It's time to play online

Chapter 525 Whispers of the Abyss

Chapter 525 Whispers of the Abyss
"What level of dungeon to choose?" Long Teng Liuguang walked up to the room where the difficulty was selected and asked.

"Of course it's red-grade." Wang Shuang squeezed the red light ball without hesitation, and then the walls around the room split from the middle, like a broken shell, and countless boulders rose from the ground, almost forming a A large stone array.

And in front of several huge rocks that stand up to the sky, a bottomless abyss stretches across here.

"The origin of this dungeon is very interesting. It is said that it is an abyss left by a fallen star." Wang Shuang said with a smile as he walked, "After hearing this setting, I thought: Even if there is a falling star, Shouldn’t it be a big hole, how could it be a long abyss.”

"That's true, I also find it strange." Long Teng Liuguang nodded.

A player behind him couldn't help raising his hand, Long Teng Liuguang looked back and couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

"President, I know why this long abyss is left after the meteorite falls."

"Oh, talk about it."

Anyway, we haven't encountered any monsters yet, so we walked slowly down the abyss, and it's not a bad thing to hear someone chatting on the way.

"Because that meteorite is not an ordinary meteorite, but a meteorite infused with the 'Power of Aurora'. The so-called 'Power of Aurora' is also something I learned from the NPC when I was doing a green-level mission."

"The power of the aurora... You obviously haven't seen that meteor, why do you conclude that this long abyss is related to the power of the aurora?"

The person who asked the question was Wang Shuang, who was also a little curious.

"Because the power of the aurora can only be emitted by the stars. I received a mission to collect moonlight that day. When the collection was completed, the NPC extracted a trace of the power of the aurora from the moonlight."

"Then the NPC made a bottle of Aurora potion based on the power of Aurora. What impressed me the most was that when I threw the potion out, the moment the task was completed, all the creatures and monsters on the entire grassland were pierced by a strong light. , but although they all died because of me, I didn’t gain any experience.”

"Would the power of aurora have the power to kill all creatures on a grassland..." Wang Shuang nodded, "The size of the meteorite is probably not small. It is very likely that it was caused by the power of Aurora."

Hearing this, several people couldn't help raising their heads, looking up at the long and narrow gap, left on the ground like a deep wound, gusts of wind blew past, making a sound like a baby crying.

At this time, they are advancing along a rough path on the edge of the abyss, and they will encounter places with cliffs from time to time. At this time, a few mages need to flash and rush to the opposite side, and then use magic such as frost condensation to temporarily condense a solid road. The ice road is coming.

In short, before Wang Shuang made a move, he had already opened his eyes.Sure enough, although they are all in the same dungeon, everyone's coping methods are different. If Wang Shuang brought players from Dark Rose to brush this dungeon, the people in the guild would have to wait for Wang Shuang to take them around. .

But now it is the Longteng guild, and it is Longteng who has experienced various obstacles, but can always find a way to deal with it.When encountering mountains, open mountains, when encountering rivers, build bridges, when encountering monsters, kill them all, and finally break through the dungeon by stepping on the corpse of the boss.

The ups and downs along the way did not last long, and soon everyone came to the bottom of the abyss.

Looking up at the sky, there was only a thin white line hanging on it, as if they had already gone deep underground, but since they had reached the bottom, it meant that they were about to encounter monsters.

——Abyssal Sandworm [King Kong] [Magic Gang] [Strong Body] (Red-LV80): Qi and blood 230W, physical attack 12.8W, physical defense 16.3W, physical resistance 55%; magic attack 17.3W, magic defense 15.2 W, magic resistance 70%.Skills: Normal Attack, Aurora Shadow, Abyss Whisper.

——Shadow of Aurora: When receiving damage, there is a 15% chance to reduce the damage by 50%.

——Whispers of the Abyss: When killed in battle, provide 1W points of vitality, 800 points of physical attack, and 760 points of magic attack for the lord of the abyss, Fengmu Enderle.


"Fuck?" Wang Shuang couldn't help being taken aback: "What do you mean, who is this abyss master, Fengmu Endelie?"

"It's the final boss of Meteor Abyss." Long Teng Liuguang gave him a strange look: "Wang Shuang, don't you know?"

"Yeah, I don't live near here, so how do I know the information about this dungeon? I just brought you here because I saw that this dungeon is the closest to Kuano City, and it's a level 80 dungeon."

Wang Shuang couldn't help but feel a little speechless. This dungeon was also very coincidental. He didn't get it when he brushed the dungeon of the Dark Realm before because there was no Dark Realm in this dungeon, so he ignored it.

"This is the feature of this dungeon. In fact, it is no different from other dungeons." Long Teng Liuguang cheered up and explained: "The ordinary monsters in this dungeon are weaker, but the final boss is strengthened by these ordinary monsters." Quite a lot, it is much more difficult to fight than ordinary bosses. Of course, the rewards are also much higher than ordinary bosses."

"I see." Wang Shuang nodded, pulled out his dagger and said, "Then what are you waiting for, since all the little monsters along the way are not threatening, just sweep them all the way."

"No, this is a copy of the red level. Even if the mobs are weaker, it is not so easy for us to deal with them."

Long Teng Liuguang couldn't help but smiled wryly.

Wang Shuang was taken aback. He remembered that Longteng Liuguang's attributes and operations were very good, and even he found it difficult. I'm afraid this dungeon will not be very easy to play.

But for ordinary players, the harder the dungeon is, if you defeat it easily, then they still don't worship me?Ah ha ha, brother is indeed a genius!
Given the dominance of Wang Shuang and his followers, the sandworms that first entered the abyss did not cause much pressure on them. Under Wang Shuang's powerful offensive, the sandworms quickly sprayed A green liquid came out, and the whole body turned into dust and passed away with the wind.

At the moment of killing the first sandworm, a faint voice sounded in Wang Shuang's ear.Very hoarse, indifferent, and full of majesty.

"Who dares to disturb my long sleep..."

"This is the effect of whispering from the abyss." Seeing Wang Shuang's expression changed, Long Teng Liuguang immediately stepped forward to explain. "How about it, don't you think it's interesting?"

"It's okay, it's really interesting." Wang Shuang also grinned: "In addition to boring monsters and collecting materials, I finally have some other fun. And this abyss boss is also a bug, the voice is so hoarse."

"I don't know, and I haven't seen it." Long Teng Liuguang shook his head: "In the dungeons below the yellow level, the shape of the boss will change with each difficulty, and the final appearance of the red level will definitely be different from before. Bar."

Hearing this, Wang Shuang raised his head, listening to the tiny swaying sound of insect feet coming from the depths of the abyss, and a vague whisper...

(End of this chapter)

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