It's time to play online

Chapter 477 The Racial War Begins

Chapter 477 The Racial War Begins

At this stage, there should not be many players who know the true essence level, and there should be even fewer players who can practice the true essence level in advance like Wang Shuang. Moreover, if Wang Shuang gets the reward of the true essence level +5, in the subsequent race battle , Wang Shuang can also immediately be five levels higher than the surrounding players, forming level suppression while also deepening his own attribute advantages.

But if this reward is selected, Wang Shuang will soon lose his advantage after the system opens up the cultivation method of the true essence level.Until the end, all players will catch up.

Well, so this decision may be good for the moment, to deal with race warfare, but in the long run, it is still too ill-considered.

As for the first choice, cultivating the [God of War] attribute, Wang Shuang didn't really want it either.Although it is cool to have more double attack and double resistance out of thin air than others, what Wang Shuang lacks most now is offense and defense. Choosing this choice is just icing on the cake.

So how to choose in the end, the answer is already very obvious.

"I'll choose the third one, choice 3." Wang Shuang said.

"As you wish." The light and shadow in the sky replied.Then among the three light clusters in front of Wang Shuang, the first two expanded for a moment, then exploded suddenly, turning into shining stardust and falling down.Only the third light cluster was left quietly floating in the air.

Wang Shuang stretched out his hand to grab the third ball of light, and a burst of soft light lit up in the palm of his hand.


System prompt: You have obtained "Overload Armament".

——Overload Arming: The character has the ability to equip multiple weapons, and at the same time, the attack speed is reduced by 30%, and the movement speed is reduced by 30%, which lasts for 60 seconds.

Fuck, as expected of an overloaded weapon, it really slows down the speed!But it doesn't matter, the decrease in movement speed is offset by the dark lurking, and the decrease in attack speed is not a big deal to Wang Shuang.

Brother killed you in seconds, how can there be such a thing as attack speed!
And can be equipped with multiple weapons, does it mean that he can attack several times at the same time?If equipped with more than a dozen bows and arrows, can they attack several times at the same time?What if equipped with a staff?

"Adventurer." While Wang Shuang was fantasizing happily, the patron saint spoke again: "You have also received a reward now, I believe you are ready for our second phase of the task."

Wang Shuang was stunned: "Wait a minute, why is there a second stage? This task is not over yet?"

The light and shadow of the patron saint nodded: "Of course, I bestow the ability on you, of course it is to serve me better."

When Wang Shuang heard this, the egg shattered on the ground.


System prompt: Your red-level mission "Inheritance Quest of the Guardian God of the Forest of Light" has entered the second stage. Please complete a series of tasks issued by it under the guidance of the Guardian God of the Forest of Light.

"I will look for you in a month, just prepare well this month." The patron saint said at this time.

After listening to the words of the patron saint, Wang Shuang breathed a sigh of relief: Fortunately, it would be embarrassing if he suddenly asked his brother to do some tasks now.

"By the way, patron saint!" Wang Shuang suddenly remembered that there was not much time left before the start of the race war, and hurriedly asked, "Since you are a god, is there a way to teleport me directly to any main city of the human race?" Go there? I'm running out of time, even if it doesn't work, can you just teleport me directly to the forest entrance?"

"Is the nearest main city of the human race? No problem." Unexpectedly, the patron saint nodded and directly agreed to Wang Shuang.

"Human adventurer, see you in a month."

After hearing these words, Wang Shuang's eyes darkened, and he quickly fell into darkness.

There are still 5 minutes until the race battle begins.

Wang Shuang appeared at the entrance of the Waves City. As soon as he appeared, he attracted the attention of many players around him.

He himself gradually got used to it, waved his hand, and went straight to the city of waves.

Walking into the Waves City, the number of players has increased. Many people are gearing up and lined up in neat queues, waiting to be teleported.There are several open angels floating in the sky. If you look carefully, they each have their own names on their heads, and they are all NPCs.

Suddenly Wang Shuang felt that the figure in the center of those angels looked familiar, and when he looked carefully, he was so shocked that he almost cried out.

That figure also felt Wang Shuang's gaze at this time, his brows frowned, and the wings behind him accelerated the flapping speed.

Angel of Honor, Ealla Shengyi!
She and Wang Shuang once met in Angel Church.

At that time, Wang Shuang learned that she could switch between a very young-looking angel and an old woman at will, but she wanted Wang Shuang to help her prepare a bottle of charging potion so that she could maintain her own form. It's just that Wang Shuang refused the task without hesitation.

Now it looks like she's figured it out and joined up with the other angels in heaven?
Just as Wang Shuang was thinking this way, he suddenly raised his head suspiciously, and there was a person standing on top of the angels, high above the clouds.

She stood at the far end, looking down at the common people in the world. If Wang Shuang observed closely, he would definitely be able to tell that this face, which was more or less similar to Mi Luduo, was clearly the envoy of God he met in the Gate of Floating Life. .

But she was still standing on the cloud, shining brightly from top to bottom, shining like the sun in the sky.

"Welcome all human adventurers." At this time, it was already one o'clock in the noon, the angel Aalla suddenly spoke in the sky, looked down at the many players below and said: "I think you already know, what kind of place are you going to go next?" The place."

"Brave warriors of the human race, please don't look back, don't get confused, and move forward firmly."

"You will cross the mountains, you will cross the sea, you will struggle to survive the storm, and you will stand up to the claws of wild beasts and wild beasts."

"You're going to be besieged from all sides, you're going to suffer from a lack of resources and a scarcity of people."

"But please believe me, as long as you keep moving forward, as long as you don't give up on each other, and work together through thick and thin, you will eventually see the dawn of hope ahead."

After she finished speaking, the wings on her back sped up and landed not far from the ground. She stretched out her hand and drew a big circle in the air.There was a slight tremor in the air, and indeed a large aperture appeared in the sky. Although it appeared to be just an aperture, inside the aperture was another world.There is also a big number on the aperture - "10W"!
In other words, this aperture is the portal for this racial war.

"The most elite adventurers of the human race, please embark on your journey. May the gods bless you and find your most precious things in the Tarog world." She folded her hands on her chest, as if a devout believer was praying.

Everyone held their breath at this moment, looking at the huge circle of light.They knew that the prelude to the race war had slowly begun.

(End of this chapter)

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