Chapter 463 Returning to the Team
Nothing to say, accept the task.


System prompt: You have accepted the red-level mission "Rescue the lost magic power" issued by the great magister-Isaiella Rivlin.

——Save the lost magic power: Go to the Emerald Temple on the side of the Linglong Temple, defeat the final boss Bone Dragon King BOSS, open the seal, and complete the task.

Upon hearing this, Wang Shuang's eyes flashed, and he nodded firmly to the girl.

"Guaranteed to complete the mission."

After chatting with the girl for a while, Wang Shuang saw that the time was almost up. After receiving the reminder that the talent was activated again, Wang Shuang left, left the stone room and rushed out.

The location of the Emerald Temple is very hidden. If Wang Shuang hadn't grasped the keyword "side" in the mission prompt, I'm afraid it would take a long time to find it.Now Wang Shuang entered a passage that he hadn't noticed before, and after walking for a while, his vision suddenly became clear.

Why didn't Wang Shuang directly enter the Linglong Temple?His mission is obviously enough to save Mi Luduo, so why bother with such troublesome things?

The reason was simple: because Wang Shuang was not sure that after the lone army went deep, he would be able to find and rescue Mi Luduo smoothly.

Compared with his own reckless intrusion, Wang Shuang certainly believed in what the owner of this space, that is, Isaila, said.

Although the level of this task is the red level, it is not a difficult task for Wang Shuang, who is now at the full level.Coupled with Deliduo, it is only a matter of time before this task is completed.


After spending a day, Wang Shuang successfully killed the final boss Gu Longwang described in the mission, and came to the sealing platform.

This sealing platform is actually just a tall stone platform. After Wang Shuang approached, he saw a long sword stuck on the layered pattern of the stone platform.Half of the sword body is submerged into the stone platform, and there is also a vertical line slot in the center of the stone platform, which just matches the shape of the long sword.

Then the long sword was inserted into the slot like a key inserted into the keyhole, and stood upright on the stone platform.

Wang Shuang stepped forward and reached out to hold the hilt of the long sword.The hilt of the sword was icy cold, Wang Shuang clenched his teeth tightly and almost exhausted all his strength to loosen the long sword.

"Boom, boom..."

The long sword slowly came out of the stone platform, making a heavy metal rubbing sound, and a faint white air slowly diffused from the groove, and finally, after Wang Shuang pulled out the long sword completely, it suddenly bloomed from the groove. Dazzling light.

"Successful?" Wang Shuang watched as the beam of light pierced into the sky, piercing through the clouds.All of a sudden, he seemed to hear someone laughing wildly. The sky that was originally covered with dark clouds suddenly burst into dense cracks, and infinitely dazzling rays of light shot out from the clouds, illuminating the land below.

"Ah..." The dark elves who came out of Linglong Temple couldn't adapt to the strong light, they covered their eyes in pain and squatted down.Wang Shuang just squinted his eyes a little. Not only did the strong light not cause any harm to him, but it was warm and made him feel a little comfortable.

He saw a faint figure floating out from under the Linglong Temple. Whether it was the dark elves in Linglong City or the people in the Linglong Temple, they were all unable to move at this moment as if they were restrained by something.The figure quickly turned into a stream of light, which swept towards Wang Shuang like lightning, and then landed lightly, turning back into a human appearance.

"Adventurer, what do you want to do, who do you want to find, please do it now." The person in front of you who exudes a light that makes people unable to look directly at him is the lovely girl from yesterday. But a great magister.

"Miluduo!" Wang Shuang immediately returned to the tavern and Linglong Temple after seeing the scene in front of him. He found that the dazzling light not only made all the dark elves on the ground incapacitated, At the same time, the dark elves in the underground Linglong Temple also lost their ability to move. They watched Wang Shuang rush in with panicked faces, but they were still unable to move.

"Tell me, where is Mirudo!"

After walking in the Linglong Temple for more than half an hour, Wang Shuang still couldn't find a correct direction, as if he had been circling in circles.After returning to an intersection again, Wang Shuang finally couldn't stand it anymore. He grabbed a dark elf by his clothes and lifted him up to ask questions.

