.When the powerful bite is released on the wounded unit, each layer of wounds will increase the damage of the powerful bite by 10? ? ?Every time Ironscale Piranha takes damage, the cooldown of Powerful Bite is reduced by 1 second to 15 seconds.

——Water creatures: when fighting in water, get 10? ? ?Speed ​​bonus and 50? ? ?Speed ​​bonus, and at the same time, the speed of self-blood recovery increased by 300? ? ?After leaving the water, remove all buffs from this skill and reduce it by 30? ? ?Defense and 30? ? ?Defense, the movement speed after leaving the water is reduced to the original 10?


Wang Shuang was slightly stunned after reading the attributes. Even if it was underwater, it didn't improve much. Even if my brother didn't pull this thing to the shore, it should be easy to solve.

But Wang Shuang soon found out that he was wrong. After the iron-scale piranha fish stared at his finger, a large number of iron-scale piranha fish appeared in the dark waters.That's right, a lot!At first glance, Wang Shuang was almost scared to pee on the spot: the iron-scale piranha almost covered the sky, sweeping over the sky and covering the earth, making Wang Shuang wave his hands involuntarily and rush towards the shore desperately.

Although Wang Shuang possesses such a heaven-defying skill, Wang Shuang has no doubts: he will be tortured to death by these piranhas, and will be killed in one bite when his talent cools down!

The reason is very simple, even if Wang Shuang is likened to a person who can be resurrected infinitely after death, he cannot be invincible.If the master of the system wants to kill him, there are still many ways, such as directly sinking Wang Shuang into the bottomless lava.Every time Wang Shuang was resurrected, he was immediately scalded to death by the magma around him. He could only be freed from the magma when he lost all his equipment and his talents entered the cooldown time.

This is really painful, Wang Shuang now feels that the cold pool water around him is like a piece of magma, making him desperately wave his hands and feet, trying to break free from the pool water quickly.

It's close, the water is close at hand!Wang Shuang suddenly felt his fingers tightened again. Looking back, he saw two iron-scaled piranhas biting his fingers again. Their mouths were full of fangs and they looked at him ferociously.

"Look at your paralysis." Wang Shuang couldn't help saying angrily, turning his head and sprinting faster.Finally, Wang Shuang broke through the water and successfully rushed out from the bottom!

"Wang Shuang, this way!" As soon as his head got out of the water, Wang Shuang heard the God of War Qingfeng calling his name.So Wang Shuang rushed in that direction regardless of the thick water vapor in front of his eyes and the hazy surrounding scenery.

Wang Shuang felt that the water in the pool gradually became submerged, so that his feet could touch the bottom of the pool.But at this time, Wang Shuang also felt a lot of piranhas on his thighs.He threw himself forward and finally landed on the shore.

"It's okay, it's okay, there are still 10 left??? The blood has come ashore." The voice of the God of War Qingfeng sounded a little relaxed: "When I saw you just now, I thought you would not be able to make it through. The distance from the shore is so far away. Far."

"But the attributes of these fish are too high." Bai Yu, the god of war, looked at the pond. The iron-scaled man-eating fish hadn't left yet, they were all hovering around the bank, looking at the few people on the bank with the eyes of dead fish.It seemed that Wang Shuang and the others would jump up and bite them as soon as they got closer to the shore.

"Yes, the door of this room is closed now. It seems that we have to kill all these piranhas before we can enter the next map. Is there any way to kill them easier..." Qingfeng, the God of War, said, his eyes fell on the Wang Shuang, who came up, saw Wang Shuang's fingers and a few iron-scale piranhas on his thighs, his eyes lit up, he went up and patted Wang Shuang on the shoulder and said, "Yes, I figured out a way." !"

"Huh? What can I do?" Wang Shuang was suddenly patted by the god of war Qingfeng, and he was stunned for a moment, then asked.

"Of course it's the way to deal with this group of piranhas." Qingfeng, the god of war, patted Wang Shuang's shoulder heavily and said, "This task will be entrusted to you, Wang Shuang."

"What does it have to do with me?" Wang Shuang couldn't help but feel an inexplicable horror: "I can't do anything about this group of strange fish, what can I do?"

"You can jump down again and become the bait." War God Qingfeng laughed, pulled out the long sword from his waist, cut off all the piranha fish biting Wang Shuang's hands and thighs, and used the long sword With a light pick, it hit a stone wall not far away.After these piranha fish landed on the shore, they could only flop back and forth like ordinary carp.

God of War Qingfeng didn't take back his long sword, nor rushed to attack the iron scale man-eating fish, but drew his sword and pointed at it, and said to Wang Shuang and God of War Bai Yu: "After they come ashore, their attributes will drop drastically. .In this case, we might as well lure all these piranhas to the shore to kill them.”

"It's easy to say." Wang Shuang couldn't help being a little speechless: "It's no wonder these fish are willing to come up with us."

"So we need your help, Wang Shuang." Qingfeng, the god of war, laughed, his eyes narrowed into crescent moons.

