It's time to play online

Chapter 446 Store the dead soul

Chapter 446 Store the dead soul
"Nani, that's fine." Wang Shuang then remembered that this guy's roots were all over the world, so he nodded helplessly.

"Then, adventurer from the human race, why did you come here to find me?" The voice of the demon tree rang in Wang Shuang's ear again.

"I want to know the location of the Linglong Temple." Wang Shuang took a deep breath and asked seriously.

"Want to know the geographical location information?" Yaoshu's voice sounded a little faint, and then said: "Complete one of my tasks, and I will tell you the answer to this question."

"What task?" Wang Shuang asked with a tight heart.

"It's a very simple task, but it's not difficult for you." Just as Yaoshu's voice fell, a pleasant system prompt sounded in Wang Shuang's ear.


System prompt: Do you want to accept the purple-level task "cleaning up soul ants"?
"You just saw that a lot of ants that feed on souls have grown on the surface of my body recently. They compete with me for the soul resources of dead people, and they are very enlightened. Into my body, I can't fight back."

"So, your task is to help me kill about 100 soul ants exposed on the surface of the seventh floor. After completing the task, you come back here, and I will mark it on your map."

"Oh, that's a good request." Wang Shuang regained his energy immediately and nodded in agreement.


System prompt: You have accepted the purple-level task "cleaning up soul ants".

After Wang Shuang finished speaking, the scene changed, and he returned to the room on the seventh floor of the Fengling Pagoda.

"You're really lucky." As soon as Wang Shuang came back, he heard Li Er sticking to his ear and said meowingly.

"Yeah, this level of request is a piece of cake, and I don't reject this kind of task form." Wang Shuang thought for a while, but he still didn't summon out his followers who had died in battle, but took out a dagger , and began to slash the bark surface with one knife at a time, and with one swing of the dagger, a mass of soul ants would bleed out.

Wang Shuang's talent of running from time to time has expired at this time, so his passive skills could not be triggered when he slashed the soul ants.Even so, the dozens of layers of broken and standing state superimposed on Wang Shuang's body still brought him a considerable increase in attributes.Now Wang Shuang can kill a piece of Soul Ant with two swords.


System prompt: You have killed the soul ants, and your task "cleaning up the soul ants" has made progress, and the current progress is 32/100.

System prompt: You have killed the soul ants, and your task "cleaning up the soul ants" has made progress, and the current progress is 33/100.

System prompt: You have killed the soul ants, and your task "cleaning up the soul ants" has made progress, and the current progress is 34/100.


In less than a minute, the soul ants on the surface of the bark were almost dead. After the white body lost its vitality, it fell down like fine white flakes, flakes like a light snowfall.

But until now, Wang Shuang's task progress has finally been completed.Li Er, who was sitting on his shoulders, woke up from her doze, raised her cat's paw, and then the scene in front of Wang Shuang changed, and she returned to the purple world.

"I have completed the task." Wang Shuang shouted to the towering tree in front of him after his eyes adapted to the surrounding environment.


System prompt: You have completed the mission "Clearing Soul Ants".

No one spoke this time, and Wang Shuang felt his backpack move.He opened his backpack, found the map option and opened it to take a look. Sure enough, he saw a big red cross on the map.The fork is so deep that it is clearly visible at a glance on this valley-yellow map.

Wang Shuang carefully observed the crossed position on the map, and was a little surprised to find that it was not far from here.It was on the land of the orcs, a place called "Deni City" on the border.

"Finally found it." Wang Shuang gritted his teeth, his blood boiling.

Mi Luduo, wait for brother, brother will save you from your evil kind immediately!

Wang Shuang glanced at his follower panel, Mi Luduo's profile picture was still in a gray state of betrayal, it seemed so far away, as if it would never change back.

"Any other questions?" Yaoshu's voice sounded again.

"No, thank you Lord Yaoshu." Wang Shuang cupped his fists at Yaoshu and said sincerely.

"Hehe, it's okay, just tell me if you need it, I will satisfy you whatever you want to know, as long as it is something that happens in this world." The voice of the demon tree is full of charm, as if a person who is constantly tempting the king cool devil.

"Oh, there is one more thing. I am looking for the souls of several members of the Chi Lei Adventure Group. They have been dead for more than ten years. Are their souls with you now?" a purpose.

"Yes, not there." Yaoshu's answer made Wang Shuang a little puzzled again.

"What do you mean, you ate them?" Wang Shuang couldn't help asking.

"No, I didn't absorb them, because I knew that their souls would be useful one day in the future, so I stayed in advance."

Wang Shuang couldn't help being a little speechless when he heard the words: Master of the system, do you dare to lie a little more?

