It's time to play online

Chapter 429 Three Dragons

Chapter 429 Nine-Headed Dragon
It just so happened that Wang Shuang died several times when fighting the fisherman just now, and also stacked several layers of attribute growth status of breaking and then standing.

There's nothing to say about this kind of monster, it's just a knife for a knife, and when it's out of blood, it will be poured with blood medicine, and everything will be left to the attribute to speak.

Time was running out, Wang Shuang was the first to charge up, he first slashed the Liuhuahe giant beast, and held the hatred of the Liuhuahe giant beast firmly, followed by the God of War Bai Yu and the God of War Qingfeng.After Wang Shuang slashed twice, he also summoned all his followers, who then drove around the Liuhuahe giant beast and began to slash wildly.

2 minutes later, the Liuhua River Behemoth fell, and in addition to a large amount of experience and gold rewards, it also burst out an iron scroll.Wang Shuang picked it up and looked at it, and couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

——Liuhuahe Atlas: special item, a certain amount of Liuhuahe Atlas can be exchanged for items at the Luanshihe fisherman.

Stone River fisherman?Is it the level 100 gatekeeper boss who drove the boat?But that guy was blown away by my brother, how can I exchange it—oh, I know, this will be the next time I enter the dungeon.

Wang Shuang glanced at the God of War Qingfeng and the God of War Bai Yu, and asked, "There is only one map, how do you distribute it?"

Qingfeng, God of War, groaned, and then smiled: "How else can we distribute it? You worked so hard to seduce those iron-scaled piranhas, so of course it was given to you. How can we have the nerve to snatch it from you?"

"Oh, that's it. Well, then I'm not going to be polite." Wang Shuang thought for a while, feeling the same reason, and immediately accepted the Liuhuahe Atlas with peace of mind.

Then the iron cables of the front and rear passages were disconnected, and the few people continued to stagger forward.

Along the way, the river water overflowing their calves soaked the soles of their shoes.Under the pressure of time, several people had to speed up their pace and move forward.Soon, they encountered no obstacles and successfully met the nine-headed dragon within the time limit.

It was a giant dragon with nine heads. Although the lower half of its body was submerged under the water, the appearance of the nine heads waving in the air still amazed Wang Shuang and others.After seeing Wang Shuang and the others, the nine heads looked over one after another, and let out a roar that shook the sky in a tacit understanding!

Wang Shuang felt that the entire ceiling was shaken loudly, and a waterfall left from the ceiling behind the nine-headed dragon trembled a few times.As before, Wang Shuang stepped forward and scanned the attributes of the nine-headed dragon with some awe.

——Nine-headed giant dragon [Dragon Soul Fury] [Dragon Soul King Kong] [Strong Body 80] (Red-LV1.5 world-class leader creature): vitality 124000E, physical attack 169000, physical defense 0, physical resistance 114600? ? ?magic attack 148000, magic defense 0, magic resistance [-]? ? ?Capabilities: normal attack, overlord body, group strategy.

Almost all of Wang Shuang and the others were taken aback, and Qingfeng, the god of war, murmured in disbelief: "Fuck, is it really possible to prevent a physical attack of 12?"

"I'm afraid I will be bitten to death by it!"

"Is that really the case?" Wang Shuang clenched his fists unwillingly, gritted his teeth, and said, "A physical attack of 12, I think it's amazing when I only have a physical attack of more than 2, but 12... Yes, the previous fisherman was still a level [-] boss, so he didn't have such a big mouth!"

"After all, he is a fisherman, not a combat unit, and he was not wearing any armor when he fought us, and he was holding a paddle. Besides, this guy is the world boss!" Qingfeng, the God of War, said unwillingly.

"Are all the world bosses so strong?" Wang Shuang asked in surprise. He remembered the Haikou boast he had made before, and he was going to fight with the Longteng Guild to grab the world boss and come to kill him, so he couldn't help but tremble.

"You two big brothers, don't discuss this for now." The god of war Bai Yu still looked a little stupid, looking at the nine-headed dragon in front of him dully, and asked: "I only care about what we should do now , Should I go back the same way directly, or will I have to be bitten to death by it once before I can return to the Luanshi River?"

"Bite a few." Wang Shuang looked grim, took out the dagger and stepped forward, and said in a ruthless tone: "Success or failure depends on one move. We have no chance of winning against this guy."

"But how can we defend against 10,000+ physical attacks?" Qingfeng, God of War, couldn't help asking.

