It's time to play online

Chapter 487 Against Shengshi Hongtu

Chapter 487 Against Shengshi Hongtu
Under the Bichuan Valley, Longteng Xingchen is leading the players of the human race to lay an ambush here.

At this time, news came from their vanguard that they had found traces of elf players.

"Ignore them, continue to set up an ambush." ​​However, Long Teng Xingchen's next order made everyone puzzled.

"The enemy is currently laying an ambush?" Canglan Fengfeng sneered even more, watching Longteng Xingchen shook his head sadly, and then waved his hands: "Brothers, prepare to leave the big team and take the initiative to attack."



The long and narrow passage was just big enough for two people to pass side by side.Canglan Storm led a dozen players ahead quickly. When they walked out of the valley and entered a forest, they suddenly saw the elves marching in front of them!

"Boss, what's going on?" Several players immediately drew out their weapons and stared at the players of the elves and asked.

"Not in a hurry." Unexpectedly, Canglan Storm shook his head and held down the people around him: "Let's take cover first, the vanguard are warriors and knights with thick blood, archers, mages and The priest is still behind to prevent low blood and less blood."

"Since we only have a dozen or so people conducting raids, we must give full play to our own advantages. On the one hand, our attribute value is much higher than that of ordinary players. On the other hand, if we go deep into their rear and their firepower does not follow If we go up, we can make a quick surprise attack and retreat before they react!"

"Since we have already launched a surprise attack, why not just kill him?" Some people were puzzled.

"Stupid, it's cool to retreat from the whole body!" Canglan Fengfeng's reason made several people stunned: "Handsome? What's the use of being handsome, boss."

"Of course, when race wars are mentioned in the future, we will definitely be the first to mention us. More than a dozen human players rushed into the back of the elf players, causing a lot of damage, and then retreated. In this way, we are the first among the human players. The impression is that he is so positive and handsome, isn’t it easy to slowly gain fame and even surpass Wang Shuang’s trash?”

"So it is!"


The elves didn't know if they were too confident, or they didn't expect that someone from the human race would be waiting for them here, and they marched in the woods without even a scout.And this just gave Canglan Storm a chance.

Soon, the vanguard passed in front of several people, and then there were a large number of cloth armor professions!

These occupations, no matter they are hidden occupations or ordinary cloth armor occupations, they all have one characteristic in common - no need to fight.

In the darkness, Canglan Storm's eyes shone brightly, which was clearly anticipation and excitement. Even though Canglan Storm had seen many big scenes, now thinking of what he was going to do next, he trembled slightly with excitement.

"Hurry up, wait a little longer... I'll count to three, two, one, everyone." Licking his lips, Cang Lan Fengfeng said softly, and at the same time drew out his long sword.

Several people nodded one after another, and took out their weapons calmly.



Canglan Storm took the lead. After jumping out of the grass, his body turned in a big circle in the air, and after landing, he danced wildly with the long sword in his hand.

"The sword qi swirls, and the sword swings in all directions!"

A burst of sharp white sword energy swept across, and a number of critical strike numbers floated up. Suddenly, a large number of elf players around looked stunned. Before they could react to what happened, they fell to the ground one after another.

"What happened?"

When the players in front heard the voice, they all turned their heads.But they could not escape death, and the players who jumped out later cut their necks cleanly, screamed, and turned into a white light after their qi and blood returned to zero.

"Who is it!" An elf player rushed out first, and rushed up after seeing the Canglan storm.

"Hmph, courting death!"

Canglan Storm snorted coldly, raised his long sword and pointed it at him.

"The sword energy burst, and the long sword charged!"

Two huge damage numbers floated up, and the man looked at the zero blood on his head in astonishment, and murmured: "No, it's impossible..."

"Hahaha!" Canglan Storm laughed loudly, pointing his long sword at a few glaring elf players around him: "A bunch of trash, you are only at this level, what can you do to me!"

"What can I do!!"

Several elf players blushed, and just about to say something to fight back, they were rushed up by several players around Canglan Storm and killed them one after another.

At this time, the elves seem to have also received the news of the accident in the rear. Several players came to the rear immediately, and one of them walked out from the crowd. It was Shengshi Hongtu!
"From the human race?" Sheng Shi Hongtu's face was ugly, staring at the storm, his tone was gloomy as if a storm was brewing.

"Shengshi Hongtu, the leader of the Xiasen Alliance!" Canglan Storm also knew that this person in front of him was difficult to deal with. Even if he was super lucky, 10 points of luck could not bring him any attributes, and Shengshi Hongtu When he was still in the Twilight Language Guild, he was already able to single out the orange level dungeon.

Thinking of all the legends about Shengshi Hongtu, even though Canglan Storm thought highly of himself, he was still standing in front of a tree with a serious face at this time, holding a sword in one hand and looking straight ahead.

Two people came up from behind Sheng Shihongtu, and they silently threw the people in their hands forward. When Canglan Fengfeng saw it, his heart suddenly became cold: several of his teammates were killed in less than half a minute in the crowd up!

"Do you have anything else to say?" Shengshi Hongtu slowly pulled out his long sword, and the black and gold armor leaf was extremely strong at first glance, and it was not as easy to kill as a commoner profession at all.Sheng Shi Hongtu was covered in blue light, and the blade of the long sword in his hand reflected a dazzling white light.

"Let's fight!" Cang Lan Fengfeng gritted his teeth, and tightened the long sword in his hand, with a fierce fighting spirit.

"As you wish." Sheng Shi Hongtu nodded.

Canglan Storm heard that the other players around him had no intention of making a move, so he took a step forward and launched the offensive first.He stomped on the ground with one foot, the ground cracked, and a huge magic circle centered on himself slowly burst into light from the ground.

"Sword dance combo formation, sword energy and wind kill!"

"You have quite a lot of skills." Sheng Shihongtu raised his eyebrows and said.

Canglan Storm ignored him, and the long sword in his hand was lingering with a dark light at this moment, like an invisible darkness, he dragged the long sword in his hand, leaving a long black mark on the grass, suddenly Accelerated towards Shengshi Hongtu.

"Frenzy Armed, Black Light Armed!"

With a "bang", two layers of phantom armor appeared behind Canglan Storm at the same time, and the two pairs of eyes stared at Sheng Shi Hongtu in the darkness, even though Sheng Shi Hongtu had been prepared for a long time, he couldn't help being taken aback.

When Canglan Storm saw it, he immediately sneered, raised the long sword in his hand, and a burst of black water and biting cold wind suddenly swept over.

(End of this chapter)

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