It's time to play online

Chapter 455 The Wind of Freedom

Chapter 455 The Wind of Freedom
In real life, about three days passed before Wang Shuang returned to the road of awakening again.

Regarding the life of these three days, Wang Shuang thought that he had nothing to say.After searching for a long time on the first day, I finally found the intersection of the underground ruins, and then rushed in to brush the monsters for three days, and finally got what Chick said on the third day.

After going through many obstacles, Wang Shuang finally came to the Twin Assassin training ground.In the treasure chest of the training ground, Wang Shuang found a copy of the twin assassin's revision opinions and suggestions.The cover of this book is tattered, but for some reason, the pages inside look like new.

After Wang Shuang spent a day reading it carefully, he received a reminder that he had successfully changed his job, and he understood why Chick would say that.

What this book is about is actually Chick’s views and opinions on the twin assassin, which was considered a new profession at the time, and he added some of his own revisions and explanations to people’s basic understanding of this profession.

After Wang Shuang finished reading, he comprehended these revisions and explanations by the way, so Wang Shuang also made a breakthrough together.

At the same time, he finally understood why this profession was called Twin Assassin.

The so-called twins refer to two separate and independent individuals.To be more specific and easy to understand, it is: a game character can enjoy two identities, two nicknames, two sets of attribute distribution methods, and two sets of skills.

And players can switch between these two identities at any time according to their own needs.

After researching all this, Wang Shuang soon found that all his attribute points had been emptied and turned into free attribute points, leaving only the attribute bonuses brought by the equipment on his body.

And besides his nickname column, there is an extra space, as if there is something to fill in.

Wang Shuang cut to another panel, and all the equipment on his body disappeared immediately.

"Ah?" Wang Shuang was taken aback, and glanced at the equipment that suddenly disappeared all over his body, and then heard a sharp scream in his ear.


Wang Shuang immediately turned his head when he heard the words, and seeing Evelyn covering her eyes with her hands and looking at him through her fingers, Wang Shuang couldn't help but said speechlessly, "What are you doing?"

"Master, why are you suddenly undressed..." Evelyn's pretty face still looked very rosy.

"I..." Wang Shuang didn't know how to explain for a while, and switched back to Wang Shuang's game character, so all the equipment on his body came back.

"Hey, why are there two masters?" Seeing this, Evelyn pulled her hand from her face and asked in confusion.

Wang Shuang smiled, walked over and touched Evelyn's head: "I'll just get used to it in the future. Both are me, just a special ability after changing jobs."

"Well, since the master said so, then it should be so."

I have to say that after a thorough understanding, Wang Shuang thinks this setting is still very good.

An empty account slot means that when the identity of "Wang Shuang" is sensitive, he can quickly switch to another nickname and become another person who has nothing to do with Wang Shuang.

Not only that, Wang Shuang's skills and attribute points can all be relearned.Except that the profession can only be Twin Assassin, everything else can be changed.

So first give a name to the character in another state.

Wang Shuang thought about it, since it was only used when it was inconvenient for him to do things, it naturally couldn't be related to "Wang Shuang", and of course it shouldn't be related to Dark Rose. After all, many people have seen Wang Shuang's skills But, so I can only create a new character.

Then this is a casual player, and at the same time must have a certain strength and be able to perform some tasks-then it is called the wind of freedom.


The system prompts: The nickname is created successfully.

Wang Shuang took out a set of equipment from his backpack and put it on, then glanced at his current appearance in surprise.His face also completely changed into another person's face, even if Su Wuxue stood in front of him at this time, she would definitely not recognize him.

Not to mention, Wang Shuang's current equipment and nickname are completely different from the original ones.

"It's great to have an identity that can act as you want." Wang Shuang moved his hands and feet, feeling very satisfied with this brand new self.After taking a look at the same eyes of the followers behind him, he was even more satisfied.

"By the way, let's allocate attribute points and skills..."

Wang Shuang glanced at the other statistics. The current level of the wind of freedom is 80.Wang Shuang grew up to level 80 and got 560 free attribute points. After completing the task of eradicating troubles, he got 80 free attribute points. After completing the task of calming down the unrest of the dark elves, he got 30 free attribute points. Song gets 100 free attribute points...

The attribute point reward brought by the soul of adventure was not added to the game character of Liberty Wind, because the soul of adventure is a skill, and the attribute bonus brought by it can only stay on the side of Wang Shuang.

This is a bit painful, and Wang Shuang also discovered that his attribute points cannot be shared—that is to say, the addition of the free attribute points of the two characters, Wang Shuang and Freedom Wind, has to be equal to his total Free attribute points are equal.

