Chapter 494
After solving these three orc players, the biggest trouble is.

At this time, Wang Shuang had already been noticed by other orc players, and he was given enough time to react.

When he retracted the dagger, Wang Shuang saw at least ten orc players rushing up from the front and side of him. No matter how skilled he was at this time, it was impossible for him to contend with more than a dozen players.

And it is impossible for the situation just now to happen again.After seeing that it was Wang Shuang, these players activated their armed modes one after another, unleashing their most powerful attack methods, attacking Wang Shuang from all directions.

Although two fists are hard to beat four hands, Wang Shuang still smiled lightly. This does not mean that he has no way.

Sometimes, as long as you have absolute power, you can create miracles.


A series of armor-breaking sounds sounded, and Wang Shuang had more than a dozen wounds in an instant. Even the red-grade equipment couldn't withstand their indiscriminate bombing, and was torn open several times. It will be back to normal soon after repair.





In an instant, Wang Shuang's qi and blood dropped to a quarter position.

At this time, he also raised the white double blades in his hands, and let out a long breath.

"Not good." A player next to him saw his opening move, and immediately reacted, his face changed drastically: "He is going to use the range skill!"

"What? What kind of area skills can assassins have? Even if they do, the damage is still..."

Before he could finish speaking, Wang Shuang opened his eyes and sneered, and a black mist spread.

"Black and white storm!"

There was no way for a group of orc players to avoid it. The black mist covered the entire room for only two or three seconds. After it dissipated, only the corpses of the orc players remained.

At this time, the pursuers who came up from the stairs were stunned.

Wang Shuang glanced at them, and chased them before they fled. After killing them one by one, the whole room was completely quiet.

Only he and the city crystal were left in the same room.

A few orc players rushed up angrily. Wang Shuang was taken aback, and just about to make a move, he suddenly saw a strange sign hanging above their heads, and immediately shook his head and laughed: "I heard that on the battlefield of race wars, after resurrection and rebirth, there is a Hours when you can't attack?"

"Alright, since you want to see how I break the crystal in your city, then watch carefully."

Ignoring their complicated gazes, Wang Shuang took a deep breath and looked at the dim skill icon in the corner.

It's time to use it once.

"Overloaded armed!"

Wang Shuang felt his shoulders lighten, and when he looked back, even he couldn't help being stunned.

What appeared on his shoulders was not the phantom armor like the others, but a few open arms.

"What kind of weapon is this!"

Not only Wang Shuang was surprised, but the orc players around him were inexplicably horrified: "What kind of weapon is this, how can there be so many arms!"

"Wait, what is Wang Shuang doing? He is equipping these arms with weapons!"

"Can these arms also help him attack?"

The orc players suddenly fell into silence. Wang Shuang stood among the crowd, holding his breath and staring at the city crystal in front of him. The 20E vitality and 20W attack and defense are completely insurmountable obstacles for ordinary players. said, but nothing.

But the most important thing at this time is efficiency. If all the city crystals of a first-level main city and four second-level main cities can be wiped out before the return of the orc players and before these players recover their attack capabilities, then the orcs will be defeated. It is likely to be the first race to exit.

Wang Shuang felt his blood boil when he thought that they all seemed to be going to war now, and there was no one guarding here.He had to race against time, and if he did this after the army of orc players returned, it would be too late!

Looking at the city crystal in front of him, Wang Shuang took a deep breath, holding various weapons in his arms behind him.Some of these arms are holding big knives, some are holding daggers, and some are even holding staffs, bows and arrows, like three heads and six arms.

But Wang Shuang only had one head, and he was staring intently at the huge crystal in front of him.Driving the dozens of arms behind him, as well as his original two hands, wielding the double white blades, slashed fiercely on the crystal of the city.

A series of ear-piercing knocking sounds sounded, and the tooth-piercing sound didn't last long, and soon the surface of the crystal in the city was covered with cracks.

Looking at it again, the original 20E blood should be output by many players, and it takes a long time to cause damage visible to the naked eye.But under the simultaneous attack of more than a dozen weapons under Wang Shuang, even the city crystal's offense and defense and blood could not withstand it, and the blood began to decline in a catastrophic manner.

"Perhaps at this stage, Wang Shuang is really an unattainable target." Someone said tremblingly.

"It's too scary. We can't harm him at all, and he alone can do what hundreds of people can do together..."

"Look, the city crystal is about to be blown up by Wang Shuang, what should we do?"

"We can't attack him now, what else can we do!"

The eyes of the orc players gradually became desperate, watching Wang Shuang continuously leave criss-cross cracks on the surface of the city crystal, the clear cracking sound fell in their ears, like the horn of the end of the world.

Gradually, the breaking sound became less, and turned into large chunks of crystals that slipped from the crystal surface of the city, fell to the ground and shattered into a pile of powder.

The city crystal is like a rapidly withering petal, and Wang Shuang is like a tireless bug, constantly tearing off the petals of this flower one by one.Although there are countless bees around the petals, they can't stop the bug's actions.


The last piece of crystal peeled off from the city crystal, and at the same time as the city crystal's qi and blood returned to zero, the cracks in the crystal suddenly began to spread rapidly, distributed to the entire crystal, and then shattered into powder all over the place with a click.

"The city crystal... is broken!"

The eyes of the orc players were full of despair, but they had only been killed for more than ten minutes, and they couldn't do anything.

From their anger at the beginning, they gradually turned into anxiety, and finally even despair.

What if the orcs were the first race to be kicked out of the race war?
Blame Wang Shuang?No, this is also related to the lack of manpower here in the orc clan.

If there were a large number of players guarding the main city, this kind of thing would not have happened at all—at least it would not have allowed Wang Shuang to keep slashing so easily!
As for the manpower arrangement, it was all planned by the leaders of the United Vertical Alliance and Iron Duo Zun and others. Thinking of this, several orc players suddenly felt a lot more magnanimous.

Anyway, even if they were the first to be kicked out of the battlefield of the race war, they couldn't be blamed.

After all, their opponent is Wang Shuang.

At this time, after the city crystal was broken for a period of time, new crystals soon re-condensed.Compared with the original city crystal, the surface of this crystal has many cracks, and the overall luster is also very dim.

(End of this chapter)

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