It's time to play online

Chapter 460 Entering PK

Chapter 460 Entering PK
"The oxygen bars are running out!"

Although the two of them have reached the full level now, the oxygen bars they can use are still the same as they were at the beginning.Seeing this scene, Wang Shuang immediately kicked his legs and swam towards the cave.

Iron Dominant saw this, and immediately swung his limbs vigorously to follow. When passing through the cave at the bottom of the lake, the two of them obviously felt a strange feeling sweeping over them, but this feeling was fleeting, and soon they could not notice it. Arrived.

When they came back to their senses, the two had passed through the cave separated by a wall and swam to the bottom of another lake.

Yes, it is indeed another lake bottom.Looking up, there is another huge lake above the head.

Nani, are you back?

Wang Shuang was a little confused. When he opened the map, maybe their movement track was so short that even the coordinates on the map didn't change much.

At this time, he saw Iron Sovereign on one side desperately waving his hands, as if he wanted to convey some news to him.

"Oxygen bar, oxygen bar!"

After Iron Sovereign made gestures for a long time, Wang Shuang suddenly understood what he meant, and looked up at his oxygen bar, which was completely empty and began to lose blood.

"Swim up quickly!" Wang Shuang made a decisive decision, stretching his hands and feet and sprinting towards the lake above his head. A large number of bubbles came out of his character's mouth, and the oxygen bar was like a flashing warning light, changing color from red to white, indicating the situation. very urgent.

No matter what happened, it is obviously not the time to think about it now, it is more appropriate to think about it after getting out of the crisis of being drowned.

With two splashes, the two rushed out of the lake one after the other, gasping for breath, looking at the little blood left on each of their heads, with lingering fear in their hearts.

However, at this moment, Wang Shuang suddenly noticed that the Iron Sovereign beside him began to tremble, and he glanced at him in confusion, and then saw that he was trembling, pointed to the surrounding woods and said, "Wang Shuang, that, Don't you think there's something wrong with these trees?"

"What's wrong?" Wang Shuang glanced around. For some reason, Wang Shuang felt that this place was much more pleasing to the eye than before.

Wait, pleasing to the eye?
Wang Shuang suddenly remembered something, opened the map from his backpack, and quickly saw the location of the red cross.And the forest around the red cross is the trees in front of Wang Shuang now.

"So that's how it is." Wang Shuang, who understood, couldn't help laughing, and a smug smile curled up on the corner of his mouth: "It's too young to think that this little trick seems to have fooled me!"

Iron Sovereign seemed a little perplexed by Wang Shuang's behavior at this time.But when he saw Wang Shuang summoning several of his followers, he immediately regained his energy, and also pulled out his dual axes to patrol the surroundings: "Are you going to fight monsters? Count me in!"

"It shouldn't be too strong." Wang Shuang said.After all, the butler of the second prince seemed to be considered a relatively strong guy among the dark elves before, and he died at the hands of Wang Shuang. What else should the other dark elves be afraid of?
Where is the Linglong Temple?
Wang Shuang let his followers disperse in several directions, and then he and Iron Duo also split into two groups, and quickly began to explore the forest.This forest has a few things in common with the forest when we first came in. For example, the structure of the two forests is roughly the same. For example, the monsters here are the same as the forest just now, even the BOSS.

But when Wang Shuang finished exploring all the way and thought he was going in the wrong direction, he rushed out of the forest, but suddenly saw a magnificent building complex.

At first glance, the Linglong Temple sounds like the name of a building, but what Wang Shuang presented at this time was a heavily guarded town made of stone bricks of various colors.

Is this the method of the dark elves?I always thought that this was a small race that was about to be wiped out, but I didn't expect this race to have a hand. Although it can't compare with the huge land and buildings of the elves, it is also much more advanced than the second-tier towns of other races.

Soon, several other followers of Wang Shuang and Iron Sovereign gathered around him.Looking at the town in front of him, Iron Dominant looked very happy: "So, this is what you're looking for? Although it's a bit strange why there is this place on the Beastmen, maybe it's a plot arrangement... In short, what are you going to do? How to do it?"

"It's so beautiful here... just destroy it directly." Wang Shuang said casually.

"Oh, well, then we..." Steel Duo said as usual, suddenly it seemed that a fishbone was stuck in his throat, and he was stunned for a long time before turning his head and looking at Wang Shuang: "Wait, you just said... destroy Lose?"

"Yeah, why not destroy it? Don't you keep it for the New Year?" Wang Shuang smiled and couldn't help asking.

"But..." Steel Duzun's fingers went back and forth between Wang Shuang and the town guarded by the dark elves in front of him for a long time, and finally he said softly: "Okay, as long as you are happy." He stopped talking.

