It's time to play online

Chapter 531 The Super Attack of the Terror Demon

Chapter 531 The Super Attack of the Terror Demon
"The wrath of the void army?"

Not only the human race, but players of several other races were also in an uproar. Facing the sudden attack, many people faced the fear demon face to face without any defense. , and then punched down hard, smashing the ground into a big hole.

As for the players in the middle of the big pit, don't think too much, they must have already died.

The forum has already exploded, and many players have been asking the official whether this is a new version of the game, but the official did not reply for a while, but a player from the Longteng Guild stood up and explained the matter, and elicited The former guild leader Long Teng Xingchen's identity.

"Void Manager?"

But when they first heard that the Longteng Guild had such a secret, they all expressed their shock. After the shock, they strongly condemned. Many players stood up and condemned the Longteng Guild: You should take care of the troubles you caused. , Why would other guilds, or even the entire Huaxia District, be completely involved in the flames of war.

Long Teng Liuguang was under a lot of pressure for a while. On the one hand, he was struggling to deal with the doubts on the forum, and on the other hand, he was intensively monitoring the battle situation here.At this time, the fear demons had already approached the city wall one after another. They waved their huge fists and smashed towards the city wall, causing an earth-shattering collapse.

"Damn it, these fear demons ignore the durability of the city wall, and the attack can directly destroy the city wall!"

The players standing on the city wall were stunned. Without the impregnable durability bar of the city wall, how would they resist these fearmongers?

"These fear demons are really too powerful, the city master, we have to retreat the defense line." At this time, several NPCs in heavy armor came down from the arrow tower, looking at Long Teng Liuguang solemnly.

"It doesn't seem to be a matter of retreating or not..." Long Teng Liuguang smiled wryly, "Since they are so powerful that we can't find a way to stop them, what's the point of retreating directly into the City Lord's Mansion? ?”

"But staying here is not an option, the city wall will be completely destroyed soon."

Long Teng Liu Guang pondered for a moment, and instead of coming up with a plan, he looked at Wang Shuang.

"What do you think I'm doing." Wang Shuang raised his eyebrows and shook his head: "There are some things that are obviously not going to be solved for you. Apart from waiting for the follow-up plot, all we have to do is to recharge our batteries. "

"Even you can't help it." Long Teng Liuguang nodded upon hearing this, and waved his hand: "The members of the Long Teng Guild obey the order and immediately withdraw from Kuano City."

"What, President, do you want us to abandon this Kuoye City?" A player from the Longteng Guild opened his mouth wide and looked at him in disbelief.

"President, the former president, Xingchen, worked so hard to snatch it from all the guilds of the human race except us. Are we going to abandon this hard-earned city like this? "

"Be quiet." Long Teng Liuguang murmured, and suddenly shouted: "Tell me, if we don't give up in Kuye City, how are we going to face these overwhelming void armies?"


The place fell into a dead silence.

And those NPCs looked nervously at the tangled faces of the players of the Dragon Soaring Guild. They didn't understand what the players were discussing, but they could see the city walls crumbling bit by bit, as fast as a flood.At this time, it seemed that the monstrous flood had already rolled up a huge wave, as long as they didn't move their nests, they would be completely swallowed.

"Let's go, let's all retreat!" Long Teng Liuguang obviously noticed this, and he waved vigorously. Although the players had helpless expressions on their faces, they had no choice but to give up, and hurriedly withdrew the city wall from the other side.

"Wang Shuang, help me, some NPCs are old antiques, can you help memorize them?"

"Damn it, why are there still old antiques coming up to the city wall to watch the battle!" Wang Shuang couldn't help yelling, and after thinking about it, he could only helplessly agree: "Okay, okay, who told me to forcibly kill this void army?" It was attracted by the devil, I must start well and end well, and I will completely solve this matter for you."

"Haha, thank you so much." Long Teng Liuguang laughed and patted Wang Shuang on the shoulder.

The two quickly rushed up to a pavilion on the city wall, carried two nervous NPCs on their backs, and then trotted all the way down.


As soon as they came down, the city wall at their feet immediately collapsed. A fear demon smashed the impenetrable city wall with his body, raised his thick arm high, and patted the two people who had just rushed out.

The mottled stone marks on the palm of the rock were faintly visible, and ice-blue flames were burning at the joints. The whole body was made of rocks, but it was like a burning flame.

Wang Shuang was so startled that his pupils shrank, and the fingers carrying the NPC unconsciously sank deep into his skin, causing the NPC to cry out in pain: "De Lido, the dragon is armed!"

A woman appeared out of nowhere, and when the huge palm was slapped down, she suddenly spread her wings and let out a roar that shook the sky.

With the huge wings on her back, she forcibly withstood the full blow of the fear demon, her body shook violently, and the blood on her head immediately dropped by 80%.

"This event actually didn't intend to let us players have the slightest possibility of winning." Wang Shuang couldn't help laughing bitterly. His red-level followers had slapped 80% of their blood, let alone other players. said.

"Let's go!" With the support of Deliduo's outstretched black wings, Wang Shuang and Long Teng Liuguang quickly passed through the bottom, running along the uncollapsed city wall, and there were continuous explosions and deafening sounds in their ears Roaring, the power of these fear demons seems to be getting stronger and stronger.

"Damn it." Wang Shuang suddenly remembered something, and subconsciously wanted to reach out and slap the thigh, but almost fell the NPC. It should be able to absorb the fear of NPCs and transform them into their own strength, and now these NPCs are undoubtedly very fearful, so it is only natural that they are so powerful."

"It makes sense." Long Teng Liuguang nodded, but then shrugged: "But what can we do? Even if we don't fear, it's useless. After all, our emotions can't affect NPCs, nor can they affect these fear demons."

"I know that too." A boulder fell down, blocking the road in front of the two of them. On the left was the road that kept collapsing towards this side, and on the right was the edge of the city wall. A dread is using its body to carve out a road inside the city wall.

The two looked at each other, and immediately jumped up. Amid the exclamations of the two NPCs behind them, they jumped off the edge of the city wall.

(End of this chapter)

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