Chapter 459
After leaving the Firewood Guild, Wang Shuang had no reason to use the identity of Free Wind.And as a human player walking on the territory of the orcs, he will inevitably encounter many unnecessary provocations and followers.In order to solve these troubles, Wang Shuang returned to his original identity.

Free Wind is an almost unknown player, rashly appearing in the territory of orc players, it may also attract some people's attention on the forum.But if it is Wang Shuang, although it will also attract attention, most people will focus on "what to do" online, rather than "how to get in".

Of course, using one's own identity is more than just the benefit. If there is a need to fight, it is very important for Wang Shuang's talent to come and go.

All the way to the north, Wang Shuang passed through most of the orc territory, and met many orcs along the way. Since Wang Shuang had completed the task of escorting the human business group, he had a certain reputation in the orc territory, so Along the way, Wang Shuang was not attacked.

Although he was not attacked by the orcs, Wang Shuang encountered many obstructions from the orcs on the way here.After all, although the human race and the orc race have a very weak connection, if you want to turn your face, as long as it involves a conflict of interest, you will definitely turn your face mercilessly immediately.

And when he walked over, Wang Shuang was also impressed by the orc players.These players are closer to the players of the human race, but some of their bodies have the characteristics of orcs.

For Wang Shuang, a very famous player in the human race, their attitudes were very unanimous and they chose to retreat silently.Perhaps because of the lessons learned from the elves, the orc players Wang Shuang encountered did not actively provoke him.

Of course, it is also possible that the rumors of human players and elf players are too strange, so that Wang Shuang's image in the minds of players of other races is a bit demonized.

Of course, these are just some ordinary players. Before Wang Shuang is about to reach his destination, there are still desperate players. After hearing that Wang Shuang entered the territory of orc players, he immediately became excited and crossed several towns. Wang Shuang.

"You are Wang Shuang?" Wang Shuang was on his way when he suddenly heard someone calling his name behind him.Of course, the person calling him can't be an NPC, he can only be a player.

So what do the orc players want him to do?Needless to say, apart from wanting to fight him, it seems that there is nothing to communicate between the human race player and the orc race player.

Thinking so, Wang Shuang turned around and saw an excited orc player.He raised his head and glanced at the opponent's ID. Iron Dominant, an 80-level orc warrior player, holds two big axes, which can make people in front of him feel a strong wind blowing when he swings them.

"Are you looking for me?" Wang Shuang asked knowingly, and calmly took out his two fierce white double blades.

"I heard that you scared all the players on the human side?" The player in front of him who was holding a double ax chuckled, and the two axes snapped together, making a loud "clang" sound, which was very powerful.

"How about, let's give it a try and see if you are really as powerful as you say on the forum." Iron Sovereign asked.

"No." Wang Shuang directly denied his proposal: "Brother is very busy, I don't have time to fight with you."

"Huh?" Iron Sovereign was slightly taken aback, and then slapped his head: "Yes, you probably won't come to this beast clan's territory if you have nothing to do... Then you are here to do a mission?"


"Do you want me to show you the way?"

Hearing this, Wang Shuang stopped and looked back at him in surprise.Seeing this, Iron Dominant put away his double axes, hugged his head a little easily and smiled: "What's the matter, it seems to have discovered a very incredible thing, this is not a strange thing, now I have reached the full level Now, what's so interesting about this game? I don't have time to help you."

"Well, you like to meddle in other people's business, so I can't be lazy." Wang Shuang said helplessly.

Seeing this, several orc players on both sides of the street stared wide-eyed, and then raised their weapons and shouted loudly: "We are also at full level, and I want to follow you!"

"Clang!" With a loud sound, Wang Shuang heard the Iron Dominant pull out his weapon, and shouted to the other players with his back turned: "Who? Who dares to come, first ask the two axes in my hand for an answer." No promise."

"Fuck, why can you help him? Wang Shuang is not from your steel family!"

"Grass." The Iron Lord waved the twin axes in his hand: "Come on, come and try if you don't accept it. I said only I can, then it's only me. If you still want to come, defeat me first."

Hearing this, several players onlookers dared to be angry but did not dare to speak out. Wang Shuang glanced at them and walked out towards the gate of the city alone.

There was a sound of hurried footsteps behind him, and then Iron Sovereign came up. He had already put away his dual axes, scratched his head and asked with a smile, "By the way, you haven't said what the task is, you need to fight Is it weird? I'm good at it."

