It's time to play online

Chapter 447 Another Mysterious Chi Lei Adventure Group

Chapter 447 Another Mysterious Chi Lei Adventure Group
Ignoring Li Er who was so shocked that he didn't speak for a while, Wang Shuang closed the glass bottle, then threw it into his backpack, and waved to the towering tree as a farewell.

"The Yushun Cat Yushun cat clan is suffering a lot now, but do you still have time to help this lost adventurer here?"

Hearing this, Wang Shuang couldn't help raising his eyebrows.He could hear that the demon tree was a little displeased with Li Er's act of helping him just now, but after the demon tree said so, Wang Shuang clearly felt Li Er's body shaking.

"Hey, are you okay?" Wang Shuang shook his shoulders, seeing Li Er bowed his head in silence, for some reason, he suddenly felt a little stuffy.

"It's okay, let's go."

The next moment, Wang Shuang appeared on the seventh floor of the Fengling Pagoda.

At this time, he suddenly saw that the news in his team channel had reached 99. He opened it and took a quick glance, and found that the players from the dark rose below were begging Wang Shuang to take him away.

"Fuck, you guys are leveling yourself, brother is very busy." Wang Shuang was a little speechless, and flipped through it again, and soon saw the chat records of two people, Dark Dragonrider and Dark Bloodhowl, who organized several people to fight ghosts.

However, the effect of their leadership is far inferior to that of Wang Shuang. Naturally, they were complained by several other Dark Rose players.Wang Shuang thought for a while, and then opened the guild channel.

At this time, most of the members in the guild list are online, and there are many people chatting in the guild channel.Wang Shuang found You An Qianyao in the list, and opened the dialog box.

Wang Shuang: "Wuxue is not here, there is something I want to discuss with you."

Within a few seconds, You An Qianyao quickly replied: "What's the matter? Tell me, I'm halfway through copying with someone else."

When Wang Shuang heard this, he had to make a long story short: "I feel that there are a few people who have great potential, and I want to promote them first to try. They are the Dark Dragon Knight and the Dark Bloodhowl in the guild. These two seem to be capable and have the ability to manage the team. Consciousness and sense of responsibility, how about giving them both a small captain first?"

After the message was sent, You An Qianyao quickly replied: "You can make your own decision on such a small matter? Now the guild has more power to speak than me and Wu Xue, so I'm sure you have the final say."

Wang Shuang was stunned for a moment, looking at You An Qianyao's words, he felt a little uncomfortable.

Is this the legendary subordinate who is more capable than the boss?
Replying "OK", Wang Shuang closed the chat window with You An Qianyao, then searched in the guild member list, and found the IDs of You Yin Dragonrider and You An Qianyao.


System prompt: Vice President Wang Shuang promoted the Dark Dragonrider to team leader.

System prompt: Vice President Wang Shuang promoted Gloomy Gorehowl to team leader.


[Guild Channel] Wang Shuang: I still have a task to hand in today, and I have to travel far away. If there is anything I need to ask the team leader to solve it, if it doesn’t work, come to me again.The guild is currently in the mana stage, everyone, work hard, and become rich, handsome, rich and beautiful is just around the corner!
Afterwards, Wang Shuang found two people, Gloomy Dragonrider and Gloomy Bloodhowl, and explained and confessed a few sentences. You just said it without asking my opinion, and then came to tell me?"

"Damn it, you're still not happy to be your team leader! What's more, would you refuse?"

"Captain, can I eat it? Is it delicious?"

"When I get something good, the first time I think about it is the president and the vice president, and the second time it's you. Do you think the little captain is delicious?"

"Okay, that's good, take me to spawn more monsters, and let me break through level 80 with you, and I'll be satisfied."

"Haha, sure."

Afterwards, Wang Shuang and the Dark Dragonrider disconnected the communication, glanced at the stairs, and also explained a few words in the team channel, then left the team, activated the dark lurking mode, and quickly left the Spirit Sealing Pagoda.

After leaving the Fengling Pagoda, Wang Shuang got into the carriage, returned to Saiyan City, repaired the equipment on his body, replenished the recovery potion, and lost several thousand gold coins.

Then Wang Shuang left Saiyan City, came to the camp of the Chi Lei Adventure Group, found the girl Elida, took out the glass bottle from her backpack, and handed it to her.Immediately, a smile of information appeared on Yilida's face: "You really did it, adventurer! Is this really the souls of those who passed away from the leader and Chi Lei's adventure group?"

"En." Wang Shuang nodded, brushed off the gray dust on the glass bottle, and handed the leader's necklace in the backpack to Elida.

Elida held the glass bottle in both hands, as if she was holding something precious and rare, her eyes were pious without any impurities.

When Wang Shuang saw it, he also felt warm in his heart.He couldn't help asking: "What are you planning to do with the souls of the regiment leader and those dead regiment members?"

"Of course it is to revive them and let them open their eyes to see the world again." Elida said.

"Huh?" Wang Shuang was slightly taken aback: "It sounds like a glorious and arduous task... But I remember that light magic doesn't include resurrection?"