"Adventurer, are you talking about Mirudo in the water dungeon?" When Wang Shuang asked one by one, a dark elf suddenly asked with wide-eyed eyes.

"You know?" Wang Shuang was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately turned his head to look at the thin dark elf: "Tell me, where is she!"

Miludo, no matter what difficulties I encounter, I will rescue you, this is the promise I made to you a long time ago.

"I, shall I take you there?" The dark elf twisted his body, then gave up struggling, and looked at Wang Shuang with a look of innocence in his eyes.

"You're beautiful." But his wish soon came to nothing. Wang Shuang saw his purpose, but Wang Shuang didn't bother to waste time with him anymore, so he directly put the dagger on the dark elf's neck, Immediately, his face turned pale: "Say it quickly, or I will let your dog's head fall to the ground immediately."

"I, I... She's in the passage ahead. When you get to the end, turn left, and you'll see a water dungeon. In the deepest part of the water dungeon, that's where Mirudo is."

After hearing this, Wang Shuang was about to put away his dagger and go in that direction. After thinking for a while, he turned back and asked, "You just said that she was in a water prison? Why did you put her in that kind of place?"

"Although she is also a member of our dark elves, she actually has a heart of disobedience. Our leader saw her intentions early on and told us to keep an eye on her. So when she was about to escape, she was caught The net we set up was stopped."

"Hmph." Hearing this, Wang Shuang suddenly became angry: "Who is your leader?"

"She, she is in the deepest part of the Linglong Temple, and usually wholeheartedly guards the Linglong statue, but at this time, she should be like us, unable to move."

Wang Shuang frowned. At this moment, he suddenly thought of something, and immediately asked, "By the way, what is the Linglong statue?"

Seeing that the dark elf opened his mouth, and his eyes seemed a little scared, Wang Shuang placed the dagger on his neck again.Seeing this, the dark elf quickly couldn't stand it anymore, and told all he knew with a mournful face:
"The statue of Linglong is the most important thing in our family. I don't know what it is, but I often hear the leader say that the statue contains the will of the gods of the dark elves, and the only way to do it is to obey the words of the gods and follow the orders of the gods. Only by doing things can we move towards a better future.”

"Listen to God's words, so that you can embark on a better future?" Wang Shuang couldn't help feeling speechless after hearing this: This is brainwashing, it seems that these guys are too poisoned, and the culprit is the Linglong Temple. Hierarch, is there still the god's will remaining in the Linglong statue?
"Since you value the will of the statue so much, I will go and destroy the statue."

Wang Shuang sneered twice, then withdrew the dagger.He didn't kill the dark elf, but turned his head, entered the darkness to lurk, and rushed forward quickly.

Wang Shuang rushed all the way to the end of the corridor, and then turned left. Sure enough, it was roughly the same as what the dark elf said just now. Wang Shuang suddenly saw a water prison.

The so-called water prison is to tie the hands and feet of the prisoners with iron chains and irons, and then inject a large amount of liquid into the cell, allowing the water to overflow the chests of several prisoners, soaking the parts below the chests in the water for a long time, and the skin festering, making them miserable.

After Wang Shuang entered the room, he saw several steps horizontally in front of him. As long as he walked down the steps, he would be flooded to the chest by the flood.Wang Shuang's eyes searched the dim water prison, and couldn't help but shout out loudly.

"Miludo, where are you!"

His voice echoed in the room, sending out echoes.After a short wait, there was a clear sound of splashing water soon ahead.

clap clap clap!

After Wang Shuang heard the sound, his ears pricked up, he jumped into the water, and then quickly swam in that direction.

Getting closer, slowly, a blurry figure appeared in Wang Shuang's sight.

Is that still Mirudo?
Then in the dim light, Wang Shuang swam to the side of the man.From the wet hair, it can be vaguely seen that this is probably a girl. Her hands and feet were imprinted with red marks from the iron handcuffs, and the skin on her body was also soaked in water to float white dead skin.

Her originally smooth and white body was like a piece of blank paper with nothing written on it.However, she looked very haggard at this time. If you still use the blank paper as an analogy, although there is still nothing written on it, the blank paper itself seems to be wrinkled and wrinkled, as if every inch of the paper has been repeatedly ravaged Go through it again.

