Chapter 512
Because several levels of the elves were not guarded, Longteng Xingchen gathered all the players in front of one of the levels, went all out, and emptied the durability of this level in less than 5 minutes.

After breaking the level, the human race players drove straight in, sweeping across the border like a whirlwind.Longteng Xingchen even took the lead. After breaking the barrier, two second-level main cities appeared on both sides of them, one on the left and one on the right.

"Report, there doesn't seem to be a single trace of elf player activity in their secondary main cities."

"Strange, did the players of the elves know that they were invincible and gave up on their own initiative?" Someone whispered.

"Hehe." Seeing this, Long Teng Xingchen smiled lightly, shook his head and said, "This is what needs to be nervous. According to my understanding of Shengshi Hongtu, he will not give up so easily. According to my guess, he probably will. Gather all your strength together and plan to go all out in Shenmu City."

"Then isn't this the calm before the storm?" Long Teng Liuguang asked in disbelief.

"That's true." Long Teng Xingchen asked suddenly: "By the way, how many players behind us have caught up, and how is the situation now?"

"Now there are more than 1 people following our footsteps. The total number of Terran players here is about 5.6, and there are still more than 3 people on the way. And some people may rebel and cannot go online temporarily , and on the further road, the number of players who can attack in Shenmu City is about 8."

"It doesn't matter, keep our current speed and move on. We just need to reach Shenmu City before those elf players are completely resurrected."


Long Teng Xingchen looked at a small black dot on the distant horizon, raised his long sword and said, "Everyone, follow me and continue to move forward. Be sure to seize the opportunity and completely take down their city crystals before most players of the elves are resurrected! "

Most of the Terran players also know that now is the critical moment, so they cheer up and look ahead firmly.

"go ahead!"

They marched forward in a mighty manner, soaked in dust and sand, and continued walking towards Shenmu City.

On the other hand, Wang Shuang read the forum before going online, and knew that the human race is going all out to take down the city crystal of the elves, so Wang Shuang made a quick decision. Run towards the elves.

He felt a bit of a headache for his behavior of soy sauce all the way. Now that the human race has won two first-level main cities, but he still didn't show his face in front of most human race players, which made him feel a burst of frustration.

It's still too late, I have the movement speed bonus of pathfinding, and the dark lurking is further enhanced, the movement speed is already much faster than ordinary players, and I will definitely be able to arrive before the human race takes the last city crystal!

Thinking of this, Wang Shuang rushed into a mountain stream with smooth rock walls on both sides.After slowly going deep, he couldn't help but stop, dumbfounded.

In the mud, a white tiger with snow-white fur and dark blue lines printed on its body suddenly opened its eyes.It looked at Wang Shuang, stood up slowly, and let out a scalp-numbing roar.


This sound startled the flying birds around, and Wang Shuang almost fell out of his ass.He glanced at the avenue behind the white tiger in some embarrassment, at the smooth and hard rock walls on the left and right, and at the long journey he had taken when he came here. He sighed and summoned all his followers out .

"Quick battle, kill it as quickly as possible!" Wang Shuang shouted, pulled out his white double blades, and rushed forward first.


Canglan Storm was still a little uneasy at this moment. He didn't know what Long Teng Qingming was going to do, but his intuition told him that it would definitely not be a good thing.

Now, with a few players behind him, he has arrived in front of a certain level of the elves. Looking at the smashed city gate and the empty durability bar floating in the sky, Canglan Storm sighed and slowly walked in.

And under Shenmu City, Longteng Xingchen finally arrived here with more than 5 ethnic players.

Looking up, at this time Shengshi Hongtu was sitting firmly on the tower of Shenmu City, surrounded by at least twenty or thirty elf players.Even so, all of them had conspicuous marks on their heads - which meant that they were still unable to attack and use skills.

"Long Teng Xingchen, long time no see." Sheng Shi Hongtu smiled.

Long Teng Xingchen glanced at him, and waved to the players behind: "Everyone is ready to attack the city!"

Crashing—the crowd dispersed all of a sudden, and they assumed an attacking posture.

This is their last battle. As long as they win this battle, they can go offline to eat, and they don't have to worry about disappointing the clan players anymore.Because they did it, the race that finally won the race war belonged to the human race, and their status in the Dragon Guild would be even higher within the human race.

Sheng Shihongtu was a little flustered in his heart, but on the surface he still put on a calm look, and said with a smile: "Why, Longteng Xingchen, you don't even have the ability to stop and listen to me?"

However, Longteng Xingchen still turned a deaf ear, as if he couldn't hear at all, how to command the players, how to adjust the formation, has been intensively arranged.

Sheng Shihongtu's face changed, he stood up suddenly, and shouted down: "Longteng Xingchen, you pig-like trash, do you have the ability to answer your father and me? If you don't answer, you will win the race war. In front of me will always be my grandson!"

Long Teng Xingchen still...turned a deaf ear to his words.

"President, this is..." The faces of several elf players around him were very ugly.

Shengshi Hongtu slumped, and said with a smile: "You don't need to say anything, I know. He probably turned on the faction shielding, directly blocking the voices of all our elf players... not only him, but probably all the players of the race All racially blocked... Sorry, I'm not of much use."

"Leader, you don't have to blame yourself." An elf player on one side waved his hand and said, "Even if we fail to win this race war, we will not blame you. Because you have led us to glory after all, and you are only one Little by little, we're about to touch the glory of the race-war-winning race."

"Hehe, people in this world don't look at what was once, what was close... As long as we don't do it, then we are complete losers, that's how it is, understand."

Shengshi Hongtu's tone seemed a little regretful, but it was full of endless helplessness, because it was really just a little bit short. If the bone Tiandu was a few seconds slower in breaking through the city crystal, they would have won.

Unfortunately, ifs do not exist in the world, even in games.

(End of this chapter)

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