"Me?" Wang Shuang opened his eyes wide, and suddenly seemed to think of something, he couldn't help but slapped his thigh in shock, and asked, "Could it be that you want to use me as bait, let those piranhas bite me, Then let me run up manually and throw them against the wall?"

"Of course, that's it." War God Qingfeng said with a smile.

"Fuck, why don't you go." Wang Shuang stared wide-eyed, looking at his bloody fingers bitten, he couldn't help but be a little speechless: "Although it doesn't hurt very much, it's meaningless to work hard. I have such strong attributes. Brush these monsters on the shore."

"Holding the grass, you can only go if you have strong attributes. We two scumbags will be killed by those man-eating monster fish as soon as we enter the water, okay?"

"Fuck, brother, let's go." Wang Shuang couldn't help but said depressedly.

The other two said they had no opinion, so Wang Shuang checked his status first, and glanced at the follower panel.When he jumped down just now, several of Wang Shuang's followers were probably killed by these iron-scale piranha fish, and it will take a few minutes to be summoned again.

Wang Shuang looked at the man-eating monster fish hovering on the shore, gritted his teeth, and jumped down. Then there was a violent fluctuation on the water surface, as if two great white sharks were fighting underwater. , watching the two people on the shore couldn't help but chattered.

In less than three seconds, Wang Shuang rushed to the shore in a panic, and threw himself beside the God of War Qingfeng and Baiyu, the blood on his head fell to less than 10? ? ?state.Seeing this, God of War Qingfeng and God of War Bai Yu hurriedly pulled out their weapons, and picked up the piranha fish on Wang Shuang's body one by one, smashing them to the corner of the wall and letting them thump about vigorously.

Then Wang Shuang adjusted his state and started the battle against the iron scale piranha with the other two.The iron-scaled piranhas on the shore almost completely lost their ability to attack, but their iron scales and their ability to reflect damage really gave them a headache.In the process of taking blood drugs and slashing with knives, the number of iron scale piranhas gradually decreased.

After going back and forth like this for a while, they quickly killed all the iron scale piranha fish in a pool.During this period, Wang Shuang was even upgraded to level 68.And God of War Bai Yu is still at level 63, God of War Bai Yu is still the highest level among several people, as high as level 71.

After several people killed the last piranha fish, the door on one side of the room suddenly opened, the mechanism turned, and a narrow passage appeared in front of them.Looking at the width of the passage, it can only accommodate two people walking side by side.

"Let's go." Wang Shuang said.

Several people rummaged through the corpses of the piranha fish. This time the piranha fish did not drop much equipment, because with Wang Shuang's aura of doom, the kills of Qingfeng and Baiyu, the God of War, did not drop any equipment. Only when Wang Shuang kills does it drop a little bit.After a few people packed up and distributed their equipment, they began to enter the passage and move on.

Not long after walking, Qingfeng, God of War, suddenly waved his hand with some surprise on his face, and said with some surprise: "Wait, Wang Shuang and Bai Yu, check your respective status bars to see if there is anything strange."

"Strange place?" Hearing this, Wang Shuang glanced at his status bar, and suddenly found an icon he hadn't seen before.Clicking on it, it turned out to be a temporary state.

——The Gaze of the Dragon: If you don't look at the nine-headed dragon within 300 seconds, you will be killed directly and a copy will be sent out.Current remaining time: 284 seconds.

"Fuck." The other two were startled at the same time, while Qingfeng, the god of war, glanced back at the entrance of the passage, and said in a deep voice, "Maybe, we only had this state when we entered this passage, or it was because we killed all the iron warriors. The scaled piranha has this state after. In short - go!"

Wang Shuang also knew that there was no time to waste now, after God of War Qingfeng gave a loud shout, he and God of War Bai Yu also followed closely behind, raised the character's movement speed to the limit, and rushed forward quickly.

"Boom..." At this moment, several people rushed out of the passage and into an iron cage room, and then the exit of the passage behind them was closed by iron chains, and a strange-looking monster who seemed to be a combination of various animals was in the iron cage room The center looked at them.

Where the monster stood, a trickling river flowed out from nowhere, and the stone walls around the iron cage were also somewhat irregular. In the eyes of Wang Shuang and others, they seemed to have entered a strange place again, similar to just entering the chaotic river. feeling of time.

"Read its attributes first, we are running out of time!" God of War Qingfeng said quickly.

"Okay." Wang Shuang agreed, and rushed forward. At this time, the monster also stood up and let out a deep growl, like a grizzly bear just woken up!
——Liuhuahe Giant Beast [Blood King Kong] [Magic Gang II] [Strong Body III] (Red-LV71 leader-level creature): HP 6300000, physical attack 9940, physical defense 16200, physical resistance 20? ? ?Magic attack 10500, magic defense 15200, magic resistance 20? ? ?Capabilities: normal attack, overlord body, group strategy.


Wang Shuang couldn't help being taken aback, it was another level 71 monster, and it was still a blank board!In addition to the few passive skills that the boss should have, there is only normal attack as the only means of output.

(End of this chapter)

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