It's time to play online

Chapter 430 Human Race's Racial Skills

Chapter 430 Human Race's Racial Skills

"Nine-headed dragon?"

After Wang Shuang killed the nine-headed dragon, an announcement was made on the entire server, which quickly attracted the attention of a large number of players.Several players among them looked through the encyclopedia, and they actually found information about the nine-headed dragon.

——Nine-headed Dragon: On the Bounty Island of the Sighing Islands, there is a copy of Heifengling. After helping the fisherman find the Osprey, you can open the hidden map in the lower reaches of the Luanshi River in Heifengling. The end point of the hidden map is Nine-headed The location of the dragon.

There are actually quite a few world bosses that have been excavated in the world, but no one has really beaten them.

It is very uneconomical to fight once, waste people and money, mobilize teachers and mobilize people, and keep destroying the regiment.

And what about small guilds or casual players?Of course it would be even worse, even the big guilds with higher combat power than them can't beat them, and they also know that they don't have the strength to challenge the world boss for the time being, so although the world bosses surfaced one after another, the players are all waiting and watching manner.

But now, there is already a precedent for Wang Shuang to kill a world boss, so in just two hours, discussions on the crusade against the world boss and the idea of ​​going to this dungeon to experience it started everywhere on the forum.

But after seeing the attributes and drop rewards of the nine-headed dragon under Starwish Encyclopedia, several players couldn't help being inexplicably frightened: the attribute of the nine-headed dragon is 10,000+, although the final reward is the same It just makes people jealous.

Is there still a chance to have a sip of soup now?After discussing it, many players posted on the forum and said: They think this is another feat accomplished by Wang Shuang relying on bugs, and even if the player reaches level 80, they still have no chance of defeating such a boss with heaven-defying attributes.

However, it didn’t take long for these players’ posts to be posted, and soon some players who can analyze data came over and slapped them in the face: Suppose an ordinary warrior class, after the second turn, he rose to level 80, even if he ran naked, his whole body’s attribute points were increased by one. There are also physical attacks of about [-] points.

If you wear a green level 80 second-level suit at that time, you can get about 1.2W physical attack and physical defense; but if the player has the conditions, you can also wear a yellow or even orange level 80 second-level suit. You can get about 1.6W of physical attack and physical defense!

In this way, players at level 80 have at least 1.5W offensive and defensive attributes and at most 2W offensive and defensive attributes.After taking Berserk One and King Kong One, players can get up to 25? ? ?The increase is about 4000-5000 points. In this way, the player's offensive and defensive attributes become 2W-2.5W.

And recently, some players have explored a new generation of attribute-enhancing food and potions - Berserk 10 and King Kong 75: After taking it, physical defense will be increased by [-] points, and the additional physical defense will not exceed [-] of the base value?

Although Berserk 10 and Berserk 75 both increase physical attack by 2.8 points after taking it, the difference is that the upper limit of Berserk 3.5 can reach [-] of the base value? ? ?From this point of view, after the player eats up Fury [-] and King Kong [-], the attribute can reach between [-]-[-]W.

Then the attributes of [Rage] and [King Kong] were added, and there were two unreleased attributes of [Extreme Rage] and [Blood King Kong]. Under the double boost, the player's offensive and defensive attributes were probably between 4.5W-5.4W.

Well, on the surface, it seems that the ultimate offensive and defensive attributes that players can achieve at level 80 should be around 5W.But who knows what will happen in the future, when players reach level 80, players will usher in a second talent awakening and a third job change.

How many additional attributes will the third job change provide?And how much attribute increase can the third-tier equipment that has never been available provide players?As well as the second talent awakening, and the ability to use weapons for 60 seconds, these are all unknowns, but with many attribute increases, it seems that it is not too difficult to achieve attributes above 10W.

What's more, the player's equipment and skills sometimes have attribute enhancements. After reaching level 80, the only thing needed to beat this boss may be patience.

Because the nine-headed dragon not only has high offensive and defensive attributes, but also has 1.5E blood.

But these have nothing to do with Wang Shuang.Now, Wang Shuang, Zhanshen Qingfeng and the others are slowly reacting under various system swipes.