"But black magic can make them reincarnated." Elida said with a smile, and then raised one hand, and on the tip of her green finger, black rays of light began to emerge, like strands of swimming Seeing the little snake, Wang Shuang's scalp couldn't help but feel a little numb.

"Wait, why do you... black magic?" Wang Shuangyou smiled awkwardly, but when he glanced outside the camp, Wang Shuang quickly stopped laughing.

Outside the camp, a huge figure crawled. If you don't look carefully, you might mistake it for a hill.But Wang Shuang clearly had close contact with that figure, and even Wang Shuang killed that guy before.

The giant of the wilderness, the leader of the North Wind Killer Adventure Group, shouted before his death: the giant that no one can control after his death, now seems to have been completely tamed by the Chi Lei Adventure Group.

He also discovered that when the glass bottle was handed over to Elida, it suddenly had a name, and several strange symbols emerged from the surface of the glass bottle.

——Spirit Sealing Bottle: It can store the souls of less than a hundred people, so that the consciousness of the hundred souls will be constantly entangled. If it is left for too long, the souls of the hundred people will fight each other, and finally a higher-level wraith will be born.

Wang Shuang felt the pores all over his body tighten, and suddenly remembered that the leader of the North Wind Killer Adventure Group had shouted hysterically before he died:

"The Chi Lei Adventure Group is not a good thing either!"

Recalling the past, Wang Shuang had completed several tasks for Elida before, and Elida did not give any other rewards at all except experience rewards.Although her previous reason was to cry for poverty, but now it seems that she is obviously lying to Wang Shuang and the others.

That's right, if you think about this kind of thing, you will know it.How can an adventure group that hunts monsters and earns gold coins from them be poor?If the adventure group not only failed to make money, but even lost money, they would have disbanded long ago.

After all, not to mention the exhaustion of running around like this, making no money, and life-threatening things, who would do it?
...Is that so?So it turns out that such a shrewd guy like my brother was also played around by an NPC like this?
When Wang Shuang came back to his senses, Elida had disappeared.The entire camp of the Chi Lei Adventure Group was empty, and several NPCs standing at the entrance of the camp looked at Wang Shuang with a very unfriendly expression on their faces. Wang Shuang took a step forward, and they nervously put their hands on their weapons.

It seemed that if Wang Shuang took another step forward, they would draw their swords to face each other.

"Grass mud horse." Wang Shuang gritted his teeth unwillingly, and looked at the friendly green names on the heads of several NPCs. If he attacked them, would it cause him to directly change back to the red name in Saiyan City? Will it also go crazy?

"Okay, I'll remember you all." Wang Shuang snorted coldly, turned his head and walked out of the camp. Before leaving, he deliberately glanced at the motionless wilderness giant. When he saw the name on the guy's head, he Can't help but be taken aback.

This wilderness giant is actually a neutral yellow name, that is to say, if you kill this guy, you won't be punished by losing your reputation?
Wang Shuang looked around, then drew out his dagger, and after entering the dark lurking state, he stepped forward and gave the wilderness giant a dagger.

There was a muffled grunt, and then the surroundings fell into silence again.

no response!Wang Shuang swung the dagger twice again, and the blood bar on the head of the wilderness giant dropped again, but the NPC of Chi Lei Adventure Group still didn't respond at all.

Wang Shuang thought about it carefully, and quickly realized: because he is now in a state of darkness lurking, and the wilderness giant happened to not find him.And every time Wang Shuang attacks, he will reduce the probability of being discovered, so after a few knives, it is completely impossible for the wilderness giant to see Wang Shuang.

But the wilderness giant didn't move, and the Chi Lei Adventure Group inside naturally wouldn't notice it.

That is to say—brother can kill this boss who has just been revived silently?

Thinking of this, Wang Shuang's thoughts suddenly became open-minded: Brother Lie helped you get a boss, and there is a price to pay!
Wang Shuang got close to the giant in the wilderness, and slashed at his hard skin.The wail of the wilderness giant gradually became clearer, and soon, several NPCs from the Chi Lei Adventure Group came out to check the situation.

"what happened?"

"I don't know, maybe I just woke up, and I'm still a little confused."

After checking a few times, several NPCs confirmed that there was no one else around the wilderness giant, and then returned to the camp of Chi Lei Adventure Group.

At this time, Wang Shuang came out from behind the giant in the wilderness, and raised the corners of his mouth: No way, who told you that you are NPCs, and you can't see the blood of this guy?


System prompt: You killed the giant in the dark wilderness, you get 1850W experience rewards, you get 3000 gold coins as rewards, your follower Li Muxuan gets 1850W experience rewards, your follower Evelyn gets 1850W experience rewards, your Follower Sirifen gets 1850W experience reward.

Seeing the wilderness giant fall to the ground, and then slowly dissipate into pieces of ashes, Wang Shuang's heart is naturally refreshed!

Could it be that you can be resurrected again now?The corpses are gone, go play with mud!
"I'll get back with you when I have time..." Wang Shuang glanced at the real time, and it was getting late.He will take the guild players to continue sweeping several other world bosses in the afternoon, so it's better to go and see the situation on Miludo's side first.

(End of this chapter)

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