It's time to play online

Chapter 476 Three Major Choices

Chapter 476 Three Choices
There was still an hour before the start of the race war, and Wang Shuang returned to the Lionheart Kingdom at this time.

The direction pointed by the inheritance suit just now, the shining light spots on the map, and the wonderful feeling brought to Wang Shuang by the inheritance suit all indicate that something must happen.

However, in an hour, he was about to set off for the battlefield of the race war, and he didn't know if it would be too late.

"Damn it, I'll do my best!" Wang Shuang gritted his teeth and ran on the plain at the fastest speed. In the dark and lurking state, his speed was as fast as a flash of lightning, and he passed by.

There is still half an hour until the race battle begins.

To enter the race war, you must first gather in the designated first-level main city and be teleported by the NPC.Because there is a limit on the number of people, not all players will go to the race battle, but there must be a lot of onlookers who witnessed those Terran players going to the battlefield.

The human race has a total of three first-level main cities, and any main city can be teleported to the battlefield of race warfare.And Wang Shuang has now arrived at the Forest of Light, and the main city closest to the Forest of Light is the Waves City.

It only takes about 10 minutes to walk there.

Wang Shuang returned to this strange but familiar forest. The reason why he was unfamiliar was that Wang Shuang had not stayed here for too long.But Wang Shuang was still very impressed with Privia, the elf living in the Lion Heart Kingdom.

Seeing Privia again, Wang Shuang couldn't help being taken aback: He looked much older than last time. Although the elves are a very long-lived race, Privia at this time looked like a person who had fully stepped into the world. Elderly people in their later years.

As soon as he came in, Privia stood up from his seat, looked at Wang Shuang, and immediately burst into tears, tears streaming down his face.

"Adventurer, you did it... I can feel the aura of Lord Patronus."

Wang Shuang looked this guy up and down, and said to himself that I am so much higher than you, why didn't I feel anything?But he didn't say that, but nodded towards Privia.

"Go, Master Privia is waiting for you deep in the forest."

Wang Shuang was taken aback. Does this mean to enter the dungeon?
Wait, if you want to enter the dungeon, you must spend some time collecting tickets, right?Fuck, what brother is short of now is time, who will give you the time to collect those things into the dungeon?
When Wang Shuang was worrying and walking out of the wooden house, he saw several human players coming towards him, and he was taken aback when he saw Wang Shuang.

"This guy is... Wang Shuang?"

"Fuck, it's a real person!"

"Wait, Wang Shuang, the race war will start later, why are you still here?"

The faces of several people changed, some showed anxious expressions, and some were a little suspicious: Could it be that Wang Shuang is planning to run away?
No way, Wang Shuang has walked through most of the Star Wish map and conquered countless races and guilds. Is there anything he is afraid of so much that he wants to put all human players as pigeons?
Wang Shuang was taken aback when he saw these people, and then thought of something, and quickly asked, "Wait a minute, are you going to enter this dungeon?"

"That's right, our mission today is to challenge the difficulty of this dungeon's orange level..." Before the man finished speaking, Wang Shuang quickly took out a large handful of gold coins from his backpack and handed them to them: " There is no time to explain, quickly give me a copy of the materials needed to enter the copy."

The leading player wanted to say something, but was elbowed by a player beside him: "Captain, Wang Shuang must be running out of time, stop talking nonsense."

"That's right." The man was startled, hurriedly opened his pocket, and traded all the materials in his pocket to Wang Shuang.

"Got it, thank you." Wang Shuang nodded to him, turned his head and rushed to the forest.

After walking for a while, Wang Shuang saw the copy light group, and he chose to enter without hesitation.


System prompt: You have lost 100W of experience, you have lost Nilela's Claw x3, you have lost Bedrola Cane x10, you have entered the instance "Inner Circle of the Forest of Light-Red-LV45", you are currently level 79, you Currently you have changed jobs, you will gain 5% experience in the instance.

Fuck, 100W of experience is deducted when entering the door?It doesn't matter, it's only 100W, just brush a few monsters at will.Wang Shuang gritted his teeth, and after seeing the scene in front of him gradually become clear, he rushed out.

After a long journey, Wang Shuang was stopped at the entrance of the dungeon in the depths of the Forest of Light.


System prompt: You do not carry the "Forest of Light Wooden Plaque", so you cannot enter the "Dungeon Deep in the Forest of Light"!
Damn it!Wang Shuangdan was in pain, should he go back to Privia now to ask for the wooden sign?At the beginning, he sent one directly to Wang Shuang, Luoxue Qianli and others. There should be more now, but the problem is that time does not allow him to do so!

When he was in distress, the forest in front of Wang Shuang suddenly separated automatically, the light cluster disappeared, and a majestic voice sounded from the front.

