It's time to play online

Chapter 442 The soul of the leader

Chapter 442 The soul of the leader

"Damn it, strong! The few of us teamed up to beat the Ancient Elephant with 400W of vitality are exhausted, and the vice president's BOSS with 2E blood is actually as fast as our progress!"

"Hmph." Wang Shuang clapped his hands proudly, glanced at the wild giant lying on the ground, and put the dagger in his backpack after spinning around his fingertips for a few weeks.Wang Shuang grinned relaxedly: "It's really a dish."


System prompt: You killed the world boss wilderness giant, you get 5700W experience rewards, you get 5 gold coins rewards, your follower Li Muxuan gets 5700W experience rewards, your follower Evelyn gets 5700W experience rewards, you The follower Serifen gets 5700W experience reward.

System prompt: Your follower Li Muxuan has reached level 66.

System prompt: Your follower Evelyn has reached level 68.

System prompt: You have reached level 70.

System prompt: You get 400 world reputation points, 1500 Lionheart Kingdom merit points, tempered soul x3, and racial skill book: practice makes perfect.

——Practice Makes Perfect (Racial Skill Book): Only human players can learn to use it.Passive skills, when mastering makes perfect, the level requirements for equipment, skill learning and access to dungeons are reduced by 2 levels.


When Wang Shuang revealed this racial skill book, almost all the players of Gloomy Rose couldn't help but swear: "Fucking shit!"

The dark dragonrider opened its mouth even more, and looked at Wang Shuang in surprise: "You really killed something, now our human race has two race skills, players from other races should start to protest, right?"

"That's right, isn't it good for the vice president to do this? Then you will definitely be warmed up by the Star Wish official?"

"Cut, let them protest, it's just sour grapes." Wang Shuang snorted, then remembered the previous Holy Rescue, and couldn't help asking: "By the way, where is the racial skill book before?"

"In the hands of the Longteng Guild, but because of the precedent that the vice president gave all human players to learn skills for free, they didn't dare to charge. Now they are hanging in Kuano City, letting all human players go and learn."

"Hmph, let them go. Anyway, most players in the human race know that I broke the skill book."

Wang Shuang weighed the skill book in his hands with a smile, and with a ding, he turned his head to find Gloomy Gorehowl among the crowd, and handed the skill book to him: "This book is about I will keep it for you temporarily, and the guild players present will find Gorehowl to learn their skills, and then take them back to the dark ice on Bounty Island."

"Understood, Vice President." Hearing this, Gloomy Bloodhowl carefully put away the skill book.

"Adventurer." When everyone was waiting to learn the skill book, Wang Shuang turned his head and met the girl Elida and several other NPCs from the Chi Lei Adventure Group.Seeing tears on Yilida's face, he stepped forward to hold Wang Shuang's hand and shook it tightly: "Thank you for avenging Asukta and the others..."

"You're welcome, why do you want to kill this wilderness giant?" Wang Shuang couldn't help asking, tilting his neck.

"This is about the story of Chi Lei's adventure group before." Yi Lida sighed, and after Wang Shuang nodded for confirmation, she began to talk about the story: "It was a long time ago, when I was just adventured by Chi Lei. When the group leader picked it up, I was only six years old, and to the entire adventure group, I was just a child."

"They hunted all kinds of monsters outside during the day, exchanged them for a lot of gold coins with their furs and precious materials, taught me how to read and write at night, and how to use various weapons, so I will soon be able to work with them Start hunting monsters, and embark on the road of constantly strengthening yourself for gold coins."

"I originally thought that time would flow slowly like this, but the good times didn't last long. When we passed a wasteland one day, the leader heard footsteps shaking the ground, and he quickly judged that it was a huge monster. But When we found this monster, we found that it is a famous wilderness giant on this plain."

"At that time, many businessmen and passers-by were tragically killed by the mace of this wild giant, so the amount of rewards offered by various towns for the wild giant has been increasing. At that time, the young and energetic leader thought that as long as Chi Lei took risks With the whole regiment working together, we will be able to easily defeat this giant in the wilderness."

"But..." At this point, Elida's eyes began to dim, like stars covered by dark clouds in the night sky: "When the mace of the wilderness giant fell and smashed the leader to pieces, then I felt like the sky of the whole world was falling on me."

"The wilderness giant summoned the mammoth after that, and after killing several members of our adventure group, we escaped. I looked at the corpses of the leader and the members, just so close to me place, but I can't move forward, and I can't even help them bury them well..."