"My lord, wait." At this moment, Li Muxuan who had just come to gather suddenly said, "If your lord wants to save Mi Luduo, please be patient for a while."

Wang Shuang narrowed his eyes, thought for a while and nodded, "Yes, that is indeed the truth. Then you all wait here, and I will sneak in first and rescue Mi Luduo."

"It's too risky." Serifin frowned at this time, and stood up to stop Wang Shuang: "No way, my lord, what if that guy rebelled, wouldn't I just put my lord in?"

"No." Wang Shuang smiled slightly. Serifen probably said such things because she had been in contact with Miluduo for too short a time and didn't know much about it.Although Wang Shuang also felt that he didn't know Mi Luduo very well, but with Mi Luduo's own explanation for betrayal, Wang Shuang no longer doubted it.

What's more, I came here just to rescue Mirudo, otherwise what's the point of my coming to this place, to destroy the dark elf's town?What does this have to do with my brother, even if they are upset, there is no need to go to such lengths to get rid of the dark elves.

"I hope the master will be more careful." Evelyn also said with a worried expression at this time.

"Okay, I got it, don't be afraid, I have darkness lurking anyway, they will definitely not be able to see me..." When Wang Shuang said this, he suddenly paused, turned his head and glanced at Steel Domineering: "By the way, you were very nervous just now." You want to PK with me, right?"

"Huh?" Steel Sovereign was immediately surprised, looked at Wang Shuang, and almost couldn't believe his ears: "But, don't you want to lurk in first? It doesn't matter. I'm not in a hurry. I'll talk about it after you finish the task and come out." ..."

"No, no, it's okay." Wang Shuang showed a kind smile on his face, shook his head and said, "Actually, a PK with you can be regarded as a preparation for my lurking. After all, I go in now, there are many There is a high probability of being discovered."

"Huh?" Iron Sovereign was taken aback again, then nodded excitedly: "Then come on, I've wanted to PK with you for a long time."

"Hehe." Wang Shuang smiled, and after entering the PK mode, he started the dark lurking state.And because the two of them belong to the same level, the probability of Wang Shuang's dark lurking being seen through becomes relatively small, but because of the reversal of his talent, he was discovered immediately by the Iron Sovereign.

"I heard that Wang Shuang has an invisibility that can travel all over the world, and it is stronger than the assassin's. Is that the case when I see it today?" He rushed up and took big strides, the ground trembled slightly as he ran.

"Heh, I hope you don't get knocked out all at once. I'll be more distressed if I do that." Wang Shuang chuckled and stopped the followers behind him: "Let me do it, just don't interfere."

"I know, my lord."


Several people agreed one after another.

Iron Sovereign rushed forward at this time, seeing Wang Shuang still looked calm and confident, he couldn't help but frowned: Could it be that Wang Shuang looks down on people so much, and intends to take the sword empty-handed?
Grass, even if you are a well-known player in the human race, you can't do this!Alright, since you look down on me so much, and plan to take the sword empty-handed, or want to let me kill you first, then I must make you feel sorry for your behavior!
"Go to hell, riot armed, thunder strike!" Iron Sovereign almost pressed Wang Shuang's face, and at the same time activated his own armed, he called out the name of the skill.The twin axes in his hands quickly radiated the light of thunder, and the thunder light flickered around the surface of the axe, and the thunder snakes gushing out seemed to be life-threatening ropes!
"Wang Shuang, pay the price for your arrogance!" Steel Sovereign slammed down the two axes in his hands together, with such a mighty momentum that it seemed as if the sky was falling apart and no one could stop it!
However, Wang Shuang is obviously not a vegetarian either, he just raised his dagger seemingly easily, with a clang, and then something happened that made Iron Duo Zun couldn't help but widen his eyes - Wang Shuang actually took his dagger The attack was easily blocked.



" is it possible!" Steel Sovereign couldn't help but yelled, looking at Wang Shuang in disbelief.How powerful his blow is, he himself can't understand it all too well.Don't say kill the average player once, even if you kill the average player twice, it's not a problem!

The riot arm has no other effect, it only increases the physical attack of the armed person by 60% in the next 250 seconds.Although it is a very simple attribute addition, the effect is almost astonishingly terrifying.Combined with the high-damage single-target skill and the two attacks of the double axes, it only cut off less than half of Wang Shuang's blood!

How could an assassin have such thick attributes!And the strength is actually higher than that of warrior players!

Iron Dominant's face was numb, if Wang Shuang hadn't looked at him with a smile, he would have almost wanted to complain: This is really not a game!

(End of this chapter)

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