It's time to play online

Chapter 464 Linglong Temple Collapses

Chapter 464 Linglong Temple Collapses
The entire Linglong Temple is collapsing.

"what happened?"

"What happened on the ground?"

The other dark elves in the water prison of Linglong Temple also noticed the problem, and they all struggled, splashing water everywhere.

Wang Shuang knew that this was not a natural phenomenon, but that the great magister above was venting her anger.

Above the Linglong Temple, in the sky of Linglong City, a woman standing out of thin air holds a staff and looks down, looking down on all living beings like a god.

"You dark elves dare to occupy my private space without my consent. Now is the time to pay the price!"

Ysaila waved her staff in the air, looking as majestic as an extremely tall Valkyrie.

But anyone can see that she has nothing to do with Valkyrie, because she uses advanced and powerful fire magic, and she is clearly an angry God of Fire.

At this time, the entire sky above Linglong City was burning, and the stars were dyed by the flames, emitting faint blue flames and falling from the sky, drawing a long blue tail flame when passing through the sky.

The stars are falling, like a picture scroll.

But the actual power is not so beautiful.After the stars fell to the ground, each star would cause an explosion covering hundreds of meters.

And that's not the end yet, Yisaila raised her staff and pointed at the burnt sky, and a few stars soon began to loosen, and after burning, they began to fall down.

On the ground, the sound of explosions can be heard endlessly.

"What the hell is going on? Could it be that the woman in the sky is a god?"

"God, we also have a god, where is the Linglong God, come and protect your people!"

"Master Linglong God!"

In Linglong City, many dark elves gave up fleeing. They knelt down devoutly and kowtowed vigorously on the ground, trying to summon the God of Linglong to prevent this from happening.

A star fell in Linglong City, and the explosion caused hundreds of dark elves who were kneeling on the ground to be thrown into the air. They flipped and twirled in the air, and after losing their lift, they began to fall towards the ground. The broken bones and rotten flesh of the beach.

The Linglong Temple under the ground was also severely damaged. Some rooms could barely withstand such an impact, and they were directly cracked from the ceiling. Countless rubble quickly filled the rooms one by one.

All that happened in this space seemed like an unspeakable disaster to the aborigines.

At this moment, a dazzling emerald light suddenly came out from under the ground, and a huge statue broke through the ground, facing the sky like a majestic old man, as if he was looking at Isera.

"Who are you?" Isaila felt threatened, stopped what she was doing, pointed at the statue with her staff and asked.

"Me? I'm a god." The statue exploded suddenly, and the white mist spread rapidly, covering the entire Linglong City almost instantly. A blood-red figure stood up from the statue.

Seeing this, other dark elves who were still hesitating just now also knelt down and put their heads on the ground. Tens of millions of dark elves silently recited his name at the same time.

The God of Delicacy, Gorva Setasna, the 100-level red-level world boss.

Isera's pupils shrank, and she looked at the figure who slowly stood up from the ruins. He was almost as tall as a five-story building, with a pair of horns on his head, a thick body, and slender ears like an elf.There are no pupils in the eyes, only an orange light.

"It's just a false god, and he is so arrogant that he calls himself a god." Isaila looked at it for a while, and suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed.She pointed her wand at the monster coming out of the statue, and her voice was like a thunderstorm: "Since you have met me, then I will do justice for the heavens and eradicate you, a sinful false god!"

"It's up to you? You're not ashamed." Gorva snorted coldly, looking down on Isera in the sky with a look of disdain.

"That's right, it's up to me!" Yisaila yelled suddenly, and when she yelled, a few extremely white lightning flashed across the burning sky, echoing the rhythm of her words behind Yisaila , as if surrounded by guards of the throne.

Hearing this, Gorva's eyes narrowed, and he laughed playfully: "It seems to be a bit of a self...then let me try it, whether it is your ability or the power of the god that is better. gone."

As he spoke, Gorva looked back at the damaged statue, stretched out his hand and pulled it hard, and a long steel spear fell into his hand.He waved the steel spear, and it seemed to be easy to use, and looked up at Ytheira.

