It's time to play online

Chapter 441 First Kill of the Wilderness Giant

Chapter 441 First Kill of the Wilderness Giant
After the wilderness giant smashed Wang Shuang flat with a stick, it let out a terrifying roar.It picked up the bloody mace and swung it into the air in front of it, and a giant elephant with long hair on its back and neck appeared in illusion, its figure was no smaller than the giant of the wilderness.


System prompt: The wilderness giant uses the skill "Giant Elephant Recovery" to randomly summon an ancient war elephant.

"The boss has summoned the war elephant, go up!" The dark dragonrider's eyes flashed, and he rushed out of the crowd first, stroking the long sword with one hand.Also rushing out was Gloomy Gorehowl. They came to the front of the ancient war elephant, looked up, and read the attributes of the war elephant.

——Desolate War Elephant (Red-LV85): Vitality 400W, Physical Attack 25000, Physical Defense 16000, Physical Resistance 15? ? ?Magic attack 24600, magic defense 18000, magic resistance 20? ? ?Abilities: normal attack, overlord body, group strategy, recovery trample, wilderness battle cry.

2.5W points of physical attack!All the players present looked at this ancient war elephant seriously, especially the Dark Dragonrider and the Dark Bloodhowl.Their qi and blood are only about 3W, and their physical defense is only in the early 1s. If they are hit by this war elephant once, they will lose about [-]W of qi and blood.

With just three normal attacks, the Ancient War Elephant could instantly kill any one of them.

But fortunately, players are different from wild monsters, and they will not be caught without a fight, let alone Dark Rose and Priest. After chanting the buff magic, they hold their wands and start preparing to add blood to Dark Bloodhowl and Dark Dragonrider.

At this time, Wang Shuang also began to fight with the wilderness giant.But it seems that attacking the ancient war elephant will also attract the hatred of the wilderness giant, so whenever the wilderness giant is in the middle of fighting Wang Shuang, he will turn his head and walk in the direction of the dark blood roar and others, which makes Wang Shuang very nervous.

The distance between them is too short. If Wang Shuang is not paying attention, let the wilderness giant run to the other side, and just slash one of the Dark Bloodhowl or the Dark Dragonrider, it will have a huge impact on the battle situation there. .

This time, there are not many players from Dark Rose to attack the world boss. Wang Shuang did not plan to bring out some useless players, so after careful selection, Wang Shuang will have a physical attack above 1.2W, or a comprehensive attribute. Good fighters were picked out.

After Wang Shuang took a few people to scan the dungeon last time, the equipment of the players of Gloomy Rose has basically made a qualitative leap. After getting a piece of orange-grade equipment, they also began to challenge some more difficult dungeons. With the advantages brought by the orange-grade equipment on their bodies, many people easily obtained cyan or even green-grade suits.

The remaining orange-grade equipment from the last dungeon was collected by Youyou Cangxue in the guild warehouse. If you want to obtain these orange-grade equipment, you must actively participate in guild activities and earn activity points. The way to change to the equipment you want.

In this way, most of the players of Dark Rose naturally started to participate in various guild activities very enthusiastically.And the enthusiasm and activity of the members of the Dark Rose Guild were slowly mobilized.Although there is still a gap compared with the other first-rate guilds, among the second-rate guilds, there is already a faint tendency to dominate.

Now, the Ancient War Elephant has already charged in front of the Dark Dragonrider and the Dark Bloodhowl, no, or the two took the initiative to send it forward.The Ancient War Elephant suddenly raised its front legs high, and the Dark Dragonrider's pupils shrank fiercely when he saw it, and immediately pulled on the Dark Blood Howl and quickly took a step back.

"Boom!" The earth trembled, and the trampling of the ancient war elephant created a deep pit in place. A large number of cracks appeared around the deep pit, and then the earth continued to tremble.The players of the Gloomy Rose couldn't help but feel a little terrified.

"Thank you." Gloomy Bloodhowl looked with lingering fear, remembering how Wang Shuang was smashed to a pulp with a stick just now, he couldn't help but look back at Gloomy Dragonrider.

"Hmph, it's nothing, you still need to practice your reaction and operational awareness." The Dark Dragonrider snorted coldly, and charged forward again with the long sword in one hand.

The battle continued, and several people continued to surround the ancient war elephant and started a crazy output.Although some players' attack power is not enough to break the defense, after the characters and equipment skills are fully activated, there are still about ten seconds in a minute that can cause some damage.

And when hundreds of players fire at full power at the same time, the amount of damage is terrifying. Even if the ancient war elephant has 400W blood that makes ordinary mobs tremble, it cannot withstand the siege of these hundreds of people.

"Roar!" However, when the blood of the ancient war elephant fell below 50? ? ?Mutation suddenly arises.

The Ancient War Elephant suddenly let out a loud roar, full of anger and brutality, the small eyes on its head looked fiercely at the Gloomy Blood Howl and the Gloomy Dragonriders below.Not far away, the wilderness giant also roared in response.