This is a pain in the ass. I heard that a higher level limit will be opened in the future. Could it be that when I upgrade to a level, I will get 7 free attribute points, 4 attribute points will be allocated to Wang Shuang's account, and 3 attribute points will be allocated to Wang Shuang's account. Where is the wind of freedom?
No, why does this distribution feel weaker than ordinary people!

Forget it, let’s be weaker. It’s not easy to have dual identities. What’s more, my brother has the spirit of adventure on the other side, which directly provides thousands of points of all attributes. These seven or eight hundred free attribute points are still useful. It's not too big.

After thinking about it, Wang Shuang decided to allocate [-] free attribute points to the free wind, and focus on strengthening agility and physique.In fact, this is also the general assassin's method of adding points, high attack, and then don't be instantly killed immediately, this is enough.

After finishing all this, Wang Shuang continued on the road with several of his followers. After experiencing some twists and turns, he finally returned to the ground, entered the dream dungeon, and then embarked on the road to awakening.

Seeing Chike again, he was obviously taken aback, circled around Wang Shuang a few times, and couldn't help but click his tongue: "That's right, I didn't expect that your two personality attributes are so strong."

"Personality?" Wang Shuang asked a little strangely.

"Yeah, personality, this is a new term I gave to twin assassins." Chick said, suddenly turned his head, and in an instant, the appearance of his face changed drastically, turning into an eyebrow Seeing the young elf with a faint confident smile, Wang Shuang took a step back in shock.

"I see." After being surprised, Wang Shuang had no choice but to nod: "I think it's quite convenient, dual personality, not bad. If there are secret missions to be performed in the future, I can use this."

"Hehe, in fact, there are still many advantages of these two personalities, you will gradually realize it later." Chick laughed a few times, and suddenly asked: "By the way, you must not have learned about armaments yet, have you? "

"Armed?" Wang Shuang couldn't help but his eyes lit up: "Can I learn it now? Oh yes, I've already reached level [-] and changed my job."

"At this time, you have the advantage of having two personalities." Qi Ke pointed to Wang Shuang, and then changed back to the original form and said: "This is, you can have two types of weapons, and do not share the cooldown. Time. After you use one weapon, you can directly cut out another weapon!"

"Damn it, it's so cute!" Wang Shuang was very excited.

"About arming, I think you know enough before. The burst ability is extremely strong in a short period of time, and cannot be interrupted by any means. The duration is 1 minute, and the cooling time is two days... Apart from these, in fact, you will personally What kind of weapons you get depends on your own strength and some luck."

"Hehe, if you need luck, you can talk about anything." Wang Shuang laughed.


The next morning, outside Minglu City.

Since the day when Wang Shuang broke through level [-], a large number of players have reached the full level of the current star wish in the past five days, and have successfully changed jobs to become their favorite jobs.

Free Wind seemed like a very normal player who had just reached the full level.

When he walked out of Minglu City, the gate of the city was as lively as ever.At this time, someone took a look at Freedom Feng, and reached out to stop him: "That brother over there, Freedom Wind, please stay."

Wang Shuang frowned, stopped and turned to look at the other party, but saw that the other party came up quickly, looked him up and down, as if he was looking at Wang Shuang's attributes: "Look at your appearance, have you just reached the full level? Assassin player?"

Wang Shuang was stunned: "Well, yes."

Because he looks like Liberty now, the players in front of him didn't recognize Wang Shuang, so they casually came up to talk to him.

Wang Shuang was about to find a reason to leave quickly. He had other things to do. For example, he went to the orc clan to see if there was any way to sneak in, or he went to the undead clan to find another inheritance suit. .Now he only has these two pieces of equipment left to complete the inheritance suit.

But what the player in front of him said later made his heart flutter again: "Ah, if you don't mind, we are still short of a melee output position in forming a business group guard team, and the level should be at full level. I don't know Are you interested?"

"Business group escort? Where are you going?"

"A business group that goes to the orcs to trade."

Wang Shuang was stunned for a moment: "The territory of the orcs? Can ordinary human players like us get in?"

"Under normal circumstances, we will definitely not be able to enter. But this kind of business group will definitely not go deep into the territory of the orcs to do business alone, and will definitely bring a few people around to protect them." The player said, and at the same time showed his head. Nickname: "I am the team leader of the Firewood Guild in Minglu City, Firewood is blooming. If you are interested, please tell me, I will wait over there..."

"No, I'll join." Wang Shuang said without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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