Chapter 505 Pets
What is he waiting for?
Not only were the few undead players who couldn't make a move confused, but even Wang Shuang, who had just arrived, was also very confused.

Now Wang Shuang is still lurking in the dark and in the corner, so neither the undead players nor the elf players have noticed his existence.

After a stalemate like this for a while, suddenly a bell rang through the sky, and everyone received a system notification.


System prompt: Human race player God of War Qingfeng has broken through the city crystal of Panhu City, please cooperate with human race player to guard the new fragile city crystal and ensure that the city crystal will not be destroyed within 10 minutes.For Orc players, please capture the city crystal again within 10 minutes, otherwise Panhu City will belong to the Terran after 10 minutes.

"Tsk." Shengshi Hongtu shook his head with some regret: "Sure enough, with just a few of them, they still can't win over the human race?"

"Boss, should we start?"

"That's right." Sheng Shi Hongtu nodded, and lowered his arm vigorously: "The last round, let's shoot the arrow!"

A round of arrows flew by, and many arrows were directly inserted into the crystal. Finally, the city crystal could not maintain its overall appearance. After a crisp sound, it finally fell apart.


System prompt: The elf player Hongchen Feiyan has broken through the city crystal of Abyss City. Please cooperate with the elf player to guard the new fragile city crystal and ensure that the city crystal will not be destroyed within 10 minutes.For undead players, please capture the city crystal again within 10 minutes, otherwise Panhu City will belong to the elves after 10 minutes.

"Go!" Shengshi Hongtu suddenly stepped on the high platform where the city crystal is located, his whole body suddenly became taller, glanced at the two players on the left, and shouted: "Time is like an arrow, time is like water, you two teams Stay here to guard the newborn city crystal, and the others will go with me to the Panhu City of the orcs!"

He took out the weird unicorn golden horn, raised it above his head and shouted, a six-pointed star array lit up with him as the center, and hundreds of people around him immediately gathered towards him.Soon they turned into a ray of light and disappeared.

Then another leader who looked like a captain took out the same props, and hundreds of elf players once again filled the six-pointed star array, and the light flashed before disappearing again.

Wang Shuang's jaw fell to the ground.

Fuck, you can still play like this, what is this, it looks like teleportation?Can't be so invincible, how can others play with this!

"The Qilin Golden Horn of the Tarog World..." At this moment, a dazed figure came out, looked at the elf players who kept disappearing in the distance, and muttered.

"Keep your voice down." Wang Shuang hurriedly said, looking around, seeing that no one noticed Li Er, he hurriedly asked, "Do you know what that is?"

"Of course, I am a prophet. Although my ability is not yet fully awakened and this is not our original world, as a prophet, I still know a little about this world."

As Li Er said, she turned around and seemed to be looking for Li Muxuan's shoulder. When Wang Shuang saw her, she pointed to her shoulder, and Li Er glanced at her with contempt.

What the hell!

Wang Shuang was so angry that his teeth were itching, but he had nothing to say, so he could only say: "Then what do you know, that Qilin Golden Horn is really so powerful that it can be teleported to every corner of the world at will?"

"No, if you need to use the Qilin Golden Horn, you need two contact points first. One is the departure point, and the other is the arrival point."

"What do you mean? Prophet, please explain."

"Hey, stupid adventurer, really stupid." Lier shook her head regretfully with a "rotten wood can't be carved" expression: "The so-called contact point refers to the person who holds the golden horn of the unicorn. If you want to achieve teleportation, You need to consume a golden horn, and there must be people with golden horns around the destination, not unlimited teleportation."

"So that's it." Wang Shuang nodded, "That is to say, if there is only one unicorn golden horn, it will be completely useless."

"That's right. However, as the drop of the Tarog unicorn, the unicorn golden horn usually drops in pairs, so this kind of situation usually doesn't happen."

"Wait, Tarog Kirin?" Wang Shuang was taken aback.

"That's right, the Qilin Golden Horn, of course it fell from Qilin's body."

Wang Shuang quickly took out a few fiery red feathers from his backpack, like two clusters of burning flames: "Look, this is something that fell from Tarog Suzaku. Is it useful?"

"Huh?" Li Er was taken aback, and grabbed the two feathers from Wang Shuang's hand to take a look. The two rabbit ears on the back of his head quickly stood up as if he had regained his spirit, and the cat face also changed color slightly: " Yes, it does work!"

"What's the use!" Wang Shuang was as excited as if he had been beaten with chicken blood, group teleportation?Super high damage?It's still other awesome abilities, I didn't expect a few feathers to have this effect!

"Such a feather can revive you once!" Li Er said firmly.

"Fuck, resurrection?" Wang Shuang was stunned: "Aside from resurrection?"

"There is no other use."

——Ah, Wang Shuang spurted out a mouthful of old blood. There is an egg in the resurrection. Brother himself is broken and then stands up. After the resurrection, all attributes will increase by 10%!

But that's right, Suzaku and Phoenix are images of rebirth from the ashes, so it's reasonable to match this ability.Although this feather is useless to him, it can be gifted to other players.

"Then what about this." Putting away the feathers, Wang Shuang suddenly remembered that he still had something.

"Damn it, adventurer..." Even though Li Er had kept a calm look before, she couldn't help but change her face at this moment, and shouted: "This is Tarog Suzaku, stupid adventurer, how could you Bring it out of the lava pool!"

"Damn it, you say it's a mythical beast?" Wang Shuang almost knelt down on the ground: "So, now there won't be Suzaku coming out from under the magma?"

"Of course, these are the young eggs of Suzaku. They need to be placed in the magma pool to absorb part of the magma before they can return to their original form." Li Er pondered for a while, and then said: "But this may also be an opportunity for you .”

"What opportunity?" Wang Shuang wondered.Aren't mythical beasts just used to farm materials? Are there any hidden benefits for players?

"You can try to domesticate it as your pet while it's unconscious." However, Li Er's next words left Wang Shuang stunned.

"Are you taking divine beasts as pets?"

While this sounds like it would be too good to be true, it just doesn't feel very practical.The divine beast is actually so easy to subdue?

"Wait... Maybe it's really possible." Wang Shuang suddenly remembered that he had a talent that ordinary people didn't have, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help evoking a wretched smile.

(End of this chapter)

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