Chapter 497

On the other side, after the misunderstanding was clarified, the human race and the elf race quickly established a cooperative relationship again, and then rushed towards the orc race side by side.

After all, now Wang Shuang has opened the way for them to grab a first-level main city, allowing the human race and the elf race to immediately find a clear loophole in the joint alliance.

As long as Wang Shuang can hold the city crystal in the first-level main city of the orcs for long enough, they will be able to break through one of the three checkpoints, enter the territory of the orcs with a large army, and grab the four main cities of the second-level like a storm, thus achieving the goal of completely eradicating the orcs. Evict the target of race warfare.

After the orc clan left the field, the four clans stood together, and that was the beginning of the real excitement.

However, things will not be so smooth. Although many players in the main city of the orcs were instantly killed by Wang Shuang, the main force of the orcs is also on their way back at this time, and the vertical alliance will not sit idly by. The governor will definitely not watch the human race and the elf race hand in hand to successfully drive away the orc race.

At this time, Long Teng Xingchen put the affairs of Canglan Storm and the others to the back of his mind, and waited for them to deal with the orc affairs.Now, it is time to advance together with Shengshi Hongtu to the three major levels of the orc players.

On the other hand, Wang Shuang didn't know their plan, and was still fighting with a steady stream of orc players in the territory of orc players.

"If this goes on, there will be no end!"

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Wang Shuang looked around, and everywhere he passed was the shadow of a sea of ​​orc players. Now many orc players have heard the news and rushed over from several other second-level main cities and checkpoints , Desperately chased and intercepted him.

Although Wang Shuang had an advantage in attributes, but was blocked by the crowd tactics, it was really difficult to do anything for a while.

What's more, he didn't know the consensus reached by Longteng Xingchen and Shengshi Hongtu, and he was still thinking about how to break out and conquer the city crystal of the second-level main city.

At this moment, a long horn sounded, and the crowd retreated one after another. Wang Shuang was stunned, looking at a player who walked into the crowd in the distance.

"Steel Sovereign, we meet again."

Wang Shuang greeted warmly.

Ever since he knew that this was the territory of the orc players, he knew that this time would come sooner or later.

But when I first saw it, I still felt a little awkward.

When Iron Sovereign saw Wang Shuang, there was no unnecessary expression on his face. He walked up quickly. To everyone's surprise, he patted Wang Shuang on the shoulder and said earnestly, "Thank you."

Wang Shuang: "???"

Other Orc players: "???"

"But I'm sorry, I still want to kill you." Iron Sovereign said.

"Oh, I don't care, it's just..." Wang Shuang scratched his head, feeling something weird, but he couldn't come up with it.

"Do it." Iron Sovereign waved his hand.

Several players scattered around very skillfully. Several priests appeared in Wang Shuang's field of vision. They dispersed Wang Shuang silently. Then several players appeared staggeredly behind Wang Shuang, and the daggers in their hands pierced Wang Shuang's body one after another. .

The sky was filled with flames, and a large number of fireballs, hailstones, and thunder bombarded down.Although orcs are not good at magic, there are still some players who have made unremitting efforts and finally become several powerful orc mages.

Wang Shuang wanted to move, but he was stunned by the control skills of several players, and he couldn't get out of the stunned state until his blood bar was emptied.

"Go on."

Wang Shuan heard the whisper of Iron Dominance in his ear, and then he felt his body loosen, and he died in battle.

At the same time, because he was silenced, several of his skills were all invalid. With a flash of light, Wang Shuang appeared in the church in Shanhe City.

"Hey, there are more and more players who know how to restrain me. It seems that I can't continue to run amok in the future. It's time to restrain myself and act together with the big army."

Shaking his head, Wang Shuang sighed and walked out of the church in Shanhe City.

This is the first time Wang Shuang has come to Shanhe City. Before that, the place where he stayed was the black, dry and cracked land, the scorching lava, and the volcanic ash all over the mountains... Bah, thinking of that memory, Wang Shuang felt I can't get any worse.When he thought of getting away, Wang Shuang suddenly remembered that he had forgotten the boat of heaven behind the first-level main city of the beast clan!

Fuck, so the boat of heaven was given to them for nothing?Wang Shuang's heart ached when he thought of his big ship, which he worked so hard to fish out of the volcano, especially after being repaired by a red-ranked shipbuilder like Lier.

Forget it, brother is such a generous person, if you have a way to snatch it away, then give it to you - of course, even if you don't want to, you can't help it.

But if you have no way to snatch it away, and when I arrive and find that the boat is still in place, then I will be impolite afterwards, hahahaha!

On the other side, Canglan Storm met someone who surprised him at this time.

"Longteng Qingming?" When Canglan Fengfeng and others saw him, they couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

"Don't be so surprised, I'm here specially to wait for you." Long Teng Qingming said lightly.


Canglan Storm's heart skipped a beat, and he glanced suspiciously at Long Teng Qingming, then looked around and saw that Long Teng Qingming was the only one, so he slowly relaxed and asked, "What's the matter, the vice president of Long Teng is waiting for me here?" , what are you doing?"

Could it be to praise us?Canglan Storm thought for a while, then shook his head.It shouldn't be, they haven't told the Terran players about it yet, and there shouldn't be any possibility of leaks internally.

As for the possibility that the elves leaked the secret?Their brains will be kicked by donkeys, and they will be pinched by the crack of the door to do this kind of thing. Tens of thousands of players have killed more than 200 people, so they have to talk about it?Canglan Storm thought for a while, but still shook his head.

So, could it be that the Lionheart Scout Army on the human side is really strong?Canglan Storm thought he had guessed the right path, and was very excited.

"Is it because of our fight with the elves?" But in order to prevent accidents and prove his guess was correct, Canglan Storm still suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked in a low voice.

"Yes." Long Teng Qingming looked a little surprised: "You guys actually know."

"Haha, of course!" Canglan Storm laughed loudly, patted his chest and said, "This is an action we have planned for a long time, how could we not know about it?"

"Then do you know that you are now trash and traitors that everyone in the human race reviled?" Long Teng Qingming asked coldly.


The sudden change made Cang Lan Fengfeng's face turn pale with fright, cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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