"Probably necessary." Wang Shuang thought for a while, then nodded.

"Oh, how many monsters do you need to fight?"

"do not know."

"...Then how did you know that this mission will be in the territory of the orcs, and judging by your appearance, it seems that you know the exact location. Have you ever been here before?"

"No, this location was also told to me by a tree. I haven't verified it yet, but that tree shouldn't lie."

"I'll rub it, it's true, the tree can still talk..."

There were similar chats along the way, Wang Shuang quickly left the city, and then stopped at the entrance of a forest outside the city.

"Is it a forest again?" Wang Shuang looked up at the forest in front of him. Compared with what was shown on the map, something seemed wrong, but the location shown on the map was clearly in this direction, and there were only this forest.

So no matter what, they can only go in and have a look.

"Eh? Do you want to go here?" Iron Sovereign on the side saw Wang Shuang walking into the forest, and was a little curious, followed up and asked.

"Is there any problem walking here?"

"No, there's nothing wrong with it, but this used to be my level-20 level training place." Iron Lord shook his head and pointed to the depths of the forest: "Look there, in the deepest part of this forest there is a big Lake, there are three bosses by the lake, a blue boss with giant horns on its head, a mud monster boss with an armor on its back, and an octopus boss."

"Is this the leveling place for more than 20 levels?" Hearing this, Wang Shuang's expression became a little weird.

"Yes, it's absolutely true. We turned this forest upside down before, and we didn't see anything rare." The expression of Steel Dominant became a little exciting: "Isn't it, you see Wrong map?"

"No." Wang Shuang opened the map and glanced at it, then shook his head and said, "The location shown on the map must be correct, but there should be something we don't know, maybe it's hidden in a corner."

"Then, I hope so." Iron Sovereign snorted, but judging by his expression, it was obvious that he still didn't believe it.

The two ignored the mobs they encountered along the way, and soon arrived at the center of the forest.Here, they saw a very deep lake and two bosses drinking water by the lake.There seems to be a huge figure swimming in the lake.

"Aw——" After seeing Wang Shuang, the elk with huge horns unceremoniously launched a charge and rushed towards him.Seeing this, Wang Shuang waved his dagger casually, and immediately chopped down this invincible guy to the ground.

The mud monster was unable to move, but it was also rushed up by the Iron Sovereign wielding a double ax and killed it.After that, there was only one octopus boss in the lake.

"When you were fighting the boss, how did you fight it?" Wang Shuang asked suddenly, looking at the figure swimming in the bottom of the lake.

"How to fight, of course it is to lure him to the shore, and a few people will use their weapons to fork this guy up, and then concentrate their firepower from a distance, and kill him quickly." Steel Dominant said.

"So, what about the bottom of the lake? Is there anything at the bottom of the lake?" Wang Shuang asked quickly with a flash of light in his eyes.

After entering the forest, he was the steel dominator with a swearing face, and he couldn't help being stunned at this time; "The bottom of the lake?...The upper limit of our breathing meter at that time was not enough to support us to swim to such a low place. We have never been there. Woolen cloth."

Wang Shuang felt a little relieved when he heard this, and laughed out loud.

"But it's not right, are you looking for something, or do you have a task, do you still have to go to the bottom of the lake to perform it?"

What Steel Sovereign said soon made Wang Shuang frown.That's right, is the Linglong Temple at the bottom of the lake?Could it be that dark elves are guys who can swim?But their structure looks similar to elves!

Anyway, Wang Shuang decided to go down and have a look first.Anyway, they have no other clues for the time being, so they can only go down to see what's going on at the bottom of the lake.

"Let's go." Wang Shuang said, and glanced at Iron Duxun, then turned his head, turned and started in a smart way, and fell into the water.

"Hey, wait... what the hell!" Steel Sovereign couldn't help being silly for a moment: "Damn it, labor and management don't know how to water... Oh no, this is a game, but labor and management still don't like water... no, anyway We’ve already arrived here, let’s go down with him and have a look!”

There was another plop, and Iron Sovereign also entered the water. When catching up with Wang Shuang, he glanced down and immediately widened his eyes.

At the bottom of the lake, a huge hole appeared on the stone wall at the bottom of the lake, like a passage leading to another place, and a downstream water flow was even formed around the entrance of the passage.

Is this really a breakthrough?

(End of this chapter)

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