System prompt: You killed the world boss nine-headed dragon, you get 8700W experience reward, you get 5W gold coin reward, your follower Li Muxuan gets 8700W experience reward, your follower Evelyn gets 8700W experience reward , your follower Serifen gets 8700W experience reward.

System prompt: You get 300 points of world reputation, 1000 merit points of the Lionheart Kingdom, 1 tempered soul, and the racial skill book: Holy Rescue.

——Divine Rescue (racial skill book): Only human players can learn to use it. When you need it, you can rush to a teammate who is about to be attacked, help him resist an attack and receive 250? ? ?Harm, cooldown time 60 seconds.


Racial skill book?Wang Shuang raised his eyebrows, flipped through the skill book in his hand, and immediately thought of the skill of the undead player.

That seems to be a racial skill too?It's just that they didn't learn it in the form of such a skill book, but they were born with such a skill, which can sacrifice themselves in one go and cause damage related to their own blood to the surrounding units.

At the beginning, a player of the undead race used this racial skill to make all the surrounding players self-destruct. Using the superimposed multi-layered attribute boost in an instant, he killed an NPC with tens of millions of blood in one go.

This shit is even more cheating than my brother. Wang Shuang wanted to complain about it at that time. Brother, this is just for brushing equipment or something. You just killed a key NPC with a single knife. How do you let human players play? ?
But fortunately, now Wang Shuang has finally killed monsters and released a racial skill book, and it looks pretty good, so he may not really die.Wang Shuang tried to learn the skills in this skill book.


System prompt: You have successfully learned the skill "Holy Rescue".

When Wang Shuang was learning skills, the surface of the skill book was bright and rippling, then slowly settled down and returned to calm.It didn't disappear slowly like other skill books, but still fell heavily in Wang Shuang's hands.

"Damn it, this guy can learn infinitely?" Wang Shuang couldn't help but clicked his tongue, suddenly the scene in front of him changed, and several people appeared by the Chaotic River again.

Only this time, they appeared directly on the other side, without the fisherman bringing them over.

"Qingfeng, Baiyu, read this skill book and learn it." Wang Shuang immediately handed over the holy rescue in his hands without hesitation.

"Racial skills?" When Qingfeng, the god of war, saw this skill book, he couldn't help but look a little serious: "I didn't expect this thing to exist. The so-called racial skills are skills that only us humans can learn. But it seems that we want to kill Only world bosses will drop, and the official said that the probability of dropping is very small, why did we kill a world boss for the first time, and immediately dropped one?"

"It must be because I am handsome, and then the god of luck has favored me." Wang Shuang patted his chest without shame and said.

"You're really not ashamed." Hearing this, War God Qingfeng couldn't help laughing bitterly, and then asked seriously: "So, what do you plan to do with this skill book in your hand? Do you distribute it to players in the guild for learning, or?"

"Of course, I directly confessed this book and put it on the Sighing Islands, so that all race players can stop by and learn it when they pass by."

"Is there a fee?"

"No charge, that seems a bit too stingy."

Qingfeng, God of War, couldn't help being slightly taken aback, then took the skill book in Wang Shuang's hand, and said, "Forget it, you also have your own set of ideas, anyway, you knocked down this book, so you can deal with it as you like. And Perhaps after passing this incident, the human race players will have a better opinion of you."

"Wind review." Wang Shuang snorted, then shook his head: "I don't really care about that kind of thing. Anyway, isn't it going to be a national war next time? Improve the level of some human players, it's good for us It doesn't hurt either."

"But not all race players are good people." War God Qingfeng said with a wry smile.

"Forget it, we are all human anyway, even if the members of the Longteng Guild come, I will teach them well." Wang Shuang shook his head and said.

"Yes, I see." War God Qingfeng said.

Afterwards, Wang Shuang and others began to push the dungeon normally.Of course, under Wang Shuang's dagger now, any disease worm, black wind male tiger, black wind female tiger, or even the black wind tiger king, can be killed in one blow.

What, the Black Wind Tiger King still has a little blood left after being slashed?Then give it another shot.

With Wang Shuang's current attributes, there is no monster that cannot be dealt with with a single blow.If so, then two knives.



