It's time to play online

Chapter 481 Suzaku

Chapter 481 Suzaku
"Why, I'll take your equipment, do you have an opinion?" Wang Shuang asked back.

"No..." Deliduo shook her head and closed her eyes.

"It's as if you don't have the underwear set by the system." Wang Shuang shook his head, took off her breastplate, and saw the evil underwear attached to the system.

"It's a pity, the dagger in brother's hand can cut through everything, but this absolute defense cannot be cut through."

Wang Shuang quickly put away a set of level 80 third-grade red equipment. Seeing that Delido was covering her chest with both hands, her whole body was covered with white snow, and her face was full of grievances, she couldn't help but smiled and rubbed her hands. Her head said: "Okay, I'll pay you back as soon as I'm done using it, okay?"

"Yeah." Delito nodded, and then disappeared in place.

Wang Shuang sighed, switched the game character back to "Wang Shuang", and immediately returned with a powerful attribute.Then he took out the equipment from the backpack and replaced it, and his vitality broke through the 40 mark immediately!
"Dig the trough, you're invincible!" Wang Shuang jumped into the magma pool suddenly, letting the magma scald his blood at a rate of [-] points per second.

The area of ​​the island is very small from above, but it is very large under the magma. Wang Shuang swam below for a while, surrounded by a shining red glow.

He continued downstream, and soon, a cave appeared in front of Wang Shuang.Wang Shuang's eyes lit up, he kicked the magma behind him, and accelerated to swim in that direction.

Walking along the long cave, Wang Shuang felt that the direction of the cave was constantly bending. From the beginning downstream to the end, the cave began to extend upwards, so Wang Shuang could only follow all the way upstream.

At the end of the cave, there is a white light.Wang Shuang swam out of the magma pool, looked up, and saw that he was inside a volcano surrounded by stone walls that approached the middle.

Inside the volcano, in the center of the magma pool, there is a palm-sized island.Wang Shuang climbed onto the island, and seeing that he still had more than half of his blood, he said that there was no pressure.


A bubble floated up, and Wang Shuang suddenly realized that there was a huge monster beside him. He turned his head away and suddenly held his breath.

It was a large ship floating on the magma. Even though it was broken all over, it was not eroded by the magma.

"This, what is this..." Wang Shuang had some thoughts in his mind, but he still couldn't tell exactly how to leave here.

This is inside the volcano, and this somewhat dilapidated ship is also inside the mountain.Looking at the sky, the diameter of the crater seems to be just enough for a ship to pass through, but how to raise the ship to the position of the crater?And even if you reach the crater, how can you drive to the sea?
At this moment, even Wang Shuang, a veteran who has sailed at sea for decades, couldn't help but make a difficult mistake.

After all, he used to sail on the sea, but now he is in the magma.

Wang Shuang got on the boat, checked the status of the boat, and after a full circle, even he couldn't help shaking his head.

A lot of materials are needed to make it up, but there are no materials here, except for a large piece of magma and a large amount of black soil that can be picked up for free, there is no material for him to collect.

But it doesn't matter, it's a game anyway, as long as you charge up the money, you will be a master...

Thinking of this, Wang Shuang opened the system store and was stunned.


System prompt: You are in a special space, and the system store cannot be used.

Nani, the system store that is always going to be ineffective is invalid?
Wang Shuang leaned against the side of the boat, looking at the dilapidated hull and the high crater, he was in trouble for a while.

"First think about how to get out."

Wang Shuang sighed, staring at a pool of magma in a daze.

Craters, lava, volcanoes...

A thought flashed through his mind.If these three keywords are connected in series, there is no doubt that everyone will immediately think of a volcanic eruption.

Yes, it is to use the power of the volcanic eruption to get out from here!

So how do you trigger a volcanic eruption?

Wang Shuang scratched his ears and cheeks in anxiety, and accidentally tilted his body and fell into the magma pool again.


A bubble slowly floated up, splashing sparks on the surface of the magma.

Sitting next to Shidao, Wang Shuang recalled his weak geography knowledge in high school.

Generally speaking, when the hot magma is under great pressure, the magma will break through the earth's crust from the weak point and spew out to cause a volcanic eruption.

So, need some stress now?But what do you do to get stressed?

Wang Shuang thought for a while, but couldn't figure out a clue, and stared at the magma pool in a daze.Suddenly he slapped his head and came to his senses: "That's right, brother, why don't you go down and take a look? Since there is nothing here, the secret must be down there!"

With a plop, Wang Shuang jumped into the magma pool again, and slowly went downstream, the scorching feeling surrounded him all the time, continuously evaporating his blood.

As they got closer, Wang Shuang saw the cave just now again, but this time, Wang Shuang also saw beside the cave, there was a huge, vast space like an ocean that could not be seen at a glance.

Wang Shuang suddenly had the realization that he wanted to explore [-] miles under the sea. He took out a bottle of blood-generating potion from his backpack, and saw a lot of bubbles popping up from the surface of the bottle. Without hesitation, he quickly opened the bottle and poured the potion into his stomach. inside.

The bottle of the blood-generating agent was quickly eroded by the magma, and Wang Shuang wiped his mouth, and took out another bottle of blood-generating agent while continuing downstream.

The full space is so huge that when Wang Shuang sank, he couldn't see the surrounding boundaries at all.I don't know how long it took before he saw the stone wall below.

He has swam to the bottom.

At this time, a faint sense of flow suddenly pulled Wang Shuang's body, as if something on the bottom of the sea was constantly attracting the surrounding magma.

Wang Shuang was overjoyed, no need to ask, this must be the breakthrough, he hurriedly swam in that direction.

Gradually getting closer, Wang Shuang was not surprised until he saw the thing clearly.

"The... phoenix that lives at the bottom of the volcano?"

The huge one in front of him, with wings, bathed in magma, and opening its mouth to absorb magma, was a huge flame bird.However, he hasn't grown to the level of a phoenix, so this guy can only be regarded as a Suzaku now.


At this moment, Wang Shuang heard a familiar system prompt, and at the same time he received a very clear prompt.

The system prompts; kill the area boss Suzaku, through the power that blooms when it dies, it can cause a huge impact, and the pressure generated is enough to make the magma erupt.Note: Suzaku will respawn 10 minutes after each death.

After watching it, Wang Shuang burst into laughter: Sure enough, it is always right to persevere to the end, and the road to cracking is just around the corner!
(End of this chapter)

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