"How did this happen, why did this happen!" Wang Shuang roared with red eyes, and Mi Luduo also raised her head at this time and looked at Wang Suhang. A relaxed smile came: "My lord, you are finally... here."

"I'm here, that's right, I'm here." Wang Shuang hugged Mi Ludo tightly, feeling the folds on her skin, his heart ached as if he had been cut countless times with a knife.

Wang Shuang took out the dagger from his backpack and cut off all the iron cuffs on Mi Luduo's hands and feet. Mi Luduo fell forward powerlessly after losing the restraint of the iron cuffs.

Seeing that she was about to fall into the water, Wang Shuang stretched out his hand and pressed it on her shoulder. After barely helping Mi Luduo to adjust her posture, Wang Shuang's hands also felt a chill coming from her body. And her body began to tremble constantly.

After the heartache, endless hatred and anger followed.At this time, Wang Shuang could hardly hold back the anger in his heart, and almost raised his head and roared.

"Dark elves, no matter whether the responsibility lies with your lord or that statue... your family, I will definitely destroy it!" Wang Shuang's eyes were tearing apart, and he pressed his hands on Mirudo's shoulders, feeling the other's weak breathing , and her trembling and icy skin, she almost couldn't help crying.

"My lord, are you really going to destroy the Dark Jinglin Clan?" Although his tone and spirit were very weak, Mi Luduo raised his head reluctantly, leaning on Wang Shuang's chest and murmured.

"Do you want to intercede for them?" Wang Shuang narrowed his eyes and asked after calming down.

"No, I have no problem with you doing this. What they have done to me before has made me have no feelings for this clan... It's just my lord, can you bypass another dark elf in the clan besides me? ?”

"Who?" Wang Shuang asked with red eyes.


"Okay, I'll remember." Wang Shuang nodded to Mi Luduo, and then saw Mi Luduo smiled calmly, and suddenly disappeared into a stream of light.


System prompt: Your follower Mirudo has successfully returned to the team.

Returning to the team?Wang Shuang was taken aback when he saw this, and immediately looked at his follower panel, and sure enough, he saw Mi Luduo's name and avatar light up again, and his status was synchronized with other followers.

Wang Shuang came up from the water prison and summoned Mi Luduo.And when Mirudo reappeared, those wrinkles and coldness on her body disappeared completely, revealing smooth fragrant shoulders and an attractive figure.

Wang Shuang hadn't paid much attention to it just now, but this time he discovered it all at once: After leaving the team, the equipment that Mi Ludo was wearing had already disappeared.And now Mi Luduo doesn't have any equipment on her body, only a piece of cloth wrapped around her chest and a fig leaf hanging around her waist.

This situation almost made Wang Shuang almost forget his sadness, and suddenly became dumbfounded.Of course, Mi Luduo also realized this problem very quickly. Seeing Wang Shuang's stunned look, he couldn't help screaming, stretched out his arms to hug his chest, and turned slightly sideways.

"My lord, my lord, you..." Mi Lu hesitated for a long time, and then suddenly asked, "My you really want to see it that much?"

"Huh?" Wang Shuang was taken aback, seeing Mi Luduo's shy look, and remembering that she was the most coquettish flower among his followers before she left his side, he immediately nodded excitedly: "I want to see, Of course I want to see it!"

"Then, just watch..." Mi Luduo couldn't help blushing after hearing Wang Shuang's bold answer, but she no longer covered her body at this time, but turned around , the whole face was completely red, staring at the floor in front of him, let go of his hands, and let Wang Shuang's eyes wander wantonly on himself.

Wang Shuang was so excited that he almost couldn't control himself. Fortunately, after walking with a few beautiful followers every day for the past few months, Wang Shuang still had a weak ability to resist Mi Luduo's current appearance.

Wang Shuang resisted the urge to get a nosebleed, waved his hands with a smile, and went forward to hand some pieces of equipment to Mi Luduo: "Hehe, I'm joking, you must be cold like this, especially after you just got out of the water prison." Plant a place and come out...hey, let's put on the equipment first and then talk."

"My lord..." Mi Luduo took the equipment, was stunned for a moment, two blushes soon appeared on his face, and said with a smile, "You are really a gentle person."

(End of this chapter)

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