In the sky, Ysera took a few steps back, raised her staff above her head, several stars suddenly burned angrily, and fell towards Gorva under Ysera's control.

Gorva laughed loudly, took a step forward suddenly, and after turning the steel spear twice in his hand, he stabbed three or four times, smashing all the stars to pieces.

"Bang bang bang!"

The stars exploded in the sky, like a gorgeous firework, it's a pity that no one appreciates it.Ysera was still motivating the stars, and Golva seemed to be accumulating energy, and the dark elves below all knelt down, chanting Golva's name devoutly.

Underground, Linglong Temple.

At this time, 20% of the Linglong Temple had collapsed, and many of the original criss-crossing roads had been sealed off. Wang Shuang and Mi Luduo went through many twists and turns in the passage, but still failed to find Da Mingla.

"I said, we are almost in danger now, so who is Damingla? Is it really so important to you?" After crossing an intersection again, and the road ahead happened to collapse again, Wang Shuang hurriedly braked , stopped and asked a little tiredly.

"Damingla is my younger sister..." Mi Luduo gritted his teeth and said, "So I don't want her to have an accident, but if this continues, I'm afraid we will also be buried alive in this Linglong Temple, so if you find it troublesome, sir can drop..."

"Okay, got it." Wang Shuang sighed, took Mirudo's hand and said, "Hurry up and find her, we don't have much time left."


"I said, go find her, after all, isn't it your sister?" Wang Shuang tugged her hand again.

"But if this continues, won't we also be buried alive in this Linglong Temple..."

"This kind of thing is irrelevant." Wang Shuang shook his head: "Anyway, we will be resurrected, and it's okay to die occasionally."

"Occasionally die..."

Miludo fell silent immediately, and nodded with a stable smile on his face.


The walls were collapsing, and the ceiling was making creaking noises, as if it would collapse at any moment.At this time, 25% of the Linglong Temple had collapsed, and Wang Shuang and the others still had no clues about Damingla.

"Speaking of which, I haven't heard you say that you have a younger sister before."

"Well, in fact, I only found out about this after returning to Linglong City. Through contact with her and the response of her blood, I remembered many things...My lord, I remembered where she is!"

Mi Luduo suddenly realized, pulled Wang Shuang and rushed towards one direction desperately.

The road was quickly buried behind them, surrounded by the screams and cries of the dark elves, the dust and the blood on the aisle were all buried by a large amount of rubble behind Wang Shuang.

"I found it!" Mi Luduo pushed, and found that the door in front of him was broken for some reason, so he simply kicked the stone door to pieces.The stone door shattered, revealing the half-collapsed room inside.

"Damingla!" Mi Luduo saw a figure in the corner at a glance, exclaimed, broke away from Wang Shuang's hand and rushed over quickly, snatching the girl out before a boulder fell.

But although the girl was not injured, Mi Ludo actually suffered the damage from the falling boulder, and immediately turned into a white light and dissipated on the spot.

"Sister!" Damingla was slightly taken aback, as if he couldn't believe the scene in front of him, staring blankly at Mi Luduo's disappearing body, tears welled up all at once.

At this time, 33% of the Linglong Temple had collapsed, and pieces of the load-bearing columns were broken, causing the collapse of the next area to suddenly accelerate.

"Your sister is fine, don't cry."

A somewhat majestic voice came from in front of her. She looked up and saw that in the collapsed room, all the surrounding dark elves were scurrying around, but the male human adventurer in front of her was very indifferent, and extended a palm towards her. .

Da Mingla held Wang Shuang's palm in a daze, and Wang Shuang also found an opportunity to look at the girl in front of her at this time: her bangs on her forehead were a little messy, and the hair on the back of her head was very long, hanging straight to the ground, dark Pupil looked at Wang Shuang with confusion and distrust.

Do not trust?Wang Shuang was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed: "I forgot to introduce myself. I am your sister's master, the adventurer Wang Shuang. Your sister will finish repairing in about 10 minutes before she can appear in front of you again."

