It's time to play online

Chapter 480 Wang Shuang's Whereabouts

Chapter 480 Wang Shuang's Whereabouts

"I don't think so." At this time, someone stepped forward again. Long Teng Xingchen saw that it was the president of Youyou Rose, Youyou Cangxue.

"As the leader of the Darkness Guild, you have the best relationship with Wang Shuang, so do you choose to trust him unconditionally at this time?" Long Teng Xingchen asked.

"No." Gloomy Cangxue shook his head: "I don't trust him unconditionally, but since he said that he will obey your command and follow our human race players through the early stage, he will definitely stay."

"Then how do you explain the current situation?" Long Teng Xingchen put his arms around his chest, and said in a rather difficult tone: "There must be no trace of Wang Shuang's activities in the human race's territory now. There are no other possibilities in the territory of several other races."

"When we teleported in, we must all be on the territory of the human race. If he appears later on the territory of other races, does it mean that what you firmly believe in is a piece of rubbish?"

Gloomy Cangxue gritted her silver teeth, but still raised her head and looked at Long Teng Xingchen: "Even so, I still trust him, he will definitely not challenge other races alone without saying hello."

Long Teng Xingchen looked at the dark Cangxue's persistent look, and a glint of haze flashed in his eyes.Then he sighed, shook his head and said, "Forget it, it's useless to say these things now, after Wang Shuang appears, the matter will naturally be resolved."

"Even without Wang Shuang, our human race is the strongest among the five races, and it is also the race that is most likely to win the final victory. We all work together, even if players from the other four races stand in front of us, so what! "

Long Teng Xingchen jumped up against the table and shouted angrily: "The human race must win, beat the other four races, and aspire to the top!"


At [-] o'clock in the afternoon, Wang Shuang's talent returned again, so he could continue the happy cycle of killing time again.

At this time, Wang Shuang's blood loss rate had reached 13000 points per second. In just three hours, the blood loss rate was reduced by one-third.

Wang Shuang estimated that if the blood loss rate dropped to about 6000 points per second, he could use the blood-generating agent to keep his qi and blood constant within a certain range, and then explore under the magma with confidence.

At six o'clock, Wang Shuang's blood loss rate had dropped to 11000 points.The slower the blood loss, the slower the magma will burn Wang Shuang to death, but Wang Shuang is not in a hurry, as long as it continues to drop, there will be no problem.

He glanced at the time, then summoned the system menu, went offline and went to the living room, saw that Jiang Jige had prepared the meal, and began to feast on it.

"Wang Shuang, I heard that you disappeared during the race war, what happened?" Jiang Jige's words caught Wang Shuang by surprise.

"I disappeared? Who said that."

"It's been talked about all over the forum, and it seems that players of other races say they didn't see you. Where did you go?"

"Well, that's right... Actually, I had a little accident and I wasn't on their island."


"That's right." Wang Shuang wiped his mouth and said, "The battlefield of our race war is a big map with a very large island in the middle and a few small islands floating around. I'm right there right now. One of several small islands."

"So that's the case." Jiang Jige nodded. She didn't participate in the race war, so after asking this question, there will be no further text.

"By the way, your phone has been ringing just now, it seems that your president is looking for you." She suddenly said again.

Wang Shuang was stunned for a moment, took his mobile phone from her hand and saw that it was really Su Wuxue who had been looking for her.

What are you looking for?No need to ask, it should be because of his own disappearance.

"Hello?" Wang Shuang thought for a while and called back.

"Wang Shuang? Where have you been? We can't find you anywhere!" Su Wuxue's anxious voice came from the other side, with a faint cry.

Wang Shuang was taken aback, there is no need to be so exaggerated, brother is not dead.

"It's okay, there was an accident when I was teleporting just now, and I'm on a small island opposite you."


So Wang Shuang repeated what he had just explained to Jiang Jige.

"Scared me to death." After learning about Wang Shuang's current situation, Su Wuxue finally let out a long breath: "Fortunately, I chose to believe in you. Now it seems that I really believed in the wrong person."

"Huh?" Wang Shuang was taken aback when he heard the words.

Su Wuxue also explained to Wang Shuang what she said to Longteng Xingchen in Shanhe City, and briefly mentioned the reactions of Longteng Xingchen and several other people to Wang Shuang.Wang Shuang groaned after hearing this, and said with a sneer, "Don't worry, when I go back, I will educate them as soon as possible."

"Well, come on, come back as soon as possible. We have almost figured out the situation here. It is still in the early stage. We need to develop vigorously. We have no intention of fighting other races for the time being, but we will die in the middle stage."

"Don't worry, I will definitely be back."

Wang Shuang hung up the phone, wiped his mouth, smiled faintly at Jiang Jige, turned his head back to his room, picked up the game helmet again, and continued to fight online.

At 10000 o'clock in the evening, Wang Shuang continued to commit suicide in a cycle. After an hour, the blood loss rate dropped to [-] points.

After that, it became more and more difficult. It was not until twelve o'clock in the evening that Wang Shuang's blood loss rate dropped to 8000 points per second. It seemed that today he had no hope of going to the underground magma world to find out.

Wang Shuang is not in a hurry, since he can't get in touch with players of other races now, and they also need to develop, it's better to take it easy.

Go offline and sleep, the night will pass quickly.The next morning, Wang Shuang got up early to eat breakfast, and went down for a run at Jiang Jige's suggestion. He was sweating and came back to wash his face, wiped the sweat off his face, and went back to his bedroom. Take a break in the room and go online again.

Such a process of continuously soaking in the magma and slowly committing suicide made Wang Shuang almost vomit, but the blood loss rate kept slowing down.At twelve o'clock at noon, when Wang Shuang was almost unbearable, the blood loss rate dropped to 7000 points per second.

"It doesn't work, let's try it in the current state." Wang Shuang gritted his teeth, looking at his current state and thought.

Because Po Erli superimposed a large number of attributes on him, and he himself can use the blood-generating agent to support his blood bar, so Wang Shuang quickly transferred all his attribute points back. Deliduo summoned her and took off the red-grade equipment on her body.

"My lord, my lord..." Although Delido was usually generous, she couldn't help but blushed at this time, her lips moved, but she couldn't say a word.

(End of this chapter)

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