"Damn it!" Wang Shuang couldn't help but feel his scalp explode when he saw the red light emanating from the wilderness giant's body and enveloped it instantly.

"Damn it!" The Dark Dragonrider and the Dark Bloodhowl who were not far away couldn't help cursing angrily.Now the physical attack of the ancient war elephants has soared all the way to 3.75W physical attack after being added, which is more than their vitality!

And the Dark Dragonrider has 1W physical defense, and 55? ? ?resistance.

According to the conversion method of Star Wish, 55? ? ?Rational resistance is probably offset by 36? ? ?In other words, each attack of the ancient war elephant can still cause about 1.7 damage!

In this way, the Ancient War Elephant could instantly kill them with two attacks!

"Aw!" At this moment, the ancient war elephant suddenly raised its front hooves, and stomped hard on the face of Gloomy Blood Howl.The Gloomy Blood Howl couldn't dodge in time, after being hit, just as the Gloomy Dragonrider thought, it directly lost about two-thirds of its vitality!

"Quickly retreat to the back!" The Dark Dragonrider was slightly startled, and immediately shouted loudly, and then he also prepared to retreat.

"Wait." Gloomy Blood Howl suddenly frowned at this time, looked at the ancient war elephant in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "After this ancient war elephant uses the war cry, it is certainly a crisis for us, but it is also a crisis. a chance!"

"How do you say that?" The Dark Dragonrider's eyebrows twitched in shock. This guy still has about one-third of his blood left, and he can still maintain such a calm demeanor. Isn't he afraid of being killed by the ancient war elephant again? If you step on it, will you be instantly killed?

Gloomy Gorehowl dodged sideways, dexterously dodging the next attack of the Ancient Elephant, then looked at the Gloomy Dragonrider and said: "Although his physical attack and magic defense have increased, but also his physical defense has dropped! And He is not a BOSS yet, that is to say, control and deceleration skills are effective for it!"

"The control skill is effective?" The Dark Dragonrider's heart trembled wildly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his head, and then he came back to his senses, and suddenly realized.

"All the mages of the Dark Rose are paying attention." The Dark Dragonrider suddenly shouted in the team channel: "From now on, all attack the ancient war elephants with ice and snow storms, and make sure to keep them slowing down. , all archers stepped forward, all fire attribute magic is prohibited, we let the ancient war elephant keep slowing down, let him fly a kite!"

"That's right, this ancient war elephant's movement speed is not outstanding, and it's not a BOSS. It will still suffer from the control of stun and deceleration skills. We should have thought of it!" Some players also came to their senses at this time, and couldn't help it It's amazing to shoot the case.

"Should have thought of a fart, just now our long-range firepower can't break through the defense of this ancient war elephant. When the skill cools down, of course we can only stand behind and drink the northwest wind. Only now that the boss uses the skill, we have Opportunity to take advantage of!"

"Archers, archers, hurry up, flying the boss kite depends entirely on the archers!"

After a period of confusion, all the melee players entered the mode of watching the show, and all the mages began to get busy. They waved their staffs one after another, and snowflakes fell from the sky, falling on the long hair on the back of the ancient war elephant, and on its front hooves. The almost transparent ice crystals almost froze the ancient war elephant!

"It's really possible!" After discovering that the movement speed of the ancient war elephant had dropped significantly, the faces of several Gloom Rose players couldn't help showing excited expressions, and the proposer of this plan, Gloom Blood Howl, even waved excitedly. Fist.


Now, when the Ancient War Elephant is about to approach the player of Dark Rose, they will leave a few mages to continue to slow down, and then the others will retreat a certain distance, and continue to output and slow down after gaining a foothold, and then the mages will also retreat and run After going to a farther place, continue to slow down the ancient war elephant.

So the ancient war elephant fell into the embarrassing situation of walking around all the time, but couldn't catch up with the players.Not long after, he was consumed by the players of Gloomy Rose and died on the way!

"It was really killed!"

"This guy is a level 85 red creature, [-] levels higher than us, and he really won!"

"But this is just a mob summoned by a boss. The world boss is still fighting with Wang Shuang..."

Everyone in the Dark Rose recovered from the joy of victory and looked at Wang Shuang, only to find that the giant in the wilderness seemed to have been greatly stimulated. He dropped his mace and beat his chest violently. It seemed that he was about to go crazy. up!

Several stone pillars appeared without warning, and fell around Wang Shuang and Dark Rose. The whole body of the stone pillars was gray, with various patterns engraved on them, as if some mysterious power was slowly coming from the stone pillars. flow out.

"It's useless!" At this time, Wang Shuang suddenly shouted violently. He jumped up high, and the dagger in his hand shone like a star under the moonlight.Cut off the remaining part of the boss!

The thunder and the mark of light exploded at the same time, and the wilderness giant swayed weakly, and fell to the ground like a hill.

(End of this chapter)

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