It's time to play online

Chapter 493 Raid City Crystal

Chapter 493 Raid City Crystal
"Invasion, Wang Shuang invaded!"

Even though the player was dead, there were still players not far away who saw Wang Shuang standing at the intersection, and immediately ran away, shouting as they ran.

"What, why did Wang Shuang appear here?"

"No, it must be coming towards our city crystal!"

In the first-level main city of the beast clan, at the same time as the alarm bell was sounded, a group of beastman players also rushed out at this time, looking left and right.

"Wang Shuang, where is he!"

Soon someone discovered Wang Shuang's location and shouted loudly.

Because the internal communication system of the race war is unavailable, all information can only be disseminated by shouting loudly.

Hearing this, the other players looked up and saw Wang Shuang standing there holding two bright silver daggers, looking at them with slightly cold eyes.

"let me!"

A player rushed over immediately without stopping, and directly swung a heavy hammer at Wang Shuang.

"I heard that you dominate the human race, even the dragons and stars can't do anything about you. Let me try it today. Is it because you really have such a powerful strength, or the human race is just a bunch of trash!"

Seeing the hammer hitting him, Wang Shuang didn't stop him, but sneered instead.



A dizzying trill echoed.

The player took a few steps back in shock. Looking at the unmoving Wang Shuang, he let go of his palm, and the heavy hammer fell directly to the ground.

However, the damage figures floated out from Wang Shuang's body later made the people behind dumbfounded.


This mighty blow did not break the defense!
"Hurry up and report to the leader and the president, and tell them that Wang Shuang has entered our first-level main city!" Some players quickly calmed down and greeted them.

However, before he finished speaking, Wang Shuang rushed forward with a dark lurking force, and then quickly released a shadow attack. The dagger was deeply inserted into the player's neck, and before the opponent turned into a white light, he charged towards the player like a bolt of lightning. The center of the first-level main city.

It is no surprise that Wang Shuang's goal is the meeting room of the Lord's Mansion of the main city of this level, which is the city crystal!

Wang Shuang was no longer interested in the actions of the orc players behind him, and he also didn't want to know how the orcs would deal with him.

He only knew that rushing to destroy the city crystal at this time was the most correct choice!

After Wang Shuang rode Juechen, the next few orc players were still immersed in the shock of the player who was killed by Wang Shuang just now.Glancing at the floating white light, someone suddenly asked: "Well, do you still have to send someone to notify the president and them now?"

"Notice the fart, if you don't go and have a look, the city crystal will be blown up by Wang Shuang!"

Several orcs let out a roar, and immediately turned around to chase Wang Shuang.

The City Lord's Mansion soon came into view. Wang Shuang glanced at the two orc guards at the door, and immediately took out his two white double blades.

"Shadow raid, road blockade!"

One left and one right, Wang Shuang, like a leaping elf, completed a quick return between the two, killing them both instantly, then glanced at the heavy lock on the doorknob, raised his foot and kicked it on. , the door was destroyed by him.

If this is an ordinary building, it is absolutely impossible to be destroyed so easily.But here is a race war, and on the way to the city crystal, there will certainly not be any obstacles that cannot be overcome.So Wang Shuang was not surprised after he kicked the door open, and continued to enter the dark lurking state, and then rushed forward quickly.

He didn't pay much attention to the few orc players he met along the way.After all, he is now lurking in the dark, and it is impossible for them to find him.

And after walking to the third floor and turning around a corner, Wang Shuang finally saw the goal of his trip.

The city crystal, taller than him, was locked on the ground by four chains to prevent its position from changing.

Is this city crystal a balloon, and it is actually tied to the ground?

Wang Shuang pursed his lips, then glanced at the room where the city crystal was located.


many players.

A large group of orc players.

They are organized in an orderly manner, some are constantly patrolling around the city crystal, some are staring at the city crystal from a distance, and some are staring at the corridor and out of the window.

All in all, Iron Sovereign should have set up what he thinks is a net of heaven and earth. If these are top experts, then with such a configuration, there are not hundreds of people, maybe it is really impossible to kill them all.

But to Wang Shuang, what is this?
Holding the white double blade tightly, Wang Shuang was a little excited.

Because next, it's time for him to show off his operations.

Ever since he started following Steel Sovereign, Wang Shuang has started to pay attention to his own operations, thus doing a lot of useful and useless exercises, and these exercises will finally show their real effects today.

Before the pursuers behind him could catch up, Wang Shuang first took advantage of the fact that the orcs around him could not see him, and went up to the third floor first. Seeing their intensive defense, Wang Shuang sneered. slowly revealed.

"here we go!"

Approaching a patrolling team, Wang Shuang took a look: the team consisted of three people, they patrolled around the city crystal every half a minute, then rested for about ten seconds, then patrolled again, and the cycle continued according to this rule. .

This time, when the three of them walked around the crystal, Wang Shuang also aimed at their necks, ready to strike.

Three, two... one!

Wang Shuang made a move, and with a flash of light from the white double blades, he cut off the neck of the person furthest away from Wang Shuang.


He only had time to let out a scream, and before he even figured out what happened, he fell to the ground, and at the same time, a white light appeared on the corpse, and he drifted into the distance unwillingly.


The surrounding players exclaimed, but Wang Shuang's second dagger and the first dagger were swung at the same time, and they were already very close to the remaining two players.Even if they had discovered Wang Shuang, it was too late to make any preparations.



One suffered a severed neck and died after spilling a large amount of blood.The other person propped up a huge shield, which abruptly blocked Wang Shuang's blow.


Seeing that the opponent didn't lose a drop of blood, Wang Shuang was naturally taken aback, and then realized: This should be the opponent's ability to block attacks, which blocked one of his attacks.

Sure enough, when Wang Shuang slashed at him with a dagger for the second time, the orc player's eyes were full of despair, obviously unable to stop Wang Shuang's attack at all.

"Wang Shuang, if you dare to break in here, don't even think about getting out... Ugh!"

Accompanied by his death, the orc players in the entire room moved one after another, waving all kinds of weapons and rushing towards Wang Shuang!

(End of this chapter)

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