It's time to play online

Chapter 435 One-on-One North Sword Chasing

Chapter 435 One-on-One North Sword Chasing

"Wang Shuang, you're finally here!" Just as Wang Shuang was about to start a killing spree, suddenly a person rushed out from the side, and he bumped directly sideways, causing Wang Shuang to stagger and retreat a few steps.Wang Shuang looked up, and it turned out to be the vice president of Longteng Guild, Bei Jianzhu!
"Wang Shuang." Bei Jianzhu snorted coldly and said, "If I remember correctly, this is the first official PK between us, right?"

"Ah, it seems so." Wang Shuang was taken aback, then nodded, "But do you think you can beat me now?"

"Hmph, do you think we can't do anything to you because you hide some secrets in yourself?" Who knew that Bei Jianzhu smiled slightly, and then waved his hand, and several priests and players around him quickly walked out of the team.

Wang Shuang frowned in shock, didn't he?

"All priests, execute!" Bei Jianzhu waved Wang Shuang heavily, and then shouted loudly.

"Understood." Several priests immediately raised their staffs, and the holy white light shone almost dazzlingly in Wang Shuang's eyes.

Needless to say, this time it was a two skill combo of disperse and silence. Wang Shuang's broken and standing state was still unprepared, and he was directly dispelled by them and fell into a silent state.

"Wang Shuang, come and try, and see if I have the ability to defeat you in a one-on-one fight with you after you lose your support!" Bei Jianzhu snorted coldly, raised the long sword in his hand and charged up.

Wang Shuang snorted coldly, and glanced at a group of priests around him.Although the duration of the silent state is not long, but there are too many priest players on the scene now, it is definitely not a problem to silence Wang Shuang until the end of the PK in turn!

Seeing Bei Jianzhu grinning grinningly and rushing up with his palm against the side of the long sword, Wang Shuang just slightly raised his eyebrows, then sneered and asked, "Do you think you can beat me in a normal state?" Is it gone?"

"Evellane, it's up to you." After the harsh words, Wang Shuang whispered to Evellane beside him.

"Eh? Rely on me?"

"Yes, now it shows the importance of you being by my side. Later, you and I will rush up to outflank him from left to right. If the group of people behind have any abnormal movements, you must notify me immediately. Remember, this is very important!"

"Eh? Don't you rely on me to help you during the battle? Sir, you despise me again, woo woo woo..."

Regardless of Evelyn, who was pretending to be crying, Wang Shuang felt a gust of cold wind blowing on his face. He turned his head and saw that Bei Jianzhu had rushed forward, and the long sword held high in his hand was also slammed down over his head.


Wang Shuang felt his skin crack, and a clear sound came from his ear.

But at this time, a streak of lightning suddenly jumped out of Bei Jianzhu's long sword, turning Wang Shuang's face pale.This Beijian Zhu is indeed the vice president of the Longteng Guild. Seeing that this weapon can trigger such a special effect after attacking, Wang Shuang tightened his grip on the fierce white double blades in his hand. , Can't beat the opponent.

Bei Jian completed each attack one by one. Before he could take back his long sword and organize the next attack, Wang Shuang quickly stabbed a dagger towards his heart.Although Wang Shuang's dagger is short, it is easier to swing than a long sword.

The speed of this dagger was astonishingly fast, even Bei Jianzhu couldn't help being taken aback.But the other party's reaction was only half a beat slow. After reacting, he quickly opened his hand, and a mesh shield made of lightning appeared around his body.

"Crack crack..."

With a soft sound, the light blue lightning net-shaped shield just struggled for a while, and then it was completely torn apart by Wang Shuang's dagger.But at the same time, Wang Shuang's attack was also disintegrated by the subsequent shield.

"Scared? I didn't expect that even if you don't have any skills, you have such a high attack power!" Bei Jianzhu said with a serious face.

When Wang Shuang heard the words, he immediately smiled triumphantly: "Of course."This is the bonus brought to him by the sub-professional explorer.Although all the skills of the explorer are also temporarily unavailable due to the silence state, the attribute value added by the soul of adventure, like the attributes of [Rage] and [King Kong], will not disappear with silence or not .

Wang Shuang had completed a red-level mission before, which also rewarded a lot of his own attribute points. There are also several pieces of equipment on Wang Shuang, many of which have been tempered by Wang Shuang's tempered soul, and the extra bonus The attribute has reached a very scary number.

"I don't know if your shield can be released continuously?" Wang Shuang said, watching Bei Jian leave another sword mark on his breastplate, he was naturally not to be outdone, and swung the dagger again. , pierced Bei Jianzhu's heart.

Although my brother was silenced, the equipment on my body was not silenced!What does that mean?It means that brother's equipment skills can still be triggered!As long as Wang Shuang hits Bei Jianzhu with one knife, it is very likely to cause additional damage triggered by those skills!

