It's time to play online

Chapter 456 The Orc's Raid

Chapter 456 The Orc's Raid

Under the leadership of Xin Huo Blooming, Wang Shuang quickly met with several other team members.

——Xinhuo Burning, a member of the Xinhuo Guild, a level 80 fighter, after being strengthened by Strong Body II and Blood King Kong, he is now the team's front row meat shield.Its 2.7W physical defense can almost withstand the damage caused by most monsters, and its own 7.4W blood is also an existence that will be difficult to kill for a while.

——Xinhuo Huajia, a member of the Xinhuo Guild, a level 79 mage, is also the main magic damage output of the escort business group this time.

——Sweeping one side, a casual player like Wang Shuang, an 80-level archer, whose powerful physical long-distance output ability seems to be very famous in Minglu City.

——Xinhuo Chengen, a member of the Xinhuo Guild, a level 76 priest, and the only girl in the team.When Wang Shuang looked at her, Xinhuo Chengen also hugged Wang Shuang with a sweet smile. Although it was not very pretty, it flowed through Wang Shuang's heart like a clear stream.

There are also a few less than [-]-level players who are responsible for auxiliary output and adding buffs. Xinhuo Blossom also introduced them to Wang Shuang one by one, so that Wang Shuang has a general impression of these dozen people.

"It's almost there. In this case, our melee, long-range, and physical and magic outputs are enough." Xinghuo Bloom walked to the side and chatted with an NPC, and suddenly a cavalry came out of the city, and then Xinghuo Bloom spread to everyone He waved his hand: "Come on, the mission has begun, let's catch up."


A few people along the way can be regarded as peer relationships, so we chatted.Wang Shuang was listening quietly. He didn't chat with these people very often, so Wang Shuang couldn't get into the topic at all about the gossip they discussed and some opinions on the skills of fighters and mages.

At this time, the same silent fire bloomed, and he was also the captain of the player group who traveled to the territory of the orcs this time. At this time, he posted over and chatted with Wang Shuang: "I am in Ming Dynasty. It seems that Lucheng has never seen you before, where are you from?"

"Oh, I'm Saiyan City—no, I was in Kuano City at first, but recently I came here because I needed to enter the territory of the Beastmen for a mission."

"So that's how it is." Xin Huo Blossom seemed to think of something, and suddenly realized: "No wonder, when I said that we can enter the territory of the orcs, you agreed without hesitation."

"Hehe, that's right." Wang Shuang nodded.

"Was it from Kuye City to Saiyan City... I heard that Wang Shuang is also such a player. Have you ever had contact with him?" Xin Huo Blossom asked suddenly without warning.

"Eh? Wang Shuang..." Although he had another indifferent look on the outside, Wang Shuang couldn't help laughing in his heart: Brother is Wang Shuang, do you think brother Have contact with yourself?
"It's okay. I've met him a few times, but I'm not very familiar with him. I haven't had a chance to talk to him." Wang Shuang replied casually.

"Hehe, that's right. For people like Wang Shuang, it's better not to mess around with the relationship." Xin Huo Blossom seemed to agree and nodded.

What the hell does that mean?Wang Shuang couldn't help raising his eyebrows, took a deep look at Xin Huo Blossom, and didn't say anything.

On the surface, he is now a free spirit. A person who has nothing to do with Wang Shuang, asking a lot of questions at will will easily arouse doubts from others, right?
"By the way, I forgot to ask you a key question." Liberty Feng suddenly remembered something, and the bottom of his pupils lit up, as if a bright light flashed: "What do you think of your output ability? Although I think It shouldn't be asked, after all, those who can reach level 80 at this time are not young people..."

"Oh, it's okay, average level. But after changing jobs, the attribute has indeed been greatly enhanced." Wang Shuang replied.

"Hehe, that's natural. I'm more at ease if you change jobs." Xin Huohua bloomed with a smile on his face, and then asked, "What about the weapons, what kind of weapons have you awakened?"

"Sorry, I don't have time to do it yet."

"Don't you have time..." A little disappointment flashed in the eyes of Xin Huo Blooming, and then he patted Wang Shuang on the shoulder: "Seeing that you are still a casual player, why don't you join our Xin Huo Guild and we will take you to do armed awakening?" How about the task?"

"No need, my heart is just like this nickname, I hope I can come and go freely." Wang Shuang rejected his proposal without hesitation.

"It doesn't matter, the door of our guild is open to you at any time." Xing Huo bloomed.

Wang Shuang frowned slightly.He has now become a free wind, and at the same time he has become a non-guild person, so it is estimated that similar troubles will continue to arise in the future, or he should first join the guild of the dark rose and cut off the thoughts of these guys Think it over?
Hey, let's take a look at this matter when we come back. After all, even if we want to join now, there is no chance. The players from the Torch Guild are right next to us.Let's wait until we finish the orc race and get the penultimate piece of equipment in the inheritance suit.

