It's time to play online

Chapter 496 Traitor of Human Race

Chapter 496 Traitor of Human Race


Knowing that the situation was over, Tiandu Bone led the remaining players to retreat westward.When he saw Iron Sovereign leaving in a hurry before, he also faintly felt insecure about his first-level main city.

After all, there are only 500 people staying in their main city of the undead!

If Wang Shuang once again descends to the first-level main city of the undead, and wins another first-level main city before the orcs take back their first-level main city, then the human race is equivalent to owning three first-level main cities. City, the race war is over.

damn it!Skeleton Tiandu gritted his teeth until his teeth were shattered, and his eyes were flushed: "We must find out why Wang Shuang suddenly appeared in the first-level main city of the orc players, otherwise we will be in constant panic for this race war." All day long, I have trouble sleeping and eating!"


After the Hezong Alliance dropped more than 2 corpses and ran away, the elf players and human players also stopped at the same time, and lined up on both sides.Long Teng Xingchen led a few people out of the formation and met Sheng Shi Hongtu in the middle.

"President Shengshi, why did you hesitate to come forward before?" Long Teng Xingchen took the lead in attacking him as soon as they met, and asked scoldingly.

Longteng Xingchen's anger is not unreasonable. After all, the human races voluntarily stood up as bait, in order to force the United Vertical Alliance to take the bait, so that they can concentrate their forces here to kill the players of the United Vertical Alliance first, and then take advantage of the situation to charge Enter the territory of a certain race in the vertical alliance, occupy all the second-level and first-level main cities, and make a small clan completely disappear.

As long as one race is lost in the joint alliance, the joint alliance will automatically disintegrate.Not because of anything else, just because the joint alliance of the two races is completely unable to pose a threat to the human race or the elf race.

In that case, the situation will become a "four-legged confrontation" at that time, and from then on, it will be the real test of the foreign policies of several races.

And if a small clan loses a first-level main city, another clan will inevitably get a second first-level main city. Under the premise that a clan has two first-level main cities, the situation will definitely become more confusing.

However, at this time, facing Longteng Xingchen's menacing questioning, Shengshi Hongtu seemed unhurried, clapped his hands and nunuzui said: "How should I explain it? President Longteng probably won't believe it. If this is the case, why don't you ask?" Ask your vice president, Bei Jianzhu."

"Hmph, you'd better not have any small thoughts. Before the Hezong Alliance disintegrates, you and I are both grasshoppers on the same rope." Long Teng Xingchen snorted softly, turned his head to look at Bei Jianzhu and said, "Jianzhu you Come on, what just happened?"

"It's such a president." Bei Jianzhu looked back at Longteng Xingchen, lightly cupped his fists and said, "When I came to the place where the elves rested, I also encountered the current situation."

"The current situation?" Long Teng Xingchen was taken aback for a moment, then raised his eyebrows: "You mean, being blamed by Shengshi Hongtu?"

"Yes." Bei Jianzhu bent over and nodded.

"What did you ask?"

"Ask why you want to send human players to attack their rear!"

"I am grass."

Long Teng Xingchen couldn't help but swear when he heard the words, and then went into a rage: "When did I send someone to sneak attack the elf players' rear? We have already lowered ourselves to act as bait, and we still need to engage in such a small trick?"

"I also think it's unreasonable... But the video Shengshi Hongtu showed me before is also true. It is indeed a few human players fighting against elves."


"It's where they just rested!"

Hearing this, Long Teng Xingchen frowned and snorted.

"Let's talk, who are they, who are they! If you dare to do such a thing that destroys the relationship between the human race and the elves, I must put their names on the top of the forum, so that they will be severely scolded by the human race players!"

Long Teng Xingchen seemed very excited when he spoke. It seemed that he was very upset about the relationship with the elves and the continuous defeat of the human players in the bloody battle just now.

It can be said that the originally smooth plan was turned into a farce by these players.And the result predicted by Longteng Xingchennian and Shengshi Hongtu has now become a ridiculous joke.

Looking at the replayed video, Long Teng Xingchen's eyes were faintly beating with anger. In the end, he couldn't help but stomped on the corpse of an undead player on the ground, making a horrible creaking sound.

"Find those people for me and put them on the Lionheart Alliance blacklist. Before the race war is over, they are forbidden to enter the territory of the human race, and at the same time, they are not allowed to participate in the race war in the future!" Long Teng Xingchen waved his hand, Soon some players ran up and hurriedly took out pens and paper, and quickly wrote down the IDs of those players.

After Longteng Xingchen spread the news to the ears of several players in the back, naturally, this incident caused an uproar among the human players.

"Fuck, these traitors should be deprived of their power as human players!"

"Get out, get out, they don't deserve to be human players, our Lionheart Kingdom doesn't have such brazen players!"

"Actually, I'm curious as to why they did this. As the saying goes, they harm others and benefit themselves, but they do so at the expense of others and not themselves. Are they really spies bought by other races?"


There are a lot of similar discussions, and a very long distance away from here, in Shanhe City, several players don't know what they have done, and even understand their behavior as a feat of the human race.

"Hey." Canglan Storm made a careful count, and found that they only killed more than 200 elves in the sneak attack of more than a dozen people, and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed: "If we kill a few more, our value will increase by one more." Just killing these 200 people won't help the whole battle situation much."

"Boss, you are thinking too much. If this is calculated according to the ratio, we can replace more than [-] of them alone. Is this not worth it? Let me ask: how many players in the human race can reach our level? "

"Indeed, with a song like yours, I suddenly felt that we were all right." Canglan Storm nodded, then shook his head and sighed: "No, we can't compare with ordinary players."

"What does the boss mean, not to compare with ordinary players, who do we compare with?"

"Wang Shuang." Canglan Storm snorted coldly with a gloomy face: "If it is Wang Shuang, let alone more than 20 people, even if there are more than 200 people, as long as they are used in the right place, he can do it. Since we With him as the target, what we are doing now is far from enough."

"That's right, we still need to work hard!" Everyone shouted with enthusiasm when they heard it.

"I've decided, we're going to take advantage of the victory and go one step further!" Canglan Storm took the lead and shouted, with a smile on his lips: "Let's go, Canglan team, attack again!"

(End of this chapter)

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