It's time to play online

Chapter 526 Abyss Tidewater Crab

Chapter 526 Abyss Tidewater Crab

Out of equipment.

Everyone in the Longteng Guild, who had heard about Wang Shuang's ability for a long time, encountered this kind of situation for the first time. They stared at the piece of equipment on the ground with wide-eyed eyes.Wang Shuang walked over to pick it up, looked at it, shrugged and threw it to them: "It's just green-grade equipment."

"Fuck, you can get level 80 third-tier green equipment by killing mobs, what else do you want?" Some players couldn't help but ask back.

"Of course I dropped some oranges to replenish my equipment." Wang Shuang said, staring at the other sandworm, and with a big wave of his hand, several followers behind rushed up with him.

The sandworms in front of them are purely of high strength, so Longteng Liuguang still has a way. Immediately, he began to issue orders and organize the players of the Longteng Guild. In a group of ten, 20 people dealt with three sandworms, and began to slash and kill the surrounding abyss sand worms. insect.

Soon, Wang Shuang stabbed the head of a sandworm again with a dagger, and a large amount of green liquid sprayed out, and Evelani and Mirudo who were beside him immediately took a step back.Wang Shuang rubbed his head and smiled awkwardly: "Hey, what are you doing so far away? You were not afraid of it when it was still alive, but are you afraid of the blood that will burst out after it dies?"

"You will eventually pay the price..."

Hoarse whispers sounded in Wang Shuang's ears again, he curled his lips, went up to pick up the equipment that exploded from Sandworm, and his eyes lit up: "Yes, there is actually an orange glove, just for Deli Put it on."

"Fuck, is there really an orange glove?" The player who was still holding the green glove couldn't help but immediately widened his eyes, and rushed up to look at the orange glove with hunger: "Give it to me, please?" , I will offer 20 gold coins to buy it!"

"Do you think I look like someone short of gold coins?" Wang Shuang laughed, seeing his unwilling expression, shrugged indifferently: "Forget it, because you want it so much, I will give it to you." .”

"Nani!?" The player widened his eyes, rubbed his hands in disbelief, and asked again: "Really, just give it to me?"

"You don't want it?" Wang Shuang tried to stop.

"Yes, yes!" The player snatched it directly, and after taking the glove from Wang Shuang, his brows were beaming with joy.

Longteng Liuguang grinned, and several other players in the Longteng Guild also laughed.In the long process of brushing sandworms, this is just a small episode.

Soon, Wang Shuang and the members of the Longteng Guild cleaned up all the sandworms. With Wang Shuang's service, many players of the Longteng Guild added a piece or two of new equipment to themselves.

Then they moved on, and after walking through the dust all over the ground, they came to the edge of a shallow river underground.

"This river..." Looking at the pitch-black surface of the river, Long Teng Liuguang's eyes froze.

"Is there any problem with this river?" Wang Shuang blinked, expressing his confusion.

"When we used the difficulty of the yellow level before, this river obviously didn't exist." Long Teng Liuguang shook his head, then turned to look at Wang Shuang: "Let's go down this river, maybe this is the choice of the difficulty of the red level dungeon .”

Wang Shuang nodded and led them all the way down the river.Although they didn't encounter any monsters along the way, everyone's spirits became more and more tense.

The whispers in their ears gradually became louder, the heavy and hoarse tone, and the sound of breathing became clearer and clearer, all indicating that they were getting closer and closer to the boss.

At this moment, there were muffled noises in the river, Wang Shuang and the others just looked over, when several dark shadows jumped out of the river and attacked them head-on.

"Get down!"

Wang Shuang came to his senses, but he didn't have time to yell. This yell came from Long Teng Liuguang beside him.After he finished shouting, he still remembered to push down the heads of the players on the left and right, and at the same time squatted down himself.

Wang Shuang was standing on his left, and he naturally pressed his head down, and then he felt something passing over his scalp, a cold and hard touch, with wet water stains.After rolling around on the ground, Wang Shuang looked up and found that it was a big mutated crab!

Crabs after sandworms?What is the origin of this boss, and why is there a river in this abyss?
Anyway, Wang Shuang scanned the crab's attributes for the first time.As expected, this is indeed a level 80 scarlet monster.

——Abyssal Tidewater Crab [Blood King Kong] [Strong Body] (Red-LV80): blood 175W, physical attack 13.2W, physical defense 19.8W, physical resistance 60%; magic attack 12.1W, magic defense 12.7W, Magic resistance 60%.Skills: Normal Attack, Chaos of Aurora, Whispers of the Abyss.


——Whispers of the Abyss: Every time damage is dealt, it will provide 1500 points of vitality, 110 points of physical defense, and 125 points of magic defense for the lord of the abyss, Fengmu Enderle.



The abyss tide crab that had just pounced on nothing turned its head, looked at Wang Shuang suddenly, and then suddenly pounced on it again, and the pair of rusty-blue pincers were like a steel fork, stabbing hard at the head.

Just as Wang Shuang was about to get out of the way, he found that the pliers suddenly accelerated and smashed towards his face, hitting him with one hit!


"It's okay, it's okay, it doesn't hurt..." Saying this, Wang Shuang looked at the other players and was startled.

Four or five Abyssal Tide Crabs were besieging the players of the Dragon Soaring Guild. In just ten seconds, the Dragon Soaring Guild suffered casualties, and players continued to die in white light amidst screams.

Wang Shuang rushed over quickly, but what he didn't expect was that the reaction speed and intelligence of this group of abyssal tide crabs were far higher than he thought. When Wang Shuang just rushed over, these abyssal tide crabs fell into the water with a few plops. Disappeared in the turbid black water.

The few people who were still alive quickly adjusted their formation, and three or five people leaned their backs together, always alert to the calm black water around them.Nothing could be heard in the air except the hoarse whisper.

"Here we come, the second wave of raids!" Someone suddenly shouted, and Wang Shuang heard a splash of water, and those abyssal tide crabs quickly jumped out from the other side.

"If you're here this time, don't even think about leaving!" Wang Shuang snorted coldly, and Li Muxuan behind him immediately understood. She opened her longbow and fired a burst. The collective was dizzy.

At this moment, Wang Shuang rushed to the center of the abyssal tide crab group, used overloaded weapons, raised and lowered countless weapons in his hands, and quickly swept away the group of abyssal tide crabs.

(End of this chapter)

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