"come in."

It can still be like this!Wang Shuang was taken aback, and suddenly remembered Privia's explanation: there is a barrier set up by the God of Light in the depths of the forest, and if you don't get the wooden sign just now, you won't be able to pass through the barrier.

That's the way it is, now it is estimated that the deity has descended, so it is not difficult to remove the barrier set by oneself at will.

Wang Shuang stepped into the depths of the Forest of Light, and a huge lake swayed slightly.Wang Shuang doesn't know why there is such a lake in almost all the depths of the forest, but I have to say that it can always leave people with different memories.

And on the lake at this time, the majestic water monster at the time, Torniroa, was hanging on the shore with his head listless.The blood on its head has turned into an empty bar, obviously it was killed by someone in a flash.

Who killed it?There is no doubt that the huge figure lying on Torniroa at this time is the one who killed Torniroa.

"The patron saint of the Forest of Light..." Wang Shuang looked at him and forgot what he should say for a moment.

"Adventurers of the human race." At this time, the faint light and shadow in the sky suddenly spoke, with a majestic voice: "First of all, thank you for helping me find all my inheritance suits."

"This is my job." Wang Shuang rubbed his head, and at the same time found that the inheritance suit in his backpack flew out of the backpack uncontrollably, and slowly flew towards the patron saint of the Forest of Light.

Well, don't worry, brother, this should be just a plot.

"I saw that it was a human adventurer who accepted my legendary mission, so I didn't like you." The voice of the guardian god of the Forest of Light sounded again, and the majestic voice was more admirable: "However, your The performance far exceeded my imagination, not only completed the task brilliantly, but also forged a deep friendship with the elves in the process."

"Damn it, you know all of this?" Wang Shuang was taken aback for a moment, then remembered that the person standing behind him was the master of the system, and couldn't help but understand.

These things don’t matter anymore, what I care about now is rewards, rewards!If you have a reward, send it soon, brother's race battle is about to start, okay?

Wang Shuang was so anxious that he couldn't help jumping.

"You must be very curious now, why do I want you to collect the equipment of this inheritance set?" the patron saint asked lightly.

I'm so curious!Resisting the urge to flip the table, Wang Shuang laughed and said, "I really don't know why I collected this set of equipment, but... since the patron saint is in need, I should do something to help."

"Yes." The patron saint of the Forest of Light seemed satisfied with Wang Shuang's attitude, nodded, and continued: "Actually, there is a huge secret hidden in this suit."

Big secret?
A deep egg-painful breath came over his face.

At this moment, the suit emitted a bright light.Wang Shuang clearly saw: three milky white light clusters floated out from the breastplate in the center of the suit.

These three beams of light are equal in size, all about the size of a fist.They slowly fell down and hovered in front of Wang Shuang, as if waiting for his choice.

"Adventurer, this is the first stage reward for finding all the inheritance suits, please choose." The light and shadow of the patron saint was a little blurred, but he insisted.

Wang Shuang looked carefully, and the relevant information was quickly displayed in the three light groups.

——Choice 1: Cultivate the permanent state [God of War]. After choosing this choice, you will permanently obtain the attribute of [God of War], increase physical attack by 10%, increase magic attack by 10%, increase physical resistance by 10%, and increase magic resistance by 10%.

——Choice 2: Genuine Level +5.

——Choice 3: Obtain an armed mode "overloaded armed".When arming is turned on, any weapon can be equipped and used at the same time.


Wang Shuang was stunned!

"What is the true essence level?" Wang Shuang asked after glancing at it.

"Necessary to push the boundaries!" explained the Patronus.

Wang Shuang was confused, and suddenly the patron saint sighed: "I heard that you adventurers have an encyclopedia, why don't you check it out?"

Fuck, you are a master of the system, you definitely are!
Wang Shuang opened Xingyuan's encyclopedia and said that when searching for the level of true essence, he heard a clear unlocking sound.

At the same time, the information about Zhenyuan was also displayed in front of Wang Shuang.

——True Essence Level.After reaching the full level, the player can start to cultivate the true element level.Every time you increase the level of true essence, your own level limit will be +1.The current highest level of True Yuan is level 20.At the same time, after successfully cultivating the true element level, each level of true element level will increase the player's physical attack by 0.5%, magic attack by 0.5% and blood limit by 0.5%.


Wang Shuang immediately understood: it turned out that through this method, the upper limit of the level was increased after reaching level 80!From this point of view, after the character level is completed, the player's level limit becomes 100!
In other words, this zhenyuan level +5 means directly sending brother to level 85?

Now that Wang Shuang has fully understood the meaning of the three choices, which one should he choose, he fell into deep contemplation.

(End of this chapter)

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