"Really?" Hearing this, Damingla grabbed Wang Shuang's shoulder anxiously and looked at him eagerly.After seeing Wang Shuang nodded heavily, he let out a long breath.

"Are you able to move? Run!" Wang Shuang suddenly urged sternly.

"Huh? Mmm... My feet hurt, I can't seem to run anymore."

"Then there is no other way, we can only offend her first." Wang Shuang sighed helplessly, and suddenly reached out to wrap his arms around Damingla's waist, and hugged her horizontally by the waist.Damingla seemed taken aback. Just after struggling, Wang Shuang yelled, "Don't move, I'll take you out."

"Oh, I see."

At this time, Linglong Temple collapsed by 50%.

Wang Shuang felt the weight attached to his arm. Fortunately, this is a game and he doesn't have physical strength, so as long as he has enough strength, he can run out with Damingla all the way like this.

After Wang Shuang stepped out of the room, the room behind him also collapsed completely, and the dark elves who hadn't had time to escape let out a scream in unison, and then became silent.

"Woo..." Wang Shuang felt the strength of the hug on his neck strengthened a bit, and couldn't help but feel a little bit pained: "Do you have feelings for your clansmen?"

"Of course! They are the ones who brought me up since childhood."

"Even so, they are going to be exterminated now, and you can't stop them."

"Who, who wants to destroy them?... No, we still have the Lord Linglong, with him, no one can harm our people."

Wang Shuang couldn't help being slightly taken aback: God?Does this war actually involve God?

"I regret to tell you that the person who wants to destroy your dark elves is me."

"Ah, why did you do this!" Damingla struggled violently, then seemed to remember something, and stopped struggling again: "No, since this is the case, then why did you save me? I am also a dark elf."

"Because your sister doesn't want you to die." Wang Shuang directly explained the reason.

"Sister?" Damingla mumbled, and immediately calmed down, no longer struggling.

66% of the Linglong Temple collapsed, and large areas of building roofs collapsed, making some areas with strong support finally unable to support, falling into a state of accelerated collapse and collapse.

Wang Shuang only felt strange noises were being made from the walls on both sides, the ground under his feet, and the ceiling. The cracks were like straws poured with diesel oil. After being ignited, the flames spread rapidly, dense as spider webs, and spread out suddenly like lightning. .

"Too bad, the only exit passage is also blocked!" Wang Shuang rushed to the passage before the exit, and found sadly that this place was also blocked by falling rubble.

At this time, there was a sudden roar above the head, and a strange laughter sounded in the ears of Wang Shuang and Damingla.

"I see, my lord, please go to the room where the statue is placed in the Linglong Temple!" Damingla suddenly shouted.

"What do you mean?" Wang Shuang asked while speeding up and running.Advance quickly under the guidance of Da Mingla.

"That was the laughter of the Linglong God just now. The Linglong God is huge. If he wants to walk on the ground, he must open a passage. Now that the Linglong God has been born, we only need to find that passage. I can return to Linglong City!"

"Damn it, you're so clever." Wang Shuang couldn't help giving a thumbs up.

The progress of the collapse of the Linglong Temple has reached 90%, and only a handful of places are still stubbornly resisting.

Wang Shuang lurked in the dark all the way and fled frantically. After rushing into the last room, the Linglong Temple finally collapsed completely and turned into ruins.

Looking at a bright ceiling, Wang Shuang can see the sky directly from here.But at this time, the sky was burning with flames, as if someone was fighting.

Just when Wang Shuang was about to go up, he was interrupted by a shout from his ear.

"Stop, the culprit of all this, the human adventurer! Do you know what good things you have done?"

Wang Shuang stopped, turned his head to glance at another dark elf in the room, and couldn't help but sneered: "Ah, I know you, you are the so-called leader, right?"

The dark elf in front of him is the leader of the Linglong Temple, and one of the final bosses of the copy of the Linglong Temple, as Isera mentioned before.

(End of this chapter)

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