System prompt: You killed the final boss of Black Wind Ridge, Black Wind Tiger King, and cleared the copy of Black Wind Ridge.You get 81 experience rewards and 5 gold coins, and your follower Li Muxuan gets 81 experience rewards.You get tiger bone x2, golden tiger bone x4, you get the equipment "Tiger Ring of Thorns", you get the equipment "Enchanted Tiger Cloak", you get the equipment "Tiger Spear of Vitality", and you get the equipment "Sharp Tiger Dagger" .

After a quick glance, they are all orange-grade equipment at level 35 and below. For current players, the market is really too small.It's better to throw it directly to the NPC for recycling.

Wang Shuang picked up a few pieces of equipment assigned to him, and after they teleported out of Heifeng Ridge, God of War Qingfeng and God of War Baiyu said that the dungeon was cleared, and their knot was settled.

"By the way, Wang Shuang." At this moment, God of War Qingfeng suddenly asked: "I see that you are only level 69 now, are you planning to hit level 80 No.1?"

"Yes, what level is the most advanced player now?" Wang Shuang asked.

Hearing this, Qingfeng, God of War, smiled helplessly: "The highest-level player in the human race is level 75, and the highest-level player in the Huaxia District seems to have just broken through level 77. If you want to make an impact, you still have some chances, but your few followers are really a bit slow Your hind legs."

"Yes, but I'm used to it." Wang Shuang also responded with a very helpless smile.

"Since you want to hit No.80 at level 1, you have to work hard." War God Qingfeng cupped his fists, then waved his hand and said: "My problem here has been solved, if you want to make a dungeon now, go quickly. "

"Yes, I see." Wang Shuang nodded.

Wang Shuang quickly left Heifengling and returned to Bounty Island by the same route. He happened to meet a player of Gloomy Rose on the road in Tanxi Town - Gloomy Frozen.

This is a very shrewd and capable female player. After seeing Wang Shuang, she was slightly taken aback, and then walked up quickly: "Vice president? Why don't you have a private chat with me when you come to Bounty Island? If I pick up When the notification arrives, I will come out to pick you up directly."

"Are you in charge of the entire Moaning Islands today?" Wang Shuang was slightly taken aback, looking at the dark ice and thinking for a while, and suddenly heard what Youyan Cangxue said, and they have resident players on the Moaning Islands.

Unexpectedly, Wang Shuang guessed right this time, and You Yin Bingfeng nodded with certainty when he heard the words: "Yes, in fact, not only today, but also tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will be me."

"That's right." Wang Shuang was taken aback, then nodded: "Out of the seven quotas, our guild has three, so you have to stay on the Islands of Sighs for three days."

"That's right, what the vice president said is my current situation." You An Bingfeng listened to Wang Shuang's words and nodded repeatedly.

"This is for you." After understanding the situation and confirming with Youan Cangxue, that is, Su Wuxue, she handed over the holy rescue in the backpack to her: "You may have to work harder for the next three days. If someone comes to you to learn this skill, you should give this book to him to learn, and then remember to recycle it. This skill book will not disappear because of how many people use it, so most of the players in the entire human race will probably come to you Learn skills here."

"Most of the players of the human race..." Hearing this, the dark ice opened its mouth in shock, looked at Wang Shuang obsessively, and said, "This, this, vice president, although I was really boring when I was on the Sighing Islands, But if you suddenly find such a job for me, I’m afraid I won’t be able to bear it.”

"It's okay." Wang Shuang grinned, waved his hand and said, "In this way, I'll just make my own decision. In the past three days, your salary will be tripled, and you will be guaranteed from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] pm every day. As long as you can stand in the class well, work hard, come on.”

"Eh? Has the salary tripled? Thank you, the vice president—well, should I post an announcement on the forum to let others know about it?"

"Hehe, it depends on your arrangement. I also think it is necessary to post a post to talk about it, otherwise others will not know about it." Wang Shuang said, looked up at the bustling Tanxi Town, and said: "This event happens to be a way for other players to visit the Sighing Islands to see and see, so as not to keep someone gossiping outside, saying that we are all inferior to Dragon Guild and them."

"Well, vice president, since we work so hard, do we need to charge other players a nominal fee?"

"No need, it's just a racial skill, it's too stingy for me to charge for it." Wang Shuang shook his head.

(End of this chapter)

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