"Look at me, although... I'm not very sure." Wang Shuang hesitated for a moment, and then said: "If I can survive, everything will be fine. If I hang up later and don't come back to life, or If I voluntarily gave up on attacking this boss, I invite the two of you to go back to the entrance of this passage, or you can commit suicide to go back."

"Are you really sure?" God of War Qingfeng looked at Wang Shuang incredulously, as if looking at a monster.

"Well, a little bit." Wang Shuang glanced at the trigger probability of his Break and Stand skill. Looking at it now, Wang Shuang has 95% after being killed? ? ?The rate of resurrection in place is full of blood and magic, and it can be stacked by 10? ? ?Attributes.

It should be fine!To deal with this boss, it is actually very simple, as long as the physical defense is superimposed to exceed the nine-headed dragon, then as long as the nine-headed dragon cannot break through Wang Shuang's physical defense, naturally he can only be slaughtered by Wang Shuang .

But the premise is that Wang Shuang doesn't trigger the unlucky 5? ? ? , can be successfully revived every time it is killed.

Wang Shuang has now superimposed several layers of the state of breaking and standing, and his physical defense has been superimposed to 2.5W.That is to say, the next time Wang Shuang is killed in battle, the number will be increased by 10 first? ? ?It is about 2500 points of physical defense, then Wang Shuang's agility attribute will also be strengthened, and the increased agility will also provide Wang Shuang with some additional physical defense.

In addition, Wang Shuang now has a [King Kong] attribute: Wang Shuang's physical defense has been permanently increased by 30? ? ?After such a comprehensive calculation, the physical defense of Wang Shuang's next resurrection can reach about 3500 points, which is 2.85W of physical defense.

Although there is still a distance from the 12W physical attack, but what about after another death?As long as Wang Shuang is really dead and constantly triggers the break and then stand state, then Wang Shuang's physical attack and physical defense can fully surpass the nine-headed dragon in front of him.

After the attributes are surpassed, the rest is unilateral killing.

After clarifying his goal, Wang Shuang also became more energetic.He exhaled a long breath, waved to the God of War Qingfeng and Baiyu behind him, and after thinking about it, he summoned Serifen and Li Muxuan.

The reason for summoning Li Muxuan is that she can carry out long-range attacks, and Lier may sometimes be able to exert a little strange effect; and the reason for summoning Serifen is because he has a branch of a combat master , the branch of Battle Master provides a lot of halo skills, which can make Wang Shuang's attributes to a higher level.

Wang Shuang glanced at the nine-headed giant dragon in front of him. Its body was so huge that it almost stood up to the sky. Even if the lower body was completely hidden under the river, the nine heads on it were constantly waving their teeth and claws, like nine snake men showing off their might.The huge eyes are almost as big as Wang Shuang's game character.

"Come on, nine-headed giant dragon, the first world boss I face!" Wang Shuang murmured, stroking the sharp edge of the dagger, and then rushed up, staring straight at the nine-headed giant The lower body of the dragon.

"Roar!" Seeing Wang Shuang rushing up, the nine heads of the nine-headed dragon swooped down at the same time, and the nine heads immediately attacked Wang Shuang at the same time.

Not surprisingly, Wang Shuang was instantly killed by the nine-headed dragon in the first round, but he stood up again very tenaciously, and his physical defense breakthrough reached 2.85W!

The nine-headed dragon attacked again, and Wang Shuang was as vulnerable as before, and soon fell to his knees again, and came back to life tenaciously again.

"It's cruel." Watching Wang Shuang fall down again and again and get up again and again, Bai Yu, the God of War, couldn't help curling his lips.

"It's only Wang Shuang who can do this." Qingfeng, the god of war, couldn't help but sighed, and clenched his fists to receive: "I really want to know what kind of secret Wang Shuang is carrying, so that he can make him laugh again and again." If you don’t hang up after death, you can be resurrected with full blood on the spot!”

"Since it's a secret, it must not be that simple, so tell us." God of War Bai Yu couldn't help but said.

"Let's talk about this." War God Qingfeng sighed, shook his head and said: "I feel that Wang Shuang's success should not be replicated, it should not be a cheat program like the rumors from the outside world. If there is really a cheat program in the world , it certainly won’t be used by Wang Shuang alone.”

"Then what if Wang Shuang is the developer and programmer of this cheat?" Bai Yu, God of War, rolled his eyes and said.

"That's impossible." War God Qingfeng shook his head with a smile and said: "If he is the developer of this plug-in, what did he spend his time on in the previous month? As far as I know, he was in the first month. Working hard for a small studio, being a salaried player, working hard every day in the wild to open up wasteland, collecting gold coins all day long, how can I have time to develop cheats?"

