It's time to play online

Chapter 461 Linglong Temple

Chapter 461 Linglong Temple
After the Iron Sovereign slashed Wang Shuang twice, but Wang Shuang easily blocked them all, Wang Shuang pushed back all the double axes of the Iron Sovereign, then reached out to touch his own dagger, and smiled easily : "It's my turn to fight back."

Iron Sovereign shrank his pupils, subconsciously raised the double axes in his hands, and then saw Wang Shuang rushing forward with his daggers.The dagger drew a lightning-like zigzag line in the air, paused three times in a row, turned three angles, and hit Iron Sovereign all of them.

"As expected of Wang Shuang, what a powerful attacking technique!" Iron Dominant exclaimed subconsciously, looking nervously at the bar of Qi and blood on his head.

Under Wang Shuang's combo attack, the attack strip on the head of Iron Dominant was quickly cleared, and Iron Dominant was stunned for a moment. Could this be the rhythm of being killed in a single blow?
No, there is still a trace of blood left!Iron Sovereign reacted suddenly and was delighted for a moment, and when he was about to withdraw his blood, he was surprised to find that he seemed unable to move.

"Hey, stay here obediently." After Wang Shuang let out two obscene laughs, he began to dance the dagger wildly like a storm.

What surprised Iron Sovereign was that his qi and blood remained at 10 points after that, no more, no less. It seemed that every attack by Wang Shuang failed to cause any damage.

"It seems to be almost there." Wang Shuang paused for a moment, and then wiped the knife on Iron Dominant's neck.The opponent tilted his head and died soon.After the two quit the PK mode, Iron Sovereign was reborn on the spot.

"It's ok, thank you." Wang Shuang cupped his fists at Iron Sovereign, then turned his head to look at the city of the dark elves in front, and as soon as he lifted his foot, he turned into an afterimage and rushed out.

"Thank me?" Steel Dominant was baffled by this thank you, looked at Wang Shuang's followers and asked, "What does your master mean? Thank me for what."

"I don't know, Sir can do whatever he wants, we have no right to interfere with his freedom of movement." Li Muxuan replied directly.

Iron Sovereign was groaning with his head down, and soon received a private chat message from Wang Shuang: "You wait quietly for a while, you can go around to see if there are any leveling places, but don't rush in. Wait. When I let you in, you come in again."

"Okay, I got it." Iron Sovereign was a little puzzled, but there was nothing he could do.But after seeing Li Muxuan and Evelyn on the side, his eyes lit up, and he quickly found a way to pass the time.


At this time, in the process of Wang Shuang rushing all the way to approach the town, the progress of the instructor was very smooth.The patrolling dark elves along the way couldn't see his swift figure at all. Wang Shuang swooped forward. There were no other defensive measures except guards.

After approaching, Wang Shuang saw the name of the town from above the city gate.

Linglong City.

This is really a bit unexpected.

Wang Shuang walked into Linglong City, and all the people coming and going along the way were dark elves, and in the grocery stores and blacksmith shops here, Wang Shuang even saw many props and formulas that he couldn't see outside.

If I chose to form an alliance with the dark elves at the beginning and overthrow the rule of the elves, then I should be considered a friendly camp with them now, right?

Looking at the rare props and equipment in front of him but not being able to obtain them, Wang Shuang felt a little regretful, but he didn't regret it.

Because even if Wang Shuang was given another chance, he would still choose to help the elves and defeat the conspiracy of the second prince of the elves and the butler of the dark elves.

Wang Shuang opened the map. In this strange space, his map seemed to be useless.When looking at the map now, Wang Shuang's location on the map is still the forest.

In other words, the map is invalid, and the location of the Linglong Temple needs to be explored by Wang Shuang himself.

This is a bit of a pain in the ass.Brother didn't enter this Linglong City in a formal way, if he casually removed his invisible status and came out to ask passers-by, he might be caught immediately.

But now that the map is broken, and you can't ask passers-by, how do you know the location of Linglong Temple?
Wang Shuang wandered around Linglong City for nearly 10 minutes, but he still couldn't find the location of Linglong Temple.

It shouldn't be. The Linglong Temple, which sounds like a central building, should be very large in scale, so that people can see it clearly at a glance from a long distance. Why can't they find it after searching for a long time?
Wang Shuang glanced blankly at the passing passers-by for a long time.On a certain street in Linglong City, there are grocery stores, blacksmith shops, taverns, hotels, stables and other buildings on both sides of the street.Among the dark elves who came and went, there were also many pedestrians in different costumes.

For example, ordinary townspeople, farmers, soldiers, and dark elves dressed like monks...

