It's time to play online

Chapter 434 Sweeping the Bounty Island

Chapter 434 Sweeping the Bounty Island

"Nani, advanced?" Wang Shuang couldn't help being surprised when he heard the system ringtone. At this moment, the system prompts continued to ring.


System prompt: Yushun cat Lier has reached level 70.

System prompt: Yushun cat Lier has opened the advanced system, current grade: white.Requirements for advancing to the next level: upgrade a life skill to the red level.At present, there is still 0/1 living skill to be upgraded to the red level.

Wang Shuang was stunned, did it finally reveal itself? Li Er's background was not bad at all, she was also a prophet of the Yushun cat clan, so she should be a yellow or orange pet, but before that it was always a white pet. This point makes Wang Shuang feel very strange.

However, looking at it now, Li Er's advancement route is also very obvious: maybe after all its life skills are upgraded to the red level, it can help it fully recover to its original strength!
After the system prompted, Wang Shuang suddenly found that his Dragon Tooth Boat seemed to be sailing much faster than before.Although it was only a level increase, it seems that someone once said: Orange level and red level are completely two concepts. Orange can still be achieved through the accumulation of experience, but the skills of red level are the domain of gods.

Have you finally touched the realm of God?Wang Shuang couldn't help but yearn for it, he glanced at Li Muxuan beside him and thought to himself.

At this time, Wang Shuang quickly discovered another thing: his Dragon Tooth Boat hadn't trembled anymore, and the sea water on both sides was still exploding, splashing a lot of water, and Li Muxuan slapped it coolly The rudder, like a skilled driver, directly turned the rudder to the end, and the Dragon Tooth Boat also made a big turn, avoiding the dense continuous bombardment directly in front of it.

"My lord, do you still want to approach the shore now?" Li Muxuan looked back at the stunned Wang Shuang, with a confident smile on her lips.

"Yes, of course." Wang Shuang woke up suddenly and felt a burst of blood burning all over his body.What the hell, this time it's my turn to go ashore and beat up those guys from the Dragon Soaring Guild, you guys still want to kill me at sea?It's just a fool's dream!
The speed of the Dragon Tooth Boat began to increase suddenly, and no matter how intensively the players of the Dragon Teng Guild fired, the artillery could only fall on the surroundings of the Dragon Tooth Boat, completely unable to hit Wang Shuang!
"What's going on?" Long Teng Xingchen sensed something was wrong at the first time. After observing Wang Shuang for a while, he suddenly realized: "I'm so stupid, did Wang Shuang gain some ability?"

"On the surface, the speed of Wang Shuang Longya's boat is about 30 times faster than just now??? And when the bow turns, the speed and responsiveness of the ship's sideways movement have directly doubled."

"What does it mean?"

"If this is the reality, the speed of his bow turning and the speed of the sideways movement of the ship have increased so much, there is no doubt that his understanding of ship navigation has reached the level of a master, but this is a game, so we We can only draw a rough conclusion—maybe Wang Shuang used some props, or Wang Shuang broke through again, allowing his navigation skills to advance to another level."

"Then what level of navigation is Wang Shuang now?" Long Teng Xingchen asked nervously.

"Judging from the performance of other players before, Wang Shuang had yellow or red-level navigation skills before this, but this time...we think he has at least orange-level, and it's not surprising that he even reached the red-level. "

"Red grade?" Long Teng Xingchen pondered, then shook his head decisively: "Impossible, it is too difficult to reach the red grade, and it cannot be achieved only by accumulating experience points. Besides, if he rushed When you reach the red level of navigation, there will definitely be a full server announcement, and there is no reason why this kind of thing should not be announced."

"Well, that should be it then."

Long Teng Xingchen looked at the rapidly enlarging Dragon Tooth Boat in the distance, and couldn't help but start to feel a little headache: Even if it was an orange grade, it would be very troublesome to deal with it!

Then, why did Li Er's navigation skills reach the red level, but did not trigger the full server announcement like Long Teng Xingchen said?The reason is simple: Li Er is not a player, but a pet.

Wang Shuang's pet's life skills have reached the red level, but it does not mean that his life skills have reached the red level. To be announced on the server, Wang Shuang must have reached the red level.

Now the Dragon Tooth Boat started sailing at high speed, and rushed to Bounty Island almost in the blink of an eye.At this time, the players of the Longteng guild had already given up on continuing to attack Wang Shuang with artillery, and turned to deal with those players from several guilds, such as God of War, who had already forcibly rushed to the island.

"Wang Shuang is here!" Someone shouted, and immediately both Long Teng and the other guilds on the battlefield turned their attention to the sea.

The distance between the Dragon Tooth Boat and the Bounty Island is less than 300 meters. According to the speed of the Dragon Tooth Boat, it only takes a few tens of seconds.

