It's time to play online

Chapter 462 Great Magister

Chapter 462 Great Magister
After summoning Deliduo, Wang Shuang had no worries, and explored all the way forward. After turning a corner, a spacious room appeared in front of him, and several dark elves were fully armed, sitting around a table is saying something.

However, after Wang Shuang and Deliduo opened the door and entered the room, they stood up from their seats one after another. Seeing that the person who came in was Wang Shuang, the dark elves were all surprised: "A human adventurer? Are there angels? How could they appear in Linglong Temple!"

"I don't know, he must have come back after the boss!"

Wang Shuang was stunned when he heard the words. Could it be that the guy before was still the boss of Linglong Temple?

Anyway, when Wang Shuang entered the house, the battle had already begun.

Deliduo was the first to rush out, facing the three dark elves holding machetes, she didn't show any fear on her face, instead she waved the weapon in her hand excitedly, and shouted angrily: "Come on!" Ah, you scumbags!"

Wang Shuang also had a hard time here. After losing his talent, he faced two dark elves with an orange level of [-] at the same time, and both of them were in close combat.After Wang Shuang used a dark lurk on the spot, he looked back at the two dark elves, but unfortunately, their eyes were still fixed on Wang Shuang, and they didn't mean to look away at all.

It seems that a bitter battle is inevitable.

Wang Shuang became ruthless, and a shadow attack suddenly came to one of the dark elves, and then ignored the stormy attack of the other dark elf, and fiercely faced the dark elf in front of him with a combo of moves, throwing himself Several of the skills are all handed in again.

"Well, I can't beat it at all." Wang Shuang was a little unwilling, because his current equipment was still a bit too backward compared to these monsters. Once Wang Shuang lost his talent, he is now almost like an ordinary player. , and the level of these monsters was much higher than the previous monsters, for a while Wang Shuang could only retreat steadily with his remaining blood.

On the other side, De Lido's battle situation is also in a bitter battle.The reason is that Wang Shuang didn't have time to train her.Although Deliduo's level is very high, and Wang Shuang gave her a full set of red level 80 equipment, but Deliduo has not taken any things with bonus attributes.

For example, Berserk [-], Berserk [-], King Kong [-], Wan Chong Tang, etc., as well as the Book of Berserk and the Book of King Kong, have never been used.Compared with other players and NPCs, Delito's attack and defense attribute bonus has been doubled!
Can't beat both sides!What else can I do?Of course, run away quickly!

Wang Shuang is not such a stubborn guy. When he saw that the situation was not right, Deliduo was quickly dropped by a few dark elves. He turned around and rushed out of the room, rushing back to the road he just came from.

But then came the problem: the road ahead will soon come to an end, there is no other way to escape, and if Wang Shuang turns his head now, he will have to face several dark elves rushing out of the room and fall into a trap. A dilemma.

Just when Wang Shuang felt a deep egg pain, suddenly a crack opened on one side of the stone wall, and a human hand stretched out from it, startling Wang Shuang.But after seeing the other party's gesture, Wang Shuang's eyes lit up quickly, and he immediately got into the gap.

Afterwards, the gap closed and the stone wall returned to its original state. The dark elves who chased after them lost Wang Shuang's trace.

Wang Shuang felt that he had undoubtedly triggered an extra plot. In the Lingling Temple of the dark elves, there was a girl with fair skin and pink face hiding in the stone wall, and she was wearing very little clothes. Wang Shuang felt excited all of a sudden.

He is currently staying with the girl in a small stone room. There are very few things in the stone room, only some necessary living furniture and supplies, and a strange-looking fruit hill.After the girl rescued Wang Shuang, she ignored him, sat on the side and continued to enjoy her own fruit.

"Well, you..." Seeing the green and friendly name on her head, Wang Shuang couldn't help asking, "Are you also a human?"

"Yes, are you blind?" The girl gracefully spit out a few watermelon seeds, grinned, and said something that made Wang Shuang vomit blood.

Wang Shuang couldn't help asking: "I also recognize that you are a human race, but why are you in this kind of place?"

"Well, that's a long story."

"Then talk slowly, anyway, I don't seem to be able to get out for a while." Wang Shuang said, thinking of his current situation, and Linglong Temple. Ludo felt a little depressed.

