It's time to play online

Chapter 478 Angel's Prank

Chapter 478 Angel's Prank
The players in the Waves City slowly stepped into the huge circle of light.The diameter of the aperture is more than ten meters, which is enough for dozens of people to pass through at the same time.

Wang Shuang was among a group of human players. With his head down, his ID was hidden in the dazzling sea of ​​people, and he followed the crowd slowly.

The circle of light was close in front of his eyes, and he raised his head to look at the circle of light. In it, he saw the mountains and the sea, the jungle with lush trees and the vast green grassland, and also the muddy ground with thunderstorms and the lava flowing across the sky. mountains.All kinds of unknown rare and exotic beasts jumped up from the bottom of the sea, and what appeared to be very strong monsters were flying in the sky.

Out of the corner of Wang Shuang's eyes, he suddenly saw the leader of the Angel Church, who was also the angel who had just delivered a speech, looking at him with a sneer. She pointed at him, and Wang Shuang felt a flash of white light in front of him, and then a strange feeling surrounded him. on himself.


Wang Shuang couldn't help shaking his whole body, but for a while he couldn't find anything weird about him, he just looked at her suspiciously, seeing the latter smiling happily, Wang Shuang opened his mouth to ask something, but in the end he was rejected. The sea of ​​people behind pushed forward and suddenly entered the aperture.

When he entered, the high mountains and flowing water were almost sticking to Wang Shuang's face, but after he really entered the aperture, there was another brilliance flickering in front of his eyes, as if he was undergoing a space transformation.

Gradually, the feeling of dizziness disappeared, and at the same time Wang Shuang felt that he was finally on the ground.When he opened his eyes, he saw a piece of black dry and cracked land in front of his eyes, and there was a faint flow of lava under the surface.

I rub it, doesn't it feel right?
Wang Shuang looked up and looked around.Not to mention people or monsters, there is not even a living creature around.

Recalling the angel's smirk the day before he came in, Wang Shuang immediately realized it.

Must be something she did, damn it!
At the same time, Wang Shuang felt that the temperature of his body also began to rise. The hot feeling disturbed him and he felt that the corners of his mouth were chapped, and the saliva and sweat were slowly evaporating.Immediately, he didn't dare to stay here any longer, stood up and began to look for a way out.

"Exit, exit, how to get out of here..."

Wang Shuang activated the skill Dark Lurking and ran on this barren black land. However, apart from the black soil, there was red magma flowing below, and there was nothing else.

"Footsteps!" Wang Shuang stomped his feet angrily. This stomp caused the ground to crack. Wang Shuang stepped into the magma, and his blood was scalded by [-] points in an instant.

"Fuck!" Wang Shuang quickly retracted his right foot, stepped back a few steps, and looked at the collapsed ground with lingering fear.

"Damn it, if something goes wrong in the race war, it's none of my business." Thinking of Longteng Xingchen's arrangement and the Lionheart Alliance's plan, Wang Shuang felt very helpless.

No, that angel probably didn't do anything, judging from the current situation, it was just a random teleportation for my brother.In other words, brother still successfully entered the race war!

Wang Shuang opened the mini-map, and was surprised to see that his mini-map was pitch black.At this moment, he suddenly had a strange feeling, and then the small map slowly lit up.


System prompt: Your green-level pathfinding has gained enough experience points, and you have successfully advanced to yellow-level pathfinding.

System prompt: Yellow-level pathfinding will re-enable the mini-map function for you.

——Yellow-level Pathfinding (Life Skill): You can mark the location of the target on the map when you have not found the destination. When the map is affected and cannot be used, there is a chance to remove the effect and restore the normal function of the map.Your movement speed in unknown areas increases by 35%, your speed of drawing maps of unknown areas increases by 70%, the impact of terrain on you decreases by 35%, and your probability of finding hidden maps increases by 10%.


Wang Shuang was stunned for a moment, and after reading the system prompt, he was suddenly ecstatic.

Look, the pathfinding technique really lived up to my expectations, and it started to exert its strength.Sure enough, I decided to practice this skill at the beginning, because I didn't even know about it, the meaning of foresight!

Now that the mini-map was clear, Wang Shuang opened the map again, and the surrounding terrain became completely clear.

But after seeing the map clearly, Wang Shuang couldn't help being dumbfounded even though he had been prepared.

At this time, Wang Shuang's map presents a large world map.Directly including the distribution of the oceans of the continental plate of the entire world, Wang Shuang's location is in the lower right corner of the entire world map, which is a bit remote.

This is not a problem, but the most critical problem is that the place where Wang Shuang is located is a very small and remote island, and there is no dock on the island, there is no way to leave here, and except for the black land full of magma, Nothing, very barren.

Goth, stuck here?
Realizing this, Wang Shuang wanted to die.

Is my brother going to be stuck here until the race war is over?

The unwilling Wang Shuang got up from the ground and ran around.

The world map is very simple. There is a large island in the center, accounting for 75% of the entire world map, and there are several broken islands in the lower left and lower right corners, each with a certain distance from each other.

Other than that, the other terrains are all oceans.

Wang Shuang ran desperately on the island, looking around.There is really nothing on the island except for a large tree that has been burned to ashes.

At 01:30 in the afternoon, Wang Shuang sat down on the ground, looking at the magma flowing in the cracks in the black earth, his mind went blank.

What should I do?Otherwise, these few days will be regarded as a holiday, and you don't have to play games so hard. Wouldn't it be great to take Jiang Jige out for a tour of the mountains and rivers?

Anyway, he was trapped here, there was no way to leave, and the friend function was inexplicably disabled, and he couldn't get in touch with other people.

Sitting there for a while, Wang Shuang suddenly had a thought in his heart.

What would happen if brother committed suicide?
As soon as this idea came up, it immediately spread crazily in his heart, and finally stood up.

That's right, although this is another world, after the resurrection, you can either be resurrected in the church or in a random place in the wild, why didn't I think of it before!

Excited, Wang Shuang quickly stomped his feet vigorously. Sure enough, the black ground was extremely fragile, and it was broken by Wang Shuang's hard step, and the magma gushed out below.

Wang Shuang couldn't help but jumped into the magma.The scorching feeling instantly surrounded Wang Shuang.






System prompt: You have died in battle. Since you are in a special instance, experience, gold coins and equipment will not be lost if you die in battle.


System prompt: Your skill Break and Immediately has been triggered.

Before Wang Shuang could be happy, he was taken aback when he saw this sentence.

Then he felt himself all over, and that burning sensation reappeared.

"I am Cao!"

Suddenly remembering that he still has the skill of breaking and standing, Wang Shuang thought that he had jumped into the magma again, and a mouthful of old blood spewed out immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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