Long Teng Xingchen frowned slightly, waved his hand, and several people immediately withdrew from the edge of the coast.

Wang Shuang naturally noticed this too, but so what, is there still time for you to leave at this time? In terms of moving speed, I have never been afraid of anyone.

He stared at the coastline closely, getting closer, 100 meters, 50 meters, ten meters!
Wang Shuang grabbed Li Muxuan who was still concentrating on driving with one hand, opened the door of the cockpit with the other hand, came to the side of the ship, turned over, pulled Li Muxuan and jumped directly!
With a bang, Wang Shuang fell heavily on the shoal. Judging from Wang Shuang's current attributes, the little bit of blood that was dropped was not a serious problem.

"Longteng Guild, die!" Wang Shuang pulled out his dagger, summoned all his followers, and then entered the dark lurking state, sprinting towards the shore quickly.

As soon as he landed, Wang Shuang saw the flames in front of him, thick black smoke rising from the ground in front, the original Tanxi Town became a battlefield, the bottom of the wooden rooster weathervane on the top of the tavern was broken, and the whole thing was burning and falling down.

What about NPCs?All killed?

Wang Shuang looked around, and there were traces of war flames everywhere his eyes passed, as well as players fighting each other, as well as a few white lights floating from time to time.

"Wang Shuang has come to the island!" A player from the Longteng Guild saw Wang Shuang, and suddenly opened his mouth in shock.

"Stop them, let the president and the others go first!" Soon a player rushed out to command.

Oh, stop bro?
Wang Shuang couldn't help but smiled knowingly, among other things, what do you use to stop him, control skills?Can you beat the middle brother?
"Li Muxuan, Serifen, and Evelani." Wang Shuang summoned all his only three followers, waved his hand, looked down upon the chaotic Dragon Guild players in front of him, and waved his hand confidently: " Mu Xuan conducts long-range strikes at the farthest distance, Serifen and Evelyn, both of you are close combat, so charge up with me!"

"Understood." Li Muxuan nodded, her eyes were confident and firm, and she took out her longbow from behind.

"Serifane, Evelyn." While rushing forward, Wang Shuang said, "Because this battle is more complicated, I entrust you two with some rough action plans. Serifen, your skills and The ability is relatively comprehensive, you can carry a big banner by yourself, you can cut it along the edge of Tanxi Town, and if you see players with the Dragon Guild logo wanting to escape from the periphery, just hack them all to death!"

"I understand." Serifin smiled habitually, and disappeared like a shadow.

"My lord." This time it was Evelyn's turn to look at Wang Shuang with wide eyes: "I don't know what mission I have?"

"You?" Wang Shuang glanced at Evelyn's attributes, couldn't help but frown his eyebrows, and then quickly stretched them out: "Oh, it's okay, just follow me to fight, and I'll give you the last knife. "

"My lord, you look down on people..." Evelyn immediately wiped away her tears.

"No." Wang Shuang laughed, patted Evelyn's head fondly, and said with a smile, "Didn't I care about you so much that I kept you by my side?"

"That is to say, you think I will die if I go alone, that's what you mean, right..."

"Well, it's good that you know, why did you say it, it made me so embarrassed..."

"Wow ah ah!"

Wang Shuang and Evelyn had a fight, and the players from the Longteng Guild opposite had a panoramic view of the scene, and the players on the opposite side were so angry that they almost vomited blood: "Fuck, Wang Shuang, you look down on people, we are opposite you!" Well, if you show off your followers like this, do you believe that sooner or later you will be given the turn by the players of the whole human race?"

"Then it's your turn." Wang Shuang took out the dagger and slashed at a player's neck. Then a thunder and holy light mark flashed across his body, and the body of the Dragon Guild player was blown into white light. Float quickly into the distance.

Several players around were in a panic. Seeing Wang Shuang was close at hand, their subconscious reactions were almost exactly the same - to use their strongest skills at Wang Shuang fiercely.

However, Wang Shuang just smiled lightly. Although the attributes were high enough, Wang Shuang still didn't want to let them know.After all, a player with strong attack power but average in other aspects will give people the illusion that as long as everyone fights together, they can kill, and what Wang Shuang wants is for them to have this illusion.

So now Wang Shuang entered the state of darkness and lurking again, and took a step back, so those attacks fell through one after another, and a sign of a miss appeared.

"Haha, vegetables!" Although everyone's attacks were in vain, because Wang Shuang was currently in the talent trigger stage, when everyone looked up, they saw Wang Shuang after he was invisible, and he was laughing.

"Damn, go to hell!"

More skills such as arrows and fireball ice cones are coming from behind, and the real battle begins now!
(End of this chapter)

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