Chapter 513

A game is a game after all. Here, Shengshi Hongtu tried to persuade Longteng Xingchen to do something, but Longteng Xingchen directly closed the communication door and forcibly attacked the city, which left him with nothing to do.

"It seems that the final winner of this race battle will be the human race." Suddenly remembering Wang Shuang, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, Shengshi Hongtu looked at the mighty human team.Presumably he is squatting inside, waiting for the strongest offensive to start after the official siege begins.

Although he reassessed Wang Shuang's strength again and again, after each battle, Shengshi Hongtu would find that Wang Shuang's strength was beyond his expectations.

I thought I had found Wang Shuang's whereabouts, but after being resurrected, after listening to the speeches of several elf players who had fought against Wang Shuang, Shengshi Hongtu still sighed helplessly: He really doubted that he was playing with Wang Shuang. same game.

"Are followers really so useful?" Shengshi Hongtu began to speculate on how Wang Shuang's success was achieved: "If I also find a few followers now, will I become like him too?" Same?"

"No, it seems that Wang Shuang's followers are not only powerful, but also his own strength is unfathomable. We players can hardly resist his attack, so we were dropped by him in seconds. There must be something else that I don't like. knew."

Sheng Shihongtu shook his head, thinking to himself.


Under the city tower, the human players had already made all preparations, and after Longteng Xingchen waved his hand, they began to attack the city.

"Where are Jian Zhu and Qing Ming, why did they disappear like Wang Shuang?" Long Teng Xingchen turned his head and grabbed Long Teng Liuguang who was about to rush up.

Long Teng Liu Guang was taken aback when he heard the words: "Didn't they arrive? Just now they asked people to go to the back."

"Go to the back?" Long Teng Xingchen was immediately confused: "The siege has begun at this time, what are you going to do behind?"

"Huh? Isn't it your arrangement, Boss?"

"Fart arrangement." Long Teng Xingchen said irritably: "Forget it, I'll go to the back to see, you pay attention to controlling the rhythm, and must capture their city crystals before all the elf players recover."



Behind Shenmu City and in front of several secondary main cities, there is actually a forest that is not too vast.The trees in the forest were very sparse, and the ground was very muddy, as if it had just rained.Bei Jianzhu and Long Teng Qingming each led a team and stood face to face in the middle of the forest.

"Qing Ming, what are you planning?" Bei Jianzhu pointed to behind them with a hint of impatience on his face, "Now is the final prologue of the race war, if you have anything to do, you can't wait until the race war is over." say?"

"Oh, I'm afraid that if I wait until then, I will no longer be the vice president of the Longteng Guild." Longteng Qingming smiled lightly and said, "Jianzhu, there are some things that you and I know very well. You don’t need to hide it, let’s expose it all in the sun.”

Bei Jianzhu's pupils shrank, and all the impatience on his face turned into seriousness. Looking at Long Teng Qingming's somewhat sloppy eyes, he said, "Qing Ming, do you really choose to tear yourself apart from me at this time?"

"This is my last chance." Long Teng Qingming suddenly took a step forward, causing Bei Jianzhu to hold his hand on the hilt of his sword: "Bei Jianzhu, don't think that I don't know. After that, you have to submit the information you collected to the president, and let him revoke me as the vice president!"

"But don't forget, not only you have my grip, but I also have your grip! Aren't you afraid that I will hand everything over to the president?"

Bei Jianzhu was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled faintly: "I don't understand what you mean. I always act in accordance with the rules and regulations. As for you, you are out-and-out violating the rules and making ugly gains for yourself. Self-interest!"

"Fart!" Long Teng Qingming's expression suddenly became grim: "If it comes to scheming and strategy, I know I'm a few grades lower than you. But I have courage and strategy, and I'm shameless. I can find this kind of time to challenge you. Challenge. Bei Jianzhu, are you willing to accept my remonstrance?"

"Admonishment to death?" Bei Jianzhu's face suddenly changed, and he shouted angrily, "Do you know what this means?"

"Of course I know, but I have no other choice." Long Teng Qingming said with a miserable smile: "When I have nothing, maybe I won't even have the chance to appear in front of you, why don't I spend it recklessly at this time? Win If you do, you can be dragged to hell together.”

"I won't answer!" Bei Jianzhu said angrily.

"It's up to you." Long Teng Qingming shook his head, reached out and took out a piece of letter paper from his backpack, waved his hand, and quickly disappeared into the air.

"You, how did you do it!" Bei Jianzhu seemed to have received some system prompt, and his face changed drastically.

"Haha, I've been working on this mission for a long time for this deadly battle, don't let me down for this hard work." Long Teng Qingming laughed wildly, like a demon in the abyss.And the group of players behind him, as well as the group of players behind Bei Jianzhu, also showed expressions of disbelief.

Originally thought that this was just a power struggle between the two vice presidents, but I didn't expect that it would affect them, small shrimps and small fishes.Many players began to regret: why did they have to take this trip to the muddy water, and some players desperately clicked the button to quit the team, but they failed to do so.

Once the remonstrance of the death battle takes effect, their fate will disappear with the wind just like that piece of paper.


Longteng Xingchen is running on the vast grassland.

I don't know why, but he always feels flustered today, and his eyelids can't stop beating. This is a very incredible thing in the game, but it did happen to him.If the possibility of game settings is ruled out, it can only be that his real body can't stop twitching his eyelids.

Not only his eyelids twitched, but his chest was also very stuffy. When he looked up at the blue sky, he also felt gloomy, and his heart was always shrouded in fog.

He believed in the intuition that he had been relying on for many years. In many cases, Long Teng Xingchen could guess the general direction of some things just by intuition.But today, this intuition mysteriously disappeared, and I no longer felt any omen.

It seems that what is about to happen next has exceeded the ability to predict intuitively.

As they got closer, Longteng Xingchen approached the forest they had just walked through. There were messy footprints everywhere at the entrance of the forest. Some were walking towards Shenmu City, but some were also walking into the forest.

Sure enough, they entered this forest!Long Teng Xingchen took a deep breath, followed the faintly discernible footprints on the muddy ground, and slowly walked into the depths of the forest.

(End of this chapter)

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