"Now their souls are still there, but their memories and consciousness are gone. If you still want to find them, I can return them to you without any conditions."

"Give it to me unconditionally? It's so good!" Wang Shuang couldn't help being surprised, he didn't expect this demon tree to be so generous this time.Since it is unconditional, it must not be in vain!
Anyway, the girl didn't ask for anything else, as long as she found the souls of the former leader and members of the Chi Lei Adventure Group and stuffed their souls into glass bottles, it should be fine.

The demon tree agreed, and soon several ghosts appeared around Wang Shuang.Wang Shuang took a closer look, and couldn't help but be surprised: because the red names of hostility are displayed on the heads of these ghosts!
"What's going on here?" Wang Shuang couldn't help but asked in amazement.

"They have lost their memory and judgment, just like the ghosts you saw when you first came up. Now they only know how to attack living creatures, and they don't remember anything else." Shuang heard it.

Wang Shuang couldn't help being anxious, looking at the gray souls floating in mid-air, he took out the glass bottle and waved it in the air, but the ghosts in front of him didn't like Wang Shuang's set at all, and continued to attack Wang Shuang desperately. Cool.

"Damn it, what should I do? Is there any way to help them restore their memories?" Wang Shuang was dumbfounded, and then pinned his hopes on the demon tree.

"Hehe, do you want to know?"

"Of course I want to! Otherwise, I'd just have their souls for my own use!"

"Help me with another mission."

——Ah, Wang Shuang almost spit out a mouthful of old blood: Brother said why it suddenly became so generous, it turns out that there is this level waiting for brother!

Just when Wang Shuang was hesitating and hesitating, Lier on his shoulders suddenly opened his eyes, narrowed his eyes and said: "Stupid adventurers, if you want to restore its memory, you need them to bring something from their life Stimulate them!"

"Things from his lifetime?" Wang Shuang couldn't help being taken aback, then took out the necklace that Yilida gave him before from his backpack, glanced blankly at the souls in front of him, and handed the necklace forward——

Soon, a ghost stopped attacking and stood there blankly.Wang Shuang's heart skipped a beat: Is it really effective?

"Hey, Mr. Soul." Wang Shuang ignored the harassment of several other souls, found the soul that stopped attacking, shook the necklace in his hand in front of the floating soul, and then asked: " Do you remember this necklace, it belonged to you when you were alive!"


Wang Shuang: "The very valuable ones, such as mixed crystals, can be sold for a lot of gold coins!"


Wang Shuang: "Ilida gave it to me!"


"Damn it!" Wang Shuang was so angry that he threw the necklace on the ground, and then couldn't help asking: "It doesn't seem to work?"

"This is actually probable. If you try a few times, you will always succeed once." Lier said.

"Fuck, there's a chance!" Wang Shuang almost vomited blood in anger, but the problem is that brother's talent has to wait another hour!

It hurts!

But there was no way, Wang Shuang had to sit down where he was, and while enduring the harassment of several other ghosts, he chatted with Yaoshu all over the place.

During the period, Wang Shuang also went back to the team channel to take a look. Now several players from the guild have arrived at the fifth floor, which is where the [-]th-level white monsters are all over the place, and started to spawn monsters on the seventh floor.Led by Gloomy Dragonrider and Gloomy Bloodhowl, they have already met the impact of several waves of ghost monsters, and are now considering whether to advance to the sixth floor.

Wang Shuang watched the team chat channel for a while, watched the guild chat channel for a while, and browsed the forum. Time passed quickly.

Finally, a pleasant system prompt sounded in Wang Shuang's ears.


System prompt: Your talent "Times Come and Go" has been triggered.

"Damn it, it's finally healed." Wang Shuang sat up, glanced at the other ghosts, and couldn't help but feel a little headache: "But even if I wake up the leader, what should the other people do?"

"You can tell a little bit about the clues they experienced before they were alive, and it is possible to help them recall them."

"Is that so?" Wang Shuang was stunned for a moment, then looked at the ghosts around him who had tirelessly attacked him in the past hour, and shouted, "Elida, Chi Lei Adventure Group!"

Several ghosts stopped their movements at the same time. After a while, Wang Shuang saw that their faces, which had nothing at all, gradually showed human appearance.

Human expression, human body... They are, have their memories recovered?
"Mao, adventurer..." Li Er's voice sounded a little trembling: "You, what did you do?"

"Didn't do anything? It's just like you said, a little bit of the story of their life." Wang Shuang laughed, shrugged, and took out the glass bottle.This time these souls did not resist, and flowed smoothly into the glass bottle in Wang Shuang's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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