Bei Jianzhu looked at Wang Shuang's dagger, his face was extremely heavy, and he didn't dare to be careless at all.Quickly retract the long sword to his chest for defense.


Bei Jianzhu actually succeeded in parrying!


Wang Shuang couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that his talent was also silenced by the opponent, otherwise the critical damage caused by physical attacks would be enough to kill him instantly.

Even so, Bei Jianzhu still lost about a tenth of his blood.He looked at Wang Shuang's face became more and more ugly.

"Come again." Wang Shuang licked his lips and sneered.

"Huh, come on." Bei Jian stepped back one step at a time, a thunderbolt that was originally lingering on the long sword suddenly expanded wantonly, and the sword was completely empty, as if using some kind of skill, the sword edge shone like stars in the sky!
"Accept the move, Wang Shuang!" Bei Jianzhu roared, and then the speed of the sword swing suddenly accelerated a lot. When struggling to resist Bei Jianzhu's offensive, Wang Shuang even heard his sarcasm: "Although at first I don't want to bully you with skills, but I really have to admit that I really can't deal with you without skills."

"Hmph, even if you use your skills, I don't think you are much better than what I am now." Wang Shuang couldn't help but snorted coldly, and then watched the opponent's head drop a few swords, and his scalp couldn't help but feel a little numb.







In a blink of an eye, Wang Shuang lost [-] qi and blood, but judging from Wang Shuang's qi and blood, the [-] points of qi and blood actually seemed to be less than one-fifth or sixth.

Seeing this, Bei Jianzhu couldn't help being stunned, and muttered to himself: "How is it possible, how could you have such powerful attributes after losing your skills..."

"Brother's realm, how can a mortal like you understand it?" Wang Shuang shook his head, raised his dagger again, and continued to attack Bei Jianzhu furiously.Although he had no skills, Wang Shuang's attack was more simple, with one strike after another, the damage of each strike was about the same, and it also caused Bei Jianzhu a headache.

At this time, Bei Jianzhu suddenly yelled, and he actually directly raised the long sword surrounded by electricity in his hand, the light flashed, and the thunder on the long sword crawled and jumped, turning his whole body into a ball Lightning!
"Wang Shuang, die!"

Wang Shuang was also subconsciously stunned when he saw it. At this moment, Bei Jianzhu spit out a long lightning chain from the lightning-shrouded long sword in his hand, and the impatient wind blew towards Wang Shuang head-on. The lightning long sword, mixed with the sound of the wind, dragged a long lightning chain, tore open the wind curtain and came to Wang Shuang.

Just as Wang Shuang raised the dagger, the lightning long sword deflected, bypassing the dagger in Wang Shuang's hand and slashing down towards his chest!


The sword fell on Wang Shuang's chest, and a lot of sparks splashed immediately. At the same time, Wang Shuang felt a huge force coming from the breastplate on his chest.


No crit?
Wang Shuang was stunned. Yes, this sword did so much damage without a critical strike. It seems that this guy really has two brushes, and the combat power he can produce at a critical moment is also very impressive.I have to say that if Wang Shuang's attributes were similar to those of ordinary players, he would have died by now.

But Wang Shuang is not an ordinary player. After the sword fell, Wang Shuang's blood was shaken again. He has lost only a quarter to a fifth of his blood.

"Let's see how much energy and blood you have to spend with me!" Bei Jianzhu seemed to be enraged, and began to swing the long sword in his hand at Wang Shuang, slashing violently!
Lei Guang continued to explode on Wang Shuang's body, and Wang Shuang was also not to be outdone, and began to crazily pour his own damage on Bei Jianzhu's body.

But just when Wang Shuang was about to kill him, suddenly more than a dozen holy lights shone on Bei Jianzhu's head—he received treatment from more than a dozen priests at the same time, and his blood was replenished to full health in an instant!
Wang Shuang was so shocked that his pupils shrank, and he couldn't help cursing angrily: "I'm stupid, shameless, you fucking, didn't you agree to single out, PK? Don't you want to see if I can reach To what extent?"

"Wang Shuang, you've seen it too. I didn't ask for it. They gave me blood on their own initiative. There's nothing I can do about it!" Bei Jianzhu laughed.

"Fuck, I've never seen such a brazen person." Wang Shuang couldn't help cursing.

Well, since you don't play seriously with brother, then brother won't play seriously with you either.

Glancing not far away, there was Sirifen who was still being beaten by countless players on one side, and Li Muxuan who was shooting arrows calmly and calmly on the other. Wang Shuang suddenly shouted: "Li Muxuan, shoot the guy in front of me first, Serifon!" Rifen, the mission is cancelled, come here and kill this guy first!"

Looking back at Bei Jianzhu's somewhat ugly face, Wang Shuang smiled and asked, "I should be doing normal pk like this, after all, followers are undoubtedly part of my strength, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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