A group of people walked out of the Tiancheng checkpoint while chatting. The merchant group helped them avoid the gold coins they had to pay for customs clearance. They walked out of the Tiancheng checkpoint all the way. They encountered countless wild beasts and monsters along the way, but the merchant group walked around very carefully. past.

Soon, they passed through a large grassland without incident, and came to the wild lion checkpoint of the orc tribe.

As before, they were quickly stopped by the orcs.At this moment, Wang Shuang saw the NPC who had talked with Xinhuohuahua walk out of the team, waved a piece of paper in his hand to the orc, and the orc grabbed it arrogantly, squinting his eyes. Look.

Then it let out a cold snort from its nostrils, and waved vigorously at the orcs behind, so those orcs gave up the road in the middle of the checkpoint, and stared closely at the NPCs of these caravans.

"It looks like we can go in." Xin Huo Blossom said to himself, and looked back at Wang Shuang: "Wind of Freedom, after we escort the business group to the city of orcs and complete the task, you can do your own work." thing?"

"Okay, no problem." Wang Shuang nodded in agreement.

Not long after leaving the Wild Lion Checkpoint, there was a deafening roar on the grassland.

"This is... a battle cry!" Xinhuo Bloom shrank his pupils, turned his head and shouted to the people behind: "Quick, everyone pay attention, ready to fight!"

"What battle cry?" Wang Shuang couldn't help asking.

"Free Wind, is this the first time you have come into contact with an orc NPC?" He picked up the shield while burning the fire, and then asked suddenly.

"Well, almost, after all, I have been developing in Saiyan City before, and I have been in contact with pirates and NPCs in Saiyan City, and I don't have much contact with NPCs of other races..." Wang Shuang explained.

"Then you have to be careful, this is a skill that the orcs can learn after the second job change, whether it is a player or an NPC, as for the effect... it is equivalent to a weakened version of the armed mode!"

"So that's how it is!" Wang Shuang's heart trembled, and he looked at the orcs in front of him who gradually became clearer. Their green skin turned blood red at this time, and the dark red lines slid directly from the face to the skin. The chest then forked, and the crimson stripes almost covered the whole body.

"Come on, Burning is ready to reduce damage skills, Cheng En is ready to start singing the blood song at any time, and several other output occupations are ready to step up." Xin Huo Blossom directly assumed the command of the team: "There are only three berserkers who have returned this time. , let's choose to defeat them one by one, and focus our firepower on the frontmost orc with the least blood!"

"Understood!" Several people agreed one after another.

The two sides collided quickly.The three red-covered orcs let out an angry roar again. They raised the heavy iron rods in their hands high and smashed them down towards the burning fire.


Torch Burning didn't even have time to let out a scream, it was smashed to pieces by a few orcs, and after dropping a ring and equipment, it turned into a white light and quickly went away.


There was a sound of gasping for air, and Xin Huo Blossom couldn't help being stunned, glanced at the orcs who were yelling upwards, and immediately hugged their heads in pain: "I'm sorry, this is my fault, I If I had asked you to restrict the attacks of the other orcs from the beginning, maybe Burning would be able to withstand it..."

"Stop talking, let's go, captain." Xinhuo Chengen rushed up from behind, jumped in front of the orc and snatched the ring, and then ran out without looking back: "We are not the opponents of these NPCs, let's go! "

"But this task..." Fire Bloom seemed very hesitant.

"There's no other way. If you stay, you'll die. If you fail the mission, you'll lose a little reputation. The equipment you have is more important!" Xinhuo Cheng'en said.

Several other players nodded after hearing the words: "Yes, the strength of these orcs is far beyond our imagination, and they are not opponents at all!"

Hearing the words, Fire Blossom had no choice but to sigh again: "Okay then, let's go."

They passed by Wang Shuang one after another, and rushed to the second one before the flames bloomed. Naturally, they were the last to pass by Wang Shuang at this time.When he passed by Wang Shuang, he stopped for a while and glanced at Wang Shuang: "Go, Free Wind, we are not their opponents, if we don't leave, we will be killed."

"Leave?" Wang Shuang glanced at him and shook his head: "I'm here for my own business, and I won't leave until it's done."

"You are stupid, your life is gone, will you be willing to lose your level and equipment when the time comes?" Xin Huo Blossom said, and was about to grab Wang Shuang's hand.

"Who said I'm going to be killed by them in seconds?" Wang Shuangzhen tugged with enthusiasm, glanced at the orcs who were rushing forward, and grinned: "They are not qualified to let brother run away."

"Huh?" Hearing the words, Xin Huo Bloom was stunned on the spot.This guy... is he really stupid?
(End of this chapter)

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