It's time to play online

Chapter 545 Yellow Level Enchanter

Chapter 545 Yellow Level Enchanter

The scorching heat hit his face in an instant, and just when Wang Shuang felt the stinging temperature baking his skin, he plunged into the magma.

Although Wang Shuang's vitality has broken through the 40W mark is very strong, but the speed of 2W per second is still a bit fast for him.But what surprised him at this time was that his blood loss rate was far less than [-]!

"Could it be that the heat resistance that the race war endured in that magma for so long can still be brought out?"

After realizing that he didn't need to worry about Qi and blood at all, Wang Shuang breathed a sigh of relief, and unhurriedly took out Suzaku's eggs from his backpack.The eggshell that shone with bright golden light trembled violently when it felt the scorching temperature.

Wang Shuang sank Suzaku's egg into the magma, and then dived down to observe the egg carefully.After the eggshell touched the magma, it began to make a "chi chi..." sound, but it did not melt in the mouth like Dove's chocolate, but slowly produced a crack.

The extension speed of this crack is very slow, but the vibrations from the surface of the eggshell from time to time mean that the life inside has awakened from a long sleep, and is trying hard to break through the limitation of the eggshell.

Wang Shuang stared at Suzaku's egg without blinking. He stretched out his hands to protect Suzaku's egg on both sides, and watched the egg hatch quietly.

There is a feeling of being a father, Wang Shuang can even feel how gentle his own eyes are now.


After a slight crisp sound, a young Suzaku broke out of its shell, and its colorful feathers spun around in the magma, showing a cheerful expression like a duck to water.

At this time, it suddenly felt that there was a huge figure covering it in front of it.Subconsciously, this still young Suzaku raised its head, and looked at Wang Shuang with its newborn clear eyes.


System prompt: Tarog Suzaku becomes your pet.

It worked!
Wang Shuang hurriedly checked its attributes.

——Tarogg-Suzaku (red-LV80 newborn creature): blood 10W, physical attack 2W, physical defense 1.8W; magic attack 3.5W, magic defense 2.1W.Skills: normal attack, red flame halo, flame emission, high temperature implosion.

——Crimson Flame Halo: The fire damage caused by all units within a radius of 32 meters is increased by 100%, and the fire damage received is also increased by 100%, and Suzaku itself is immune to fire damage.

——Flame Radiation: Spit flames towards a target, causing 7500+42%x magic attack+7%x physical attack damage every second for 5 seconds, and the amount of damage dealt per second increases by 10%.

——High-temperature implosion: Suzaku will accumulate 1 high-temperature point every time it causes fire damage and uses a skill. When Suzaku actively releases this skill, it will cause 8000+420x high-temperature points+75%x magic attack damage, and Suzaku has the most Can store 100 high temperature points.


Strong, as soon as it is hatched, it will be at full level, as expected of Tarog Suzaku!

Wang Shuang was very excited, and the Suzaku seemed to know his mood, so it screamed loudly.

"Brother finally has his own pet one day. Since Li Muxuan's pet is called Li Er, then you should be called Li Que." Wang Shuang stroked its soft feathers, the feeling was really fascinating.


System prompt: The name is named successfully!Your pet has officially been renamed Chestnut Finch.


When Wang Shuang climbed out of the crater, Tiandu Skeleton looked at Suzaku on Wang Shuang's shoulder, and was a little stunned for a while: "Is this the ultimate goal of your mission?"

"Hehe, almost." Wang Shuang nodded, and walked down from the top of the mountain with the skeleton Tiandu.

After returning to the border checkpoint of the human race, Wang Shuang found Youan Cangxue, and asked for some materials from her, and prepared to feed this guy who had just become Wang Shuang's pet.

"The Book of Violence and the Book of Vajra are naturally not a problem." After the meeting, You An Cangxue looked a little embarrassed: "But such things as the Violence One and the King Kong One have always been scarce."

"It's okay, let's talk about it later." Wang Shuang didn't bother to brush it himself. He decided to buy everything he could buy with money. After all, he didn't have so much time to waste on brushing these materials.

"By the way, Wang Shuang." Just as Wang Shuang was about to leave, Gloomy Cangxue suddenly stopped him: "The enchanters in our guild have reached the yellow level and can handle most of the equipment's enchanting. Do you have any ideas?" Equipment to be enchanted?"

"Have you reached the yellow level?" Wang Shuang was taken aback, then nodded excitedly: "Of course, this set of red-level equipment on my body is not enchanted at all, so just attach it all to me, um--spicy Attributes, okay?"

"Spicy?" Gloomy Cangxue was slightly stunned: "This state looks good on the surface, but it is not very useful in actual combat, and it still has a probability of triggering an event. There is only a 30% probability of permanently weakening the opponent's physical defense..."

"No, no, this enchantment is very useful to me." Wang Shuang smiled, did not explain, but looked at the dark Cangxue, waiting for her next words.

"According to the current level of our guild's enchanters, the ruthless attribute is completely fine."

Afterwards, Wang Shuang quickly met the enchanter in the guild, she was a girl priest, nicknamed Gloomy Lily of the Valley in the game.

"Huh, I didn't expect that after being promoted to the yellow rank, the first person to be enchanted would be Vice President Wang Shuang." She looked a little surprised, and looked at Wang Shuang with her small mouth half-covered, her face flushed as if she was ripe up red apple.

Wang Shuang was taken aback, then handed over all his equipment to her, and said, "It's ruthless."

"Okay, I got it." She bowed with a smile and said, "I am honored to serve you."

After You An Linglan left, You An Cangxue came up, seeing Wang Shuang in a daze, couldn't help snorting, and asked, "Shall I help you find someone to get a contact information?"

"No, no, no." Wang Shuang shuddered and shook his head vigorously.

"Why not." You An Cangxue grinned instead, walked to Wang Shuang and looked at the pastor's back with him: "She's so cute, she's not bad looking, her legs are long and thin, Twisting the waist is also very attractive, even the buttocks..."

"Okay, okay, don't talk about it." Wang Shuang interrupted her, and then sighed: "There are thousands of beauties in the world, but there is always only one goddess in my heart."

The teasing expression on Youyou Cangxue's face froze, and she blushed for a moment when she looked at Wang Shuang.

"Goddess, who, who." Combing the long hair on her forehead with her hands, she glanced into the distance, leaving a profile for Wang Shuang.

Wang Shuang couldn't help but feel agitated.Originally, when he just said it, even he was taken aback and thought he was going to be a bad dish, but the scene before him...

(End of this chapter)

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