"After that, many members of the former adventure group left the group one after another until I was the only one left. Fortunately, I had the ability to hunt monsters alone at that time, but I never forgot the Chi Lei Adventure Group in my heart. When I felt that I was strong enough, I established myself as the leader of the Chi Lei Adventure Group, and recruited people to reorganize the Chi Lei Adventure Group."

"It's really a magnificent and epic life." Wang Shuang said softly, "It's not easy for a young girl like you."

"It's not easy." Elida looked up at the stars in the night sky, as if recalling what happened before: "You know what happened after that, I'm comparing the situation of Chi Lei Adventure Group in its heyday Finally, I found that we were still not sure about the giants of the wilderness. So I thought of combining the strengths of the adventurers to kill the giants of the wilderness and let the leader rest in peace."

"Is there anything else I can do?" Wang Shuang couldn't help asking.After talking for a long time, it means that there is a plot behind it, and is this called a joint venture? It is clear that my brother and a few people from the guild are outputting the whole process. You NPCs are obviously just watching the drama by the side.

"Actually, I have a small favor to ask you all." Yilida raised her head and looked into Wang Shuang's eyes. The persistence and belief flashing in her pupils made Wang Shuang's heart tremble.Wang Shuang asked without hesitation: "Finally, as long as I can do it, I will do my best."

"Well, I believe in you. For you who can defeat even wilderness giants, this is not difficult." Ilida took out a small bottle from her pocket, held it with both hands and handed it to Wang Shuang.Wang Shuang reached out to take the bottle, lifted it up and looked at it, it seemed that it was just an ordinary bottle.

"Now the giant of the wilderness is dead, but I still need the souls of the leader and several other members of the Chi Lei Adventure Group. I want to pay homage to them and tell them that the giant of the wilderness has been killed by us, and let them rest in peace."

"Soul?" Wang Shuang couldn't help but smiled wryly, looked at the glass bottle the size of a can on the palm of his hand, looked at Yi Lida and repeated: "Are you sure, it is the soul of the leader of the Chi Lei Adventure Group and several members of the Chi Lei Adventure Group?" , in this bottle?"

"Yes." Ilida nodded with certainty, as if there were stardust shining in her eyes: "The leader once said before that Ilida is a very good child, even if he dies, his soul will turn into a clear spring Be by Elida's side and always be there for me. He also said that the name Elida has different meanings in his hometown, representing innocence, beauty and hope."

At this time, several members of Gloomy Rose came up from one side. Hearing Elida's words, Gloomy Dragonrider raised his eyebrows, and said involuntarily, "You trust your former team leader very much."

"Yes, the leader is in my heart, like the sun hanging high in the whole sky." Elida stretched out her hand to the sky, her eyes were a little blurred: "I can hope, but I can't touch it. Although I have been working hard, I still can't touch it." I can only follow behind him, when I look up, I can see his stalwart figure in front of me, shielding me from the wind and rain, blocking all dangers."

"Although he is gone now, I can still feel where he is, protecting me. This familiar feeling reminds me of warmth, brightness, and hope..."

"Understood." Wang Shuang smiled, squeezed the bottle in his hand and promised Elida: "I will put the leader of the Chi Lei Adventure Group and the souls of those who passed away in the bottle, and then bring them back. For you."

"Thank you, and may the brilliance of the sun and the moon shine on your path forever, adventurer." Ilida stretched out her hand to hold the glass bottle in Wang Shuang's hand, as if reluctant to part with it.Then she let go of her hand, took a few steps back slowly, and looked at Wang Shuang and bowed again: "Adventurers, I also want to thank you for helping us kill the giant in the wilderness. But we really have nothing to give you .”

She said, untied the necklace around her neck, and handed it to Wang Shuang: "This is the relic of the leader. The necklace is inlaid with a mixed crystal of large amethyst and red crystal. I heard that the mixed crystal is sold in the market. It’s very valuable, and it’s probably the only valuable thing on me.”

Wang Shuang smiled lightly: "Hehe, it doesn't matter, we were mentally prepared before accepting this task. But you should keep the relics of the leader, I don't lack these gold coins."

"No, please accept it, because this is also necessary to find the leader's soul."

"Um, well then..."


System prompt: You have completed the green-level mission "Fighting Wilderness Giants", you get 1350W experience rewards, your follower Li Muxuan gets 1350W experience rewards, your follower Evelyn gets 1350W experience rewards, your follower Ser Riffin received 1350W experience reward.

ding ding ding...

Wang Shuang looked at the golden rings emerging from the surrounding players of Dark Rose, and looked at himself, and couldn't help but sighed helplessly: Sure enough, it's tiring to bring a few followers to level up together.

(End of this chapter)

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