Wait, a dark elf like a monk?

Wang Shuang's eyes fell on the dark elf walking with his head bowed. This dark elf walked quickly with his head bowed, with a big hood on his head, looking a bit sneaky, but in Linglong City, this dark elf Is there anything to be done sneakily on the territory of China?
Wang Shuang's eyes froze, he raised his foot and chased after him.And the dark elf was also very cautious. After taking a few steps, he observed the people around him, and looked back at the crowd behind him from time to time. He continued to move forward after seeing nothing unusual.

If someone wants to follow but is not skilled enough, he will soon be discovered by a veteran like him.But what the dark elf didn't expect was that Wang Shuang didn't use any tricks, he didn't even hide his thoughts of action, and followed up carelessly.

Not for anything else, just because Wang Shuang can lurk in the dark with one move. After slashing Iron Sovereign just now, the probability of his being discovered has become negative, so naturally he was not discovered by the dark elf.

After crossing several streets, the dark elf quickly entered a tavern, drank two glasses of wine in the tavern, and went up to whisper a few words to the tavern owner.The boss was not surprised when he heard the words, he waved his hand, and soon a guy walked over and led him into the back of the tavern calmly.

Wang Shuang followed and saw that in a room behind the tavern, the guy lit up the whole room with a candle lamp.He also cautiously looked around, then grasped the pull ring on the floor, pulled hard, and opened a trap door, and a hidden secret passage appeared in front of the three of them.

Wang Shuang looked at the secret passage in surprise, and the guy wiped his sweat, and then gestured please to the dark elf.The dark elf also clasped his fists, and then he jumped into the passage.

Wang Shuang saw that the guy was about to close the trapdoor after the dark elf jumped into the passage, so he hurried forward and prepared to jump down together.

But by coincidence, something happened to Wang Shuang this time.

And the accident was very embarrassing—when the guy pulled the trapdoor halfway, Wang Shuang jumped down, and then because the breastplate was too big, Wang Shuang's chest was stuck in the middle of the trapdoor, and the whole person hanging in the air.

"I'll wipe!" Wang Shuang was so depressed that he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, and the tavern guy also found something was wrong when he pushed the sliding door. No matter how he pulled the pull ring in his hand, the sliding door would not move.

"Could it be that it's aged and rusted?" The tavern clerk murmured to himself in confusion, and at the same time let go of the pull ring in his hand.

Fuck it, it's now!Wang Shuang's eyes flashed, and he glanced at the tavern clerk's expression, then stretched out his hand and gently pushed the sliding door, directly opening the trap door to its maximum.

So the dark elf's tavern clerk saw an unforgettable scene in his life: the trapdoor in front of him was opened to the maximum when no one was using it.

Wang Shuang didn't look at the surprised expression on the tavern boy's face, his attention was completely on the secret passage now.After the trapdoor was fully opened, the power that hindered Wang Shuang disappeared completely.He began to fall downwards, and the sky was turned upside down along the way, and the sun and moon shifted.

When Wang Shuang saw the extent of this passage, his pupils shrank, and he fell dizzy before he could utter a scream.

Getting up from the ground, he looked at the blood on his head again, it was full!how is this possible?Wang Shuang quickly checked the system prompt, and immediately understood: He had already died once...

Ma Dan, if it wasn't for breaking and then standing up, I'm afraid I would have gone back to report just now, but how did the dark elf just now be immune to this damage?
With this question in mind, Wang Shuang got up from the ground, and there was a narrow space in front of him.Except for the closed skylight above his head, there was only an open door in front of Wang Shuang.

And what was written on the gate was undoubtedly the Linglong Temple.

Linglong Temple?This is the Linglong Temple!
Wang Shuang's expression suddenly became focused, he glanced around, and took out the dagger cautiously.It didn't take long for him to run from time to time. If he died again, he would not be so lucky to be resurrected in place again.

And this time, several of his followers didn't bring them before they came in. Fortunately, in order to conceal his other identity, Wang Shuang didn't call out the daughter of Tianlong-Delido.At this time, Deliduo almost became Wang Shuang's last support.

"Delito, come."

After Wang Shuang summoned De Lido, he looked at her eyes as bright as stars, and immediately felt much more at ease.

"Master, there is a very bad smell around this place." Shortly after Deliduo appeared, she suddenly frowned and sniffled.

"Bad smell?" Wang Shuang was taken aback, sniffed vigorously, and shook his head: "I can't smell anything."

"As if... a doomed enemy, a nasty, rotten smell."

After hearing this, Wang Shuang let out a long oh, the only one who can make angels to be their destined enemies is probably only demons.

(End of this chapter)

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