It's time to play online

Chapter 530 The Rage of the Void Army

Chapter 530 The Rage of the Void Army
After Longteng Liuguang solved the guild members' explanations, he went back and explained the cause and effect to Wang Shuang.

It turned out that when Longteng Xingchen was still there, their Longteng Guild not only made great achievements in the human race, but also opened up a new battlefield in the direction of the void.

The so-called void is actually a space, and there are various creatures in it.It's just that different from the Star Wish World they are in now, there are no races such as human race and elves in the void, and there are only demons such as fear demons, arrogant demons, and violent demons in the void.

The forces of monsters in the void are intricate, and their composition and source of power are all kinds of negative emotions in the world of Star Wish.Some arrogant demons will tear open a small space crack, secretly suck the arrogant energy generated from some NPCs without being noticed, and transform it into their own nourishment to strengthen themselves.

What?Why not drain power from the player, you ask?Although the game is very real, the system is not strong enough to think what you think, and you can know all the activities in your mind.What the player thinks, the system has no way of knowing.

But even if it can only absorb energy from NPCs, it is already very powerful.Some of these arrogant demons even grew into void bosses, and the same goes for other demons.

Then why was Long Teng Liuguang so nervous just now?

Wang Shuang continued to listen, and soon knew the reason.

It turned out that after Longteng Xingchen invested a large number of players into the void and opened up a territory in the void, he quickly attracted the attention of various demons in the void, and then he received an invitation letter from the demons to go to the domination battlefield in the void, Meet the leaders of many demons.

During the meeting, they reached a strategic agreement, that is, Longteng Xingchen will assume the position of void manager and void liaison, maintain the balance between the void and the star wishing world, and allow these demons to continue to grow nourishingly. Develop steadily in the world, and mine various rare minerals and resources from the void.

And just now, they killed the red-ranked Fengmu Enderlie, which directly attracted the prying eyes of the Void Demon.As for why the players from the Longteng Guild did not attract the prying eyes of the Void Demons when they came to the Meteorite Abyss, Longteng Liuguang explained: because none of the bosses they encountered were Void Demons.

That's right, Wang Shuang remembered at this time that he said before that every boss he encounters is different, and each boss has a level of difficulty.But now Longteng Xingchen was nowhere to be seen, and the Longteng Guild had killed Fengmu Enderlie under the leadership of Wang Shuang, which seemed to have offended the Void forces to death.

"Then, then your property in the void..." Realizing that he had caused trouble, Wang Shuang couldn't help shrinking his head.

"Attacked by the raging demon and the arrogant demon." Long Teng Liuguang sighed, then his face tightened, and he continued: "But this is not the key issue. The key issue is that the demons in the void have now determined that we cannot be trusted, and they seem to be They are already strong enough, so they decided to tentatively attack the world we are in!"

"What, the void army is going to attack us?" Wang Shuang was dumbfounded, and swallowed: "How to fight? Is it like just now, just find a place to tear a crack if you want to see it, and leave if you want?"

"In theory, it seems like this..."

"Fuck, is there any limit to this way of appearing, or is there no limit to where they can appear at will?"

"Yes, this is the crux of the problem." Long Teng Liuguang continued to sigh.

Wang Shuang was dumbfounded, how to fight this, if these demons can't beat them, they just tear a crack and return to the void, their players don't have the ability to enter the void, so they can only stare blankly!

"Wait, if this is the case, how did your guild enter the void?" Wang Shuang suddenly remembered this question.

"The method of entry was discovered by Xingchen. He used the teleportation magic in the dream copy, forcibly broke through the boundary of the space, and reached the void inexplicably. Then he came back and told us this method, and explained his various discoveries in the void .”

"So later, after discussions within the guild, it was unanimously decided to open up a void battlefield. At that time, we also used teleportation magic in the void, and invested a large number of players into the void. Afterwards, we defeated several small tribes and integrated some demon forces. Our guild works."

"It is estimated that those demonic forces have disappeared long ago." Long Teng Liuguang shook his head.

"So that's the case." Wang Shuang smiled: "What are you afraid of? Isn't it the void demons? You were able to beat them before. Now that we are all at full level, why are you still afraid that they will fail?"

"Void demons are different." Long Teng Liuguang shook his head: "At first we thought they were just a group of ordinary monsters, but later, we found that they can actually grow, and this growth is not just reflected in their appearance. The levels and attributes are even reflected in the fact that they will evolve into BOSS levels, as well as develop and update their own equipment."

"I'll wipe it, do you still have equipment?"

"That's why it's tricky..."

Just as they were talking, they walked into Kuano City, and suddenly the surrounding sirens sounded loudly. Several people looked up and looked around in confusion, only to see that there was not even a single NPC on the spacious street.

"What's going on, someone attacked Kuoye City?" Wang Shuang looked at Longteng Liuguang suspiciously.

"No, it's not people..." Long Teng Liuguang's face quickly became terrified, and then a trace of anger flashed: "It's those void creatures. They officially launched a war against us. It's not a partial attack, it's a war!"

"War?" Wang Shuang still didn't understand.

Seeing this, Long Teng Liuguang didn't explain much, but led Wang Shuang up the city wall.After reaching the city wall, Wang Shuang discovered that all the players and NPCs were concentrated on it, almost people next to each other, and the degree of crowding exploded.

But at this moment, he felt a strange feeling, as if the entire city wall was shaking.No, it wasn't that it was crumbling. He stood on the city wall with his palms pressed on the hard stone bricks. The city wall stood still and stable like Mount Tai, but what shook was the ground.

Looking into the distance, the intersection line between the sky and the earth is full of running rocks.The structure of these rocks is roughly the same as that of the human race. The joints are adhered by blazing blue flames, and blue flames of different sizes are ejected from the eyes, joints, and finger gaps. The bulky body is running awkwardly on the grassland. Without the skull, it is also a burning blue flame, fluttering in the wind like hair.

This is a creature that Wang Shuang has never seen before, but Long Teng Liuguang told him solemnly: This is the fear demon, which is the most numerous but the worst demon in the void.

But no matter how bad the quality is, it is estimated to be level 80, and when Wang Shuang was standing on the city wall, he could barely keep eye level with the heads of these fearsome monsters.I really don't know how amazing the damage will be when they officially start to attack the city.

What surprised Wang Shuang even more was that the number of these fearsome demons was really astonishing.It was almost all over the mountains and plains, just like the ant sea tactic he launched when he saw ants trying to carry away the corpse of some small animal.

Now this group of fear demons, as the vanguard of the void army, are rushing towards them from all directions, with no dead ends in 360 degrees, and even the ground is shaking violently.


System prompt: The super event "The Wrath of the Void Army" is coming, and the first wave of war immediately spread to the Kuye City of the Human Race, the Dark Eye City of the Elf Race, and the Husoul City of the Orc Race.Players are requested to cooperate with the city lord and NPC to launch a defense and actively resist the attack of the void army.

PS: I feel that the whole person is going to be useless, and the five-shift mode will be activated tomorrow, and I can't finish writing the live broadcast.

Solemnly thank the commoners for their rewards, and also thank you for your support along the way. It is everyone who made me grit my teeth and persevere in difficult times. I am really grateful (bow).

Even if it is difficult, we should forge ahead!
(End of this chapter)

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