It's time to play online

Chapter 489 Missing key materials

Chapter 489 Missing key materials
"The people from the vertical alliance are here!"

Not long after Bei Jianzhu left, a player from the Lionheart Scouting Army came to report.

"How's the situation?" Long Teng Qingming naturally took over Long Teng Xingchen and asked.

"The current situation is not clear, but they did rush over with a large number of players from the three clans. Judging from the formation, it seems that there are only a lot more players than us!"

"How many people are there?"

"According to the data analysis and statistics of the reconnaissance army, it is probably between 13W-17W people!"

"This is going to be bad!" Long Teng Qingming yelled inwardly. Now that the enemy is facing them, although the deployment of their human race has been completed, the lack of elves is still not enough to fight against the alliance.But now the attitude of the elves is ambiguous, and it seems that they will not come up to help!
What should we do? There was an elf clan whose situation was unknown before, and a menacing vertical alliance later. If the two were under siege and siege, the human race would undoubtedly be defeated!

Although they will still be reborn in the first-level main city after being killed, this is undoubtedly a major loss, and it will definitely be reported on forums and major newsletters, instructing ordinary human players to shake their confidence in them, as well as the hearts of the Lionheart Alliance. unstable!
And within an hour after rebirth, they were unable to use their skills and take the initiative to attack. They could only watch helplessly as the other two alliances joined forces to flatten the territory of the human players!
What to do, at this time, who can save the Lionheart Alliance?

Suddenly, Long Teng Qingming suddenly remembered a guy who hadn't seen him for a long time.

Wang Shuang!

That's right, only he can do it, and only he has the courage and ability to shoulder the heavy responsibility of a human player!

Long Teng Qingming couldn't help but clenched his fists, looking at the distant sky.


At this time, Wang Shuang was leading Li Er to walk on a piece of black ground, under their feet was a dense crack, and below was a piece of flowing magma.

That's right, until just now, Wang Shuang had already figured out a way to repair the big ship.

And they are walking on the black land now, and they are also collecting the necessary materials to repair the big ship.

"Another one!" Wang Shuang glanced out of the corner of his eye, and suddenly let out a cry of surprise. He ran to a charred tree with Li Er, looked up at the black trunk that had been burned, and turned to look at the tree. Li Er: "This should be fine."

"No problem." Li Er nodded, and floated to the side of the scorched black tree. After touching it for about six or seven seconds, the tree suddenly collapsed, and Li Er also had a pile of brand new wood in her hands.

It is indeed an orange-level logging technique, a master logging expert.Even this kind of tree that has been scorched black can still get the original wood after felling it!

Wang Shuang was very excited.

After collecting the wood, one person and one cat returned to the volcano, and against the wall of the volcano, Li Er activated the orange-level mining technique again, and used the orange-level smelting technique on the magma.

"4000 pieces of stone, the collection is complete."

"2500 copies of the Zichen Mine, the collection is complete."

"1800 copies of silver mine, collected."

"500 moonstones, collected."

"Ash wood, 800 copies of red pine wood... also collected!"

"Complete?" Wang Shuang rubbed his hands and said excitedly.

"Indeed, it's complete." Li Er nodded, looking at the big boat, her ears that were originally pricked up drooped again.

"Hey, what's the matter, all the materials are ready, why don't you start working soon?" Wang Shuang was a little puzzled.

"Stupid adventurer!"

Li Er just glared at Wang Shuang, shook his head and said, "Have you forgotten what I just said, this matter can only be done by a red-level shipbuilder, and a master-level junior like me can't think about it at all."

"Can't you do it?" Wang Shuang said, curling his lips.

"That's not true. It's just that if I do it, the success rate is close to 0%. Are you really willing to waste these materials and let me repair this big ship?"

"The success rate is close to 0%? Let me take a look..." Wang Shuang opened Li Muxuan's pet panel and saw Li Er's dazzling skills. When he finally saw the success rate, he was slightly taken aback.

Orange Shipbuilding: 100% success rate.

This guy really wasn't lying.

But this also made Wang Shuang feel a lot more interesting, especially the expression of "I can't do it, you give up" on Li Er's face made him laugh unconsciously.

"Hmph, it's really stupid. I can't do it and you still laugh. Isn't this thing beneficial to you? I really don't understand the thinking of adventurers nowadays."

"Don't worry about it, I still decided to let you do it." Wang Shuang said with a suppressed smile.

"Are you sure?" Li Er stared at him with wide eyes.

"This is an order from your master's master, you are not allowed to resist."

"Whatever." Lier looked a little annoyed, as if dissatisfied with Wang Shuang's decision, puffed up his mouth in anger, but it still nodded, stretched out its claws, and pulled the materials to the appropriate position one by one .

After a period of silence, the materials suddenly burst into light, and then quickly decomposed at an incredible speed, turning into pieces of suitable components and splicing them on the surface of the big ship.And those damaged or unsuitable materials were dropped one by one, scattered into the magma and turned into ashes.

"Could it really be successful?" Li Er blinked in disbelief, completely stunned by the sudden scene in front of her.

"Hahaha!" Wang Shuang didn't explain, just looked up to the sky and laughed.

Li Er, if you want to thank you, thank you for following a good master!Ah no, it was the master you followed, she followed a good adventurer!

"No!" Suddenly at this moment, Li Er's face suddenly became serious, and when the cat's face showed this expression, Wang Shuang immediately felt a deep pain in the egg.

"Oops, I didn't have enough skill before, and now I see that there is one missing material. If this material is not replenished, the ship may not be able to withstand the high temperature of the magma, and then quickly dissolve in the magma!"

"Damn it!" Wang Shuangdan was in so much pain that he wanted to die, and then remembered the crux of the problem, and immediately took out his dagger and asked in panic: "What's missing, I'll go collect it right away!"

"20 phoenix feathers are missing! If there are phoenix feathers, I can let them condense with the wood at the bottom of the ship and some magma to form a fire-resistant magma sycamore wood!"

"Feng Yu?" Wang Shuang was taken aback for a moment, then opened the backpack and took a look. Damn it, it was exactly 18!
Master of the system, play with me!

Wang Shuang gritted his teeth, pushed all the phoenix feathers in his backpack to Li Er without saying a word, and then jumped into the magma.

This time Wang Shuang almost tried his best to sink, so the speed was much faster than before. When he came to Suzaku, Suzaku also stared at him.

Wang Shuang had killed the Suzaku countless times before, but now that Wang Shuang had just come down, the Suzaku immediately entered a state of alert, ready to attack Wang Shuang.

"Sorry, I have to kill you again quickly!" Wang Shuang gritted his teeth and rushed forward, bursting out with his strongest set of damage and combos. In less than a minute, the last trace of its blood was exhausted!

Suzaku was killed, and its blood quickly ignited a boiling magma at this time.But this time Wang Shuang didn't go upstream, but gritted his teeth to resist the boiling feeling, and rushed forward desperately to grab the two phoenix feathers that were drifting in the magma.

(End of this chapter)

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