It's time to play online

Chapter 475 Complete Inheritance Set

Chapter 475 Complete Inheritance Set
Anyway, it's good to be able to go in at last.

Wang Shuang directly put this task behind him.ha?Save the vampire?This kind of matter is none of my business, let's wait until my brother finds the last part of the inheritance suit and gathers the nine pieces of equipment of the inheritance suit.

In order not to attract attention, Wang Shuang activated the dark lurking state and began to move quickly within the territory of the Eternal Night Kingdom.

At ten o'clock in the morning, three hours before the start of the race war, I opened the forum and swiped, and the posts that appeared were all about race wars, about the Lionheart Alliance, about the United Vertical Alliance, and about the elves imitating others. The two alliances, the Xiasen Alliance, were also established.

The three major alliances, the three pillars stand together, and various analyzes and analyzes of advantages and disadvantages emerge in endlessly. It is dazzling to see, and the blood of the players who will be sent to the race war will be excited!

On the other side, Star Wish's official newsletter was also launched at the same time.

Host: "Hi everyone, I'm Aiai, the host of this event. My ID in the game is Aijiang Aisheng, and I'm a player of the human race. This time we were lucky to find several guilds of the human race before the race war started. The president will conduct an interview. I invite several presidents of the human race to speak~"

God of War Qingfeng: "Hi, everyone! Good morning folks in the mountains, students carrying schoolbags, and everyone who is working! I am the most handsome and coolest among the presidents of the human race. It is also the most popular among women, the game ID is God of War Qingfeng, the president of the God of War Alliance, the crush in front of the screen, quickly pick up the pen, my personal contact information is..."

Before he could finish speaking, Xue Yique grabbed the microphone in his hand, coughed, and combed the bangs on his forehead.

"I'm sorry for the viewers, our human race has such a colored pen president, which is also a way to increase the difficulty of this race war. But please believe us, we will definitely lead the human race players to the final victory! I am the leader of the Bloodstain Guild Long, blood is also lacking."

"Hey, I haven't finished talking just now, why are you grabbing my microphone!"

"This is a show, not your personal blind date advertisement, nor is it your God of War alliance advertisement. If you are not convinced, we can come and compete, and the loser will bark three times in front of the national audience!"

"Come here, whoever is afraid!"

Seeing that the two of them were about to fight before they finished their self-introductions, the host couldn't help but hold his forehead, and began to regret signing up for this newsletter show.

"Well, can you cut this part?"

"No." The photographer's answer was concise and clear.

Although the video was recorded in the game, it was uploaded in real time. When Xue Yique and the god of war, Qingfeng, had just quarreled, tens of millions of viewers had a panoramic view.

The host continued to support his forehead, finally adjusted his expression, and smiled awkwardly: "Okay, audience friends, I guess you should also know: what kind of preparations have we humans made for this race war, and Which cards do you have? Presumably, when the battle is about to start, the presidents of the two human guilds have already made up their minds. Then—"

Her gaze flicked back and forth between the two, and she fixed on Xue Yique, who seemed relatively calm: "Please ask the president of the Bloodstain Guild to break the news for us. Regarding the race war, what kind of unknown trump card does our human race have? Or is it about arrangements and plans?"

The camera turned to Xue Yique, a short loli girl in a light battle suit.However, at this moment, she took out her weapon, glared at Qingfeng, the god of war, grinned and said, "How about a one-on-one mode, three-sword battle?"

"Bijibi, I'm not afraid of you." War God Qingfeng also said.

The host was about to cry. This was an official newsletter. God knows what the higher-ups were thinking. They would even think of interviewing these two guys.The host had to repeat her own question again, this time Xue Yique finally heard it, curled her lips, and said: "Unknown preparation? Of course, this kind of thing will not be told before the final result of the war comes out." You guys."

The host nodded. She didn't intend to ask anything, so she continued to ask: "So, what do you think about this race war?"

Xue Yique raised his eyebrows, raised his fist and shouted: "The human race will win, beat the other four races to the top!"

The host's eyes lit up, and he quickly continued: "It seems that the president of the Bloodstain Guild is very confident. Could it be that she already has the magic weapon to win the other four clans? One race reveals some kind of information, or is it putting pressure on other races?"

At this time, God of War Qingfeng also squeezed in from the side. When the host interviewed him, he smiled boldly and grinned: "Actually, I have nothing to say. On this matter, I have the same opinion as her: the human race Definitely win, blow up the other four clans, and aspire to the top!"


The same post soon appeared on the forum: The human race must win, beat the other four races, and aspire to the top!

Although it was just an impromptu line by Xue Yique, which had no meaning other than to express his confidence, after he appeared on the forum, he still attracted many human players to follow suit.

In just one hour, the floor was built to [-] floors. Countless human race players repeated this sentence in reply. Looking at the neat reply, a strange sense of cohesion emerged spontaneously.

"The guild leader of Wuji also replied!"

"Wait, there are Strangers Guild, Bloodstain Guild, and God of War Alliance. The presidents of several big guilds have posted back and forth!"

"Even the three vice presidents of the Longteng Guild and the president Longteng Xingchen also appeared: the human race must win, beat the other four clans, and aspire to the top!"

There was only one hour left before the start of the race war, and most people went offline to eat and recharge their batteries to prepare for the race war to begin.

And on the site of the distant Eternal Night Kingdom, Wang Shuang was inserting the last knife into the neck of a green-skinned dwarf. Seeing his energy and blood slowly emptied, Wang Shuang couldn't help shouting, threw the dagger on the ground, and rushed Go up and pinch the dwarf that has not disappeared, pull it hard, and finally peel off its shoes.

"Damn it, it's all ready!" Wang Shuang roared, and took off the parts of the inheritance suits on several of his followers, together with the parts of the inheritance suits on himself, and gathered them together.Sure enough, several pieces of equipment resonated with each other, emitting a harmonious milky white light. Looking at it like this, the equipment of the inheritance suit is indeed complete!

A burst of soft light emerged from the equipment, and then shot out towards the distance.Wang Shuang looked in that direction, a little confused, and then glanced at the map before realizing it.

This is the direction where I met Privia, the Forest of Light.

(End of this chapter)

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