"Well, it doesn't seem that long after all." The girl threw the melon rind in her hand aside, and then took another hollow from the fruit mountain, opened her mouth and bit it down, and the juice splashed all over the place.While chewing, she said vaguely: "Because I was here, when they moved here, they just moved next to me, that is to say, I am their neighbor."

"Neighbor?" Wang Shuang widened his eyes, glanced at the closed stone wall, and asked, "You said you lived in this place before?"

"Oh, yes."

"How is it possible, even if there is no Linglong Temple here, shouldn't this be the domain of the orcs? You opened a stone room under the domain of the orcs?"

The girl suddenly stopped gnawing the apple in her hands, glanced at Wang Shuang lightly, and shook her head: "You are wrong, adventurer, this is not under the chassis of some orcs, and of course it is not the Linglong Temple of the dark elves. This is right. This is the personal space of my great magister, Isaiella Rivlin."

"The great magister, Isaiella Rivlin?" Wang Shuang looked at the name on the opponent's head and repeated it in a daze.

"That's right, don't look at how young I look on the surface, I'm already a great magister." The girl said, returning to her previous mischievous appearance, stuck out her tongue at Wang Shuang, and grinned. : "How, are you shocked? I allow you to be surprised for 1 minute, wow ha ha ha!"

Wang Shuang: "..."

After being silent for a while, perhaps feeling that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, the girl in front of her lay lazily on the ground while nibbling an apple, and kicked Wang Shuang's thigh with her foot: "Hey, what are you talking about? I've been here alone for a long time, so boring, you just happened to enter my private space, didn't you intend to say anything?"

"I'm clearly so nervous that I'm not here to play, nor to chat." Wang Shuang smiled wryly.

"What are you nervous about? Tell me, I might be able to help you." Isaila said, throwing away the apple in her hand, and suddenly opened her arms and said: "But for everything in this space, I will help you." I can help you decide."

"I'm here to find my follower. Her name is Mi Luduo. She left my side some time ago and entered the Linglong Temple." Wang Shuang said in a daze.

"Miludo? I seem to have a little impression of this name..." Yisaila showed a tangled expression on her face, as if she was thinking about something.

"By the way, what you have been talking about just now, private space, does it mean where to where?" Wang Shuang suddenly asked, "Is it the entire underground, or the entire Linglong City above the ground?"

"Neither." Isera shook her head, reaching out to embrace the air in front of her: "What I'm talking about is that the whole piece of land from the forest to the top is my private space."

Wang Shuang's eyes froze, and suddenly he remembered something, and he couldn't help exclaiming: "Could it be that since you swam through the cave at the bottom of the lake, it has been your private space?"

"That's right, that's right!" The great magister looked very happy and clapped his hands vigorously.

"Then since this is your private space, you should have the absolute right to take the initiative. Why don't you drive away these dark elves, instead let them run amok here?" Wang Shuang almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

"I think so too, but I can't use all my magic power now!" Isaila said a little wronged: "If you can help me solve the problem of magic power, I can not only restore the control of this private space , can also completely drive away these dark elves, and help you find your follower."

"Okay, what should I do?" Wang Shuang immediately asked without hesitation after hearing the words: "If you have any tasks, please send them to me. As long as I can do it, I will definitely go through fire and water!"

"You have to think about it, adventurer, this is not easy." Yisaila said in a low voice with a flash of light in her eyes.

"Of course I know." Wang Shuang also smiled when he heard the words: "Since a great magister like you has been waiting here for so long and still can't solve it, of course I don't have much confidence. But it's about my followers. , no matter what is in the way, I will do my best to remove the obstacles."

"Boldness." Isaila nodded with a rare serious expression on her face.

"Of course, being courageous and daring to speak are the common characteristics of our adventurers." Wang Shuang said, wrapping his arms around his chest with some ease: "Besides, we are adventurers, even if we die, we can start all over again. Is there any problem that can stump us?"

"Hehe, well then, adventurer, I will follow your wish and issue a mission for you." Isaila nodded, took out a staff from somewhere, and waved it lightly.


System prompt: The great magister-Isaiella Rivlin has issued a red-level mission "Rescue the lost magic power" to you. Do you accept it?

(End of this chapter)

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