It's time to play online

Chapter 492 Chapter 4 White Chapter 92 Interception

Chapter 492 Chapter 92 White Chapter [-] Interception
"Unexpectedly, I always thought that guy was only good at fighting alone... Interesting, interesting."

On the side of the vertical alliance, the two generals were killed by two players from the dark rose, and the players of the vertical alliance were stunned for a while.But then the leaders of the joint vertical alliance quickly reacted and quickly asked the players to charge together instead of engaging in a one-on-one duel with the human players, which allowed them to gradually bring the situation back.

And when the vertical alliance gradually broke through the defense line of the human race, killing the human race players to pieces, throwing away their helmets and armor, at the same time, some players brought the news to the rear.

"What, the Terran players are defeated?"

The Skeletal Superintendent's eyes almost popped out when he heard it, but he felt that there was something wrong, so he quickly asked the player a few questions.

After learning about the Human Race's ambush, the Dark Blood Roar and the Dark Dragon Knight's furious slash, and the subsequent retreat of the number of Human Race players who lost to the Hezong Alliance, the Skeleton Governor couldn't help standing up.

"Could it be that the human race really made a mistake this time?"

After listening to the player's report, he could almost see that the loss of the human race was not just pretending, but was really caught off guard.

Could it be that just like what the Steel Dominant said before, Longteng Xingchen thought they dared not stop them?
This is probably too disrespectful to the Hezong Alliance.

The Skeletal Superintendent nodded, with a faint flame burning in his heart.He pondered for a while, then waved his hand, motivating several players with organizational experience around him: "Assemble, let our people assemble. Leave 500 people to guard the first-level main city, and 4000 people to guard the four second-level main cities." In the city, [-] people guard three checkpoints. Everyone else, rush out with me!"


The Skeletal Governor couldn't sit still this time. Seeing how frustrated the human race was, he could still sit comfortably in the main city. He kept wondering if this was a conspiracy by the human race players. After the joint vertical alliance has achieved certain results, he must not be able to sit on the position of the leader of the vertical alliance.

And even if he came out in full force, it didn't matter. If he wanted to destroy their city crystal, he had to break through one of the three checkpoints first, then rush into the second-level main city, and finally reach the first-level main city.

Come back before the enemy breaks through the first-level main city, there is still time for everything.

That's right, that's it.Thinking of this, the Skeletal Governor passionately pointed out Jiangshan, and after arranging manpower to guard the city crystals of the first-level and second-level main cities, he rushed out of the checkpoint with many players from the vertical alliance.


While Longteng Xingchen was leading people to fight and leave, suddenly the people from the Lionheart Scout Army came back and reported: "Leader, we found traces of the enemy ahead!"

"Oh? Who dares to block our way back." Long Teng Xingchen raised his eyebrows and asked.

"It's a joint vertical alliance! It seems that their leader, Tiandu Bone, personally led the team."

"Wow wow wow..."

The sky was full of smoke and dust, and the scouting army players and Longteng Xingchen stopped talking at the same time and looked into the distance.Looking through the gaps between several trees, the startled flying birds, the mighty dust and smoke, the swaying figures, and the fallen trees one after another all showed that they were menacing.

These are all people from the joint vertical alliance, and it seems that the number should not be less than 10.

Compared with what he saw under the Sword Hunting level before, the Skeletal Governor has become much deeper.Wearing a shimmering iron armor, holding a long forged steel blade, with a faint golden glow on it, it looks like at least yellow-grade equipment.

He was at the front of the queue, with sharp outlines and clear lines all over his body, and his entire head was covered by a helmet.A group of pale-faced undead players followed closely behind, and the blood slightly overflowing from the corners of their mouths seemed to be their common witness.

"Isn't this the leader of the United Vertical Alliance, the Skeletal Governor?"

When Long Teng Xingchen saw him, he didn't react at all, he just smiled: "I said, why didn't I see you mobilizing before, so it turned out that you came behind us to chase and intercept us."

"Haha, thanks to the concern of the leader of the Lionheart Alliance, we naturally have our arrangements within the alliance." The Skeletal Governor waved his hand, and all the players behind him took a step forward. Suddenly there was a roar, and their roar echoed throughout the forest.

Seeing the weapons shaking on the side of the Lionheart Alliance, the Skeletal Governor was not surprised, but just smiled lightly: "Why, do you want to try it? It's a pity, even if all 10 of your human race are here, I will drive you all to death today .As for whether we can stop you..., 13 heroes of the vertical alliance, do you have confidence?"


This sound penetrated through the mountains and forests, startling a group of birds and beasts, fleeing in a hurry.

Long Teng Xingchen's face suddenly darkened, and suddenly thought of something, he couldn't help laughing and said, "You are not afraid that the elves will sneak attack you at this time when the whole army is dispatched?"


Unexpectedly, as soon as Long Teng Xingchen said this, he immediately attracted the ridicule of the skeleton governor: "Yes, I was a little worried about this at first, but since you have said it without hesitation, then your current situation must be very serious. It is also very dangerous!"

"Even if our defense in the main city fails and we capture your human city, wouldn't it be good to deal with them in turn? Even if the elves successfully break through our city, they still only have 30 players, and our alliance no matter How about, there are [-] people!"

"So, as long as you drive your human race out, it doesn't matter how much the elves do. When we get our troops back together, no matter how many places they attack, it's useless. They'll spit it all out."

At this time, Wang Shuang slowly touched the main city on the other side.But what surprised him was that there were not many players in the main city!

"You, you are..."

Wang Shuang turned his head and was taken aback when he saw the surprised expression of an orc player.

"Ah, did I go to the wrong place?" Wang Shuang looked up and asked, "Where is this, the main city of the beast clan?"

"Yes." The player was taken aback, and answered him in a strange way.

"No!" He was startled, took a few steps back, and shouted loudly: "It's not good, Wang Shuang invaded..."


A silver light burst out from his neck, and the orc player was taken aback, looking at the dagger protruding from his neck, and then fainted quickly.

He fell to the ground, turned into a white light and floated into the distance.

"Is it the main city of the beast clan? Not bad, there are still so few people... It seems that this is God's will!"

Wang Shuang sneered, took out the dagger and walked slowly towards the center of the main city.

(End of this chapter)

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