"That's true." Hearing this, Bai Yu, the god of war, cast his eyes on Wang Shuang, who was fighting bloody battles, and said enviously, "If it is really impossible to copy, then why doesn't he just announce the reason and let the outsiders know the reason?" Can people stop guessing about him, and at the same time shut up those players who have been clamoring?"

"There may be some other reason." Qingfeng, God of War, hesitated for a while, then said.

"He stood up again!" God of War Qingfeng sighed, suddenly frowned, and then said: "No, why do I feel that Wang Shuang's attributes seem to have increased a lot, and now he has started to beat the nine-headed dragon? But 10,000+ points of physical defense, did he really not open the plug-in?"

"Boss, you forgot, you said before that Wang Shuang has a way to reduce the opponent's physical defense."

"No matter how much it is lowered, the range cannot exceed 50???" War God Qingfeng tremblingly said: "Also, Wang Shuang has only a handful of knives to cut down nine-headed dragons, even if he is covered with ruthless equipment all over his body. , and each attack can guarantee to trigger a fierce special effect, then it is impossible to cut the nine-headed dragon into a evil pen with a few knives!"

"Damn it, boss, look, Wang Shuang actually took an attack from a nine-headed dragon!"

Beside the huge pool, Wang Shuang has fought bloody battles until now, and finally he was not killed by the nine-headed dragon.It's not that Wang Shuang's physical defense has risen, but that Wang Shuang's qi and blood broke through 20 first, so that a normal attack by the nine-headed dragon can no longer kill Wang Shuang in seconds.

Seeing hope, Wang Shuang swung his knife more and more quickly, as if inspired, he continued to slash the nine-headed dragon.The nine heads of the nine-headed dragon began to dance wildly, as if they couldn't bear Wang Shuang's harassment, or they couldn't stand Wang Shuang's successive blows, and they were chopped off to the point of pain!

Behind Wang Shuang, the gods of war Qingfeng and Baiyu who noticed this scene also opened their mouths wide, not knowing what to say for a while.

Although they were always shocked by the miracles created by Wang Shuang, this time they were completely shocked.What Wang Shuang is showing now is not like a player who follows the rules at all.

Have you ever seen an ordinary player casually hack and kill a world boss ten levels higher than himself?

Have you ever seen an ordinary player being resurrected again and again in an understatement?

Have you ever seen an ordinary player who is full of confidence, even if he is reborn every time he dies in battle, he can continue to wield the weapon in his hand with confidence, and finally successfully challenge the BOSS whose attributes are five or six times his own?

Gradually, every time Wang Shuang was resurrected, his attributes grew several times more than before.From the very beginning when he was bitten by the BOSS and died, now he has been able to withstand more than a dozen attacks from the BOSS without falling down.

In the end, several heads of the BOSS went into battle together, and after exhausting all kinds of methods such as slapping, hitting, pouncing, biting, etc., they still couldn't cause any damage to Wang Shuang.

Wang Shuang smiled faintly: "Nine-headed dragon, your era is over. Next, the era of our adventurers begins!"

Amidst the unwilling roar of the nine-headed giant dragon, amidst the exclamations of the war god Qingfeng and the war god Bai Yu who could not restrain the excitement in their hearts, Wang Shuang raised the dagger in his hand high, and let out a cry that overwhelmed the nine-headed giant dragon. Shouting, the knife fell from top to bottom.

The energy and blood of the nine-headed dragon was emptied. Looking at Wang Shuang, its nine faces slowly became stiff with unwillingness, and then the nine heads lost their strength, and became staggered like a withered yellow day lily.


District-wide announcement: Congratulations to player Wang Shuang, who became the first player to kill the world boss, the system rewards him with level 1!

Announcement for the whole region: The world boss nine-headed dragon is alive. Players of all races can go to the Sighing Islands, enter at Heifeng Ridge, and help the fisherman of the Luanshi River to find the lost Osprey, and can get the map of the Luanshi River presented by the fisherman of the Luanshi River.With the Luanshi River map, players can go to the lower reaches of the Luanshi River and use it to enter the hidden map: Liuhua Cave!

"Help the Luanshi River fisherman find the lost osprey?" Just as the nine-headed dragon fell, several people in the cave shouted excitedly.

Wang Shuang was so angry that he burst into tears: "Brother, why did you hack that fisherman so hard?"

(End of this chapter)

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