Chapter 506
However, there is really no need to worry about subduing Suzaku. After all, if there is no magma now, Suzaku is just an egg.

Right now, the elves have probably left more than 3000 players to guard inside and outside the hall where the city crystal is located. There are more than 3000 players, even if they are all wooden stakes, it will take a lot of time to kill them all.Not to mention that they are a group of elites with good quality.

That's why Shengshi Hongtu went so reassuringly, and went to Panhu City of the orcs to compete for the third city crystal.

Wang Shuang took Li Er back and walked out of the corner by himself. Because he was still lurking in the dark, he was not noticed by others.

However, although the probability of being noticed is small, it is also possible. Wang Shuang does not expect Dark Lurking to be able to hide from the sky and bypass more than 3000 elf players to kill the city crystal.

"There are more than 3000 people, and they all seem to have good attributes. I can't kill them alone."

Wang Shuang was talking to himself, his eyes fell on the city crystal in the hall.Even through the sea of ​​patrolling people, he could still catch a glimpse of the corner of the crystal from the outside.

"By the way, I don't care about what they are doing. I just go in and destroy the city crystal, wouldn't it be fine?"

After figuring this out, Wang Shuang suddenly became enlightened.

Indeed, if all these 3000 people were killed, and the city crystal had to be snatched before Shengshi Hongtu succeeded, even Wang Shuang would find it very difficult.

Then why bother with these players, just destroy the city crystal directly!
After making up his mind, Wang Shuang took out his dagger, quietly approached the gate, and then stopped.

It's not that he doesn't want to continue walking, but that there are too many players, and he will bump into someone if he goes any further.

Looking at the few undead players who couldn't do anything and looked unwilling, there was really no time to hesitate. The timing of Shengshi Hongtu was too good. After the human race broke through the city crystal, it immediately broke through the city crystal here, and then It was sent over immediately.

Under such a sudden attack, even Long Teng Xingchen would be caught off guard, right?

If it continues to drag on, Wang Shuang may not be able to stop Shengshi Hongtu's plan before he gets the third city crystal.

He took a deep breath and silently counted down for three seconds. Three or four panels were summoned in front of him, including a skill panel, a follower panel, an equipment bar panel, and several sub-professional skill panels.

Three, two... one!

Wang Shuang activated all his followers, skills, and equipment skills, and then turned on the armed mode. Then he took out daggers, staves, long swords and other equipment, and followed a few followers who suddenly appeared beside him and began to rush forward.

This time he was not stingy, and directly summoned De Lido.

"Dragon armed!"

With a long howl, De Lido's body almost doubled in size, and a pair of black wings full of holes spread out from behind the thick iron armor like a shell.

——Giant Dragon Armed: The character's physical attack +20%, physical defense +80%, magic attack +80%, magic defense +160%, and each time it causes damage, it increases its physical attack by 2% and magic by 2% Attack and reduce movement speed by 2% for 60 seconds.

After Wang Shuang activated the overload weapon, his output ability also increased exponentially. As for the players at the entrance of the hall, they were instantly killed the moment Wang Shuang appeared.

"It's Wang Shuang, everyone be on alert!"

Even in the face of Wang Shuang, most of the elf players were only slightly startled, and then stood up very quickly.

"Oops, these people seem to be on guard." Wang Shuang immediately felt that something was wrong, but the matter had come to this point, so he could only grit his teeth.

"Stupid adventurer, is your head really rusted?" Li Er floated up from Li Muxuan's shoulder and landed on Wang Shuang's shoulder: "You are the only one around here who has the ability to fight. Do you want to fight at the same time?" To deal with so many people?"

"Then what can I do?" Wang Shuang was also very helpless: "You can't let me ignore it. If I ignore it, I won't be able to go back. If Shengshi Hongtu snatched the city crystal of Panhu City, then this race war But they won."

"I don't understand what you're talking about... But, you want to destroy the thing in the middle?" Lier asked.

Wang Shuang nodded, and at the same time felt a suffocation in his chest - he was silenced + dispelled by a few priests with quick eyes and quick hands.

Oops!Shengshi Hongtu also knew about Wang Shuang's weakness. Now that he has been silenced, his state of breaking and standing up and his talent of turning around from time to time are all invalid. He is no different from an ordinary monster player now.

"Kill him!" After seeing the panic on Wang Shuang's face, Time Fleeting laughed and waved his hands, and then a group of archers shot arrows at Wang Shuang.

This is not the attack power of those guarding players outside. These are the elite players of the elves, most of whom have cultivated the extreme berserk attribute, and they are the main archers of many guilds.

And although they don't have Wang Shuang's hidden professions and equipment that bring so many perverted bonuses, they have two things that Wang Shuang doesn't have: one is pets. In the soul pet mode, pets will bring a lot of attributes to players; There is also a mount. Similarly, the soul-riding mode will also bring attribute bonuses to players.

Wang Shuang has no pets or mounts, which is why he can be broken by other players even though he is equipped with Tier [-] red-grade equipment and has attribute bonuses such as hidden professions and the spirit of adventure.

Another point is that there is no guild support behind Wang Shuang, so the ingredients for increasing the attack and defense of the violent second King Kong and the second class are not full.Although there are some of these things floating in the market, but not too many, after all, many guilds are buying.

If all these are completed, it will definitely not be a problem to double or triple Wang Shuang's attributes.

But now, after Wang Shuang was silenced, there was a dense rain of arrows one after another. Just when Wang Shuang had given up hope, Li Er reminded him: "Are you waiting to die? Anyway, you have some pieces of Suzaku in your hand." Yan Yu, why don't you give it a go?"

"Yes, this bird feather can revive me, even if I have been silenced, how can I use it?" Wang Shuang slapped his head and suddenly remembered this matter.Then he found sadly that he had the artifact in his hand, but he couldn't use it.

But it doesn't matter if he can't use it, if he can use it, he used it directly when he was in the beast clan, and he won't be killed by the Iron Dominant.

"Just hold it in your hand." Li Er said lazily, licking her furry paws intently.

Hearing this, Wang Shuang quickly took Suzaku Yanyu out of his backpack, and rushed up against the rain of arrows.After walking a few steps, the blood on Wang Shuang's head was polished off by these players.

He didn't even survive a round of arrow rain, and slowly fell to the ground.

However, before Time Fleeting Years and the others had time to be happy, they suddenly saw Wang Shuang's body tremble, and the blood bar on his head was suddenly replenished in an instant.

"Fuck, what's the situation, isn't he silenced and can still use his skills?"

Seeing Wang Shuang rushing up again, Time Flowing Years and the others were dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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