It's time to play online

Chapter 488 The Seed of Doubt

Chapter 488 The Seed of Doubt
For Sheng Shi Hongtu, Canglan Storm felt a very big crisis as soon as he met him. When he was about to hand over all the skills he had at the bottom of the box, he had to take advantage of Sheng Shi Hongtu's ignorance of such a small person and despise him. Kill it by surprise!

Canglan Storm's skills have always been double bursts, thanks to one of his passive skills: continuous casting.

——Consecutive casting: Every time you use a skill, you can use an additional skill, and the mana consumption of the additional skill is doubled.

The sword just now is definitely the strongest sword Canglan Storm thinks it is.Whether it is the angle of entry, timing or skill power, they have all reached his peak level.He believed that even a person of Shengshi Hongtu's level would be caught off guard if he was caught off guard.

Great power is one aspect.But the reason why Canglan Storm is so confident is because the critical strike probability of his characters has exceeded 50%.

For his special account, with a luck value of 10 points, this is almost a judgment that every attack can produce a critical strike.

But after the sword fell, Canglan Storm's face changed drastically.

The prosperous grand plan in front of him disappeared without warning!

what happened?When Canglan Storm was still in a daze, he suddenly felt a strong wind blowing from behind.His heart sank, and he cried out inwardly.

Looking back, it turned out that it was Shengshi Hongtu who launched a skill charge towards the open space on one side in an instant. After seeing that he had avoided the full blow of Canglan Storm, Shengshi Hongtu forcibly ended the charge skill, and turned to launch the black dragon towards Canglan Storm. Anger attack.

"Black Dragon Attack!"

After a melodious dragon chant, Canglan Storm looked back, and saw that the long sword in Sheng Shi Hongtu's hand had been completely swallowed by a black dragon, and the man and dragon were in one, staring at him firmly, and descended from the sky.

This sword almost pierced Canglan Storm's chest in a blink of an eye. The black dragon swung its body and violently broke through Canglan Storm's chest. After completely piercing him, it continued to fly until four or five big trees fell Then it slowly turned into a phantom and disappeared.

Sheng Shi Hongtu did not rush out with the black dragon, he squeezed the hilt of the sword in his hand, and turned his head smartly, without even seeing the scene where Canglan Storm's chest was pierced, turned his toes on the ground gorgeously, and danced his head back at high speed The two-week long sword was neatly put into the scabbard.

"The black dragon strikes, destroying both body and spirit." He chanted softly, with a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth.

The face of the Canglan storm was like dead ashes, and slowly fell to the ground, and his soul turned into a white light, floating into the distance.

"It seems that I still need to improve." After rebirth, Canglan Storm in the church of Shanhe City sighed.

But he didn't know how much trouble his surprise attack had brought to the race and the elves.

Because the communication system was unavailable during the race war, Shengshi Hongtu couldn't question Longteng Xingchen directly.After some thought, Sheng Shi Hongtu waved his hand with a gloomy face and said, "Everyone in the elves, stop moving forward and start a vigilant attitude towards the human race. If they make any changes, they will be killed!"

"Could this be what Long Teng Xingchen meant?" Looking at the corpses on the ground, Time flew up like an arrow, and asked with a frown.

"I also hope it's not what he meant." Sheng Shi Hongtu sighed and shook his head: "If he really doesn't cooperate sincerely, then this is really a bad move."

Looking at Sheng Shihongtu's gloomy face like an arrow, he remained silent.He could see that Shengshi Hongtu actually hoped that this cooperation would go on smoothly.


On the other side, Long Teng Xingchen also frowned.

They had already agreed to gather in this valley, but 15 minutes had passed since they had just discovered the traces of the elf players.

Fifteen minutes have passed, not to mention the shadow of the elf player, even if you look at it, you can't even see an elf player coming here.

Long Teng Xingchen scratched his hair a little irritably.

"President, could it be that they...are not cooperating sincerely? So they arrived early tomorrow, but they have no intention of coming."

"No, I don't think Shengshi Hongtu is this kind of person." Long Teng Xingchen scratched his hair again irritably: "He is very shrewd and knows that doing this is good for both of us, but unfortunately the communication function is not working now. Use... the sword to chase, and send someone to the elves to ask about the situation."

Bei Jian nodded one by one: "Understood, I'll go there myself."

Long Teng Qingming came up, looked at Bei Jian's back going away, and suddenly whispered in Long Teng Xingchen's ear: "Actually, the president, there is another situation."

Long Teng Xingchen raised his eyebrows: "What's the situation?"

"They are waiting. Since it is different from what they said, they must have their own ideas."

"What do you want to say?"

"Perhaps the person they are waiting for is Bei Jianzhu."

Hearing this, Long Teng Xingchen couldn't help frowning.

"You don't want to say that Bei Jianzhu is their internal response in our guild?"

"Not bad." Long Teng Qingming nodded calmly.

He naturally knew what consequences he would bear if he said this.But now he is in a very calm mood, his eyes are as clear as the surface of a lake, and the bottom of the lake is as blank as white paper.People can't understand what he is thinking.

Long Teng Xingchen groaned, but did not speak.

"Even if the president doesn't ask him to go, he will definitely take the initiative to ask for help. If he volunteers, the president will definitely send him out. And because the president trusts Bei Jianzhu very much, he should be able to play a key role in this matter." Time plays a very important role.”

"Qing Ming, people have to take responsibility for what they say."

"I know." Long Teng Qingming gritted his teeth, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and shook his head: "Forget it, I actually don't know, it's just a guess."

"Oh? Then why do you have such a guess."

"Because he doesn't seem to care much about the situation of the guild, I often wonder if he has been in contact with other guilds."

When Long Teng Xingchen heard this, a trace of gloom flashed across his face.

"Let's wait for him to come back and see what he has to say, and then come to your topic."


Long Teng Xingchen obviously didn't want to talk anymore.

But while Long Teng Qingming breathed a sigh of relief, a smile still appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He successfully planted this seed of doubt in Longteng Xingchen's heart. In the future, if the things that Bei Jianzhu has done explode together, this will undoubtedly serve as a foreshadowing, giving Bei Jianzhu the most critical fatal blow .

In this way, Bei Jianzhu would not be able to continue to maintain his status in the guild, and would withdraw in the open and secret fight with Longteng Xingchen.

Without Bei Jianzhu, and Long Teng Liuguang is alone, so the Long Teng Guild, isn't he, Long Teng Qingming, the one who has the final say?

(End of this chapter)

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